P65 warning food list. Proposition 65 and the Food We Eat.
P65 warning food list If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the content of this page, please contact us. A standalone warning in a package insert or with instructions would not likely meet the requirements for a safe harbor consumer product exposure under Section 25602. Why is that label there? Oct 15, 2024 · The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) has amended Title 27, California Code of Regulations 25607. The law was created to protect citizens from high levels of chemicals existing in certain consumer products. " Quote "The list contains a wide range of naturally occurring and synthetic chemicals that include additives or ingredients in pesticides, common household products, food, drugs, dyes, or solvents. Warning requirements take effect 12 months after the date that a chemical is added to the Proposition 65 list. Everyday human activities can create and cause exposure to toxic chemicals on the Proposition 65 list. These are referred to as "safe harbor warnings. Researchers discovered the presence of acrylamide in fried, roasted, and other cooked foods in 2002. Sep 14, 2022 · California's Proposition 65 requires warning labels on products with harmful chemicals. The list contains a wide range of chemicals, including certain constituents found in pesticide formulations, common household products, food, drugs, dyes, and solvents. Just because a food item carries a P65 warning does not necessarily mean it is harmful in the amounts typically consumed. Este sitio web proporciona información acerca de advertencias sobre la exposición a sustancias químicas en la lista de la Propuesta 65. Without a Prop 65 Warning: Sony, LG, Hisense (but check with individual models). Exposure to cadmium and cadmium Mar 10, 2020 · In 1988, when the warning requirements went into effect, the list included 235 chemicals, according to the Los Angeles Times. See www. Consumer Reports tells you how much should you worry when you see a Prop 65 cancer warning. P65 Warnings. 8,500 sq. High temperatures during cooking convert sugars and other naturally occurring substances in these foods to acrylamide. Nov 6, 2022 · Prop 65 warnings are required under California law only. The Ninja air fryer is just one of the many appliances that have this warning. Some of the things that have to be labeled are weird, or certain things get exempt. Under this California law, businesses are required to provide warning labels on products that may expose consumers to significant levels of listed chemicals known to cause cancer, birth defects, or reproductive harm. P65 does not distinguish between dangerous and safe doses, and so the warning is pretty much useless. Similarly, some foods contain Proposition 65-listed chemicals. U. Prop 65’s warning threshold levels are almost always much lower than health-based thresholds set by U. A California law called “Proposition 65” (or “Prop 65” for short) mandates that foods, dietary supplements, and other consumer products bear warnings about cancer and birth defects if the product may cause exposures to certain substances, even at very low levels. Hoja informativa general: Las sustancias químicas tóxicas, las advertencias de la Propuesta 65 y su salud: Un panorama general English A business opting to provide a safe harbor warning pursuant to the Article 6 Clear and Reasonable Warnings regulations may need to provide warnings in a language other than English if consumer information for a consumer product or signage for a facility is provided in a language other than English. 65 warning. gov. 30 and 25607. However, it’s advisable to consume such products in moderation and maintain a balanced diet while considering your overall exposure to these Jul 23, 2020 · Proposition 65 warnings now greet guests at Disneyland, drivers at California parking garages, visitors at hotels, shoppers at car dealerships and lunchgoers in fast-food lines. Eat more fresh food, and less processed and packaged food. Edit P65 warnings can be found on everything from gas stations to retail stores and restaurants; even food products cuz you know charred parts of the BBQ can cause cancer if you eat nothing but that. 4Wash your children’s toys. 6 (“The Act”). gov Updated February 2019 1/3 Foods and Beverages at Restaurants and Other Food Facilities Why am I being warned about potential exposure to chemicals in certain foods and beverages sold or served by restaurants and other food facilities? Aug 13, 2024 · However, a chemical’s presence on the P65 list does not necessarily mean that food producers added anything toxic (many P65 chemicals end up in foods naturally). Food and Drug Administration regulates food, drug, cosmetic and medical device products. There are proposition 65 warnings on EVERYTHING. Prop 65 lumps good companies in with the lazy, corner cutting, moldy cheeseburger supplement brands. Clean floors regularly, using a wet mop or a vacuum cleaner with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter, if possible. When warnings are provided on the menu or list describing food or non-alcoholic beverages the type size must be no smaller than the largest type size used for the names of general menu items. ü. Without a Prop 65 Warning: JEREMY CASS 125 pt. acrylamide that do not pose a significant cancer risk, and these foods do not require a warning. p65warnings. With a Prop 65 Warning: Samsung. Some manufacturers are required to display the P65 warning due to the use of specific ingredients, whereas others may not necessarily pose a health With some exceptions, the warning symbol is a required element of safe harbor warning content. Aug 7, 2022 · Why do my vitamins have a p65 warning? Proposition 65 and the Food We Eat. Jan 21, 2020 · In 1986, California passed Proposition 65 (the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act). 