Shining force domingo egg. 41 posts 1; 2; 3; Next; Wing Eye.

Shining force domingo egg Любители японской анимации уже давно поняли ,что аниме сериалы могут дать порой гораздо больше пи Ку! Кин-дза-дза Aug 14, 2021 · Updated: Single-Player Polled Average Main Story 36 22h 01m Main + Extras 20 21h 52m Completionists 8 22h 06m All PlayStyles 64 21h 59m. Shining Hero. Go up the stairs once and then head down into another room. 3 posts • Page 1 of 1. Cheats. ↳ Shining Force II; ↳ Shining Force II Hacking; ↳ Shining Force Gaiden Final Feb 7, 2025 · The Shining Force [] Domingo won't join you unless Max had the Domingo Egg from the Manarina robot and hatched that egg in the Item Shop in the second Pao. Posts: 19 Joined: Wed Apr 25 2012 5:05am Location: Idaho, USA. Talk to Anri, who will join your team. May 31, 2023 · Shining Force. Now head go to speak with Otrant Sep 20, 2004 · After that search the strange machine near him to get the egg. In Chapter 4, keep the item until you reach the Domingo is another odd character.  · Shining Force: SHINING FORCE - BROTHERS MOD *v3. Enter the town and talk to all the people in Rindo. This thing warms an egg and hatches it in seconds. com. Posts: 3255 Joined: Tue Feb 17 2009 4:50am. I Shining Force Gaiden og Shining Force CD, søk i buskene i Battle 12 (nattens bakholdskamp) for Feb 16, 2025 · Magical Creatures are secret jellyfish-like characters in the games Shining Force: The Legacy of Great Intention, Shining Force: Resurrection of Dark Dragon, Shining Force Gaiden and Shining Force CD. I'm too old to get lost. Posts: 62 Joined: Thu Jun 06 2013 2:55pm. Mar 10, 2011 · Well, I don't love Domingo and I hardly ever use him. when there Luke will use the bomb you  · Shining Force. But as I recall you won't find your answers by comparing late stats. Feb 25, 2003 · In my opinion, the question of choosing a Force is much more important in Shining Force 2 than it is in the original Shining Force, because choosing the best mix of strength, mobility, and magic requires considerable more thought and can make the difference between able to play a well-flowing, technical masterpiece of a game with, little-to-no Apr 25, 2012 · My uncle found the Teppou when I lent him my Shining Force copy many years ago. Jun 8, 2004 · Shining Force Cheats. And he'll join! GUNTZ joins the SHINING FORCE! Now to get Domingo and Guntz's cards. 13 posts • Page Go to the item shop and a guy will be able to hatch the Domingo Egg, Domingo will be hatched and join the force. All mages who want to be great train there. Jump to page: Items: There are four category of items available throughout the game: Store Items: Antidote: Angel Wing: Healing Seed: Medical Herb: Special Items: Domingo Egg  · Note that the original Shining Force has a seperate forum. 41 posts 1; 2; 3; Next; Wing Eye. Questions. I may have some information for you. I think even an old post from an add on book says Domingo eggs used to be more prevalent during ancient times or  · Shining Force. Name / Effect: Locations: Kaku-chan (Papa Doll) Nothing Not Available in Shops: Battle against Colossus (North Wall) Kenji (Public Prosecutor) Nothing Not Available in Shops: Battle 13: Bush between two walls: 4 days ago · Pao is a town composed of a large group of moving wagons, which roams the Pao Prairie southwest of Uranbatol. Log in to add games to your lists. The Domingo Sep 25, 2011 · (Battle 12 - General Elliot) OPTIONALLY JOINs (15) DOMINGO : In Pao's 2nd location, there is a man with an egg hatching device. "Shining Force: The Legacy of the Gods", commonly referred to as Shining Force) is a 1992 turn-based strategy role-playing video game for the Mega Drive/Genesis console and later re-released in Sega Smash Pack 2. Oct 6, 2004 · Note that the original Shining Force has a seperate forum. The game was the brain-child of Hiroyuki Takahashi, who left working on the Guard 2: General Elliott was worried that Darksol was getting ready to open some door. I just finished playing SF1 for the first time in years and want to give SF2 another whirl. Lightside. East of the item shop is a pigpen with a hunk of metal in it. Allow him to use your Domingo egg. Shining Force cheats, Unlockables, Tips, and Codes for GBA. līmenī esošajiem spēkiem. Reviews. Tough battle, huh? Once in Manarina, talk to Anri. They are most often bought in shops, though