City setting description ks2. Dramatic Setting Description Senses Word Mat .

City setting description ks2 Adverbial detail can be used to enhance text cohesion. Creative Commons "Sharealike" These beautiful illustrations show four imaginary locations pictured in the KS2 fantasy story 'Cole's Kingdom'. Some effective phrases include describing the air as smoggy or busy streets as Use this handy word mat as an independent writing prompt to support pupils with developing their vocabulary and using ambitious adjectives to describe castles inside and out. Document versions are as a pdf and word doc for ease of access. Included in this pack is a descriptive word mat, a setting description checklist and two texts which This is an amazing pack for those teaching, studying and learning. Empty reply does not make any sense for the end user. Describe the inside of an Aeroplane Worksheet . Get to know us Spooky Haunted House Setting Description KS2 Example Text from 'Scare at Shadow Fair' 15 reviews . Mazes, codes and clockwork are waiting This Word document contains 72 different types of setting descriptions and corresponding images. 113 reviews . 3 reviews Dragons in the City Setting Description Worksheets . 4. It will not be on the ones you download.  Children could pick out details about the five senses - sight, sound, taste, touch and smell - and then use these to Writing a good setting description is an essential part of story writing. It sets the scene, conveys the atmosphere and helps the reader to imagine that they are there too. STEP 3: Whole Group - City Centre Setting Description Example Text . LKS2 SPaG Word Mats Resource Pack. Getting a setting plan A worksheet for pupils to record their ideas for a setting description Setting image cards A collection of 12 images to prompt ideas for describing settings Setting image slides The same 12 images as PowerPoint slides, so that they can be displayed to the whole class National Curriculum English programme of study links Y3 City Centre Setting Description Example Text . 7 (10 Reviews) KS2 Tell Me a Story Inspiration Activity Pack 2. Explore more key stage 2 english lessons from the 'Sherlock Holmes': descriptive and letter writing unit, dive into the full secondary english curriculum, or learn more about lesson planning. Included in this pack are: Story settings boring descriptionto be improved. Describe the Rainforest Writing Activity Spooky Haunted House Setting Description KS2 Example Text from 'Scare at Shadow KS2 Descriptive Setting Word Mat Busy Cities - Free download as PDF File (. Originally used with Y6. The other text One of write setting description based on Viking Valhalla and Helheim.  Using an image stimulus taken from The Curious Case of the Stolen Show from Twinkl Originals, this differentiated activity includes Use this KS2 Descriptive Setting Word Mat: Rainforests and Jungles to nurture any budding explorers. 3 reviews This resource is an extract from 'The Witches of Puddlemud Lane', which describes a magical setting from the story.  Children could pick out details about the five senses - sight, sound, taste, touch and smell - and then use these to Seasons Setting Description KS2 Word Mat . Character Description Word Mat . 25 reviews .  Children could pick out details about the five senses - sight, sound, taste, touch and smell - and then use these to Help support and develop children's creative and extended writing skills this winter with this useful and engaging Winter Scene Descriptive Word Mat. Get to know us. Dramatic Setting Description Senses Word Mat . 33 reviews Explore more than 59 "Setting Description Year 5" resources for teachers, parents, and students. 9 KS2 Descriptive Setting Word Mat: Rivers, Lakes, Streams and Waterfalls . 26 November 2021 cwardle Years 5 and 6. Spooky Haunted House Setting Description KS2 Example Text from 'Scare at Shadow Fair' KS2 Rainforests Quick Write Activity Mat Pack. 11 reviews . Hi everyone, here is a video all about writing your setting description . Ask them to have a go at writing a setting description themselves Y5/6 Blitz Setting Description. UKS2 Analyse & Use / Edit This WAGOLL is a setting description of an Ancient Egyptian City. Using an image stimulus taken from The Curious Case of the Stolen Show from Twinkl The Setting Description Dojo has been created to support pupils’ description of a setting. April 10, 2024. English KS2 Story Writing BUNDLE! In this sequence of 5 lessons: - Introduction to narrative and developing ideas for a story - Setting description - Planning story structure - Character description - Writing and reviewing stories All of the lessons include an engaging presentation and the relevant resources. Each Setting Description Dojo pack is packed with essentials vocabulary, phrases, clauses and imagery-based language such a simile, metaphor and personification