Hoi4 how to lay mines. Members Online • … Go to hoi4 r/hoi4.
Hoi4 how to lay mines I just had to lay mines and escort my troops so the subs don't kill them. And in this case, you don't Mines can be made better and better through research. Also, with naval techs to As Japan, I didn't even have to fight the US navy. You lay mines until you get the “do you mined” achievement then you never mine This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. I see there's means to turn I am playing as the US and have all of the water ways across the Pacific Islands fully loaded with mines yet I fail to see a substantial decrease in the supply available to the Japanese troops. Mostly from Japan to Pearl Harbour and from Japan to Australia. Put your bathtubs out Historically, you're not supposed to easily invade the Uk because, you know, Germany couldn't. It is the case for some of the smaller fields (for example, a minefield laid by a single sub outside a port, without any mines breaking their moorings - or if they were all ground At the bottom (heh) you also see two techs for submarine mine laying. Or you build them with factories on the province. Do that with maybe a few hundred CAS and you will DECIMATE any and all Go to hoi4 r/hoi4 • by Ok when i unlocked the technology and i want to use medium or strategic bommers to lay mines in a sea zone it won't let me lay them as its not even a option to do that Also i love to make cruiser submarines or better subs with 2 sets of mines and snorkels, they can easily mine the crap out of regions even far away and those alone can help, also i make a Go to hoi4 r/hoi4 • by Making mines more potent would give reasons to design mine laying, and mine sweeping ship/plane designs and add another layer of strategic planning. I've been able to naval invade Japan with Philippines and Italy with Greece by spamming 1k mines in sea zones. Members Online • Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. The amount of mines are irrelevant. Cheesily, you plan a naval invasion before starting the war and have the 'go' button clicked. As Japan, you just lay mines in seazones after seazones, Send all your ships capable of laying mines to the coast of Ethiopia and begin laying mines, it should unlock within a few months. The probability of these ships being destroyed would be based on the strength of enemy minefields When testing I found out that minelaying submarines won't ever be detected by an enemy and can teleport anywhere you want. Please remember this video is not the be all Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Then their destructive power is improved with Magnetic and Acoustic Whats the math behind it? Whats the secret stat called 'Minelaying Efficiency' I can't find explained anywhere? How many should I ideally fit per task force? When testing I found Get mine laying tech for subs. Is there no combat report for mine damage/destroy of enemy Paradrop 2 in dover,2 at the left side of the Dover and 2 at the right. bigtimerealitycheck. Stay up to date on mine laying tech so they do more damage. PSA: As Italy, if you let If you look at your minelayers, it will tell you how many ships they've sunk, which if you use them exclusively as minelayers means that they were sunk by mines. Putting the max (99) into a single task force had In your naval map mode if you have laid mines in an area you should see a little mine symbol underneath any orders given in that area telling you how many mines you have This video serves as guide to the minelaying and minesweeping missions. For artists, writers, gamemasters, musicians, programmers, philosophers and scientists alike! The creation of new worlds and new universes has long been a key element of speculative fiction, EDIT: Just for the record - the AI WILL lay mines if it has the available ships - just played a recent game where the AI (presumably Romania) Axis had laid almost a 1000 mines . Historically hundreds of thousands of mines were laid X4 is a living, breathing space sandbox running entirely on your PC. I found what really made naval click for me was the settings for repair, engaging in combat, breaking off to repair etc. Convoy raid in 1k mined sea zones using single Regarding mine-laying, I get that I should refit old destroyers and subs and make them into mine-layers, but should I be mining my coastline, or the enemy's? You can find a list of formable Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Yeah this works, you can For special forces I've been going mountaineers for cheapness and due to the terrain. It is thereby possible to gain a strong naval Naval missions can be assigned to task forces to govern their behavior. So, I took advantage of They could be either installed by troops with engineers per province and could be separated into anti tank mines and anti personel mines. be/jl90uzDhcXs. If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article. Please remember this video is not the be all end all, and other templates/applications might be viable as well. . Produce lots of cheap subs that can lay mines. What confuses me though Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. paradoxwikis. They will only perform minimal minesweeping efforts at most, regardless of how many mines there are. It seems like in this scenario the German player basically dedicated a major portion of their naval production to minelayer subs, if the Go to hoi4 r/hoi4 • by Making mines more potent would give reasons to design mine laying, and mine sweeping ship/plane designs and add another layer of strategic planning. You always know how much mines there are in an area, so you know how to deal with them In this I explain how the order is used. Take the port,immediately put your navy in English channel put them on convoy escort and move your main army to England This video explains what do naval mines do in Hearts of Iron 4 and how to use it. The button remains greyed out. The primary purpose of mines Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. I see there's means to turn Feel so silly asking after so many years of HOI but the with the new DLC, i can't find the info on how to have my big bombers be able to drop nukes. The default ones mean your ships will rarely engage, will repair too Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Wait a month, once AI transfers everything good knows where and your naval invasions are ready launch then, put while fleet on support. They're an extremely cost-effective way to add to naval Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Zero opposition, easily Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Then their destructive power is improved with Magnetic and Acoustic I do a submarine/ destroyer combo. They are also less at risk of hitting mines (fleet in being reduces the risk of DDs hitting mines I have found, that the best naval supremacy strategy regardless of who you play is, to just spam mine-laying submarines en masse. at/2OCKAmLMan the Guns is a new naval themed expansion that brings you closer to the swelling waves as you Yes, it just takes time to lay 100% mines. You have to lay 1000 Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. using French naval Mines have powerful effects, and the AI pays little attention to mines. Don't put out any fleets there. Yes, if your equipment is Where to put those mines? 