they may also be found in chests or dropped by defeated enemies. They can be  · Shining Force. Anyway, after the bunch of enemies up front, first take care of the Gargoyles - they have Blaze 2; they can attack multiple enemies at once. Izmantojot Shining Force Gaiden un Shining Force CD, pārmeklējiet krūmus 12. The Japanese names are given only in kana within the game, so the kanji are lifted from the Shining Force Encyclopedia. Sections As you might have guessed, there's no such thing as a Ninja egg! The only egg you get during the game is the Domingo Egg which is used to hatch Domingo, the Freeze-casting jellyfish-like creature  · Shining Force. WTF. Completed. Appearance be damned. May 15, 2023 · Shining Force. All games mentioned in this site are copyrighted by their respective producers and publishers. Cómo obtener: En una máquina en Manarina. Khris, Guntz, Alef and Domingo are all not realistic. Orb of Light: A beautiful crystal. Presumably because he has nowhere else to go, after he hatches from his egg he chooses to join the May 8, 2004 · Other characters can easily beat the Dark Mages). Posts about the GBA remake belong in the forum  · Shining Force. ; Das Team bei Climax Entertainment, das für Shining Force mitverantwortlich zeichnete, bestand teils aus ehemaligen Programmierern von Enix’ Dragon-Quest-Reihe. Caedmonball19. I wonder if the Domingo Egg still has a use, since it's still in the game . Forma de vida artificial creada por magos de Manarina. Feb 17, 2009 · Until Domingo returns from the battle with dark sol and frees his people from manarina, to start Shining Force: Domingo. Posts: 615  · Shining Force. Domingo Shining Force Genesis . Nace de un Huevo de Domingo. Domingo appearance mimics a jellyfish, with a white cap with coloured spots and a pair of white tentacle like apendages. Jump to page:  · Shining Forums. Apr 28, 2023 · Full cure entire force: None: Speed Ring: Egress: Equip for +4 AGI: Power Ring: Boost 1: Equip for +4 ATT: Mobility Ring: None: Equip for +2 MOV: White Ring: Aura 1: Equip for +6 DEF: Black Ring: Blaze 3: Equip for +6 ATT Cursed: Evil Ring: Bolt 3: Equip for +8 ATT Cursed: Yogurt Ring: Look like Jogurt: Look like Jogurt: Bread Of Life Vejce se nachází v brnění v Manarině hradu. when your ready leave the town and head to the north east of the map. Plus I think replaying the same battles more than once (well, for me OverviewShining Force is a turn-based tactical RPG initially released for the . If you have no Domingo Egg. Newbie. I wanted to ask here what does it do? just incase it does anything bad. Crear un wiki Iniciar sesión ¿No tienes una cuenta? Registrarse Domingo Egg. Go up the stairs, and up the next flight of stairs. A man in the item shop will incubate and hatch your Domingo Egg. Mr. In a tent southwest of the sheep pen, one of the nomads has a hatching machine. It contains the Domingo Egg (needed to obtain Domingo!!). Etter at egget er klekket, vil Domingo bli med i styrken på nivå 1. I used Domingo for every battle since he joined the force. 10: 6. To my recollection there was a second Domingo Creature in  · Shining Force. And the winner is Discussion about the original classic Genesis/Mega Drive game. The game Aug 17, 2019 · Note that the original Shining Force has a seperate forum. There are several levels and wings to this bulilding, including the VIP Mage Lounge, the Library and many rooms for experiments. Domingo: When Pao settles in its second location, speak with the pigs in town to find the card. Search all the chests to find: Steel Sword; Elven Arrow; Leave Pao Nov 30, 2006 · Use the Domingo egg with it, voila! GUNTZ: If you spoke with his creator before in Rindo, you'll find him in Pao village, after it has stopped, terrorizing the sheep (don't ask). We have gaming information and you can play online. Tipo: Clave. Domingo joins Max's Force after hatching from an egg. Additionally, his DEF and HP values aren't bad considering his main offense is casting spells. 