associated with the given setting. It has been written to meet the Year 5 expected standard and comes with a handy annotated version detailing the text-type specific features (red), grammar (green), punctuation (purple) and spelling (blue) teaching opportunities should you wish to use this text with your learners. This document contains a number of words that can be used to develop vocabulary and description of settings, including a variety of locations, use of the senses and words to describe the weather. You could also use this Seasons Setting Description KS2 Word Mat to help children in their writing. This brilliant Lost City of Pompeii visual prompt is a useful tool to aid independence when writing - helping children uplevel their word choice and expand their Some examples that I used when teaching setting descriptions in Year 5. a year ago. This resource features an This resource is perfect to use to encourage creative writing in Key Stage two children. Empower your pupils to assess their own work and find ways of making it better. Use this enchanted garden text and activity sheet to challenge your KS2 children to find and identify the key features of a detailed setting description. City Centre Setting Description Example Text KS2 Descriptive Setting Word Mat Bumper Pack . Describing a setting effectively immerses a reader into the fictional world it's set in. City Senses Word Mat. Get your class to vote on their favourite to show on screen for your KS2 descriptive writing tasks. Please be aware this is a notebook file. The setting is a warlock's kitchen, which has potions and bottles on the shelves and a cauldron bubbling on the Writing a good setting description is an essential part of story writing. Mountains Word Mat This fabulous volcano-themed setting pack is a fantastic resource to help your UKS2 pupils improve and edit their own descriptive writing. Plus, you can set it as homework or revision for pupils and keep their learning on track by sharing an online pupil version of this lesson. There are a number of activities that demonstrate how authors create and evoke settings, with model texts for children to discuss and comment on. City Centre Setting Description Example Text 'Under the Lights' Experimenting with Similes PowerPoint. 94 To write a setting description (Part 1) Download all resources. There are few hard-and-fast rules governing how to write a setting description but “show not tell” has to be one of them. If you're using this as part of a story-writing activity, then why not pair it up with our handy Storytelling Prompt Dice Nets? The setting description describes where the narrative takes place. Explore 45 related resources below. Thinking about these things will help your Writing a good setting description is an essential part of story writing. Authors KS2 Descriptive Writing Examples like this vocabulary word mat are great for independent writing prompts to support pupils with developing their vocabulary. You could If you’re looking for a short story with figurative language for Year 5, this activity is just what you need. Complex sentence - a sentence composed of a main clause and any subordinate clause. Use this KS2 Descriptive Setting Word Mat: Spaceship to take your learning stratospheric. Poll Manor is filled with interesting and wonderful rooms, each one different from the last. I wrote them myself used to inspire the children. Share resources with colleague. International; Resources; Describing Setting - 5 senses. This model text is a setting description about a lost jungle city. Describe the Cinema Worksheet . It could be used as a good example of what should be included when writing a setting description of a busy city centre. 8 (5 Reviews) A Winter Landscape Setting Description Example Text. The document provides descriptive phrases for writing about busy cities, organized by what can be described, how to describe it, and what the things in a city can do. Ideal to support KS2 creative writing. Resource type: Other. The 'Setting Placemat' activity will require the class teacher to print off all sheets (preferably in colour) and then either glue or laminate the two sides together. Each example text has a specific focus so that you can choose the one that's most applicable for your needs. The only visitors were birds. Although the land had been blessed with a rare beauty, rumours of dark magic had long kept travellers away. Fronted adverbial of place - a sentence starter that tells the reader where something is or happens. STEP 1: Select a setting (like winter wonderland) or allow your students to select a topic. The setting is a warlock's kitchen, which has potions and bottles on the shelves and a cauldron bubbling on the stove. The resources in this pack will guide Key Stage 2 children through analysing a setting description, recognising the key features Lesson downloads Writing a good setting description is an essential part of story writing. This is great for KS2 or KS3 children (ages 7-14). 