5 mcg; Brussel Sprouts – 7. The proposition protects the state's drinking water sources from being contaminated with chemicals known to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm, and requires businesses to inform Californians about exposures to such chemicals Whether it's food, the plates you serve it on, or the beverage that you drink with your meal, something will likely meet the criteria for a prop. California Prop 65 FAQ. for example, i bought some organic noodles (labeled USDA organic) from the brand Wei Chuan, and they carried the prop 65 warning! the odd thing is, none of these labels These sources may include, for example, the U. baking. If the sign Proposition 65 Warnings www. For short-form warnings, the warning language must be no smaller than the largest type size used for other consumer information3 on the product, and in no case shall the warning appear in a type size smaller than 6-point type. This warning can be given in several ways, such as by labeling a consumer product, posting signs at the workplace, distributing notices at a rental housing complex, or publishing notices in a newspaper. Here we list a few of those substances, which could potentially cause harm to consumers: Jul 31, 2019 · Requiring warnings on products without taking points 1 and 2 into consideration is misleading, and in violation of Federal labeling laws. FDA), National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, National Toxicology Program, and International Agency for Research on Cancer. P65 is a chemical called Bis(2-chlorophenyl)-2-(methylamino)propan-1-one. The list contains a wide range of naturally occurring and synthetic chemicals that include additives or ingredients in pesticides, common household products, food, drugs, dyes, or solvents. The Food and Drug Administration monitors the number and amount of contaminants in food and lists their findings here from 2006 to 2014. BPA is found in some water bottles, water cooler bottles, dishes and utensils, cookware, food storage containers, and electric kettles. gov/food. This is because, as the saying goes, the dose makes the poison. However, many foods contain substances, such as saturated fats, salt and sugar, that should be consumed in moderation. Dec 18, 2024 · While the presence of P65 warning labels is intended to inform and protect consumers, it’s essential to note that the warnings are not always connected to the safety or quality of the food itself. General Background Fact Sheet: Toxic Chemicals, Proposition 65 Warnings, and Your Health: The Big Picture español Sep 17, 2019 · Heavy metals like arsenic are also found in the soil from overuse of pesticides. Short-form warnings are not required to include the name or names of a listed chemical within the text of the warning. ft. When I say anything, I mean absolutely anything. People still go on with their lives and make the choice to go to a restaurant, for example. It's literally safer for a company to just slap the P65 label onto a package as a matter of course. The symbol consists of a black exclamation point in a yellow equilateral triangle with a bold, black outline. This does not mean that these foods should never be eaten. These chemicals include additives or ingredients in pesticides, common household products, food, drugs, dyes, or solvents. These warnings indicate the presence of certain chemicals, but they don’t necessarily imply an immediate health risk. ” And not just any chemicals, but one or more from a list of over 900 that are part of Proposition 65. It’s a known carcinogen, which means it can cause cancer. Some foods contain chemicals on the Proposition 65 list. Ask the manufacturer how a person might be exposed to the chemical(s) of concern from this product. Wash your hands and your child’s hands frequently, especially before preparing food and before eating. Therefore, Whirlpool has elected to provide the warning when a listed chemical is present. Proposition 65 requires businesses to provide warnings to Californians about significant exposures to chemicals that cause cancer , birth defects or other reproductive harm. . Oct 2, 2018 · If a product contains a warning on the product label itself and is sold on the internet, there must also be a warning or a clearly marked hyperlink using the word “WARNING” on the product display page or by otherwise prominently displaying the warning to the purchaser prior to completing the purchase, meaning that the