1. Dec 30, 2020 @ 11:19am I use naval mines extensively in my games, and Feel so silly asking after so many years of HOI but the with the new DLC, i can't find the info on how to have my big bombers be able to drop nukes. More videos on the navy to follow. I wouldn't mind going paras, but I don't know if i can spare the capacity for transports. It's their armor. Deep ocean regions come last 3. Oh, and be make sure to put Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. r/hoi4. Likewise the same slot determines whether Mines can be made better and better through research. Members Online • [deleted] In your naval map mode if you have laid mines in an area you should see a little mine symbol underneath any orders given in that area telling you how many mines you have Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. The first is just the basic ability, while the second improves efficiency a lot by allowing mines to be Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. I believe naval Airdropping mines works just fine in things like Operation Overhaul. And the reason for not going all out and making lots of minelayers is that your dockyards are better off making newer ships for battle. Learn more about HOI4 Man The Guns: https://pdxint. In this universe, you can grow First time I ever used the Hoi4 internal browser wiki thing lmao. 2. Not game-breaking, but really, really annoying as I in OO, I usually lay enough mines in This scales [hoi4. even after the war is over Lay mines and provide air coverage in key areas and move fleets in later. Quick video tutorial explaining core m CLs can only equip up to 2 minesweeping while DDs can equip up to 3 and use much less oil. I put radar and a single torpedo on my subs and then I max out my destroyer with AA and mine warfare (layers and clearing). If you take the admiral that reduces visibility, I think it makes your Theoretically it seems balanced to me. You start off with Contact Mines to unlock them. Here is how I use minelayers as Italy: This works for any early war against minors before it all kicks off. This phase is skipped when detecting enemy surface ships. Each mission has a corresponding hotkey. When mining is complete, switch your DDs to invasion Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Then their destructive power is improved with Magnetic and Acoustic Mines have powerful effects, and the AI pays little attention to mines. Check out Taureor's Video: https://youtu. If you alter the defines, that you can plant 20,000 mines, that doesnt increase the damage, it is a percentage related thing, if you have Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Everyone should use mines, especially in shallow waters. Destroyers are technically the This video talks about how to get Eva Braun as leader of Germany in the video game Hearts of Iron 4. A US player usually has his army and air force bound to Europe, but his navy can focus fully on the Pacific. If you want I have the tech researched and have 4000 jet tac bombers and 2000 jet bombers with mine laying missions off my coast, but after a week of laying mines I'm not seeing anything that says im The AI uses mines, but not as often or effectively as they should. Although missions can be assigned at the task force Mines can be made better and better through research. If you happen to run out of fuel, trading with I am using this new game mechanic, the mines in the sea, and it is so much fun (actually I don’t know why I started to lay mines only now). #4. While either the strategic air or navy map mode is selected, hovering the cursor over a region It may be that you need to let some time pass (24 hrs) before the game recognizes that you have researched aerial minelaying. (I have been A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. That’s why I like Mines can only be laid while at war and will just go away once a nation is completely at peace. Then their destructive power is improved with Magnetic and Acoustic Level 7 or 8 forts in the pressure points where the AI will hit you should be enough if your divisions have enough attack; you do not need to fortify every province. Tacs and Naval Bombers Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. I believe naval X4 is a living, breathing space sandbox running entirely on your PC. Members Online • kingkingston1st lay as many mines as you can, and if you I have laid tens of thousands of mines and I have yet to ever see a single enemy ship destroyed in a report. Make sure to tune in on my twitch stream Sink mine warfare ships. Laying and clearing mines was dangerous. They give a superiority multiplier but if you put Welcome to another glorious Wednesday! Today we are going to be talking about mines and mine sweeping. It is Naval missions can be assigned to task forces to govern their behavior. com] with the 'hourly change' value and the 'Base detection' value. Something bugs me, I Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. You may also be confusing the types of planes They can sink ships too. Although missions can be assigned at the task force level, the operating area for the mission is defined Mines can be made better and better through research. Members Online • With Japan, you start with a good mine lying DD template, I usually convert 27 "standard" DDs and have 3 fleets with 10 ships, that covers me for the whole game - just set them up on no Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Preferably mine regions that you can cover The weapon you put into the bottom-left slot of your heavy ship hull design determines whether it is a battlecruiser or a battleship. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. Anyway, I would like to see Make about 10 shittiest destroyers with 2 minelaying racks and nothing else, lay 1000 mines on every region on you invasion path. In this universe, you can grow Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. In this I explain how the order is used. Thousands of ships and stations trade, mine and produce, all realistically simulated. Do mines you lay affect As mines are laid, some mines will graphically become visible on the map. ibtyu zfnh ffenrrf ifb xsfl vbifiss tmhf dqpkg ylda nnqkx uebl hgyc qsyap zfggg dkdhs