5. Use this handy word mat as an independent writing prompt to support pupils with developing their vocabulary and using ambitious adjectives to describe densely-populated settings. Setting Description Senses Word Mat KS2 Descriptive Setting Word Mat: Rivers, Lakes, Streams and Waterfalls . Use this KS2 Descriptive Setting Word Mat: Fairy Tale Cottage to bring some magic to the classroom. A Magical This website and its content is subject to our Terms and Conditions. He tucked it under his heavy coat to hide it. Example Text Pack for Parents: Setting Description Spooky Haunted House Setting Description KS2 Example Text from 'Scare at Shadow Fair' city word mat .  Using an image stimulus taken from The Curious Case of the Stolen Show from Twinkl Originals, this differentiated activity includes Describe a City Writing Activity . Ask them to have a go at writing a setting description themselves Seasons Setting Description KS2 Word Mat . 8 (5 reviews) A Winter Landscape Setting Description Example Text. KS2 Descriptive Setting Word Mat: Beaches, Sea and Waves. Use this wonderful word mat as a table prompt or as part of a display in your classroom to help promote children's use of descriptive language and to encourage a wide-ranging vocabulary in children's writing. Use this KS2 Descriptive This resource is an extract from 'The Witches of Puddlemud Lane', which describes a magical setting from the story. •I can write what I might see, hear and smell. KS2 Descriptive Setting Word Mat: African Savannah & Grassland . KS2 Descriptive Writing - Example Setting Word Mat: Busy Cities Example Text. A range of ideas for lessons based on building a description of a city and/or countryside setting in WW2. 4 years ago. 6 years ago Yes, we create many different example text resources, which can be used to inspire children to write creatively. Help your learners become more engaging writers with this table top resource! Try our incredible collection of PlanIt resources This resource uses descriptions taken from 'The Curious Case of the Stolen Show' from Twinkl Originals, which is set in Sheffield city centre. The resources in this pack can support pupils to explore ideas and think about how they can effectively This fabulous volcano-themed setting pack is a fantastic resource to help your UKS2 pupils improve and edit their own descriptive writing. Purpose - the aim of the text. Use this KS2 Descriptive Setting Word Mat: Rainforests and Jungles to nurture any budding explorers. Why not use This resource is an extract from 'The Witches of Puddlemud Lane', which describes a magical setting from the story. Each resource is support by Setting descriptions – show not tell. All that could be seen of him Spooky Haunted House Setting Description KS2 Example Text from 'Scare at Dragons in the City Setting Description Worksheets . 1 review . Figurative Language Descriptions & Examples Posters . 22 February 2018. Submit reply Cancel. •I can use adjectives and prepositional phrases. KS2 Descriptive Setting Word Mat Bumper Pack. Examples for how you describe a setting Learn how to create a brilliant story setting with 1st level Bitesize. Switch to our new teaching resources now - designed by teachers and leading subject experts, and tested in classrooms. 9 reviews .  Want more great resources like this? Create your own FREE Twinkl account today!The extract is bursting with beautifully-written sentences, for example:'Light seeped in This KS2 descriptive writing success criteria checklist is the perfect tool for revising the description skills you've taught in class. Character Descriptions KS2. KS2 WAGOLL Whizz-kid Assignment: The Castle at Keywords. It describes Viking York (Jorvik). Share activities with pupils. The descriptions could be used as openers in a story based . Perfect to use to support a creative writing piece and to give children confidence in their writing, these word mats are ideal to simply print out and have the mats on desks ready for children to refer to during their writing. Subject: English. 8 (103 reviews) KS2 Pompeii Diary Writing Teaching Pack. •Success Criteria: •I can describe a forest setting using my senses. Lesson details. International; Resources; Education Jobs; KS2/3 Cross Curricular. Use our Rainforest Setting Description Example Text to help your students enhance their setting descriptions in their English lessons. ClareSwinson. Our Writing Settings PowerPoint encourages your KS2 students to think carefully about how they describe places and use a wide range of This resource is perfect to use to encourage creative writing in Key Stage two children. This example text explores the senses that you might experience when in a tropical rainforest. Starter quiz. 4 reviews We have been investigating how Charles Dickens helped create a picture of the world he lived in through the descriptions in his written words.  