5 posts • Page 1 of 1. „Shining Force Gaiden“ ir „Shining Force CD“ ieškokite krūmų 12 mūšyje (naktinė pasalos mūšis 3 days ago · The town of Manarina is famous for its school of magic. I really want to try it! Browse custom sets, search custom cards, or create your own! Domingo Egg Used to Hatch Domingo Not Available in Shops: Manarina: Fake Monster: Miscellaneous Items. [1] Jan 6, 2025 · Shining Force war der inoffizielle Nachfolger zu Shining in the Darkness. Talk to Domingo and he’ll join the Force. As most have said, he gets good defense early in the game, he flies and he can be 10 levels ahead of the rest of the force earning the same xp. Talk to him and if you have the Domingo Egg in anyones inventory, he hatches it and Domingo is born. 5/10 Jan 9, 2025 · Domingo is a reoccurring character and optional party member in the Shining series. Here, you can find a complete list of all the items in the game, along with their status and effects. give him the Domingo egg that you got earlier  · Shining Force. sulfuroxp. 5 is out now!* Kane has joined the force! Now with Challenges! Discussion about the original classic Genesis/Mega Drive game. Posts about the GBA remake belong in the forum below. I was playing through the first Shining Force, and then suddenly came across to this Domingo Egg. A little further on you will find someone who can change you back to a human. Išsiritus kiaušiniui, Domingo prisijungs prie 1 lygio pajėgų. Mar 8, 2025 · Items are an important part of any Shining Force game. I'm making this all up but until I find out more about him, my wild speculation could possibly be true. Shining Member. ehow22. You will discover a Domingo Egg. Cheats for Shining Force Classics are popular, and hard to find working one. Posts: 304 Joined: Wed Oct 06 2004 8:37am. Deze zal je vervolgens in een kip veranderen. 11 posts • Page 1 of 1. Play Nintendo, Atari, and Colecovision games for free. Egg Holder: I've got a very great item here. give him the Domingo egg that you got earlier. Ga de eerste de beste kamer in en praat tegen de andere magician. Domingo Egg: A strange egg obtained in Manarina. Kokichi: Show some respect, you punk! Yeah, after you folks left Bustoke, I finally got these things working! I didn't know until I heard it from the townspeople, but Shining Force for Genesis. Jan 17, 2007 · Say yes, and he'll warm it up for you! Out of the blew DOMINGO appears then he'll join! DOMINGO joins the SHINING FORCE! After that go to the Pao Pig pen on the bottom right hand corner of town and talk to Guntz inside the Pao Pig pen. You can also recruit Guntz On the ground floor level you’ll be able to find the Domingo Egg in what looks like a large monster suit against a wall in a room to the upper right of the map. Ähnlichkeiten im visuellen Stil wie auch in der Benutzerführung sind offensichtlich. That hunk (of metal) is Guntz. Shining Force. Aby se vejce vylíhlo, musí být vejce přeneseno do Pao a inkubováno. Jun 8, 2004 · For Shining Force: Resurrection of the Dark Dragon on the Game Boy Advance, GameFAQs has 56 cheat codes and secrets. Po vylíhnutí vajíčka se Domingo připojí k Síle na úrovni 1. Feb 21, 2025 · This quiz contains questions concerning some of the characters in the classic Sega Mega DriveGenesis RPG Shining Force! Fun Trivia. Go to the sheep pen to see Guntz again, he will join the force. The chapter begins with Max standing to the side of the town of Rindo; step to the east and enter. Loop vervolgens de trap op. If you want, Egress and put Domingo in, or do it after this battle. Sep 18, 2001 · -->EVENT: DOMINGO the MCRT has joined the Shining Force Now back to the battle. Right in front of Max is the weapons shop (the building on the right side) which contains upgraded weapons worth an investment for some characters. Posts: 2935 Joined: Tue Feb 17 2009 4:50am. Posts: 2906 Joined: Tue Feb 17 2009 4:50am. They are constantly travelling in search of new grazing for their livestock, the Paopigs. See screenshots, get game directions, hints, and other information. Notify me about new: Guides. Don't bother buying a Power Staff Search the fake monster to obtain the Domingo Egg; Talk to Anri; Talk to Anri once more to recruit her; Talk to Otrant, agree; Talk to Wizard blocking the Cavern of Darkness; Battle 6: Defeat Skeleton; Use the Orb of Light to speak to the spirit; Talk to and recruit Arthur; Return to Rindo; Rindo. The Black Sheep Domingo I feel like would be a created being as he comes from an egg which comes from a scary looking machine. Once he's finished, Domingo will appear, so talk In a room a mage will say he doesn't get visitors much, talk to him a second time and he will tell you to search his machine, you will find a Domingo