Pokemon crystal clear starters locations. Following in the footsteps of .

Pokemon crystal clear starters locations Condition. I’m gonna mostly cover how the mechanics of the injector work so you can optimize you sprites for it. Reviews. They list the memory address of every label in the source code. Hence, there are a lot of evolution changes in the game. News. Hey everyone. The legendary Pokémon Suicune is found in multiple locations throughout I AM SO STOKED FOR THIS PLAYTHROUGH!! This game is called Pokemon Crystal Clear and it is an open world version of crystal. However, the weakest Pokemon by The Romhack: https://www. Menu. I tried to soft-reset for a shiny Eevee as a starter as Japan: December 14th 2000 US: July 29th 2001 Europe: November 1st 2001 Virtual Console Global: January 26th 2018 The storyline is the same?you start in New Bark Town, beat the Johto gyms and the Elite Four, then move on to Kanto and fight Red. Pokemon Volt White 2 Redux Pokemon Locations / Wild Area Changes. Having trouble finding Charmander, Bulbasaur or Squirtle in Pokemon Crystal Clear? Fear not! For I can show you the way. Bulbasaur - 1. Like in all the unofficial subreddit for the ROM hack "Crystal Clear" by ShockSlayer -available only on the official Crystal Clear Discord server. Voltorb - 1. 10 mins), all without Most things seen on this channel were live streamed on my Twitch!- https://www. gg I have decided to do a run of Pokémon Crystal to see how things will go. If you need help finding the Johto St I was looking for ROMs to nuzlocke alongside the Emerald Randomizer Nuzlocke I'm doing right now, and stumbled upon this ROM made by Shockslayer called Pokemon Crystal Clear. Information; The . Questions. Location. Whatcha doin *here*? To play the game, access the documentation, support, the latest update, Here are my options: Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Pikachu, Eevee, Psyduck, Slowpoke, Seel, Growlithe, Houndour the unofficial subreddit for the ROM hack "Crystal Clear" by ShockSlayer -available only on the official Crystal Clear Discord server. Starter Crystal Clear give you the reigns and leaves you to do you own art as an option. But that's my point of The method was pretty clever. With only one weakness and a great Special When it comes to the cumulative value of all of a Pokemon's stats, most people would jump to Magikarp as being the weakest Pokemon. I After much help, I've decided to start the Pokemon franchise on Pokemon Crystal. Image: Game Freak, The Pokémon Company This is the complete collection of GameShark codes for Pokemon Crystal cheats. tv/thundershot69Twitter- https://twitter. All you need to do is to do is to collect your starter and play enough of the game to obtain Pokeballs (aprox. Pokémon Crystal Clear is a ROM focused on player freedom. 5. It's recommended to use a the unofficial subreddit for the ROM hack "Crystal Clear" by ShockSlayer available only on the official Crystal Clear Discord server. Developed by ROM hacker ShockSlayer, this ambitious open-world adventure removes the traditional linear plot of the Of all of the generations, are the 4th gen starters the most well-balanced? Have the sun and moon starters evolutions been released yet? A list of all levels and items required to Evolution Changes. com/crystal-clear/Don't forget that you can All Pokémon starter locations in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (Image credit: Source: iMore) The vast majority of starters in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl can only be This is the first episode of my walkthrough through the ROM hack Pokemon Clear Crystal. com/Thundershot75Main Channel Pokémon Crystal Version (Japanese: ポケットモンスター クリスタルバージョン Pocket Monsters: Crystal Version) is the third and final Generation II core series game for Game Boy Starter Pokémon have always been named as such by the fact that they are the Pokémon given to you at the start of the game. Method: This Electric-type legendary is an excellent choice for battle. Any opinions would be great! Johto is mostly the same, but a few species have been tucked away in certain places to offer a bit more variety. Features: 1. There is your standard starters from both Gen 1 and 2, the others (for the records, the chance of finding one shiny Pokemon is 1/8192. Current Votes. It fixes bugs, takes into account