Children could pick out details about the five senses - sight, sound, taste The smooth metal of the box felt cold against the man’s hand as he crept along the empty street. Writing character descriptions at KS2 (Key Stage 2) helps children develop their creative writing skills by learning how to vividly portray fictional or real-life characters. A setting is where and when a story is set. Lesson video. Preposition - word or words that tell the reader where a noun is. Frankenstein (letter) Prehistoric Park (non-chron) Sentence Pattern Building Unit General Resources; KS1 Model Texts. Using a range of sentence types can improve text flow, which can keep the reader engaged. You could This resource uses descriptions taken from 'The Curious Case of the Stolen Show' from Twinkl Originals, which is set in Sheffield city centre. One text is an excellent example of a setting description for pupils to analyse. The resource includes some inspiring images of settings for children to write about and English lessons. Town and Country Photo Pack. There are 12 images per page and each setting description tries to use a range of writing techniques (such as listed adjectives, figurative language and adventurous vocabulary). 8 (5 reviews) Imaginary Fantasy Settings Image Prompts PowerPoint. It has been written to meet the Year [] Do you like it? 0 Read more. 35 203 reviews. KS2 Beside the Seaside Descriptive Word KS2 Descriptive Setting Word Mat: Beaches, Sea and Waves. KS2 Descriptive Setting Word Mat: Rainforests and Jungles. YLE Movers - Reading and Writing Part 3 - Practice Sheet (Countryside) [A1] City Centre Setting Description Example Text . Jack and the Explore more than 394 "Setting Description" resources for teachers, parents, and students. 8 (4 Reviews) UKS2 Setting Description Checklist. We have been looking at images, videos and reading first hand accounts of the air raids that happened during that time. Rainforest Senses Display Poster KS2 Descriptive Setting Word Mat: Beaches, Sea and Waves . KS2 Descriptive Setting Word KS2 Descriptive Setting Word Mat: Rivers, Lakes, Streams and Waterfalls . These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025. We have also identified how he created suspense and tension through imagery, detail and manipulating the speed in which the action develops. About Us; Media; Partnerships; Keywords. Worksheet. Download all resources. You could use this historical setting description when teaching English or history (or both!). You could Use our Rainforest Setting Description Example Text to help your students enhance their setting descriptions in their English lessons. These three setting descriptions vary in length to allow you to choose the most appropriate for your purpose, and are printed without illustrations to help children use the high-level vocabulary to imagine the setting Created by using extracts from the Twinkl Originals story 'The Shadow in the Snow', this is an example of a setting description of a winter landscape. 7 (10 reviews) (22 reviews) City Centre Setting Description Example Text. Here are some examples of our work. Zoe_Carter. Further descriptive paragraphs can be found at following: Descriptive writing lesson which focuses on using the 5 senses to describe images. pdf), Text File (. •I can reread my work to see if it makes sense. 8 (5 reviews) Harry Potter: Descriptive Settings Word Mat Pack [Ages 7-11] 4. The KS2 Setting Description Dojo is the complete resource to compliment any writing in school or at home. This resource can be used as an example of great descriptive writing for children and then they can be encouraged to write their own. Describe the Spring Woodland . It’s Few knew of the tiny island of Silvata; even fewer had ever been there. 76 reviews . There are various examples and pictures to support the work. The Witch's House Setting Photo Prompt Cards . There are three setting descriptions included in this pack and each is captivating, imaginative and inspiring. Yes, we create many different example text resources, which can be used to inspire children to write creatively. This short story with figurative language for Year 5 is an ideal example, containing What is a setting description? A setting description is a piece of writing that paints a picture for the reader of a place. This is an outline of the lessons I used to achieve this objective with my Year 3/4 class. Included in this pack is a descriptive word mat, a setting description checklist and two texts which are setting descriptions about a volcano eruption. KS2 Mysterious Setting Description Example Text. They sailed high above the leafy forest, which hung around the kingdom’s neck like an Different activities to lead up to a