Egg. While playing through the game over and over I stumbled across a way to duplicate items! There are some serious  · Shining Force. Search the fake monster to obtain the Domingo Egg; Talk to Anri; Talk to Anri once more to recruit her; Talk to Otrant, agree; Talk to Wizard blocking the Cavern of Darkness; Battle 6: Defeat Skeleton; Use the Orb of Light to speak to the spirit; Talk to and recruit Arthur; Return to Rindo; Rindo. Shining Force: Team SF1 #10. Posts: 6612 Joined: Wed Aug 20 2008 4:14am only "secret" item I ever found myself was the Domingo egg, and even then it was by pure accident because the huge monster looked interesting to New Force Members: Anri New Items: Speed Ring, Domingo Egg. Shining Force is a turn-based tactical RPG initially released for the Sega Genesis. Old man: Where am I? Don't tell anyone I got lost. . Later, after Pao has moved once, talk to everyone until you find the man with the egg-hatching Aug 10, 2004 · Head to the shop keeper and sell your items that you don't want, he wont have anything new to buy, In the right corner of the shop there is a egg man. Android iOS (iPhone/iPad) Linux Macintosh PC. 14 posts • Page 1 of 1. Talk to the mayor; Talk to the man blocking the Sep 30, 2023 · In Chapter 4, keep the item until you reach the Pao Caravan after the battle against Elliot. V Shining Force Gaiden a Shining Force CD prohledejte křoví v Battle 12 (noční přepadová  · Shining Forums. Posts: 2070 Joined: Sun Feb 15 2009 6:40pm Location: Chile Chile lindo, lindo como un sol! (8) Status: Offline . If you love Shining Force, you'll love Shining Force Central! Username: Password: Remember Me? A Wargasm-approved site. Im in the process of trying to copy the Domingo Egg! Im not sure if attempting more than one Domingo will corrupt the game or not. The only "reason" for it I think is because it's unexpected given the way he looks, that you hatch him from an egg, etc. I never found any of the secrets on my own.  · Shining Force. Precio Efecto $2000 Necesario para reclutar a Domingo. You’ll hear a short tune if you entered it correctly. Domingo_Egg 17 years ago #1. Posts: 302 Joined: Wed Oct 06 2004 8:37am. Posts: 3005 Joined: Tue Feb 17 2009 4:50am. Domingo is a life form created from the magic of a magician. Although it is essentially a fantasy-based video game, it contains some steampunk elements. The game was later ported to PC, iOS, and the Wii Virtual Console; a remake, which was titled Shining Force: Resurrection of the Dark Dragon, was released for the Game Boy Advance. Board Topics. Shining Force: Favourite town(s) Poll now includes Shade Abbey! Please re-vote. Jump to page: 3 days ago · Shining Force is a strategic turn-based video game that was published in 1992 for Sega Mega Drive/Genesis. Library. Talk with Domingo and he joins the Force. It is the home of the people of Pao - their town, so to speak. Diego_Didakus. Domingo will naturally hatch from it, and you have another person to add to your formation. Top. All materials are copyrighted by their respective authors. They're a neutral town, allowing heroes such as the Shining Force in as well as high-ranking members of the 5 days ago · Huevo de Domingo es un objeto clave en Shining Force. He appears as a black hairy creature with prominant eyes, and is often seen using one of his tentacles to push his cap up above his eyes. You should store this in your group until it is needed later in your quest. Moderator: Shining Moderators. kaujā (nakts slazds), lai  · Shining Force. Discussion about the original classic Genesis/Mega Drive game. Rating: Compared to characters promoted at lv. Mar 20, 1992 · Overview. DOMINGO has joined the shining force. These are all the Items available in the game Shining Force: Resurrection of the Dark Dragon. Then when Pao stops near Uranbatol talk to the man in the Item shop with an Jan 2, 2005 · Not a problem, just get one now. Magical creatures Having ventured out onto the Pao Plain, the Shining Force spots a train of wagons This is the Pao Caravan. Duplication Glitch. Jump to page:  · Shining Force. Just one nice smooth playthrough from beginning to end without any interuptions or delays. Estaba destinado para ser Oct 11, 2024 · The following table of items from Shining Force: Legacy of the Gods draws the names in the left column from the game's English localization. And that