Wow rp server rules If you have to ask what the rules are, I would ask why you wish to roll on one. Horde rp is a bit more guild focused and based on Discord communities. e. Should the RP servers have these rules enforced like they were originally, and perhaps even stricter for RP ★ Naming rules for a RP server like Turtle WoW. A helping hand: Has there been any announcement for a RP-PvP server for SoD? I have not been following along with it but they have been my go to server types for many years due to great rivalry’s, funny moments and usually great people. -RPG-RPG is an abbreviation of roleplaying game, but RP-PVP servers are just PVP servers with RP rules. Or you can play Hardcore mode. Blog. Of course there's always the questionable Goldshire stuff (No thanks), but I mean just a decent collection of serious RP guilds with chill folks and an active population. RP community size and activity To fully immerse yourself in the world of Greetings fellow RP-PVPers, The next step for us will be to help put together what does it mean to play on an RP-PVP server. Cute idea. I was looking for some of the older posts we had on Emerald Dream and maybe some of you can find your older ones so we can come up with a written plan/guide for the server. Guild recruiting on the Hero's Call Board and event If this is the case, wouldn’t the RP community want new members to be aware of the codes of conduct so that no one’s experience is ruined? @Altrageous. Have a setting appopriate name (so name your orc, as you’ve done, Kelga instead of xxdeathslayerxx), use /s and /y appropriately and not for out of character chatter, etc. 6M subscribers in the wow community. gg/gQbFazeFAB. Is Wyrmrest a good place to play horde or is it a largely Alliance server? Are there RP guilds who actually do events or anything or is Where can I find a list of rules or a code of conduct I have to abide by if I wanted to roll on an rp or rp-pvp server? Or if anyone is interested in sharing the rules and their thoughts on them. Even when the other RP servers had some kind of Well, RP, Argent Dawn still had far and away the best community interaction and cohesion in terms of cross-guild and cross-faction RP. Here are some examples that violate this: Quitting the game to avoid an arrest, regardless of the reason. So I walked in to the inn in Goldshire, and not too surprising, it sure was a mess, and after stepping in to the inn I was almost immediatelly messaged by people wanting to do, interresting stuff Fresh WoW Classic and Classic Hardcore Servers All servers in the 20th Anniversary Edition are fresh, meaning everyone starts over as a Day 1 server. If you have a question for people in a RP use OOC brackets ((like this)) or simply send them a tell. And if you just want to join an RP server to play WoW normally with some added ambience, that's fine too. This will correspond to Patch 1. Just curious if there are some sort of rules around this. They triage bugs slowly and produce fixes even slower. Below are the guidelines from Blizzard: Examples of common unacceptable or disruptive RP names include (but are not limited to): Non-medieval or non-fantasy names (For example: Slipnslide, Robotman, Technotron). I still report bad RP names, when I see them, but it does feel like a never ending battle. What servers do most people use for RP? The highest population servers and best for walk-up RP are Moon Guard-US, Wyrmrest Accord-US, and Argent Dawn-EU. You still have options, but the easiest (and probably best) way to go about this is to create a new character on your RP server of choice. What will happen is you get a warning for spamming reports. I see in official rules there are additional naming restrictions for RP servers. Generally OOC chat in public channels reserved for RP is marked by putting the text into brackets like so ((This is OOC chat. It really doesnt matter what your character name is when the rp addon will be able to show your Rp name to anyone who’s gonna rp. Moon Guard (MG) is more The big rule is to not troll or interrupt RP. Not sure what the rules will be for classic RP servers, but the practical rules have always been "don't name your character something stupid or non-immersive" and "don't harass well as the title already says I’d actually like to switch to an RP Realm. Add a Comment. Examples of common unacceptable or disruptive RP names include (but are not limited to): Non-medieval or non-fantasy names Roleplay. Kanstilxo-tichondrius August 13, 2019, 8:07pm #82. I have a list of Trouvez facilement un serveur privé RP WoW sur notre classement pour jouer seul ou avec vos amis. Keep the chat to /s! You cannot RP in trade or general. )) On Roleplay Heaven (RPH), the rules are only here to act as the shield of the server, so that your role playing isn't interrupted by unnecessary drama, noise and annoyance. Thanks! RP 101 / RP for dummies? - Emerald Dream - World of Warcraft Forums Loading RP Server Rules? WoW Classic. Role-players have been crafting intricate storylines and character development for years, and the server is now home to a number of As the title states, getting back into WoW this year and wondering which server has the healthiest Alliance RP community. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. This included enforcing the Naming rules and seemed much harsher on things said in chat. I believe you can report people for explicit things on your profile. That being said, you're going to want a guild. The Rules. My rule is don't interact with a guild at all unless they RP with you. I remember reading somewhere once RP servers had special rules, where might I find them does anyone have a link? To add, if you do not like someone’s roleplay, you do not go into their business to bother them about it. Most people came to the rp pvp server to avoid queues on regular pvp servers lol. Roleplay servers are rather different from your run of the mill PvE server; there are behavioural expectations and a different type of community. Live PTR 11. Can highly recommend, I'm having a blast here! Basically, if a server says rp pvp, it's not rp. WrA has a more even population and is considered the center of Horde RP. RP Private Servers. Actualités; Se connecter Ajouter mon BLIZZLIKE SERVER, SCALING SYSTEM, SOLO RAIDS, FLEX RAIDING, HIGHRATE X3, PROGRESSIVE TIMELINE, STARTER MOUNT, TRANSMOG, WORKING QUESTS, Unfortunately, WoW is not nearly as RP friendly as it could or should be, so ED is just like a normal server, except a couple of taverns have occasional RP and there's a handful of RP guilds. Discord Link: discord. Never bring OOC (Out Of Character) into IC (In Character) Loading Where can I find a list of rules or a code of conduct I have to abide by if I wanted to roll on an rp or rp-pvp server? Or if anyone is interested in sharing the rules and their thoughts on them. I'm EU, and looking at the server list, I see that there are three PvP servers, two of whom are full, while one is medium. 8 This is another OOC thing which is not present in WOW. That’s likely cause anyone who rps has an addon for it that can change the name for rp. Links can skirt around the rule to an extent, still counts if the link name is bad. There was a pve focused discord server for all of AD, but I'm not sure how is it doing, since there was a bit of an exodus recently. There doesnt need to be a RPPVP and a RP. We expect there to be the usual array of PvE, PvP, and roleplay servers at launch. Do Blizzard actually enforce these? I swear I have seen a lot of stupid names on retail RP realms. The server's identity is also extremely fragmented. But also just as many things you can do right. MG has a mostly Alliance population. WoW serveur privé RP français et gratuits. :/ So, I would like to ask you guys for advice. On Alliance side anyways. mediadreams • They dont enforce this rule, not once in classic. com/watch?v=RQzlcmD-1ZMDefcamp and Melderon TV Patreon Page - This is exactly why Blizz said they didn't want to post server names, but by nature of having just one RP-PVP server, everybody is organizing around the one thing they know about. To maintain a safe and mature gaming environment, Fusion Roleplay servers are limited to players aged 18 and over. Here is Blizzard’s official policy. The RP server has been overtaken by the HC Andy’s. One of the biggest things that I like to do with some of my social media accounts (Such as Twitter) is share screenshots of events, highlight event organizers and members of the community, and engage with other Warcraft players who Additional Rules for Role Playing Realms. From WoW Freedom Wiki. This thread is dedicated to sharing World of Warcraft roleplaying guides, addons, articles and other resources for the roleplaying community. Normal: These realms have no special rules and are considered the standard experience; PVP: These realms automatically make your character able to attack, and be attacked, by other players; RP: These realms are intended for role-playing (acting as) your character when interacting with other players in-game I remember reading somewhere once RP servers had special rules, where might I find them does anyone have a link? In addition what are some good realms that have a lot of people in depth in the rp? Specifically horde sid With name shortages, for Hello and welcome to Freedom! We are a WoW based RP group. One thing to consider though is that RP servers tend to not be great for things like PvP or Raid Progression, so if I hope that you knew what this meant, back when you joined the server. The spammer guilds really suck and bring things down. No characters like ‘Yomamaisfat’ or ‘Cheesypoof’. Where to even begin, both MG and WRA have so many server events going on 24/7 I'd recommend checking both server Discords and looking at the "Events" Tab, there's literally massive server wide events every other day, RP realms are amazing Just keep in mind the rules, people will mass report you if you try trolling RP realms I'm a member of three, depending on what kind of stuff you are interested in. 1 Like. And as said below, there are no PvP servers because you can just turn on warmode manually in Stormwind and Orgrimar through your talent window, bottom right corner, and you can turn it off in any rest area. However, the enforcement of rules tends to vary server to server as it does on all types of servers. I’ve consistently found that the RP servers I’ve played on (Shadow Council-retail, Bloodsail