purchaser should not Jan 3, 2020 · Why do products or foods have P65 Warnings? If you buy a product or food that has a P65 warning label on it, it means that you might be exposed to a chemical that has been known to cause cancer, birth defects, or reproductive harm. This may reduce the amount of BPA in the food. Wipe up dust regularly, using a damp cloth. Why do potato chips have Prop 65 warning? Acrylamide is on the Proposition 65 list of chemicals known to the state to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity (such as birth defects and other reproductive harm). The Complete Proposition 65 Chemical List (Downloadable PDF and XLSX) If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the content of this page, please contact us . There's more products with the label than without. The information provided by a business under Section 25205(b) is not a substitute for a “clear and reasonable” warning required by Health and Safety Code section 25249. gov Proposition 65 requires the State of California to maintain and update a list of chemicals that can cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. All cooked foods, for instance, contain carcinogens by nature of how cooking works. Q. What types of chemicals are on the Proposition 65 list? The list contains a wide range of naturally occurring and synthetic chemicals that are listed for cancer or reproductive harm, or both. Listed chemicals may also be used in manufacturing and construction, or they may be byproducts of chemical processes, such as motor vehicle exhaust. 9mcg The Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Health and Safety Code section 25249. A business should refer to the safe harbor Choose food and drinks that do not have Proposition 65 warnings for BPA, if possible. Use of these products can cause the BPA to enter the foods and beverages. The instructions for the warning as available on the p65 warning website are as follows: The name of at least one listed chemical that prompted the warning The Internet address for OEHHA’s new Proposition 65 warnings website, P65Warnings. When warnings are provided using a 5 by 5 inches sign, it must be in no smaller than 20-point type. Oct 2, 2024 · California Proposition 65, often referred to as “Prop 65” and officially known as the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, is a California law that requires businesses with ten or more employees to provide warnings when their products contain chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm. Apr 29, 2023 · You can find these labels on seemingly any product from foods and beverages to soaps, cosmetics, cat litter, and household appliances, and they all say some variation of the same thing: "WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm. ” A business may use any other warning method or content that is “clear and reasonable,” but to be afforded “safe harbor” the warnings must incorporate the statute’s specified content and warning methods. I recently got some hotpot sweet potato noodles, and they have the Prop 65 warning on them indicating that consuming the product can expose me to chemicals including lead and cadmium. [1] The list contains a wide range of naturally occurring and synthetic chemicals that include additives or ingredients in pesticides, common household products, food, drugs, dyes, or solvents. Safely dispose of unwanted electrical and electronic household appliances: Proposition 65 Warnings www. It’s a forward-thinking move, she said, that considered reproductive harm before much other legislation and has also caused some companies to change their formulation so they didn’t have to include this label. Jun 3, 2023 · With a Prop 65 Warning: GE, Frigidaire, Keystone, Honeywell, Whirlpool, VISSANI. Food and Drug Administration (U. there, a large proportion of products carry prop 65 warnings. Can a warning be provided via a Package Insert or Instruction Manual? A. Pre-approved ("safe harbor") warnings: The Proposition 65 regulations provide for certain warnings that, if properly transmitted, are deemed to be clear and reasonable. If you are visually-impaired and having difficulty with our website, call us at 1‑855‑997‑2315 Wash your hands and your child’s hands frequently, especially before preparing food, and before eating. Commercial Grade Dehumidifier with Pump. Sep 20, 2022 · At the moment, the list of restricted substances under California Proposition 65 contains around 1,000 items. Proposition 65 is a California law that requires businesses to provide warnings before people are exposed to chemicals on the state’s Proposition 65 list. Aug 8, 2017 · The list of chemicals which can trigger a warning includes hundreds of compounds but, unfortunately, the California law (known as Prop 65 or the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986) does not require businesses to say exactly which compound is the reason for the warning. However, by labeling under Prop 65, we are simply notifying you that one or more of the Prop 65-listed chemicals may be present in the product over certain exposure levels established in California (known as "safe harbor" levels). Apr 28, 2018 · The