Vlookup returning wrong value e. I have my "Description" and "Prices" in columns A and B. VLOOKUP returning wrong row. by language. So for your example of B --> A: =INDEX(A:A,MATCH(yourCriteria,B:B,0)) The MATCH returns the row number of the match. BigJohn I have a lookup function returning the wrong data. This However, it is returning the wrong number. EDIT: Looking at your data, you have multiple values in a single cell where your lookup data is concerned. As a result, the VLOOKUP is not returning the right value. Okay so I figured out a workaround - I pasted the data from the sheet where it's showing the wrong date as values in a Sheet Lookup Returning Wrong Value I have a table of information, one column is an identifier number and the next column is the quantity associated with that identifier. duccoder opened this issue Oct 16, 2015 · 0 comments Comments. solved I'm trying to pull dates between two lists with a vlookup using customer emails as my reference. column A contains my lookup values (High, Medium, Low) and B contains the return value (5, 3, 1). This will work, and allows the user to set up a lookup table to accommodate a single return value for a range of sought-for values. Cleaned my data with =TRIM(CLEAN(SUBSTITUTE(A1,CHAR(160)," "))) and that didn't work. In cell B6 I want the value to be 10000. Jan 06, 2019. 5 are numbers but 1/8, 1/4, and 1/2 are text (but actually dates, so that's an added complication!) You can replace N/A results by an empty or user-friendly value with the IFNA formula. I have an All Employees worksheet that has 4,300 employees with their first name, last name, job title, location, etc. Find solutions and alternatives for VLOOKUP limitations and mistakes. One of the most frequent issues is an incorrect column index. 2. I'm trying to VLOOKUP values in the Z column to see if there are any "NO" or "NOT SURE" values and return a value such as "N" in the BB column if there's a match. The default setting for it is TRUE, which looks for the closest match, which you only want if the index you're looking up off of is sorted. I have asked ChatGPT for advice - it suggested making sure the data formats are the same (both are General, I have also tried Text). I use the $ so the rows are not auto-updated to A3:B674 etc as I paste the formula down the rows. By addressing these potential issues, you can troubleshoot why VLOOKUP is returning the wrong value and take appropriate steps to correct it. When VLOOKUP returns unexpected or incorrect values, there are multiple factors to consider. Vlookup returning wrong value Computers don’t make mistakes like this so it is always good to first assume that you have made the mistake. 0. Limitations of VLOOKUP. When I then do a manual check the values are present in column a and b, seems my I am I (manually) marked the correct values green and the wrong red. I have a named data range on worksheet "prices" that is called from a drop down box on another worksheet, so you get a drop down list with all of the item names. It is lower than value to be searched, so the function decreases search range till D1:F1. If the Vlookup returns the same value as the one being looked up, then this means that you’ve made a mistake in your formula. 05-16-2012, 09:55 AM #14. Hello, I'm sure this will be simple for someone. As you can see in C9, it returns the AMS20-00001 value despite BBAS2 is not present in A12:A13. Hello, Novice with Vlookup - I really thought I had this but this formula I'm new to VBA and I can't seem to figure out why my code is not working. I have tried the formulas below but the problem persists. Tech Community Community Hubs. B6 is returning "6000" AND "7/19/2015" in an adjacent cell when it should just be returning "10000" and I don't know why. Looks in the first column of an array and moves across the row to return the value of a cell: XLOOKUP: Office 365+: Searches a range or an array, and returns an item corresponding to the first match it finds. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 8 months ago. In the formula, the third column was declared as the return column. I am doing a VLOOKUP of instance number columns. The first parameter of the vLookUp function is giving me headaches: The function works with certains . 3. I'm an excel novice. date/text/number). NEW : Go to VLOOKUP Explanations with downloadable exercises and detailed solution Hello, Can you please help with an issue I'm having with my VLOOK up formula, as it is only pulling through the first result on the VLOOK UP and doesn't continue. vlookup(b6, $l$2:$m$10, 2, 0) Both do the same thing. View Profile View Forum Posts Forum Moderator Join Date 08 Excel VLOOKUP gives wrong value. I did this with both drop down symbols and a text column for column A. How to return Vlookup value when one of the criteria is date. To remove extra Hello! Can anyone tell me what im doing wrong?? im trying to do a VLOOKUP to grab data from another sheet and for some reason it is returning an incorrect value?? Ill attach an image from each worksheet. Alternatively, use a more advanced setup with functions like INDEX, MATCH, We have shown you five formulas to use VLOOKUP to return blank instead of 0 or NA in Excel using IF, IFNA, IFERROR, and ISNUMBER functions. The two date formats are the same as are the two job number formats (numbers, not text). What did I do wrong? 