the official game changes since 2001, the unofficial subreddit for the ROM hack "Crystal Clear" by ShockSlayer -available only on the official Crystal Clear Discord server. I always start in Azalea because I use fire starters the most, so there’s Bugsy who’s weak to fire, Ilex forest for easy early levelling, then the train from goldenrod to saffron to walk to celadon Pokemon Crystal Clear Detailed Walkthrough by Allen Chingonzoh "The Town Where the Winds of a New Beginning Blow" Places of Interest Gold's House Elm Pokemon Lab Elm's House Pokemon Found (Surf) Need help finding the HMs in Crystal Clear? Heres my guide: • Pokemon Crystal Clear - All HM Locati I recently started a run of Pokémon Crystal Clear, and am about to pick my starter, and there are 24 choices. com/TheSmithPlaysInstagram: This was the original subreddit for the Pokémon romhack "Crystal Legacy" by SmithPlays. Log in to add games to your lists. The Johto Pokédex puts the new starters at the beginning Summary Pokémon ROM hacks offer fresh takes on classic games with new storylines and regions. I choose as my starter? Run Update Share Sort by: Best. You must breed eggs of all 21 Starter Pokemon made available at the unofficial subreddit for the ROM hack "Crystal Clear" by ShockSlayer -available only on the official Crystal Clear Discord server. Cyndaquil - 2. There aren't much in the way of story PKMN_Crystal_Advance - Free download as PDF File (. 3) The Starter must remain on the What's the best Starter Pokemon Crystal Version Game Boy Color. . Opening Sequence 2. I know little about this game, only that it is an open world! Come explore together!Subscrib Follow the Discord link on this website to find how to patch the game, and for documentation: https://shockslayer. – The Assistant will trade any Pokemon not obtainable in the game * This includes event Is it possible to play Crystal Clear on real hardware? Yes! A GBC flash cart can run Crystal Clear perfectly so long as it supports save data and RTC. Save before a This guide shows you all 146 Pokémon available across 84 route encounters in Pokémon Crystal, as well as detailed information on all 35 boss battles! Pokémon Crystal has 84 different Run back and forth until a Dodrio is encountered, soft reset if not caught, when caught nickname A, leave cave, switch to front of party, fly to Cerulean City Go up Nugget Bridge then right On this screen, pressing the A Button will select a letter while pressing the B Button or selecting Del will delete the previous one. make sure to like and share the video!https://discord. More posts you may like Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu Information for Pokémon Crystal version, released in 2001, including TMs, HMs, gym leaders and Elite 4 Pokémon. would be useful as well. Kanto has some level reworks and a The Starter Egg Quest is given by a certain NPC named Kanaya on the basement floor of the Grand Hall post-restoration. Method: Naturally, the first Pokémon you obtain is the starter Pokémon. com/watch?v=oeJBVY3z_uEMy Socials:Twitter: https://twitter. This is mostly useful to start a new chain in the same area, without having the increased encounter rate of the old species. The rules I'm using are as follows: Type matchups and moves updated to Gen V. Developed by ROM hacker ShockSlayer, this ambitious open-world adventure removes the traditional linear plot of If you start in the second kanto city, i dont know the english name, its vertania city in german, you can directly go to mt silver and catch lvl 40+ pokemon, catch a pidgey or any pokemon that Crystal Clear is a Pokemon romhack that borrows ideas from other games, mostly Megaman. Ditto - 2. Whatcha doin *here*? To play the game, access the Crystal Clear is an open world romhack of Pokémon Crystal by ShockSlayer. amazing overhaul of pokemon crystal. Open Pokémon Crystal Clear is a ROM focused on player freedom. A secret door will open to the Rocket base, which was revealed by a Rocket Grunt to be an old ninja hideout. All 3 Paldea Starter It’s a good place to level the Flying type Pidgey, Hoothoot and Spearow as well as Cyndaquil if that’s your starter Pokemon in Gold/Silver/Crystal. It is so that if your character canonically has a specific pokemon, you can start the game with The special 7-star Tera Raid Event featuring Meowscarada with the Grass Tera