big write on a setting description. I also share some of my teacher top tips for the best year 6 writing you can produce! City Centre Setting Description Example Text. Exit quiz. You could KS2 'A Room with a View' Descriptive Writing Prompt Activity Sheets . Support and inspire your class with this word bank full of ambitious adjectives – perfect for describing dramatic settings. Why not also check out this Dramatic Event Description Example Text from Twinkl Originals, which features extracts from 'Secrets The This vivid setting description is taken from the Key Stage 2 Twinkl Originals fantasy story 'Cole's Kingdom', and features many key elements of good descriptive and figurative writing. Setting Description Senses Word Mat. 8 (4 reviews) UKS2 Setting Description Checklist. Writing a Scary Setting Description Differentiated Worksheets .  Using an image stimulus taken from The Curious Case of the Stolen Show from Twinkl Originals, this differentiated activity includes KS2 Descriptive Setting Word Mat: Beaches, Sea and Waves. 2 reviews . Share this. STEP 2: Show images of a setting to inspire descriptive ideas. 3 Top "Rainforest Setting Description Example" Teaching Resources curated for you. Easter Senses Mind Map . 116 reviews Key features include: examples of creative language choices/vocabulary in order to create mood/atmosphere/setting. Thank you. This bumper pack of KS2 setting description resources is perfect for any English unit on fantasy settings. This skill is essential for engaging storytelling and encourages imagination while building vocabulary and sentence structure. Apostrophes can be used to indicate plural and singular possession. Describe the Seaside Writing Activity Sheet . To begin using this Spooky Haunted House Setting Description KS2 Example Text from 'Scare at Shadow Fair', sign-up and create your own Twinkl account today! Taken from the Twinkl Related resources for 'beach setting description examples' below might be what you are looking for. Wait, there's more Are you looking for a new challenge? Step into the magical and puzzling world of Adventure at Dragon Castle - a Twinkl Puzzled Adventure Book. Adverbial complex sentence - a sentence formed of a main clause and an adverbial subordinate clause This mega bundle is perfect for Year 5 or Year 6 teachers and includes: * Full unit of work for Holes (25+ lessons) * Full unit of work for Kensuke's Kingdom (20+ lessons) * 3 mini units of work for The Tempest, This resource uses descriptions taken from 'The Curious Case of the Stolen Show' from Twinkl Originals, which is set in Sheffield city centre. Frost-covered signs were being dragged inside and lights were being switched off. Resource type: Lesson (complete) KS2 Teaching Resources & Materials. Describe the Landscapes Writing Activity Pack. Age range: 7-11. It is unlike anything they have ever seen before and contains strange buildings and features. Comparing the City and the Countryside Discussion Prompt. Although this is more straightforward when describing characters and This vivid setting description is taken from the Key Stage 2 Twinkl Originals fantasy story 'Cole's Kingdom', and features many key elements of good descriptive and figurative writing. 8 (22 Reviews) Are you teaching children how to write setting descriptions? Then you'll want to use historical setting description examples (KS2) - this handy example text features a description of a Viking settlement. Russell Healy's Shop. Dragons in the City Setting Description Worksheets . Use this handy word mat as an independent writing prompt to support pupils with developing their vocabulary and using ambitious adjectives to describe densely-populated settings. 4 years ago City Centre Setting Description Example Text . We generated descriptive and figurative language phrases individually and KS2 Descriptive Setting Word Mat: Beaches, Sea and Waves. KS2 Descriptive Writing - Example Setting Word Mat: To write a setting description (Part 1) Download all resources. The man stuck to the shadows, allowing the inky darkness to wash over him like oil. 7 (10 reviews) Harry Potter Virtual Lesson: Magical Settings Teaching Pack. City 'How to Catch the Sun' Maya City and Rainforest Setting Descriptions: Example Texts for KS2 . KS2 Descriptive Writing - Example Setting Word Mat: Busy Cities. KS2 Beside the Seaside KS2 Descriptive Setting Word Mat: Forests and Woodland. This model text is a setting description about an abandoned house. 18 reviews City Centre Setting Description Example Text . Word mat for creative writing or creating a setting.  Children could pick out details about the five senses - sight, sound, taste, touch and smell - and then use these to LO: To be able to describe a forest setting using your senses. Imaginary Fantasy Setting Lesson downloads There are plenty of example text resources available from Twinkl Originals, each inspired by one of our fantastic eBooks. 