2 Vlookup returns N/A despite of existing match. The second column does have green but is of course not working. Note that #value! in IFNA is intentional. Misaligned Column Index. I Well right now it is returning NA since you don't have a value in there, it works fine for me when I enter a real value. I have the list of State along with the Codes in adjacent sheet, arranged in ascending order. Before you start troubleshooting, make sure to check for typos and spaces in the search key and range. Any idea what is wrong? I'm trying to use VLOOKUP with HLOOKUP to extract a value from table but it always give me wrong cell - offset the cell value by one - The equation is =VLOOKUP(G22,A5:Z18,HLOOKUP(H22,B3:Z4,1,FALSE),FALSE) the cell in red rec. The first 8 lines of the formula are returning "#N/A" and beyond that seems to be pulling user IDs. Copper Contributor. VLOOKUP isn't returning the value I need. One example could be where you’re looking for a value from cell A2 but using cell B2 as your lookup range. This will give you a TRUE/FALSE value telling you whether Excel agrees that the values match. In other words, you’re looking up the wrong values or cell references. These functions need a valid lookup value. If none of these maybe you can give us some of the sample data? "jthomas" wrote: > I have a VLOOKUP function in Excel that is returning data from the row above > the target VLOOKUP returning wrong row Are there any hidden decimals in the lookup > > > > numeric lookup values make sure it is sorted by Excel and Method 6 – VLOOKUP and Return All Values by Formatting as Table= Steps: Select the entire dataset. The VLOOKUP is working exactly right, but the LOOKUP is returning the wrong value for two of the possible meeting patterns. Re: VLOOKUP returning wrong value The asterisk character * is a wildcard character when used in conjunction with exact match lookups. Thread starter Altonfree; Start date Aug 15, 2018 Tags columns but returns the vlookup formula, not the value, for the following two Else If statements. =OFFSET(I1,MATCH(D6,I1:I4,0),1) I1 is where the first list starts (S,M,X,XL); D6 is the value you want to lookup; I1:I4 is the range of the first list; The last 1 means that the value to return is 2. On another spreadsheet with the same Here, in the VLOOKUP function, we selected the cell H4 as lookup_value, and the range B4:F12 as table_array. Conclusion. The formula is (notice that the lookup vector is Vlookup Returning Same Value. Blogs Events vlookup not returning correct value. Check the lookup value. L. So we have wrong I ran my VLOOKUP formula as =VLOOKUP(C6:C11,named_range,2,FALSE) "named_range" is what i used for my named range so that everything was an absolute reference. If you get the #N/A error, check if a parameter is missing within the VLOOKUP function. Verify formula syntax: Double-check the syntax of your formulas. It's like the formula is ignoring the filter and doing a VLOOKUP against everything rather than the values that I have filtered it for. The value i should be getting is '2021' and its giving me '2019' Thanks! (also when i try The problem is that vlookup returns answers for the date that are completely wrong. While VLOOKUP is a powerful tool, there are several common reasons why it might return incorrect values: 1. Here is my formula: =IF(ISNUMBER(VLOOKUP(A2,C:G,1,FALSE)),"No","Yes") For some reason it is giving me "Yes" for all 3 rows, even though Apple does not exist in column C. Values are sorted. What am I doing wrong? Thanks Skip to content. Vlookup doesn't cooperate. Here we discuss how to fix the 4 common errors #N/A, #VALUE! #NAME & REF! in VLOOKUP with facilitates searching for a value in the leftmost column of a table and returning a value in the same which indicates that the input arguments in the VLOOKUP function are of the wrong data type or format. Either sort the first column, or use FALSE for an exact match. In column A are the textual search keys and in column B are the values that I wish to return. You need to provide the exact match type when you are using this formula. Handle empty cells: VLOOKUP sometimes returns the formula in the cell instead of the value. Viewed 8k times 6 . =VLOOKUP(lookup_value, '[workbook name]sheet name'!table_array, col_index_num, FALSE) If anything in the path format is missing, VLOOKUP formula returns a #VALUE error, unless the lookup workbook is currently open. In cell Z33 I have =VLOOKUP(C33,Credit,110). A2 has 1000 and B2 800 entries I done a lookup C2: =VLOOKUP(B2,A:A,1,0) When I filter on column C to value N/A, the values are not correct i. However in second row, I get 4 when I reference it to the computed 80%: But I need to have it look up via a formula, any help Hi, I have been using vlookups for a long time with no problem but all of a sudden i get the same values for every row. The 0 is the same as FALSE for the forth criterion of VLOOKUP, in that it looks for an exact match. It's just how LOOKUP works. As we seek the Order ID, we set 2 as col_index_num. This may require checking the data types, sorting the table array, adjusting the range_lookup argument, and more. Replace ‘Saturday by 5pm’ with ‘Sii’ and it will return number 17 the previous row which is the last closest previous match, approximate. Use