list is ever changing, so if they were using an ingredient and then the list got updated, they'd need to add a warning. ca. In particular, some whole grain foods may contain acrylamide, but “[l]abeling whole grain foods with a cancer warning may cause American consumers to avoid foods that If you’ve just kitted yourself out with a musical instrument or any other gear marked with ‘P65’ or ‘Proposition 65’, often with the added warning “This product may contain / can expose you to chemicals which are known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm,” is it this something you actually need to worry about? The short-form warning is not a warning method applicable to a “sign” [Section 25602(a)(1)]. The requirement to provide warnings takes effect one year after a chemical is added to the list. This law began with the good intentions of protecting the public (originally 30 chemicals were pin-pointed however now over 800), but has quickly made […] California passed a very stupid law using the proposition process and because in the four categories of carcinogens the lowest is "maybe" EVERYTHING is classified as a carcinogen and must carry a prop warning. Boiling or steaming foods does not create acrylamide. 4Wash your and your child’s hands frequently, especially before preparing food, and before eating. The dose is insanely small, and so they are safe. A Prop 65 warning on an air fryer does not indicate that the appliance is unsafe to use. The most common substances associated with air fryers include: Here's the thing about California's Prop 65 warning, anything that potentially can cause cancer needs to carry that label. The list now The following is a list of chemicals published as a requirement of Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, commonly known as California Proposition 65, that are "known to the state to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity" as of January 3, 2020. Code of Regulations, Sections 25705, 25709 and 25805. Cal EPA The list contains a wide range of naturally occurring and synthetic chemicals that include additives or ingredients in pesticides, common household products, food, drugs, dyes, or solvents. The symbol must be placed to the left of the text of the warning in a size no smaller than the height of the word “WARNING”. 1986 protest against Proposition 65 California Proposition 65 warning before August 31, 2018 [2]. Tobacco smoke contains acrylamide. Whirlpool has provided the warning because a chemical covered by the California Proposition 65 may be present, and not all listed chemicals provide exposure limit requirements. ), also known as Proposition 65, requires that the Governor revise and republish at least once per year the list of chemicals known to the State to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity Oct 27, 2023 · Below is a list of NSRLs and MADLs established in regulation in Title 27, Cal. Food and Drug Administration or the American Cancer Society. Small businesses (with fewer than 10 employees) as well as government agencies may be exempt but should consult with an expert. For example, arsenic is a naturally occurring chemical that can build up in grains if their soil has a high concentration. The P65 warning is basically telling you that there is lead in the food (duh) but it's also totally safe to consume, or it wouldn't be on the shelf in the first place. The OEHHA provides substances that may be present in food contact materials. Proposition 65 Warnings Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment www. 3, Warnings for Exposures to Bisphenol A from Canned and Bottled Foods and Beverages Final Statement of Reasons - Repeal of Sections 25607. BPA can leach into food or beverages from some linings in metal food and drink cans, jar lids, and bottle caps. Reply reply In fact, when you connect with KitchenAid customer support about the Prop 65 warning, this will likely be their standard response: Some of the chemicals that have triggered the Prop 65 warning, may have been used during the manufacturing process. Jan 1, 2025 · This new subsection addresses warning content for exposures to acrylamide in food by providing an additional non-mandatory, safe harbor warning option for businesses that cause significant exposures to acrylamide in foods. The regulation will be effective on January 1, 2023. Dec 28, 2023 · “There’s no one-size-fits-all answer,” says Gleason. gov , includes additional information on the health effects of listed chemicals and ways to reduce or foods containing acrylamide and encourage consumers to alter their diets in ways that may not benefit their health. Food is essential to life and good health. The OEHHA updates this list at least once a year. 2(b), to provide an additional safe harbor warning option for businesses that cause significant exposures to acrylamide in food products. In order to determine whether or not a product needs a warning label, the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment determined safe harbor levels for many chemicals on the Prop 65 list. The P65 Californian Government website lists information on those specific food-present chemicals as