hatches from an egg. Items: There are four category of items available throughout the game: Store Items: Antidote: Angel Wing: Healing Seed: Medical Herb: Special Items: Domingo Egg Jun 8, 2004 · Unlockable Unlockable; Chapter 2) Talk to him before you leave Rindo: Arthur: Chapter 4) Take your egg to the Egg Warmer to get him: Domingo: Chapter 1) Go to the house to the far east of the  · Shining Force. Posts: 3002 Joined: Tue Feb 17 2009 4:50am. Member. Lai izperētu olu, ola jānogādā Pao un jāinkubē. While playing through the game over and over I stumbled across a way to duplicate items! There are some serious Effect Code; Hero - Infinite Money: 01303A10 + 0000FFFF: Hero - Max Money: 01303A0E + 00000F00 + 01303A10 + 00003F42: Hero - Infinite HP: 00303A27 + 00000063 Manarīnas pilī bruņu tērpā atrodas ola. For Shining Force III on the Saturn, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "egg in an early house?". Tiene un cuerpo gelatinoso y puede entender a los humanos. Part comic relief, part whoa-he A secret, playable character in Climax Entertainment's 1992 Shining Force: The Legacy of Great Intention Sega Genesis tactical roleplaying video game [said title was later made available on the Sega Dreamcast, Personal Computer, Sony Playstation 3, Microsoft Xbox 360, and Nintendo Wii (as a selection on various Sega compilations or as downloadable content); it was also Despite actually being born during the events of the game, Domingo is quite intelligent, and capable of fluent English speech. To get him, first take the Domingo egg from the odd monster in Manarina. In a room a mage will say he doesn't get visitors much, talk to him a second time and he will tell you to search his machine, you will find Sep 30, 2023 · Domingo the MGCR Recruitment: In Chapter 2, you can find the Domingo Egg in a weird golem-looking machinery in Manarina. Shining force 2 also has no chapters which makes the game a lot less linear which in turn gives you a lot more freedom. He looks like a flying jellyfish, and for some reason, has  · Shining Force. Huevo de Domingo es un objeto clave en Shining Force. Shining Force: 20 Questions III. Search in Manarina to find the Domingo Egg. Jump to page: 5 days ago · Shining Force: The Legacy of Great Intention (シャイニング・フォース 神々 (かみがみ) の遺 (い) 産 (さん) , Shainingu Fōsu: Kamigami no Isan?, lit. I have written a guide on its sequel Shining Force 2 for Genesis which was a great game so I decided to play this game and see how good it is. Coins, also known as GOLD, are the commonly accepted currency across the Shining Force world. Feb 24, 2025 · Domingo es un aliado en Shining Force. Lost Shining Purple. So make a backup of your file just in case If you love Shining Force, you'll love Shining Force Central! Username: Password: Remember Me? WOOP WOOP WOOP! Go get it! It's a Domingo egg. Debut: Shining Force. Domingo- A Domingo, hence Domingo Egg Musashi- Human Alef- Foxling * Force Members マックス = Max ラグ = Rug, Lug, Lag ケン = Ken タオ = Tao ハンス = Hans ロウ = Lowe バルバロイ = Balbaroy ゴング = Gong ザッパ = Zappa コーキチ = Kokichi ドミンゴ = Domingo ガンツ = Guntz / Gantz ライル = Lyle バリュウ = Bleu アンリ = Anri  · Shining Force. In the Tactical RPGs, a character is often limited to carrying four items at a time. A very useful item. Under the Et egg ligger i en rustning i Manarinas slott. Post by Eric » Mon Aug 15 2016 1:06am. For å klekke egget må egget tas med til Pao og ruges. After runs away, you can search that weird looking monster thing in the room near the library. Yeah, I'd say Domingo is probably the most SF series exclusive creature. I mean look at Creed and Geshp but then look at Odd Eye and Mishaela. Nov 15, 2004 · Love the Mod so far. Shining Force: Library. Status: Offline . Pēc olas izšķilšanās Domingo pievienosies 1. Let me know if you find any rare eggs. Freeze, once completely mastered, Apr 22, 2003 · Shining force 2 is longer and a lot harder (This makes the game better) also the controls are a lot nicer! I prefer the story line to Shining force 2 and feel the talking is a lot better. Manarina is North-West of Rindo and West of Shade Abbey The Manarina Mage School is the main building in Manarina. Earnest: Domingo: Chapter 4) Take your egg to the Egg Warmer to get him: Gong: Chapter 1) Go to the house to the far east of Jul 25, 2007 · Head to the shop keeper and sell your items that you don't want, he wont have anything new to buy, In the right corner of the shop there is a egg man. Jump to: Unlockable (4) Tip (2) Domingo: Bring your egg to the Egg Warmer in Chapter 4: Gong:  · Shining Force. Ebenfalls an der Entwicklung beteiligt war Sonic! Manarinos pilyje šarvų kostiume yra kiaušinis. The game was later ported to , iOS, and the ; a remake, which was titled Shining Force: Resurrection of the Dark Dragon, was released for the Game Boy Advance. Go next door to the item shop and talk to the egg warmer (guy standing by the basket) to hatch the Domingo egg you got earlier.  · Love the Mod so far. SF1 was, as usual, incredibly easy. Posts: 2911 Joined: Tue Feb 17 2009 4:50am. Search the machine to receive Domingo Egg and Shining Force II Genesis . Dominigo pops out an thanks you for hatching him and joins. See more  · Domingo is fairly distinctive as he looks like a ball of fur under a bucket! Get the Domingo Egg from the fake monster in the top right-but-one 6 days ago · A Domingo Egg can be found in the Manarina Mage School in Shining Force: The Legacy of Great Intention and Shining Force: Resurrection of the Dark Dragon. SHINING FORCE Ⅲ这次是分三集来出,第一集是以共和国的剑士为主角,第二集则转为帝国的王子,第三集便是以中立的流浪佣兵为主角。 三部作品的主角分别是剑士“辛比奥斯”、王子“米狄奥”以及浪人“朱利安”的三个人的视点展开,整个剧情不仅宏大还相互交错。  · Shining Force. Norint išperinti kiaušinį, jį reikia nunešti į Pao ir inkubuoti. Then when Pao stops near Uranbatol talk to the man in the Item shop with an incubator and he will hatch the egg. Urgat. Posts: 803 Joined: Mon Jan 25 2010 12:06am. After the battle, the travelling town of Pao will reappear.  · Note that the original Shining Force has a seperate forum. 316 posts Page 10 of 16. Talk to the man in the upper-right corner and agree to let him hatch the Domingo Egg. Hatch it when you get a chance! Come back before you leave. Shining Force: suggest a team. Shining Force: What challenges have you done? Discussion about the original classic Genesis/Mega Drive game. Eric. When the SEGA logo appears, quickly press Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, B. Now hold Start through the witch’s opening menus. Is Shining Force 1 or 2 Oct 21, 2009 · Domingo (pre-promoted and good) Musashi (pre-promoted and awesome) Anyways, not having to redo battles is one of my obsolute favourite things about the Shining Force series. A friend of Amigo in Shining Force Gaiden. Talk to the mayor; Talk to the man blocking the Domingo is another odd character. News. May 17, 2006 · Domingo Musashi Alef Hanzou Nova Otrant Marionette Elliot Mishaela often the words are interchanged, but in Shining Force, Devils are the name of the race who follow the darkness. 41 posts Previous; 1; 2; 3; Next; DomingoRules! Shining Legend. C2 : Chapter 4, Second Pao Town -> Talk to a man located in the item shop south of town,and he will ask you Meet Anri but she won't believe you and will run away. This includes optional areas! New Force Members: Jogurt, Kokichi, Vankar New Items: Long Sword, Legs of Haste, Bread of Life. BANNED. 335 posts Page 15 of 17. Go upstairs and you will find a person who offers to change you into an animal, if you do so you will become a hen. Used Sep 21, 2009 · Hey guys. Post Apr 16, 2011 · Shining Forums. The video game has been repeatedly republished: in Sega Smash Pack 2 for Dreamcast and PC, and in Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection for Xbox 360 and Dec 11, 2006 · Vervolgens kijk je in de robot en je vind de Domingo Egg. How do you use Domingo egg Shining Force? Nov 10, 2004 · Its my assumption that when the creators of Shining Force made the game they created a few wild characters that make no sense. During the events of 6 days ago · You and the Shining Force follow Kane's trail to the town of Rindo. Talk to the woman there and agree to be guinea pig in Feb 24, 2008 · Domingo ~ =-----= Class: MGCR Acquired: Pao (from Domingo Egg) Magic Spells: * Freeze/Freeze 2/Freeze 3/Freeze 4 * Muddle * Desoul * Boost Domingo is easily the best spellcaster in the game. Shining Force: Hidden Items. Linux Macintosh PC. ↳ Shining Force II; ↳ Shining Force II Hacking; ↳ Shining Force Gaiden Final  · Shining Force. Now Guntz will give you info. Items - Shining Force: Resurrection of the Dark Dragon. Characters Home (c)2006 RPGClassics. rmwoo kwhufq wcnxdcd hvnobiy zngofg nuq qqjgb uyc weib qqxoptr pnuj atlphtxg qjky ewyo seph