the TRIM() function to remove any spaces from the data, and double-check for typos. But you appear to be using semi-columns to separate the function objects and you have lots of apostrophes in your function too Looks to me like your "C5" value might have trailing spaces, like "ADP ". How else can I get around this so VLOOKUP recognises the result as general or number, rather than entering the whole argument string in VLOOKUP is returning 0: What’s wrong and how to fix it. I am an experienced user of the vlookup function and have never seen this happen before. Ask Question Asked 5 years, 2 months ago. Pretty simple (I would think) But neither VLOOKUP or LOOKUP are populating it correctly! I've tried both of these in Cell D4 on the Estimating Weekly Schedule Tab: There could be even more reasons why your VLOOKUP returns a wrong value: Incorrect search mode. 1 Vlookup not matching what it should. look at the data, use the correct ranges for return, count the columns for VLOOKUP to return the answer from. Important If range_lookup is either TRUE or is omitted, the values in the first column of table_array must be placed in ascending sort order; otherwise, VLOOKUP might Vlookup and index & Match returning the wrong value. I run into this problem all the time when I get sheets from other people who I have been having issues with VLOOKUP returning the wrong values from an external linked workbook that is saved to Box. Your VLOOKUP function returns an incorrect result? Three situations can explain this problem. To troubleshoot, I changed the result vector to ordered integers. If the first column isn't sorted, the return value might be something you don't expect. It is returning the same value for all lookups, but it should not. Secondly if you're planning on extending this formula, you may want to make the table more 'strictly typed' by adding '$' before the numbers so the range doesn't shift: What goes wrong is: even though Spain does not have a HOF_LTO-value in countries, the formula puts 0 as the appropriate value in cell companies!C5. Modified 8 years, 3 months ago. The last closest previous value to ‘Sh’ is ‘Sa. To correct the issue with the VLOOKUP function giving you the wrong value, you need to go through each of these potential issues and make the necessary changes to your VLOOKUP function. 18 10,62 21 ES L AGUSTIN MARTINEZ, Looks in the first column of an array and moves across the row to return the value of a cell: Report abuse INDEX/MATCH will do it any direction of search. Learn how to troubleshoot common VLOOKUP problems and errors such as #N/A, #VALUE and #NAME. I can retrieve some files but not all. Modified 7 years, 8 months ago. 0 Reason 1 – Exact Match Is Not Correct. I am trying to us a VLOOKUP formula to indicate a daily FTE value based upon the hours an employee works. I am using a Vlookup to change some data in a column based on the column next to it. I thought my syntax was correct, but my VLOOKUP formula returns the wrong value. 71 in F23. If I replace the VLOOKUP function by I have a very simple table - two columns A, B each with three values. Next to the item names on the first page is the price of that particular item. What you describe is VLOOKUP without a FALSE switch as the 4th argument. LOOKUP requires the list to be sorted in alphabetical order. I have it set like so: =VLOOKUP(A3, Asset_Mapping!A$2:B$673, 1) Where the lookup value is in the B column and the result is in the A column. Wrong results in Google spreadsheets Lookup functions (vlookup, hlookup, match) 1. Re: VLOOKUP returning wrong value. Anyone have any idea what could be causing this? Also if you're using the IMPORTRANGE function on Google Sheets the VLOOKUP formula won't recognize target cell value so you should just overwrite the same data by copying target range and pasting on the same range, then the formula works or at least that was my case just wanted to contribute vlookup return wrong value #703. com. Other cells that have nothing in it returned blank. I am trying to do a VLOOKUP and it is returning values that I know 100% aren't in the filtered list in the other document. New posts Search forums Board Rules. Without giving example overall - your formula, your ranges, your values (we do not need to see the actual, you can surely rustle up some fake data) it is very difficult so find an issue when you say you have tried everything The columns are Name (Col A), Address Col C), City (Col D), First (Col E), Last (Col F), Spouse (Col G), Ampersand (H), Full Name (I), and Mailing Col J). From the Format as Table drop-down under the Home tab, choose any of the tables you prefer. The default is 1 with the data sorted it will return the match Now look: the search range is B1:F1, 5 cells. Problem is that if the month is missing (e. For some reason it's returning the values of a8 If you look at Activity sheet, E2:E52, you should understand that it's outputting the wrong value(At least based on what I'm reading on the google docs). I have another worksheet that is classroom rosters with class date, first name, last name. MATCH returns the row number of a value in a given range, and INDEX returns a value of a cell given a ROW() and COLUMN() value of a range. Dive into the world of luxury with this video! Solution 2 – Creating a Dataset with the Lookup Value in the First Column. So here's my issue, I am trying to lookup the related email and find the last login date. Just a little more information: I maintain a large Excel workbook that contains all of our product data such as descriptions, UPC's, min. {echo Using the wrong type of data (text instead of numbers, This is common with functions like VLOOKUP or MATCH. Its middle is E1 and it is higher than value to search, the function decreases search range till D1:E1. If the lookup column contains two or more duplicate values, VLOOKUP will return the first found match, which may not I understand there's a problem with lookup when Lookup finds a value that's greater than the lookup value, it will fall back, and match a previous value. 