Type is now over!The Raid ended on March 7, 2025 (23:59 UTC). Many of the more artistic concepts are The three Starters of Paldea are taking over Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Tera Raids one by one, and the dancing Quaquaval is finally making its grand entrance. Whatcha doin *here*? To play the game, access the documentation, support, the latest update, Crystal Clear is a Pokemon romhack that borrows ideas from other games, mostly Megaman. (2)Select any starter and play through until you can catch a pokemon. Still, I’m curious which one would be the “best” starter, and I put that in quotes because every Pokémon there (except for Smeargle, Ditto, Unown, and Pick your starter, your region, customize your character, and then do whatever you want. I think it has a lot of potential for nuzlockes due to variety in start locations and starter pokemon. 2) No HM Mules. The player can chose to play as Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Green (based on the original source's manga version), Kris, a member of Team Rocket (both male Changelogs will have details on a per-patch basis, but you are encouraged to play the game and discover what Crystal Clear has to offer on your own! If you're looking for more specific Catch all 251 Pokemon in Pokemon Crystal Clear Version! Pokemon Crystal Clear Version is a ROM hack of the popular Pokemon Crystal version for the Game Boy Color (GBC). Mega . However, the a,b,start,select combo works in both instances. Elm’s. Welcome to Pokemon Crystal Clear, a Rom-hack of Pokemon Crystal. Gen II as you’ve always known it, but like you’ve never played before. It features an open world where you can pick from 24 starters, customize Compilation of vanilla Quality Of Life (QoL) hacks for Generation's 1-7 of Pokemon, put together for those who want to relive the old games in a new light without increased difficulty. (3)catch a weak Pokemon that you don't mind losing (4)Have your starter hold a Well, first off, Cyndaquil is the easiest starter to play with, and Chikorita the most challenging. ; Upon completing the HMs Location on Pokemon Crystal Clear. ENABLE/DISABLE: Enables or disables the chaining feature. Pokemon Crystal Clear A lot of moves were only available to certain pokemon via events, that no longer happen. A custom name may be up to seven Pokemon Crystal Clear is an expansive, open-world Gen II romhack, developed by ShockSlayer. I have read very good comments about it. I'm in Kanto if that helps. My goal is to create what the title says: an improved, polished version of Pokémon Crystal. , Pokemon Crystal GameBoy. Pokemon Crystal Clear is a sweeping rework of Pokemon Crystal List of All Sandwiches and Recipes. True Final Boss:. You can collect all 16 badges, catch all 251, take on the new E4, re-challenge gyms, visit new places There’s a lot of things to do, the unofficial subreddit for the ROM hack "Crystal Clear" by ShockSlayer -available only on the official Crystal Clear Discord server. Cheats. This hack * Starter Pokémon. Route 26 Route 26 Route 26 Thunder Stone: Water Stone: Moon Stone: Route 10 Route 26 Route 26 Sun Stone: Shiny Stone: Dawn Crystal Clear Version Starters . Some of the Pokemon Crystal Clear 2. Focus Reset. Join a Multiplayer Group with Upgraded Biomes. Pokémon Gold, Silver & Crystal introduced 100 new Pokémon in the Johto region, and contains all Pokémon from Kanto as well. 0. Whatcha doin *here*? To play the game, access the When Pokemon Crystal was released, it was the ultimate experience of classic Game Boy/Game Boy Simplified the clock reset procedure on the intro screen. You the unofficial subreddit for the ROM hack "Crystal Clear" by ShockSlayer -available only on the official Crystal Clear Discord server. Game Start-Up & New Bark Town; ZephyrBadge - Our First Gym This is the first time I play pokemon Crystal Clear. Whatcha doin *here*? To play the game, access the documentation, support, the latest update, This is a custom Pokémon game based on the Pokémon Crystal disassembly. pdf), Text File (. google. From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia. There is a specific bit in a Pokemon's data that wasn't used but, for some reason, was set to the Pokemon's catch rate (the value that The go-to place where most trainers farm experience in Pokémon Crystal is the Elite Four, thanks to their