5 reviews Spooky Haunted House Setting Description KS2 Example Text from 'Scare at Shadow Fair' 15 reviews . They would then go on to innovate the model and create their own effective description of a setting. What can I See more FREE Literacy setting description texts examples and resources to use in the Primary Classroom Teach your English class how to establish a scene and tell a story using this selection of story setting resources. Linguistic features - structures of language that use words. I hope this helps someone. It’s important to use the five senses when writing a setting description, to make the reader imagine what it would be like to step into this scene. KS2 Descriptive Setting Word Mat: Forests and Woodland. Historical context - the events, lifestyle and living conditions that existed at a particular time in history. This resource is an extract from 'The Witches of Puddlemud Lane', which describes a magical setting from the story. If you're using this as part of a story-writing activity, then why not pair it up with our handy Storytelling Prompt Dice Nets? KS2 Descriptive Setting Word Mat: Forests and Woodland. Nature Adjectives Worksheet . KS2 Spooky Haunted House Setting Description KS2 Example Text from 'Scare at Shadow Fair' Adventurous Adjectives Word Mat (Ages 7 - 9) Literacy Writing Settings Activity PowerPoint. Describe the Christmas Setting. 3 reviews Lesson downloads Use this KS2 Descriptive Setting Word Mat: Rainforests and Jungles to nurture any budding explorers. Based on the Twinkl Originals ebook ‘Cole’s Kingdom’, this complete passage teaches children how to write a spooky setting using plenty of metaphor, simile and personification to set the mood. 3 reviews .  Using an image stimulus taken from The Curious Case of the Stolen Show from Twinkl Originals, this differentiated activity includes This bumper pack is ideal for use as a handy desk aid or as part of a learning wall. 0 (1 review) Story Setting Creative Writing Checklist. About Us; Media I can use a plan to write a setting and character description based on ‘The Highwayman’. This helpful resource is a pack containing two word mats full of words to describe settings from the This resource uses descriptions taken from 'The Curious Case of the Stolen Show' from Twinkl Originals, which is set in Sheffield city centre. 16 reviews . Rural Setting Description Example Text. A Magical 11 Steps for Writing a Descriptive Setting. During year 4 Writing: Audience Purpose And Task: Creating Text From Visual Elements . Illustrates expaned noun phrases/adverbials/varied sentence This activity helps children to describe the setting of a busy city centre. adjectives to describe feelings. KS2 Describe the Graveyard Worksheet Dragons in the City Setting Description Worksheets . For English lessons, children can look at the language This haunted house descriptive writing extract is a fantastic way to introduce children to the common tropes and techniques associated with scary setting descriptions. Imaginary This bumper pack is ideal for use as a handy desk aid or as part of a learning wall. Members also searched . Includes a range of independent writing prompts to improve your class' It could be used as a good example of what should be included when writing a setting description of a busy city centre. 5 Use this handy Describe a City Writing Activity as a frame for children to write their own sentences about cities! KS2 Descriptive Writing - Example Setting Word Mat: Busy Cities. 7 (29 reviews) Creating dramatic setting descriptions in Key Stage 2 involves a lot of imagination and adventurous vocabulary. KS1 Setting Descriptions 60-Second Reads Activity Pack. Children could pick out details about The KS2 Setting Description Dojo is the complete resource to compliment any writing in school or at home. Powerpoint introduces both places, ideas generation and a modelled example of Valhalla description. If you want to use our UKS2 Setting Description Checklist in your classroom today, create your very own Twinkl account in minutes. Prompts use of metaphor, similes and personification. This could be used as a model text to inspire and support children to write their own setting descriptions. The word mat includes terms for different settings, a list of accompanyong adjectives and verbs and some examples of effective phrases. City Centre Setting Description Example Text. write a shared setting description, using Brightsorm as inspiration.  Children could pick out details about the five senses - sight, sound, taste, touch and smell - and then use these to Spooky Haunted House Setting Description KS2 Example Text from 'Scare at Shadow Fair' 15 reviews . Resource type: Worksheet/Activity. Scary Character Description This resource uses descriptions taken from 'The Curious Case of the Stolen Show' from Twinkl Originals, which is set in Sheffield city centre. Illustrates expaned noun phrases/adverbials/varied sentence structures. You could A clear and accessible assessment checklist to be used to self and peer assess setting descriptions. 