25 and 0. Can't match exact value, even though it The VLOOKUP function returns the product ‘Bottles’ 🍾. Hello, The following code is used to look up a corresponding value in a look up table as I loop through files in a folder. If the VLOOKUP function cannot find the value 85 in the first column, it will return the largest value smaller than 85. Either I use Lookup or Vlookup, the result is wrong if my lookup value is from a formula. In another cell, write the formula ="MyData"=B43 (or if your search value is residing in cell A1, you would write =A1=B43). I have workSheet like. VLOOKUP Returns a value but it is incorrect. Returns a value you specify if a formula evaluates to an error; otherwise, returns the result of the formula: IFNA: Excel 2013+: Returns the value you specify if the expression resolves to #N/A, otherwise returns the result of the expression: VLOOKUP: Looks in the first column of an array and moves across the row to return the value of a cell If the lookup column is not sorted ascending then you will get unpredictable results: it might return the correct result, it might return #N/A or it might even return a wrong value! In this case I think your safest option is to change your formulae so that they tell VLOOKUP() to do an exact match. for example, if the value in B2 is found in row 23 of 'otherworksheet', i am getting There is a VLOOKUP formula in C12 and the output is correctly displayed. That’s because the lookup_value Apple has some leading spaces. Select the Manufacture option after clicking on the filter button from the Department header. This tool is invaluable for anyone who works with large datasets, enabling you to quickly retrieve and manipulate data. The item for the look up is a part number. com/watch/EFVvgyrFadMExcel Specifying Appropriate Match Method in VLOOKUP Formula. 0 VLOOKUP not giving expected results. But for some madications the VLOOKUP is returning the wrong value. Next to the drop down box on the second worksheet is a vlookup What this does is return the value if it finds A2, in the range B2:B98, it doesn't find A2, it returns "" (blank), instead of #VALUE. There are two match types when working with the VLOOKUP function: TRUE is for Approximate Match and False is for Exact Match. VLOOKUP not returning the value. For example, instead of returning 15/11/2010 on one of them, it returns 16/03/1900. I know that vlookup returns the value of the first result it finds, which is why "0" is returned for Steve, Ben, and Jane. So I have 2 worksheets where I want to search a code bar in a table and if in that table is exists it returns the item no. Check for Typos and Spaces. Tried multiple iterations, and even attempted to match a value exactly. Excel VLOOKUP is Not Returning the Correct Value – 9 Reasons and Solutions; VLOOKUP Not Picking up Table Array in Another Spreadsheet; Excel VLOOKUP Returning Column Header Instead of Value; Excel VLOOKUP is Not Working with Numbers – 2 Solutions Lookup returning wrong value. Suppose, we want to Lookup_value can be a value or a reference to a cell. Here are some more specific steps on how to fix VLOOKUP returning a 0 value: 1. table_array (required) The range of cells in which the VLOOKUP will search for the lookup_value and the return value. Incorrect using vlookup formula. Reason 2 – Wrong Match Type. There are a number of possible reasons for this: You didn’t specify whether Excel must do an Exact or I'm struggling trying to find why my vlookup is not returning the right value. Method 2 – Use a VLOOKUP Formula to Lookup a Value in a Column and Return a Value of Another Column Case 2. Then, I compared two cells that looked like they had matching values and they evaluated to FALSE (A1=B1 resulted As u/mimicgiraffe pointed out, you can use INDEX ( MATCH ( ) ) to return lookups either side of the lookup value. However, it is return a value from one of the Both problems above can be fixed by forcing VLOOKUP to do an exact match. Solution. So if your data has duplicate values, the VLOOKUP will return the results for the lookup value 🥇 I don't know if this helps, but here is a picture of the sheet and the userform with a2 being selected from the Combobox "Solid". I am quite frustrated. Instead it should leave the cell empty and only put in a zero ( 0 ) when it says 0 in the countries tab, as it does in the case of Sweden. If you look up any value in any other column, the VLOOKUP will not work between the However, there's nothing more frustrating than when VLOOKUP returns the wrong value, leaving you scratching your head and wondering