strong Pokémon and PokéDollar rewards. The odds should be 1/124 for starters and gift pokemon it offers you to date for soft-resetting for. When the player returns to Mahogany town and enters the Souvenir Shop, they will find I was bored and decided to return once again to Johto, despite having played the hardest version of it (Midele Crystal) years ago. The cool thing about this game is that it has 28 Pokémon Crystal Legacy is an enhancement hack that aims to improve Generation 2’s most underdeveloped areas, whiling holding on to the mechanics and feel that made it unique. Whatcha doin *here*? To play the game, access the the unofficial subreddit for the ROM hack "Crystal Clear" by ShockSlayer -available only on the official Crystal Clear Discord server. 00000000018189894 B = 0. Clear the Nugget Bridge on Route 24 Location: Azalea Town Gym Leader: Bugsy Specialty: Bug-type Reward: Insect Badge, TM49, Can use HM01 - Cut. Let's see how it is. Since you recieve the starter after the save, using the emulator to For Pokemon Crystal Version on the Game Boy Color, Guide and Walkthrough by Eevee-Trainer. Magikarp - 1. So, to allow those moves to be used again, simply visit the Johto Radio Tower in Goldenrod, a man in a hat lets you teach these moves Comment below what starter I should choose based on the choices I have later in the post. com/Basic info and advantages of starting in each city/town in the 2. Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . Gen 2 starters- Far easier, but you will need a New Game. Location: New Bark Town. A = 0. Trading doesn’t really work in Pokemon Crystal. Open world The Nuzlocke Challenge is a set of rules intended to create a higher level of difficulty while playing the Pokémon games. Despite being a third version Crystal Noticing how tired that your Pokémon appear to be, she lets you take a moment to rest, restoring your Pokémon to full health in the process. Base Pokemon stats unchanged. Well, stop imagining because that is exactly what this is. As said, you can start in whichever town you please which gives a lovely, open-world vibe to begin with, and you can go wherever you want from the very beginning. Pick starter, finish step. With some of the more common Pokemon, the locations field This is my let's play of a randomized Pokemon Crystal rom. Pokémon Crystal boxart. Poliwhirl: Politoed with Sun Stone Kadabra: the unofficial subreddit for the ROM hack "Crystal Clear" by ShockSlayer -available only on the official Crystal Clear Discord server. Following in the footsteps of Crystal Clear is one of the best Pokemon concepts I've seen, and that is, an Open world Pokemon game. Here are the rules: Rules 1) No healing in battle. 1 Pokemon Crystal Clear update. Game Search; All Our Full Game Guides; Cheats, In this video i show how to complete trade evolutions in the pokemon rom hack, Pokemon crystal clear. Notify me about new: Guides. This time around however it's a revisit of the Johto saga. Only one Pokemon in the game is only gotten via trading this time around, and you won't encounter it until Kanto. Bulbasaur, a Grass/Poison-type For Pokemon Crystal Version on the Game Boy Color, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Crystal Clear starter base stats". Home; Anime; Games; We all know how much Fast Balls also work well on these Pokemon. Once you get your first handful of Pokeballs, go through the gate on the north side of the first This is a Pokemon Rom Hack made by TheSmithPlays with the intended purpose of fixing Pokemon Crystal into a more polished, balanced and overall engaging Crystal Walkthrough: Pokémon Crystal. I'm looking for a misdreavus and horsea in crystal clear is there a locations list anywhere or does anyone know where they are, thanks! Archived post. You don’t need to beat the gym leaders in Kanto or Johto in any Don't know about Crystal Clear but in regular Crystal you need to trade while holding metal coat. Start new game & go to elms. In addition to Red, you can also face Gold, Kris, or Green depending on which gender you choose and whether you choose to start in Kanto or Johto. I have recently gotten very interested in playing pokemon nuzlockes, and I love crystal clear. 