Buccaneers-classic) have had overall a higher level of mature players. I hope they have 5 RP-PVP servers just to fuck with them. All the World's a Stage is your source for Was ein RP Server ist wurde dir ja schon gesagt ich wollte lediglich auf das von Lupus eingehen damit da keine Missverständnisse aufkommen. Create a name that fits within the World of Warcraft universe. I'd say the guilds are casual to medicore for pve. If you chat up random strangers on the road the quality of RP and language skills will propably be lacking. And ‘technically’, you’re supposed to have a name that sounds like a name, not regular words. By far. Das verstößt noch immer gegen die Richtlinien und das ist auch gut so. 7 PTR 11. Restricted Roleplay Concepts. Realm (Server) Types. The RP Guild is at least 3 months old, with consistent activity. Es ist keine gute Idee sich einen nicht RP gerechten Namen zu geben nur weil man sich in dem RP addon dann konform nennen kann. Character names on RP servers must adhere to Blizzard's Code of Conduct, and also must avoid being disruptive to the world. Remember that rules for R What’s the best RP server? Different people will give you different answers but the most popular ones are Moon Guard and Wyrmrest Accord. ) My toons are on Grobbulus, as that’s the realm my friends chose and what’s WoW if you’re not playing it with your buddies? Anyway, after a The first Header could be - Game rules applicable to all servers-----Here you would explain all general rules, anty-cheat policy, RP policy etc. Wollt ihr ernsthaft Rollenspiel betreiben, versucht ihr euer Glück auf einem RP-PvE- oder It was really never enforced anyway. I was just looking at the realms and saw the RP ones and was wondering how different and engaging are these servers. World of Warcraft Role Play (RP) realms are intended to provide players with an added level of immersion in the game world and must avoid being disruptive to the world. I am not a writer but maybe someone who is an RP-PVPer ★ Naming rules for a RP server like Turtle WoW. I had a guy straight up tell me “no rp” “don’t rp” when I did some casual RPing. Ember Roleplay is a server fully dedicated to open-world style roleplay, where your actions are persistent in an interactive world. New. pertaining to Roleplay as long as it follows the rules and guidelines. The variety of RP guilds is actually quite substantial and it shouldn't be too hard to find something you like. That’s things like spamming emotes In addition to Blizzard's normal In-Game Policies, players on Roleplaying servers are expected to abide by the rules outlined in the Roleplaying Policy. Trolling, is another form of harassment whether its personally targeted or server-wide, it can result in a warning, and will result in a permanent ban depending on the severity of the issues. Lots of creative and surprising interaction. Im tempted to try an RP server but im unsure of how necessary RP is stories, media, etc. I've been playing WoW now for a few months and the world has always felt a bit dull and lacking player interaction. gg/j4pKtDx Wyrmrest Accord has a server discord here: https://discord. For those who are new to RP naming rule set, ask here to get an opinion on your name and if it abides by the rules. Turtle wow is an RP-PVE Server. That means no xIllidanx, or Killahboi, you want names, that people would name their children. They define: I’m pretty surprised that there is no RP option for servers. RP is an abbreviation for Roleplay, and is the reason we have different server naming rules, and act strange at times. , or speech) - No boosting mechanics like tents (remove XP and only keep tents as a pure RP element) - Normal drop rates again (especially for recipes and greens) Hydraxian Waterlords is proberly the closest you can come to a vanilla rp enviorement. Everyone will have their own house rules. The big rule is to not troll or interrupt RP. Hey all, I haven’t played private servers since I was a kid. Best of luck! Choosing the right WoW RP server can be one of the most daunting choices you’ll make as you embark on your journey into the fantasy world of Azeroth. In this article, we’ll show you the 10 most important roleplay rules in WoW. That’s things like spamming emotes or toys to disturb them, spamming /yell, etc. If you have something to argue, either take it to DMs or don't incite it in the first place, this is all to avoid unnecessary issues and problems. Exceptions may be granted at the staff team's DO NOT incite drama or causing drama by any means, you will be PERMANENTLY BANNED for doing this. Ask yourself what might disrupt such immersion, and Epsilon - Dedicated RP server, though they strip the game away from WoW so it's pure RP. The guild is a Pro-Horde space and members of the Horde faction. UPDATED 11/26/2023 Community Guidelines Below you will find a list of all Community Guidelines, You are asking "due to HC" as if HC caused the RP population to be anemic. It's strictly prohibited to: To use names that The staff reserves the right to deny morph applications for any of the following reasons: Insufficient or dissatisfactory understanding or presentation of relevant lore, a past history of abuse or breach of server rules or staff and community confidence by the applicant, the applicant has a number of morphed characters of the same type already (especially Tier 3 & 4 morphs), World of Warcraft Role Play (RP) servers are intended to provide players with an added level of immersion in the game world. A small percentage have their own idea on the way RP should be, that don't feel there is enough RP, or maybe simply All posts should directly feature WoW Classic and the Grobbulus RP-PVP (NA) server. Where are all the RP players at, what server would you recommend, and which version of WoW Classic should I pick? Argent Dawn. WoW Section. 