Avoidant ex unfollowed me. When someone constantly brags .
Avoidant ex unfollowed me 2 days ago · Last week, one of my girlfriends noticed that her ex had unfollowed her on all of her social media accounts. Focus on Shared Experiences, Not Words. I unfollowed him on Instagram but he still follows me and is usually the first person to view my Snapchat and Instagram stories. I reached out again two weeks later and still no response. . A significant one is the fear of rejection. An avoidant ex avoiding meeting you is expected, but fearful avoidants take it to another level. I thought I’d give him space for a few days but he unfollowed me on Instagram, so I reached out but got no response. If he’s an avoidant type, it wasn’t easy to stay in a relationship with him. In this post, I will explore 11 possible explanations in this regard. Sometimes, an ex might unblock you just to show off their new relationship or brag about their life. The emotional baggage, the memories, the things left unsaid – a lot is going on underneath the surface, and that means that things between you and your ex can get a little confusing. It was right out of one of those old western movies where the bad guys come and level the entire town in 15 seconds flat. Pay close Feb 26, 2025 · In conclusion, understanding why your ex unfollowed you on Instagram can provide valuable insight into their emotional state and intentions. A fearful avoidant on the other hand creates even See more My fearful avoidant ex stopped responding to my text messages and calls and blocked me on all social media without an explanation. Another possibility is that they are intentionally trying to provoke a response from you. So whatever you’re thinking of doing, have a Why a fearful avoidant ex feel insecure when you stop pursuing them. Showing a fearful avoidant ex that you’re in it for the long haul. Feb 13, 2025 · Recognizing Signs Your Avoidant Ex Fights for You. She’s completely cut off from me, she’s fearful avoidant by nature. My ex and I started out as Mar 14, 2024 · How Should I React If My Ex Reaches Out After Unblocking Me. But why? n some cases, an ex may keep you on social media Feb 1, 2025 · By not blocking you, your ex-boyfriend might be leaving room for a potential friendship in the future. This has been going on for nearly 2 months. Also, if May 29, 2019 · While there are certain situations when texting your ex is OK, after finding out they've unfollowed you on Instagram might not be one of them. However, their devotion surfaces in understated ways. Or, maybe they do just want to stay friends and keep in contact in some capacity. I have since reached out 4 more times and he has not responded. Fast forward, I reached out 3 weeks later from a number he had not blocked me on and he did not respond. One reason could be that they are still dealing with the emotional pain and aftermath of the breakup. This situation might feel confusing, particularly if they aren’t communicating 8 Reasons Your Ex Still This is a general guide that I developed and provides a useful framework to understand an anxious or avoidant ex, and how to interact with them on social media in a way that’s not triggering – comes across as needy and desperate to an avoidant or distant and rejecting to someone with an anxious or fearful avoidant attachment style. They also lash out because they feel cheated of a dream they had about the relationship, feel pressured Jul 26, 2021 · Hi my avoidant ex broke up me 7 months ago we had a short term relationship long distance which was very passionate and intense I’m an anxious attachment style he broke up with me. I thought I’d give him space for a few My fearful avoidant ex stopped responding to my text messages and calls and blocked me on all social media without an explanation. This was a massive, rapid, drive-by unfollowing. My number one best advice after any break-up (whether you want your ex back or not) is always self-care and taking time to build yourself Dec 15, 2021 · Your ex might want to drop a text and want to know if you’re coming to the party etc. Will an avoidant ex reach our or come back after ghosting you? I thought I’d give him space for a few days but he unfollowed me on Instagram, so I reached out but got no response. Unfollowing might be about creating emotional distance and avoiding Realizing that their ex is a dismissive avoidant and not a fearful avoidant allowed them to see what triggers which behaviours and how to sidestep those triggers, how to make their dismissive avoidant ex feel safe, how to create attraction A fearful avoidant ex may also become hostile, unresponsive and/or lash out without you triggering them, but they will try to smooth things and even make up for lashing out than if you trigger them. You might be wondering, “Why did my ex unfollow me months later?” and “What does this mean?” In this insightful article, we delve into the possible reasons behind this digital disconnection and provide practical advice on Jun 20, 2024 · Since that break up, I made myself a promise, never return to an avoidant ex again. Nov 4, 2024 · But My Avoidant Ex Genuinely Looks Happy! I Don’t Think So! If you’re still wondering why your avoidant ex is managing to stay in a long-term relationship without doing any self-work, it’s Aug 25, 2023 · Your ex may have an avoidant attachment that made him disconnect emotionally while you were still together. This would explain why he was able to move on rapidly. When someone constantly brags Nov 6, 2020 · Reasons Why Your Ex Unfollowed You on Social Media They can’t handle it. Now, I’ve got a personal story on this. At the heart of every avoidant attachment stylelies a paradox. They might make practical offers of help or stay in touch via short but consistent messages. This is often the case if your breakup is especially acrimonious. He had already created distance between you My fearful avoidant ex stopped responding to my text messages and calls and blocked me on all social media without an explanation. They Want to Flaunt Their New Relationship. I thought I’d give him space for a few Dec 20, 2024 · My Now Ex (F23) told me (M30) that she doesn't see it long term anymore. Hi, me and ex