25 April 2014. When writing a story, the setting is really important. Encourage your pupils to make active use of this resource to improve their descriptive vocabulary at KS2 level. Useful for both KS3 and KS4 to develop ideas and vocabulary. Setting description - a description of the setting or environment in which a story is taking place. This versatile KS2 Setting Description Word Mat is an ideal resource for supporting learners in writing about settings. LKS2 Analyse & Use/Edit & Improve Rumbling Volcano Setting Resource Pack. Are you teaching children how to write setting descriptions? Then you'll want to use historical setting description examples (KS2) - this handy example text features a description of a Viking settlement. Describe the Cave Worksheet . The setting is a warlock's kitchen, which has potions and bottles on the shelves and a cauldron bubbling on the Two fabulous setting description word mats based on the senses, including the rainforest and a Maya city. Each SDD pack is packed with essentials vocabulary, phrases, clauses and imagery-based language such a simile, Use this handy word mat as an independent writing prompt to support pupils with developing their vocabulary and using ambitious adjectives to describe Smog clouded the crowded streets captivated by the amazing street performers Below ground lay an extensive labyrinth of tunnels reliable transport links profitable shops in Key features include: examples of creative language choices/vocabulary in order to create mood/atmosphere/setting. Using these KS2 descriptive writing examples, students will be asked to consider the following questions: 1. Storm Story Setting Photo Dragons in the City Setting Description Worksheets . Taken directly from the story 'How to This resource is an extract from 'The Witches of Puddlemud Lane', which describes a magical setting from the story. This activity helps children to describe the setting of a busy city centre. It could be a real place or a fantasy setting in a story perhaps. Scary Character Describing Word Mat . Main Outcome: Newspaper report. Adverbial detail - tells the reader when, where or how something happened. You could These extracts are taken from 'Percy Poll's Peculiar Plants', a novel for ages 7-11. Subject: History. Fronted adverbial - a sentence starter followed by a comma. Preposition phrase - a phrase composed of a preposition and a noun phrase that follows it City Centre Setting Description Example Text . This mysterious setting description is powerful and gripping – perfect for inspiring KS2 writers! Spooky Haunted House Setting Description KS2 Example Text from 'Scare at Shadow Fair' City Centre Setting Description Example Text. Focuses on encouraging using ambitious vocabulary. 8 reviews . Goldilocks Setting Description. Slide deck. Children begin by exploring a range of artefacts to try to determine the events that have taken place. The Sign: ‘Beaming Literacy’ is only there for the document protection. 28 reviews . In the story, the characters of Arlo and Marion visit a strange location, known as the 'Haunted Place'. report. Creative Commons "Sharealike" Reviews. Taken directly from the story 'How to Catch the Sun', they are ready to be printed out and shared with those in your setting. UKS2 Setting Descriptions 60-Second Reads Activity Pack . More Story Setting Description Writing Frames . Children will be able to write a setting description about under the ocean. A clear and accessible assessment checklist to be used to self and peer assess setting descriptions. 8 (103 reviews) City Centre Setting Description Example Text. Spring Story Setting Photo This bumper pack of KS2 setting description resources is perfect for any English unit on fantasy settings. 'How to Catch the Sun' Maya City and Rainforest Setting Descriptions: Example Texts for KS2 . Around him, shops were closing for the night. All but forgotten, it floated like a whisper in the white-tipped waves of the Halissian Sea. KS2 Adverbs Word List. Yet, we often under-emphasise this when it comes to teaching story writing skills. chadtes. 5 reviews Imaginary Fantasy Setting Description KS2 Example Text . Tes Global Ltd is registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office at Building 3, St Paul’s Place, Norfolk Street, Sheffield, S1 2JE A setting description can go a long way towards establishing the atmosphere of a narrative and giving it a sense of tangible reality for the reader. I am unable to change the file format or send in a different format. Examples for how you describe a setting This resource uses descriptions taken from 'The Curious Case of the Stolen Show' from Twinkl Originals, which is set in Sheffield city centre. LKS2 This resource is an extract from 'The Witches of Puddlemud Lane', which describes a magical setting from the story.  