2. Op, if you have seen Hey, I'm thinking about getting into WoW after being away for several years and never having gotten too serious about it. This guide will help people who are new to roleplaying to get an understanding of the roleplaying system and rules and get them started. Harassment/Griefing runs pretty common on RP server, and is usually dealt with by both the server, and Blizzard. Can blizzard finally start banning people with names not compliant with RP realm rules? A lot of those around lately, reports seem to do nothing, thanks. I thought to myself, this is WOW! There has to be hundreds of people spread out chromieing. BLIZZARD NAMING RULES Additional Rules for Role Playing Realms World of Warcraft Role Play (RP) Turtle WoW is home to a lively roleplaying scene and roleplay has been an integral part of the server since its early beginnings. Roleplay must continue unless an admin on duty is present. the Having a profile is a good flag that you’re open to RP. None of these rules are very much enforced, in fact, I’m pretty sure the page containing said rules might not even exist anymore, though don’t take my word on that 100% Time: 7:30PM server time (CST) Faction: Horde Servers: Hosted on Moon Guard, Open to all RP servers. What’s more important is keeping discussions on things like politics, religion, current events, and other popular troll topics out of public channels. But, it’s (technically) not allowed on RP Servers. To come up with good Discord server rules, you need to identify the purpose of your server. 1. In 2024 it was the same, lonely experience. Age Restriction. me/wra The Bluffs, which is a tauren-centric server if you are interested in tauren roleplay: https://discord. By default RP realms will not shard with other realms, specially not with non-RP realms, to avoid players disrupting RP events or normal server activities that RP communities engage in Epsilon is primarily a roleplay server, meaning that people are always looking for new settings to roleplay in! Players are given their own platform to create with, but the fun continues with sharing that work! Perhaps you want to expand on Ihr wollt Rollenspiel in World of Warcraft ausprobieren? Dann wählt bloß den richtigen Realm, damit ihr auch andere Rollenspieler findet. RP is hard to find because the RP community isn't and hasn't been on the servers in large numbers in a long while. The rules have changed a lot over the years. Do people actually follow the RP rules? Do communities really exist or is it all for show? Honestly thinking on leaving everything Naming rules apply heavily. He is asking a legitimate question and you are Where can I find a list of rules or a code of conduct I have to abide by if I wanted to roll on an rp or rp-pvp server? Or if anyone is interested in sharing the rules and their thoughts on them. Aka leave them alone unless your also rping. Contents. However, some name type are forbidden and players will be requested to changed it. WoW Classic General Discussion. Guild recruiting on the Hero's Call Board and I personally wanted to join RPserver because the game would feel more alive, basically RPplayers would be the missing immersion that the game needs, in normal servers the cities are empty makes you realise it’s not a dynamic environment but rather city of the season type of game, it’s sad that normal players and RP players can’t coexist, i think in some way 2. I join guilds and things never last. Important to note here, is that the naming rules on rp servers just mean that if your name gets reported it can be changed for the reason of “non rp name. use the Preformated Text link to post URLs. Custom Content PVP or RPpvp server? What's the difference? - WoW Classic General Just curious Key Rules of Fear RP; RDM (Random Death Matching) Examples of RDM; VDM (Vehicle Deathmatch) Examples of VDM; Exploiting and Hacking; Basic Community & Server Rules. Unlike Normal servers where on warmode horde have a distinct numbers advantage, on RP servers alliance have the overwhelming numbers advantage. Its been the same way on every server I've ever played on. The RP Guild has at least 10 members and officers. No core groups, no activities, no gameplay. For those who don't know, there are some new rules set out which you have to agree and accept or exit the game and they're good, I have nothing against them however I worry about them being misused or wrongly used in RP. The server exists to Greetings fellow adventurers! I’m currently contemplating my next WoW server choice and could use some insights from the seasoned veterans out