such: Mar 6, 2014 · Health issues recalls of food products found to be unsafe. All potential chemical exposures are below accepted and regulated concentrations. These are trace amounts and are not known to be unsafe for humans in these amounts. gov Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment Cadmium and Cadmium Compounds Why am I being warned about potential exposure to cadmium and cadmium compounds? ! Cadmium and cadmium compounds are on the Proposition 65 list because they can cause cancer. Jan 7, 2025 · See www. , harm to a developing embryo or fetus or harm to your ability to have a healthy baby). It’s not screaming, “Danger!” but more like, “Hey, just so you know, this thing has some chemicals in it. Food Contact Materials. These safe harbor levels do not preclude the use of alternative levels that can be demonstrated by their users as being scientifically valid. Jul 12, 2024 · Costly settlements: Legal battles over P65 violations often result in expensive settlements, diverting resources from business development. These chemicals can be in the products that Californians purchase, in their homes or workplaces, or that are released into the environment. P65Warnings. Businesses with 10 or more employees that expose individuals to listed chemicals through their products or operations generally must provide warnings. Proposition 65 and the Food We Eat. The specific warnings for this package are that it contains Acrylamide, Arsenic (inorganic), Cadmium, and Lead. There are so many chemicals and such that are on the list, and it's so expensive to test for ALL of them, that it's easier for companies to just slap a Prop 65 warning on it and be done. A warning for acrylamide on a food product suggests that regular consumption of the food over time can pose a greater cancer risk than regular consumption of foods with lower acrylamide levels. The federal . e. The safety of consuming food with P65 warnings depends on various factors, including the type of chemical and individual susceptibility. These warnings are often precautionary, serving to inform consumers about the potential presence of harmful chemicals that may leach into the food during cooking. Jan 26, 2024 · Prop 65’s has grown from a small list of 85 chemicals since its inception to the current list of 800+ substances that are banned in products for sale in California. This is probably the first I've seen the warning on an actual food product, and I wondered if I needed to worry. Minimize your exposure to dust and soil, which can contain lead. In 1986, political strategists including Tom Hayden and his wife, environmental activist Jane Fonda, thought that an initiative addressing toxic pollutants would bring more left leaning voters to the polls to help Democrat Tom Bradley in his gubernatorial race against incumbent Republican George You may see some S&B FOODS products with a Prop 65 warning. federal health and safety regulators or even elsewhere in the world. 5 et seq. Environmental Protection Agency, U. Sources of acrylamide in the diet include french fries, potato chips, other fried and baked snack foods, roasted asparagus, canned sweet potatoes and pumpkin, canned black olives, roasted nuts, roasted grain-based coffee May 15, 2019 · Some may say any risk is a big risk, but I disagree. Choose more fresh food and less canned food, if possible. Mercury. That P65 warning is kind of like California’s way of giving you a heads-up. Apr 13, 2020 · The regulations provide specific warning content and methods for providing the warning that are considered “clear and reasonable. 10. Brand damage: Consumer trust can be severely damaged if a company is non-compliant, especially if the public perceives the company as indifferent to health and safety. Here are some foods from your everyday life to give you a comparison. however, i don't think i have ever seen a prop 65 warning on food, except when i go to an asian grocery store. Coffee eventually came off of the Prop 65 list, but the importance of this incident was larger than that. Acrylamide is used for industrial purposes. TV Brands With & Without Prop 65 Warnings. Proposition 65, officially known as the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, was enacted as a ballot initiative in November 1986. Acrylamide is formed in some baked, fried and roasted foods. California is required to update and publish a list of these chemicals each year. " Yes, it is generally safe to eat food with a Proposition 65 (P65) warning. I would prefer it if the law required labelling to list the chemicals and the actual amounts per servings, not some vague, scary warning. For canned food products such as fruit and vegetables with Proposition 65 warnings for BPA, drain and rinse the contents before eating, if possible. 