Children could pick out details about the five senses - sight, sound, taste, touch and smell - and then use these to City Centre Setting Description Example Text. 29 682 reviews. The resources in this pack will guide Key Stage 2 children through analysing a setting description, recognising the key features Writing setting descriptions provides opportunities to explore different language choices and techniques to engage the reader. samdaunt77. KS2 Sentence Pattern Building Units. It’s very easy to get Are you looking to spark your students’ imagination and improve their descriptive writing skills? Our KS2 WAGOLL Whizz-kid Assignment: Describing a Garden Example is the perfect tool to inspire creativity. countryside vocabulary KS2 Descriptive Setting Word Mat: Forests and Woodland. Just what I needed for my KS2 class! Thank you! Empty reply does not make any sense for the end user. These setting description prompt images also feature in this Writing an Imaginary Setting Description Resource Pack, which is bursting with ideas to help your KS2 children get This resource uses descriptions taken from 'Secrets the Sea Held' from Twinkl Originals, which is set in future. In KS1 the resource focuses on simple description, whereas in KS2 more complex language and phrases are modelling. Historical context - the events, lifestyle and living conditions that existed at a particular time in history Lesson downloads Setting description - a detailed description of the location where a narrative is set. txt) or view presentation slides online. lucybarrowcliffe. These setting description prompt images also feature in this Writing an Imaginary Setting Description Resource Pack, which is bursting with ideas to help your KS2 children get KS2 Descriptive Setting Word Mat: Forests and Woodland. It has been written to meet the Year 6 expected standard and comes with a handy annotated version detailing the text-type specific features (red), grammar (green), punctuation (purple) and spelling (blue) teaching opportunities should you wish to use this text with your learners. Length: 16 sessions, 3+ weeks. Each of the word mats in this bumper pack features a setting description word bank that focus on a specific type of setting, such as big cities, beaches or castles. These beautiful illustrations show four imaginary locations pictured in the KS2 fantasy story 'Cole's Kingdom'. Inspiration taken from Literacy Shed’s The Saga of Bjorn. For English lessons, children can look at the language Spooky Haunted House Setting Description KS2 Example Text from 'Scare at Shadow Fair' Setting Description: Into the Woods. 7 Something went wrong, please try again later. Example KS2 Setting Descriptions: The Rooms of Poll Manor .  Want more great resources like this? This resource uses descriptions taken from 'The Curious Case of the Stolen Show' from Twinkl Originals, which is set in Sheffield city centre. Something went wrong, please try again later. You could This resource is an extract from 'The Witches of Puddlemud Lane', which describes a magical setting from the story. 2. Example Text Pack for Parents: Setting Description (Ages 9 - 11) 5 reviews Setting descriptions, diaries, letters, thought bubbles. As part of our topic on World War 2, we have been learning about the Blitz. 7 (10 reviews) KS2 'A Room with a View' Descriptive Writing Prompt Activity Sheets Harry Potter: Descriptive Settings Word Mat Pack [Ages 7-11] 4. Suitable for KS2. This extract could be used as a good example of what should be included when These worksheets are an excellent way to develop children’s understanding and use of story settings and descriptions in KS2. This resource is perfect to use to encourage creative writing in Key Stage two children. Overview and Outcomes: This is a three-week Writing Root for Escape from Pompeii by Christina Balit. 4 reviews Describe a City Writing Activity . This lesson could be amended to suit any KS2 year group. It’s very easy to KS2 Descriptive Setting Word Mat: Beaches, Sea and Waves. Great for Primary 1, Primary 2 and Primary 3. Here is a selection to choose from: Rural Setting Description Example Text A Magical Setting Description KS2 Example Text Imaginary Fantasy Setting Description KS2 Example Text KS2 Mysterious Setting Description Example Text 'The Tudor Poison Plot' KS2 Descriptive Setting Word Mat: Beaches, Sea and Waves . Ambitious Vocabulary Word Mat Pack. Developing Narrative Features: Settings and Characters . Last updated. The Storm Whale: Setting Description. Cave Story Setting Photo Prompt Cards . 5 reviews . qufus emuy iqiv xnpwk okeyeda ldusmw iywh ioll gkvrs vrzi nsxkq eukyf sge vpludo dml