there. So, “Aspiration” is a fine name to have on a non-RP server. You should not break rules because you believe someone else just did to you. gamepedia. None of the RP rules are enforced, but you do tend to see more mature names than a In channels not reserved for RP, as much as you like. Result? After 3 days there were bank robberies with rocket launchers in "real-life RP". For example, if own a gaming server, you can add a rule to prevent buying, selling, or trading accounts. We look forward to Yeah, they do have the same “must have RP names” for RP servers specifically. EU RPer here wondering how each server is going to react to the ‘social contract’ 9. Because this is a roleplaying server, one will find rules explaining our expectations of how you roleplay in the IC section, and rules about how you conduct yourself in the community in the OOC section. It’s a place where many of us escape the real world, spend time with friends, meet new people, and go on adventures. Rules are the foundation, not the decoration. WoW Servers. Please don’t do it! I am planning to role on the RP-PVP server on SOD. However, there's only one RP-PvP server, and it only has a medium population-size. Alliance is a bit better for random rp and pve guilds. Please read the rules. We do not force our players to use RP-friendly names, but we would be grateful if you contribute to the immersion by using a good fantasy name. 4. I would like to get some Dwarfing done, Bloodsail Buccaneers has been overrun by dudes waiting in line for quest mobs instead of grouping like decent people, are there any active RP servers a fella can get some Dwarfing I’m tired of not having a special place in wow. TONS! People on the side of the road playing an instrument, people hanging out in the taverns etc, and the world is very populated -even though I’m not an RPer, I love this so much about FF14. Q&A. Go for it. One may expect to see people throwing complex emotes at one another, a distinct lack of textspeak and emoticons in /say and /yell text as well as odd accents and gatherings of people sitting down or standing around or Most of the random RP is centered in Stormwind, but rp guilds also delve in to the world. But RP servers are such a unique and creative environment. You can’t say you don’t know about it. Examples of common unacceptable or disruptive RP names include (but are not limited to): In roleplaying (RP), there are many different things you can do wrong. If you are unsure about this rule please feel welcome to message the moderators with queries. Nobody like to have some jackass run in the middle of an rp screaming pettry buttle jelly. Griefing can include verbal harassment, intentionally refusing to used (( bracketed text )) in RP hubs when not in-character, or spamming in-game items, such as toys, to cause numerous sounds or visual effects that What servers do most people use for RP? Most people cite Moon Guard-US, Wyrmrest Accord-US, and Argent Dawn-EU. Can anyone show me that rules. Common sense is a godsend to have. I used to play on an RP server but didn't RP. The roleplayers do there own thing and just want you to respect there rp. surely? Then someone in gchat mentioned the RP server thing. Fail. I'm down for rp-pvp type though, unlike all other rp servers (that are basically pve) I want pvp flags to be always on, cause pvp and the possibility to be ganked at any time anywhere - is the best foundation So I am looking for a good server to RP as horde. MG has a mostly The main rules for RP servers is - don’t harass people OOC (out of character) while out in the world, especially if you see them RPing. To join, please make a forum account on our forums and then join our discord for more details on how to connect and play! If you encounter any problems, please reach out to one of the staff members or join the discord and ask for help in our tech support section. Don't be an idiot, don't be a troll, asshole, moron, or typical 'lol rp is for loozers' guy. A friend of mine once started a server - without any clear rules. Welcome to Grobbulus! New to RP on Grobbulus, or looking to get involved? This thread is for you. Discover the Best WoW RP Servers below! FILTERS More Features. A role player typically wouldn't roll on a PVP server for the same reason he wouldn't role on a PVE server. Controversial. As someone who has played on an EU RPPVP server since 2006, I can kinda understand blizzards choice here. I am not against it nor it annoys me, just feels kinda sad that even on a rp server I haven't yet encountered anyone doing rp. RP and RPPVP servers are a gathering place for like minded players. We don't need people causing issues in Discord or inciting large arguments. An unoffical rule on rp servers. It seems like there isn't really a great option. 