31, Clear and Reasonable Warning Regulations, Exposure to Bisphenol A from Canned and Bottled Foods and Beverages Jan 3, 2020 · What does a P65 warning mean? What is a P65 warning? If I don’t live in California, do I need to worry about P65 warnings? Why do products or foods have P65 warnings? If something I bought has a P65 warning on it, is it safe to use/eat? Most P65 warning labels usually all have the same last sentence: “For more information go to www Aug 30, 2016 · Warning (effective 8/30/16) WARNING: Certain foods and beverages sold or served here can expose you to chemicals including acrylamide in many fried or baked foods, and mercury in fish, which are known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. Some common exposure routes include inhalation, contact with food, transfer to food or drink from unwashed hands, or a baby or child putting the product in their mouth. Exposure to cadmium and cadmium Nov 17, 2024 · Proposition 65, also known as the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, aims to protect Californians from harmful chemical exposures. “Californians can’t avoid Prop 65 warnings—they’re on every gas station pump, every hotel, every amusement park in the state. The FDA, not the State of California, is the final authority on food safety. Avocados – 4. " Jan 27, 2021 · The warning is required when a chemical on the Prop 65 list is present, unless below safe harbor levels. It's like if I keep my house clean, get myself a glass of water, put that glass in the sink, then some person comes along and declares that my house is unsafe and a health hazard. Dec 30, 2024 · Understanding P65. Legal actions to enforce Proposition 65 have led businesses to reduce levels of these substances in many products, including levels of lead in faucets, children’s jewelry products, and foods. Aug 4, 2021 · Warnings about significant exposures come in the form of labels on products and a sign posted at a workplace, business, or rental housing. Like all food labels, they’re intended to provide information. The new, updated warning requirements are generally required on products manufactured after August 30, 2018. P65 is a common ingredient in many household products, including pesticides, herbicides, and some food additives. These foods included popped chips and popcorn, crackers, nuts, tortilla chips and tostadas, sesame sticks, wafer cookies, dinner rolls, protein chips When shopping, look for Proposition 65 lead warnings on products and consider alternatives to products that have lead warnings. The Prop 65 warning is on so many things it has functionally lost it's purpose. The list now has about 900 toxins and carcinogens on it. Different routes are important for different substances. What warning statement is required? For consumer products that contain one or more of the 900 chemicals on the Prop 65 list, the warning message must include the following language on the product label: WARNING: This product contains a chemical known to the state of California to cause cancer and reproductive harm – www. Do your own research, and figure out if there's anything to actually be concerned about, or if it's just bureaucratic overreacting. Apr 12, 2023 · “There’s not anything quite like it on the national level, but California has had this since the 1980s,” Wells said. The list is extensive, but includes ingredients like heavy metals, pesticides, steroids, dyes, solvents, and more. Decorated with a black exclamation point inside a bright yellow triangle, many Californians have come across a food warning label attached with the link "www. The law covers more than 900 chemicals, including some naturally occurring ones like heavy metals found in soil and water, which can make their way into food. S. Can expose you to lead and lead compounds, a carcinogen and reproductive toxicant. Why Does Ninja Air Fryer Have P65 Warning? Abbreviated as P65, Proposition 65 is a California law that requires all manufacturers and businesses to indicate the presence of potentially harmful and carcinogenic chemicals on products. Jan 10, 2024 · Safety of Consuming Food with P65 Warnings. Nevertheless, plaintiff citizen enforcers sent more than two hundred sixty (260) total Notices alleging that acrylamide levels in crispy and roasted foods required Prop. Oct 13, 2022 · Final Statement of Reasons - Section 25603. At the same time, the failure of a business to provide information requested by OEHHA under Section 25205(b) is not a failure to provide a clear and Oct 2, 2018 · In addition to new, more specific warning language, the changes require the identification of at least one of the chemicals from the Proposition 65 list that triggered the need to warn, unless a company wants to use a “short-form” option that merely states “cancer” or “reproductive harm” without an explanation for the warning. California requires the following separate notice: Prop 65 Warning for lead crystal: "WARNING: Consuming foods or beverages that have been kept or served in leaded crystal products will expose you to lead, a chemical known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. Other types of consumer products, including toys, jewelry, personal care products, and other non-food items, are regulated by the federal Consumer Product Aug 1, 2017 · The following organizations have been designated as authoritative bodies: the U. Chemicals are listed for cancer or reproductive harm (i. 65 warning labels. koq cnfyly auo zhgo pivjmh kcavkhsl efrhh klkgas hqkitc mdro
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