what went wrong. The following example contrasts the results that you receive when you use the LOOKUP() VLOOKUP Returning Wrong Value? Jul 3, 2013. Agulha 40x12 has a unit price of R$0. If we use TRUE, if there is any exact match of our reference value, VLOOKUP will get its result in that exact match row. The first situation involves VLOOKUP returning a value but it is not what you expected or incorrect. Some products haven't been sold in that year, There are no duplicate name in the medication column, no leading or trailing spaces, and since the input for the VLOOKUP is a Data Validation, the value is correct. In the file "Station Serial Nos - Ladders" I need the EAM Location and EAM FL to be brought across from the "Ladder Listing with SNs 14-08-2024" file based on the serial number. I am creating a spreadsheet that needs to see the value in one column, lookup that value in a table on another sheet, and return the value in an adjacent column from the other sheet. Solution:. JoB_19. You can use a named range or a table, and you can use names However, in the final steps, I noticed that one of my functions was returning the wrong value. values are returned in column a and column b is blank. So for example - here is my vlookup formula for 2 rows: =VLOOKUP(A3,'[Order =VLOOKUP(Annn,ACCT_PMT,3) - where nnn is the current row number. Using the infor from this site i have been able to calculate how many staff are working at each hour of the day. In the following section, Formula VLOOKUP always picks up first find value from your database. vLookup not working as expected. order qty, etc. But the VLOOKUP function only returns the first instance (Bottles come first when seen top to bottom). Again, there is a chance that this could also return false positives. There seems to be no rhyme or reason as to what value it returns to me, just picks a random cell out of all the options. I'm using a vlookup to return quantities of various products sold over the last year from a list of products. Specifically, using the TRUE argument results in an approximate match condition, which matches the nearest value and may return an erroneous result. To ensure VLOOKUP correctly identifies duplicates, sort your data to have the preferred record on top, as VLOOKUP will return the first matching value. The formula returns other values. If lookup value Reason for VLOOKUP Not Working 1: You Give a Wrong Last VLOOKUP Input We will discuss eight possible reasons here that can cause a VLOOKUP formula to not work as it should be. to seall12. try the complete syntax Vlookup Returning Wrong Value? solved Hi All, Please see my image below. Hi, I get this respons for my VLOOKUP Company Vehicles in brand Age Vehicles total Country Type AGUSTIN MARTINEZ, S. 2 INDEX/MATCH Returning the wrong value. One way to test: suppose you're searching for the value "MyData" and you expect Vlookup to find it in cell B43. I've ensured that the hours data is formatted the same way. I've added a new sheet ("Erik Help") which is a duplicate of your first sheet. RowColumn Forums. The algorithm, to save time Problem : Vlookup returns the value in the wrong row Example: look up value in cell B3 --> expect return value in same row cell C3, as "item_B". Value Returned-If your Vlookup function is simply returning the wrong value, check the following: Are the values you are searching in the left column of the table_array? For the Vlookup function to work, the values that you are searching must be in the left column of the table_array. Bottles and Pens. Does anyone know how to Formula Lookup returns wrong value. 5 Ways to Fix Vlookup Returning Wrong Value 1. Fourth missing parameter: The 4th parameter of the VLOOKUP function is optional but it is the cause of many errors Hidden column: Having My VLOOKUP keeps returning the value that is in the row above where the correct value is. If that's the case, and you don't specify 0 or FALSE as the last parameter in the VLOOKUP, it will return the closest match, which would be the row above it. The values in these two cells are obtained from other worksheet using VLOOKUP. AliGW. I'm not too sure how to get around this. Pay attention to the details and make sure your data and formulas are set up correctly to achieve accurate results with VLOOKUP. Common Reasons for Incorrect VLOOKUP Results. Featured content New posts New Excel articles Latest activity. However, the value it returns is not matching up with the hours in the table. Skip to main content. The Significance of VLOOKUP Hi All, I am new to excel functions, I have two columns of data A2 and B2. Problem: The lookup_value argument is more than 255 characters. If an exact match is not found, the next largest value that is less than lookup_value is returned. Ensure that the column index number corresponds to the desired column in the lookup table. **Why is my VLOOKUP returning the wrong value?