5. ; Racial Supremacy: Any form of racial supremacy roleplay will not be allowed and will result in a ban from the server. I was forced into a name change yesterday, which caused me to lose a name that I really enjoyed and an entire month of sub ( I re-subbed back in august just to get the name for classic, despite the fact that I don’t play retail. I leveled a toon to cap after the exodus and found no RP in places that have always had RP on active RP servers (such as Silvermoon), and no RP out in the world. RP servers have extra rules for character names Season of Discovery Best. Turtle WoW has a bustling role-playing community that has been at the forefront of the server since its early days. Just ignore them and let their numbers dwindle. RP might exist in guilds, and at "server project" events, but you are not going to meet people organically on MG, at least not playing a Blood Elf in Blood Elf spaces. https: //wow. Yes, it’s a 20-year-old game, and every nook and cranny has been explored. You may not disrupt, stall or void roleplay unless an admin tells you to. But it’s almost impossible now to find a horde server as lively as Moon Guard’s Alliance RP scene (minus goldshire since that’s a joke). RP servers have a unique set of rules separate from the rest of the WoW realms, and one of these is strict punishment against those who harass RPers. Content relating predominantly to If we could get a proper RP-server just for us, with few basic RP rules like : - No immersion breaking (gimmicky names like "Pwndoctor" etc. Like a tauren or blood elf or something. Watching GTA RP has me feeling nostalgic for RP, so I wanted to try and get into that or try WoW RP again! From my research there are a few servers but I wanted to ask for what people’s preferences were. I’d like to try to immerse myself into Wow so my question is what RULES are there? the only thing I came across on google was something about a na Another rule is, Seperate IC from OOC. Paragon WoW Rules (v8. No matter how lore breaking it seems. Those are the I’m looking for a classic RP realm to call home. Find servers easily. Joining The Horde Vanugard Requirements. Content relating to current (Legion/Battle for Azeroth) World of Warcraft and its associated patches should be posted to r/WoW. 12 in the original release. 80% of rp servers and rp pvp servers are just people who are there for the more friendly playerbase. But my impression is that most EU RP realms are alliance dominant, primarily because the layout of alliance zones and cities are just better suited for RPing than horde cities. My question is: do people still rp on vanilla servers now in 2023, because all I see in chat is ppl doing HC. In summary, players should: 1. Before that, I had spent years on various different Private RP servers (RIP Prologue). gg/QcaHftw If a player is found violating any of these rules, he/she may: Be given a warning; Be temporary suspended from the game; Non-Medieval/Fantasy Character Names [] This category includes: Any Non-Medieval or Non-Fantasy names (i. If you have a question for people in a RP use OOC brackets ((like RP is an abbreviation for Roleplay, and is the reason we have different server naming rules, and act strange at times. I don't think Blizzard has ever said that you have to rp if you're playing on a RP server. I am serious. Yes. If someone continuously pressures others into ERP or other forms of sexual RP, this is sexual harassment, and will not be tolerated at all. Your level doesn't matter and this way you won't have to Hi all! I am quite new to rp, but always wanted to try it out. There is no RP community. Is it a RP PVE server? You can queue as PVP for an exp bonus. Many people enjoy the immersion aspect of RP servers. And if you just want to join an RP server to play WoW normally with some added ambience, WoW Freedom is not an ERP server, but we are aware it happens here. So as a bit of backstory about me, I only started RPing towards the end of BfA. A small percentage have their own idea on the way RP should be, that don't feel there is enough RP, or maybe simply As I’m sure a lot of you know, I’m pretty active in the World of Warcraft RP community, and I can practically be found everywhere. This way, your next roleplaying experience is And another suggestion would be that, rather than asking for specific rules, we should ask for more RP features (for example, why not a vendor in each starting zone who would give away free simplified lore books, an introduction to RP, an introduction to RP rules) and available RP mechanics like HC or Warmod : A glyph on demand (why not an RP immersion I've only played AD in retail and that would explain a lot as I may of seen 1 person while out levelling in chromie zones when I played back in 2022. World PvP (not ganking) is the lifeblood of the game to me, and I vastly prefer the vibe of RP servers. LFRP, which is a general, all-server, both faction RP discord: https://discord. Characters may be prejudice and act accordingly but you cannot start up a racial The Q&A Video:https://www. RP usually happens in clustered areas on the server, generally Mage/Cathedral district of Stormwind, Valley of Strength in Org, and Silvermoon. Rp is going on all over and often in dungeon groups aswell. Emerald Dream-US is also a common choice for RP-PVP, though it isn’t as populated as other RP servers. ” So there’s no guarantee xxlegolasxx will get name changed on rp server, but it’s eligible to I remember reading somewhere once RP servers had special rules, where might I find them does anyone have a link? In addition what are some good realms that have a lot of people in depth in the rp? Specifically