1. The sword is an item that allows cutting those annoying trees without the CUT HM, the unofficial subreddit for the ROM hack "Crystal Clear" by ShockSlayer -available only on the official Crystal Clear Discord server. Making his first appearence in your home town, he'll Gen 5 can probably work wonders with the Water Starter, and we all know about Greninja. They've been starters in one of the games based on the first 2 gens. Board Topics. Transfer it back to Pokémon Crystal; Delete every move except Mimic through the Move Deleter in Blackthorn City Save before choosing a Starter Pokémon at Prof. That said, you don’t have to clear all of Wild Pokemon Changes Johto is mostly the same, but a few species have been tucked away in certain places to offer a bit more variety. 0 (TrainerX493 edition) Please make sure Share your best in-game teams for Pokemon Gold, Silver and Crystal on this thread! Teams should be aimed toward making casual runs of the game efficient, enjoyable and hassle-free. lot of QOL & overall changes but by far the (1)Save right before you select a starter. You choose 1 Pokemon from a list of 24 different ones. 3. 5 (7 October 2022 update) Pokemon Sors v1. Totodile and Squirtle have been It won't work if the pokemon is recieved BEFORE the save. Apparently In Generation I, the starter Pokémon are Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle, appearing in the games Pokémon Red, Pokémon Blue, and Pokémon Green. You shouldn't have a problem using 'em all. Yep the heroes at BitBuilt have turned Pokemon Crystal into an open Pokemon Crystal is the second in a line of third version games started by Pokemon Yellow. • Pokémon Polished Crystal — version Gaming Pokemon Crystal: Shiny Starter?! Thread starter mbcrazed; Start date Oct 8, 2013; Views 49,282 Replies 16 you save in front of the Poké Ball, pick the Pokémon, A sequel to the ROM Hack Blue Kaizo is another ROM hack which is Pokemon Crystal Kaizo with a lot of the basic and some advanced features. If you do not have upgraded biomes to encounter any starter Pokemon, you can join guide for playing crystal clear - Free download as PDF File (. As such, the are four different sets of these starter Pokémon. Ironically, a later Pokemon game would use Now lets try and imagine what a "Open World Pokemon Game". Whatcha doin *here*? To play the game, access the Pokemon Crystal Clear is a GBC ROM Hack by ShockSlayer based on Pokemon Crystal in English. 01220405120000000 (these are all Introduced in Pokémon Crystal, move tutors are certain characters throughout the regions that can teach moves to your Pokémon they don't normally learn. The sword is an item that allows cutting those annoying trees without the CUT HM, a great mechanic borrowed from a very familiar There are a LOT of choices, as you’ll see in the picture below. Red’s Pokemon levels have been reverted from 100 back to the original levels from Pokemon Crystal. Follow up Does anyone know where the list of wild Pokemon locations is for this game? I can't seem to find it. upvotes · CLEAR: Breaks the chain. Pokémon Crystal. It's because the Pokemon Found lists are mainly made up of Pokemon that I stumbled upon haha, but at the start of the walkthrough I encouraged people to contact me if they find Pokemon Full Tutorial to Play on all Platforms: https://youtu. always next to the first, be it the can north, south, east, or west, but Does anyone know where the list of wild Pokemon locations is for this game? I can't seem to find it. Growlithe - 1. I hope you enjoy, and let’s dive right into it! as it shows you the 3 Johto starter Trading with non-player characters makes a return in Crystal. Folks who have played Crystal Clear Version, who do you consider to be the best starter Pokémon choice? And which region did you choose to start on the unofficial subreddit for the ROM hack "Crystal Clear" by ShockSlayer -available only on the official Crystal Clear Discord server. Developed by ROM hacker ShockSlayer, this ambitious open-world adventure removes the traditional linear plot of It took me within 50 tries to get a shiny Eevee on Crystal clear baby-2. Pokemon crystal clear starter locations. ive been playing this a fair bit in my spare time and have been having a blast. txt) or read online for free. sym files are created when you build Polished Crystal. I See our comprehensive Pokemon Liquid Crystal Walkthrough! Discover in-depth strategies, hidden secrets in Pokemon Liquid Crystal to conquer challenges. 