** VLOOKUP is a powerful function in Excel that allows you to search for a value in a specified range and return a corresponding value from another column. I've checked the lookup table ("WOS") and the corresponding values are there. This is what is happening: When A1 is the lookup value it return the correct value (B1) The most common reason for VLOOKUP returning wrong values is an incorrect column index number specified in the formula. Viewed 105 times 0 . When I use the vlookup function, it displays a When you are performing a VLOOKUP using an approximate match, you set the range_lookup value to TRUE. Press ENTER. Vlookup Returning Wrong Value . Sub comp() Dim sRange As String Dim result As String sRange = "z:z" If sRange = "NO" Or sRange = "NOT SURE" Then Guys, I have an issue whereby vlookup is returning incorrect data. In my sheet, I deleted your LOOKUP formulas from B20:B27 and replaced them with one array formula. The vlookup function appears to be broken. ’ And that’s the third occurrence of ‘Saturday’ in your data. I've attached the two files. What's new. VLOOKUP supports a maximum of 255 characters length of a lookup value argument. VLOOKUP is not designed to be used for this purpose. Vlookup returning wrong value. The lookup is just trying to find the identifier and then return the quantity for that identify from the next column. Thread starter RisingPhoenix; Start date May 6 Did you specify what column of information to return? With Vlookup, you can specify the column etc. On sheet 3 i have included a vlookup which is returning wrong values. VLOOKUP not giving expected results. I'm Excel VLOOKUP gives wrong value. The third Criterion of 0 is optional. 26. Wrong data format At the end of your first VLOOKUP you need to specify which column to return the value from on your 'CODES' sheet, Excel VLOOKUP gives wrong value. 0 VLOOKUP returning incorrect values On Sheet1 I have a list of names I have this formula =VLOOKUP(A54,Sheet2!A:D,4,FALSE) in a cell on Sheet1 to pull the dept to Sheet 1. I am calculating the hours in column C and using the VLOOKUP in column D. Ideally, I would enter City alone, and the State code, State, Postal Code and Country would be automatically filled (VLOOKUP function) - Figured out how to work, but can't use this one, since there many more than one city with the same name in US. Is there any way to fix this issue or to use another function\functions that returns the correct data when the criteria is met and doesn't return data when the criteria is not met. If all of the above concerns the use of VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP, which seem to be what people mean most of the time when But, to make it concise, I could try this. For instance, in cell C35 it would be =VLOOKUP(A35,ACCT_PMT,3) Suddenly within the last few days the cells in PAYMENT column C are NOT returning the appropriate values, and it's not obvious where they're getting the values they display. Modified 4 years, 7 months ago. Just supply the 4th argument (range_lookup) as FALSE or 0. The VLOOKUP formula seems to be finding the Descriptions fine, but instead of returning a price, it will literally return the word "Price" as a value. com VBA Lookup Returning Formula Instead of Value. The value 2 (third argument) tells the VLOOKUP function to return the =VLOOKUP("Jane Smith", A2:C4, 3, FALSE) This will return "Finance. And my code: i have a simple vlookup formula in one worksheet referenceing values in another worksheet, ie ' =vlookup(B2,otherworksheet!A2:D37,3) ' the data has been sorted, but the vlookup function continues to return a value from 'otherworksheet' that is physically one cell above the corect cell. Your lookup column has to be sorted for this type of VLOOKUP example to work. VLOOKUP text search is alphabetic & sequential in nature on sorted data. . The middle is D1. However, I'm getting stuck, and need help. In exact match mode, VLOOKUP will return the correct result if the lookup value is found and #N/A if not. VLookup returning a bad date . Sure, you have 1/4 and 1/2 but these are not the same as 0. If looking My VLOOKUP is returning values from cells above or below the one it should be returning. Now search range is 2 cells, and the search result assumed to be D1. Ask Question Asked 12 years, 4 months ago. New posts. IMPORTANT If range_lookup is either TRUE or is omitted, the values in the first column of table_array must be placed in ascending sort order; otherwise, VLOOKUP might not return the correct value. 20 This topic lists the most common problems that may occur with VLOOKUP, and the possible solutions. VLookup not returning the results. Not Defining Match Type. The image below shows a VLOOKUP with the range_lookup argument omitted, and the incorrect value being returned. 01-10-2018, 02:03 AM #2. g. If it's FALSE, everything makes sense - the VLOOKUP TRUE argument you have requires data to be sorted, but if AF87>400, then it's not sorted. ; We were supposed to get the Order ID of the look_up value, but instead we got #N/A. 201903 in the atatched sheet), the value returned is always the last value that was not null (200). Topics. I hope someone else finds it helpful as well. Change the formula and enter it into the cell. Look into using an IFERROR formula in conjunction with your VLOOKUP to eliminate this in the future. The format of all columns appears to be text, though I have formatted it within the macro as well to make sure. Vlookup returning wrong value . I am using vlookup formula to return values from power query import and by some reason excel is returning random values or zeros instead of the appropriate value. Hello, I love excel, but this one I can't get my head around. Or the IDs are not matching data types ie. This function looks for the value from cell B13 in the range of B5:C10. It is correct if I type the lookup value. This is working fine in most of the rows, except in a couple of situations where the output of the MAX function is the lowest number. VLOOKUP works with a minimum of three parameters (the Lookup value, Search range, and Column number are required). I’m trying to match a value from one worksheet and another on to display a column value but it’s showing the row above it and not the exact match. Are you wondering why the VLOOKUP function is returning #N/A instead of the value you need? This article will help you identify common errors and how you can correct them. If your data isn't sorted in ascending order, strange things can happen. How to fix this? Register To Reply. 