horde sid Hello Argent Dawn! I have seen quite often a discussion popping up regarding discussion about the naming policy and I just found the ‘‘Official’’ naming policy and just thought it could be nice to know about since I hav Hey Folx. Jux-moon-guard August 13, 2019, 8:07pm #81. If you wish to add or remove a guide, addon, article or other resource from this list, RP Private Servers can be found through our up to date list of high quality RP WoW Private Servers in 2025. Turtle - RP-PvE, though RP isn't enforced, and RP is mainly organized in guilds and discords. Just don't be a dick to them. i don't really know about moonglade and how active the RP is and whether or not what the dominant faction it. That’s what makes RP servers so special. They have zero regard for RP servers and RP playstyle and that servers RP community. Everybody talking about that your characters name or the guild has to follow the RP rules on RP server. 0)-----The rules are divided up into a multitude of categories. just pick kanstil . If you see people RPing, don't run up spamming toys or talk to them in lolspeak. which is applicable for all servers Cheating, botting, modifications & third-party programs, bug & exploit abuse Interactions with staff Naming rules for a RP server like Turtle WoW and so on Are the rules for RP servers going to be enforced? I recall a persistent and stricter enforcement of the ingame rules, and I only played on a Normal PVE realm. Our staff team works as the judiciary of the server, among other things, even though we generally encourage a liberal and relaxed attitude that allows you to get on with what you want without much intervention So, it seems like Classic Era would be the best choice, but I'm afraid there won't be anybody to play with at all there, let alone RP. I’m torn between opting for an RP-PvP server or a regular PvP server for SoD, and I’m hoping you can share your experiences and knowledge to help me make an informed decision. youtube. Microwave, Nuclearotron, Softwareman) All normal naming rules and the specific Roleplay naming rules. World of Warcraft on Reddit! So I recently started play wow rp for the first time in my life, and i had heard the rumors of the mess that Goldshire apparently would be. already snagged the others for my alt rogue and mage lol. But fear not! When it comes to role-playing in WoW, there are I think the naming rules are fairly loose now, although correct me if I’m wrong. Rules for such are within our discord FAQ. com/ Roleplaying Remove the spaces since I can’t post links. Guide Contents. World of Warcraft. 0. WoW Addons. This up-to-date, comprehensive, and comprehensible guide provides an in-depth look at how roleplay works and features lesser-known details, etiquette, terms, fun facts, and topics that people are afraid to discuss. You must roleplay at all times. Terrorism/Serial Killer: Any form of terrorism or serial killer roleplay will not be allowed and will result in a ban from the server. I played on a server called Echeloned WoW and had a lot of fun. When the truth is the RP community was anemic before HC came along. If you try FF14, you’ll see tons of RPers. -RPG- RPG is an abbreviation of roleplaying game, but Not sure what the rules will be for classic RP servers, but the practical rules have always been "don't name your character something stupid or non-immersive" and "don't When choosing a RP server, consider factors such as the size and activity of the RP community, faction balance, and roleplaying guidelines and rules. Blizzlike. No one cares if you want to talk about non-WoW games in general, but if you’re being excessive about your attempts to drag the real world into WoW, the fact is that the server rules prohibit it and you It's the least toxic server I've played on so far. I've met some good people on retail, had some great RP, but many of my characters story arcs RP realms also have special sharding rules (when the population of one realm "bleeds" into other realms to balance each zones population and server load). When are you going to start enforcing the naming rules on your one and only true RP server, Bloodsail Buccaneers? Why are you letting all these people foul up the server and make it to 60 with character names that CLEARLY violate one if not ALL of your naming rules for RP realms? Please, start forcing name changes. (Chromie would be an easy #2) However, some core functions I felt were very buggy. While I generally enjoy roleplaying, I wonder if there are any particular advantages to playing on a standard PvP server. It seems that since Crusader Strike is the streamer server (why did you do this to us streamers? asmongold you know you dont RP EVER) nobody is roleplaying, so many names Classic WoW isn’t just a game. This isn’t I joined Crusader Strike and it seemed like next to nobody wanted to RolePlay or do any open world RPing. Reply reply Home; Preach Talks WoW's New Direction with Ion I want to try out RP, but I don't want to transfer my character to an RP server. In fact they play by a completely different set of rules and expect you to follow theirs, while they ignore the rules of the server they claimed for themselves. Like it doesn't matter all the issues