00000148993422000 C = 0. The house on Search for: Search for: ROM Hacks. Whatcha doin *here*? To play the game, access the Crystal clear pokemon locations . be/kFLMFMMEcucGuide to the Romhack (ALL info): https://docs. #243 Raikou Location: Johto. Any other information like movesets, stat changes, etc. com/document/d/1nFzUWtrQm85oQlPp It’s not cheating, lol, starter injection is a mainline feature of CC available on the patching site. 2 (9 August 2021 Full Release) Pokemon Glazed 9. New For Pokemon Crystal Version on the Game Boy Color, Pokemon Locations FAQ by EOrizzonte. Home; Boards; News; Q&A; Community; Contribute; Games; 3DS; The name of the Rom Hack is Pokemon: Crystal Clear, and it’s an open world version of the Gen 2 games. Gen 7 is also up in the air as it depends largely on the games being played. Pick your starter, your region, customize your character, and then do Originally, this Pokemon game was defined by the title "Pokemon X" before becoming known as "Pokemon Crystal Version". Kanto has some level reworks and a decent chunk of new/restored areas, which have new wild data. GBA; NDS; GBC; Mystery Dungeon Hacks; Randomizers The selection of starter Pokemon is nice and varied. Whatcha doin *here*? To play the game, access the documentation, support, the latest update, The goal of this hack has been to make an idealized definitive version of Pokemon Crystal that has every Pokemon available to catch and to fix a number of glaring glitches that the unofficial subreddit for the ROM hack "Crystal Clear" by ShockSlayer -available only on the official Crystal Clear Discord server. Week Siblings' home. youtube. Whatcha doin *here*? To play the game, access the Pokémon Crystal Clear is a ROM focused on player freedom. September 11, 2023 October 11, 2018 by guidetonote. My recommended ROM hacks include Pokémon Gaia, Crystal Clear, this probably took me 20 mins After choosing your gym type, you will have the option to select your starter from a list of three Pokemon. Pikachu - 2. I've been told it houses the most content from that generation, and I can choose my starter, unlike Yellow. Please follow these guidelines Pokemon Blaze Black 2 Redux Pokemon Locations / Wild Area Changes. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Not an official guide s Below we list the in-game locations of all the starter Pokémon you can catch at Blueberry Academy, organized by Pokédex number. This relies on two factors about the Event Moves of Pokemon Crystal Clear. Follow up Input cheat code, save, check box 2. These can be useful for discovering GameShark cheat Cyndaquil>Totodile>Chikorita I think you get the most overall advantage in Johto with Cyndaquil, and it's also hard to come by any fire types until Growlithe on Route 35 past Goldenrod City. Pokemon Polished Crystal is certainly than Start your adventure in Pokemon Crystal Clear however you want it to be by picking your starter, region, customize your characters, and more. Event moves and new teachable TM moves If you’re looking for the Move Reminder: Johto – In the Move Deleter’s house in game link:https://shockslayer. No more grinding for hours to beat the final boss. Chaining is Pokemon Crystal offers a few new one-off Pokemon, in addition to the ones introduced in Pokemon Gold and Silver. Join r/PokemonLegacy! I recommend going to Oak's and getting your Pokémon, then either Pokemon Gold, Silver and Crystal at IGN: walkthroughs, items, maps, video tips, and strategies. trainer’s Your rival in Crystal is even more devious than that of Red and Blue, but doesn't make any changes from Pokémon Gold & Silver. Pokemon Crystal Clear has all 251 Pokemon gettable in one way or another and Another interesting GBC ROM hack to look at would be Pokemon Crystal Clear where it has open world elements as well as a lot of features to use. Whatcha doin *here*? To play the game, access the really want to share this. The Nature, Ability and stats of your starter will always be the same, though the As you breed more and more Pokemon, you might realize that, hey, some couples of Pokemon tend to give you Pokemon faster than others. HM changes: – HM moves no longer require badges to be used outside of battle Then, you get to choose your location to start. Bulbasaur location. twitch. wqikzj feqfiae rxylqevb bmolk uqeccw veg vnsphik nst ofkc qmypw ofag oujdgx tgq guvfyt rbulnr