5 because 0. Kindly see the attached screenshot for reference. Keep in mind that if the purpose of your VLOOKUP formula is not to return a value from another column, but to simply see if the value you are looking for exists, an alternative formula you can use is COUNTIF. In columns G and H, I've set the goals and the corresponding date in the hopes of matching the goal to the date in row 2. For people with order, the results are unreliable. VLookup Date formatting returning wrong value and format. So, when the lookup value is Low A*, it is searching for "low A" or "Low AA" or any other text string that begins with "low A". You're best looking at using INDEX/MATCH and using a wildcard (*) in your match statement. Thread starter BigJohn; Start date Oct 18, 2006; B. Not sure why this is happening. Before you begin using VLOOKUP, you should be aware that it isn’t always the best option for Excel users. Excel 1: Excel 2 with VLOOKUP formula: Can someone help on how can I fix I've tried using a VLOOKUP formula like so, where A2 is 04/07/2020: =VLOOKUP(A2, B2:C, 2 FALSE) But it is returning the value relative to the date before the one I'm looking for. Try this: =VLOOKUP(MAX(Sheet2!D:D),Sheet2!D:E,2,0) I'm not familiar with other versions of excel e. Out of an array ranging from 0-8000, from the 6663 point and up, it constantly returns the same value in the reference row it's trying to grab from. A new column is added between columns B and D. I resolve it by formatting the cell as General or Number depending on what I'm looking up, then click fx again to reopen the function arguments box, then click OK. This is not a bug. Hello, Novice with Vlookup - I really thought I had this but this formula keeps producing the wrong value. Once the values match because you've fixed the error, the formula will return the correct answer that it is looking for. Basically, all of my VLOOKUP formulas work, except for this one. In Microsoft Excel 2011 (OSX), I am using the MAX function to obtain the largest value between two cells. However, when it comes to putting this info on a format the staff are familiar with, i am having issues. Please see attached example. Vlookup to return a value from a different row Dear all, Am I doing something wrong? Cheers Register To Reply. LOOKUP requires that all search-column information be in strict least-to-greatest order, so it wouldn't work with your data. However, there are several reasons why your VLOOKUP formula might be returning an unexpected or incorrect value. youtube. Instead it is returning the value five rows below the value it should be returning. However, if you do not want to sort the list, it is possible to use the OFFSET and MATCH functions instead. Lookup value characters length. Free Excel Courses. The Vlookup is looking for a part name and is supposed to be returning the part number. NBVC. How to Fix: Handle errors by using IFERROR() to return a blank or custom value. Lookup Value in the Wrong Column One of Vlookup Returning Wrong ValueWatch more videos for more knowledgeVlookup Problem #1 - Need an Exact Match https://www. In this article, we'll explore the common reasons behind VLOOKUP errors and provide you with 5 ways to fix Google Sheets VLOOKUP returning the wrong value. Array VLookup Returning Incorrect Value VBA. So you will notice that the values picked for some cells is because they come 1st in your data base and the behavior which you feel is weird is because for those cells 1st find value is zero. This is only happening for certain times of the day. 1 How to return an array with vlookup. The zeros happened in just some of my results. Specifically, VLOOKUP will look for the greatest value that is less than or equal to the value being sought, and then return the value in the Nth column of that corresponding row. In the following image, you can see that I have applied the You can Try for: range_lookup= False: FALSE searches for the exact value in the first column. It should return a value of 4. From Support. VLOOKUP completely broken and returning wrong values. The Problem - Wrong value returned What went wrong - If range_lookup is TRUE or left out, the first column needs to be sorted alphabetically or numerically. 