plaguing WoW, the RP meta-game is very hard to replace with other titles. I am playing on EU region servers. These channels are OOC Disclaimer: it is your responsibility to read and abide by our server rules, failure to do so may result in a punishment. For several years, roleplaying turtles have been creating amazing storylines and character arcs. It's strictly prohibited to: To use names that However, the enforcement of rules tends to vary server to server as it does on all types of servers. . Clarify and go for it. WoW RP is probably best thought of in terms of bubbles. Many people enjoy the immersion aspect of Some folks are going to joke about stuff like Goldshire Inn but I doubt any of them have actually done any RP. Today, Historically RP servers have more chill friendly I've played my entire wow career on rp-pvp and at least half of the server would fail the RP azeroth approved naming with half of I’d guess that like 30% or more of the names I If you own a Discord server, adding rules helps to maintain order and safety. The most frequent difficulty on RP-PvP or normal RP servers comes from the expectations of disgruntled would be role-players. Hit RP gold last night on Deviate Delight. Most people don’t quest or do dungeons/raids in character. The RP Guild is on a US RP Server. You don’t need to be an RP-heavy or RP-only guild to apply, so long as you have a dedicated RP section with regular activities. Where might the RP-PvPers I was never really an RP-er but I started wow on emerald dream and just etc. Top. A policy that has changed a lot from its original layout. However, it can be hard to come up with rules—especially good ones. I'm interested in eventually doing raids and dungeons and so forth, but at the same time I do like the atmosphere of RP servers and might like the option to do a little light RP here and there if I feel like it. Role-Playing PvP (RP The main rules for RP servers is - don’t harass people OOC (out of character) while out in the world, especially if you see them RPing. It helps to have an addon to name your character as you please along with giving any other information on how your character may appear now anyway, so other players know! TRP3 is what I use, there are others such as MRP and XRP! I think what most of us ask for is common I am new to RP-PvP and I was wondering if there are issues or limitations (by the community) with certain character names? I have read some comments that people said they had to change their name on previous RP servers. Pretty much just this! RPers can seem almost like an anomaly to non-RPers, even on RP servers; however, it can be really bothersome to do these kinds of things when we’re IC. Every quest has been completed, and every boss has been slain. But there should atleast be an RP server to let the people who love playing there to not be In WoW gibt es vier verschiedene Server-Arten: PvE-Server, PvP-Server, RP-PvE-Server und RP-PvP-Server. Plus when things do break down and drama erupts, watching from the sidelines can be entertaining. Where can I find a list of rules or a code of conduct I have to abide by if I wanted to roll on an rp or rp-pvp server? Or if anyone is interested in sharing the rules and their thoughts on them. They give us the chance Why a set of rules kills or saves your GTA RP project. Any ERP or sexual conduct with anyone under the age on 18 will result in a permanent ban for both parties, with no chance for appeal. This year’s schedule will be as follows: Clan Rep Stories Offerings To The Ancestors Wolf Racing Totem Carving Om’gora Ceremonies Tattooing Lo’bosh Ceremony A server where everyone would be ROLEPLAYING for true, nothing fancy but just really roleplaying their charachters, a server for full immersion - would be a blue dream. Jump to navigation Jump to search. What do you imagine the rules would be on a RP server? I genuinely want to know what rules you believe there would be, or should be. And that is completely unrelated and unaffected by HC becoming popular. If you look for RP you will find it. In channels for Roleplay, (/s, /y, /e) keep it to a minimum unless otherwise agreed with players around. Other than that, if you’re interested in connecting with other 2. You just avoid them. If you want to interact with socially functional people and want a server that’s not like playing Call of Duty with 14 year-olds, then I’d recommend an RP server. If you are a guild leader or officer, you may also fill in a survey to be included. Patch 5. I understand not wanting to split playerbases as people have seemed to always gravitate back to mega servers. This isn’t just in regard to Classic WoW, either. From what I noticed it was just they had more consistent playerbase to be honest. As a player, you may be accustomed to only interacting with other players of your faction, having to imagine world altering events as it cannot be represented in game, etc though here, you have the ability to interact with non-playable characters and Roleplay servers are one of the little treasures of the WoW community -- following the guidelines and rules for the servers will help keep them that way. dga wygfi vlgex fsdg tgsma zqnrk jqqy kxvw qer bpe tqqrze ajhp ylecie ngarhq ymu