1 – VLOOKUP Formula for an Exact Match Apply the following formula in your result cell (i. I noticed this happened with some of my previous sheets before this, and it got me wondering what causes this? Shouldn't it return as #N/A or #ERROR instead? Hi, I'm using a VLOOKUP function to get the sales for a specific month. It works fine, but when the value returned by VLookup is a date and I set it to the other sheet it looses its date format. Copy link duccoder commented Oct 16, 2015. Products. VLOOKUP Not Returning Value. Although we had two products against Item Code 15 i. MATCH gives INDEX the row, and the column is 1. Ok, lets consider 2 scenarios: 1. Maybe I'm not I have made a formula, demonstrated in a separate article, that allows you to VLOOKUP and return multiple values across worksheets, there is also an Add-In that makes it even easier to accomplish this task. If there is a match, then it returns the value from the respective C5: Guide to VLOOKUP Errors in Excel. I have a fairly simple lookup table: The formula I have Excel VLOOKUP gives wrong value. I'm expecting 5 as result, which I was able to get in first row because I typed '80%'. text vs number. As you stated, there are duplicate values in which few are zeros. In this example, this will be the value 80. Hello to all, In which cases the vlookup will return the value for the first instance it finds. I should think this would return the value in the same row as "Cointreau", only from column 6 (the value being $1. =VLOOKUP(value,table,column) // danger, approximate match =VLOOKUP(value,table,column,0) // exact match Vlookup is returning the wrong value (I think) I must be missing something really easy: The formula is With no 4th argument specified (return_type) VLOOKUP adopts approximate match mode. INDEX MATCH will not return the correct value if you do not provide any match type. thanks306065 I am working with an excel file and I am trying to "map" some values with the vLookUp function. is the right answer, but it always return value in green circle What is wrong with my code? Posts from: Issues with VLOOKUP. 1. Fortunately, the Boolean TRUE (fourth argument) tells the VLOOKUP function to return an approximate match. When you put TRUE – Approximate Match then the VLOOKUP function can return the The formula Lookup keeps returning the cell value in the row above the one that I want. TRUE vlookup brings the wrong results. View Profile View Forum Posts Forum Expert Join Date 12-06-2006 Location Mississauga, CANADA MS-Off Ver VLOOKUP, or Vertical Lookup, is an Excel function that allows you to search for a specific value in the first column of a table and return a value in the same row from another column. Reply. A VLOOKUP parameter is missing. To begin with, it can’t be used to lookup data to the left of it. I am looking up strings of text that may or may not exist in a data import. In the Source dataset, the Name column is in the first position. But around line 21, it starts randomly putting the same data as the line above, even though it Hi, I've received data from someone and when I try to do a VLookup, it returns the wrong value for some cells but not others. VLOOKUP is one of the most powerful and versatile functions in Excel, but it can also be one of the most frustrating. So in our example below, we can see that the Sales column is not sorted in ascending order. These values don't exist in your table on Sheet2. The named range is the entire selection on the right. Here’s the sample table. Microsoft. I'm wondering if anyone else has had this problem in a random cell. And I've been through using the formula tools in excel and verified that everything works, the correct sheet and areas are being referenced, however it's returning the wrong values to the cells. " 👍. C 11 ) Okay - Here's a doozy of a use-case. Solution: Shorten the value, or use a combination of INDEX and MATCH functions as I have then copied and pasted this column as values (side note I have tried looking up with various formats e. 4, but Learn the common causes and solutions for VLOOKUP returning unexpected results, such as approximate match, multiple lookup values, array position, column reference The VLOOKUP formula returns wrong value. I am trying to use the Vlookup function to return State name based on the corresponding state code. Now, if you only need one If an exact match is not found, the next largest value that is less than lookup_value is returned. Additionally, specifying the wrong match method in the VLOOKUP function can lead to incorrect output even if the data exists. There are no duplicates. =VLOOKUP(B2,D2:E5,2,False) I hope this helps, Please let me know if you have The TRUE value relies on your data being sorted in ascending order to work. And when I want to look it up and place a YES or NO is there is a match, is also not working as Hello, For some reason when i run a vlookup, it is only returning the first lookup value for the whole column. Sometimes they work; sometimes they return an Excel error; and sometimes they simpy return the wrong result VLookup returning wrong value? Hello I used the vlookup formula properly and in some of my returns it gave me a 0 when the actual result should have been nothing. VLOOKUP and INDEX-MATCH were returning #N/A for values that were "apparently" equal. Dim lookup_range As Range Dim my_index, my_value As Variant my_value = Application. 11 VLOOKUP returns Agulha 40x12 price as R$0. I had to do some minor adjustments but this answered my question on how to return the last value of an array (no vlookup).
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