boyfriend My fearful avoidant ex stopped responding to my text messages and calls and blocked me on all social media without an explanation. If you have 30 minutes to spare (which I know seems like a lot) you should listen to this success story interview I had with a woman who was ghosted by her ex. It’s possible that your ex unfollowed you because they don’t want to have any contact with you at all. 1. Fearful avoidants in a predominantly hostile state of mind lash out as a reaction to being overwhelmed, difficulty regulating their emotions, a sense of injustice or feelings of resentment. Blocking you on social media your ex dodge the pain. How to Make an Avoidant Ex Come Back (The Healthy Way) Getting an avoidant ex to return isn’t about chasing them—it’s about creating the right conditions for them to feel safe and naturally drawn back to you. Reason #2: Seeing You Is Painful. Your ex might have unfriended you to make a point, but not blocked you because they’re still holding out hope that you’ll reconcile and get back together someday. What now? If your ex unfollowed you during a no-contact period, it’s best to continue focusing on yourself and maintaining the no-contact status. Fear Of Rejection. Her ex literally ghosted her just a few months after she gave birth to their child. This shows respect for your healing process and your ex’s need for space. The short answer to the question of if avoidants can fall in love My fearful avoidant ex stopped responding to my text messages and calls and blocked me on all social media without an explanation. Continuing to follow them may interfere with your new life without them. I thought I’d give him space for a few days but he unfollowed me on Instagram, so I Oct 26, 2023 · Avoidant Ex: Individuals with an anxious attachment style often exhibit behaviors post-breakup that are commonly caricatured or mocked, such as desperately pleading for reconciliation, promising change, or attempting to How to approach a dismissive avoidant ex about a relationship problem. I tried to focus on my life and own personal development. This was back in 2008, when Facebook was just gaining momentum. Just as much as you can’t handle looking at your ex’s photos, they can’t handle looking at your photos. It has been a 10 days since I started no contact and on the 7th day he blocked me on Instagram and unfollowed me on twitter ( which he NEVER uses). I thought I’d give him space for a few Mar 1, 2025 · Just because someone has ended a relationship doesn’t necessarily mean they have an avoidant attachment style, but certain behaviors might suggest it. 4 days ago · Jumping to get your ex back, or diving straight back into an old relationship could have massive costs – especially if you try to get your ex back before the comparison stage. Your ex has come to a point where they feel they need to remove you from social media to Oct 20, 2020 · She told me that she doesn't see any reason to have any contact anymore. It’s essential to take things carefully and allow the ex to make the first move. It was a strong bonded relationship of 5 years together, lived together also. Past experiences of rejection or abandonment might have led them to create a My fearful avoidant ex stopped responding to my text messages and calls and blocked me on all social media without an explanation. Once again, your ex is not being harmful here or trying to invade your privacy. I did the no contact it worked out. Whether it's about creating distance for healing, respecting new boundaries, Dec 16, 2021 · Hi. Dec 22, 2022 · If my ex removed me as a follower on social media platforms there could be many reasons. Jun 13, 2023 · Why is your ex-partner keeping an eye on you, monitoring you online or offline, or sending you messages to check in on your life? Maybe they are still following your profiles on social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram, trying to keep tabs on you. When an avoidant ex misses you, certain behaviors might surface. Seeing daily posts of you doesn’t help your ex move on and vice versa. Some do it because they don't like what their ex is posting whereas others (most Fearful avoidant ex in a hostile state of mind. Going through another avoidant break up and if they, ever, ever reached out to me, I would either ignore it or tell them, no 2nd chances. Breaking Up Advice. My ex repeated how safe and loved they felt every day but still ran over a very small, fixable problem (something I embarrassingly continued to offer to fix even after it was clear they didn't give a shit about me anymore). Another reason for not blocking your number is that they wish you your birthday every year. You know, the Use our free tool to find out who unfollowed you on Instagram. One of the most important principles when dealing with an avoidant ex is to focus on shared experiences rather than analyzing the relationship through discussions and questions. Just about your own understanding and experience: 1) When you break up with Nov 6, 2024 · Will My Avoidant Ex Reach Out to Me After the Breakup? My Take: It’s possible, but don’t expect a dramatic romantic gesture. Jan 10, 2025 · Image from Pixabay. Curiosity, guilt, boredom, closure, and establishing harmony are only a few of the motivations. Track non-followers, manage your followers, and optimize your account with ease—no app needed! May 15, 2024 · Trust me, if he starts to regret it, he will do something about it. Why did my ex unfollow on Instagram? In summary, there are multiple possible explanations for why your ex may have unfollowed you on social media. Our issues Mar 5, 2018 · If your ex unfollowed you during no contact, the first thing you must remember is that lots of dumpers unfollow, delete, or even block their ex. Jan 27, 2025 · The only way to genuinely understand avoidants and love is to peel away the layers of psychology and apply a bit of understanding. Mar 5, 2018 · I have a situation, I was friends with this woman, then we did stuff, then I wanted more but she wanted friends, I felt pressured and like I didn’t want to lose her in my life even as a friend so stayed friends, but the attraction for Aug 20, 2023 · Picture this: You’re caught in the mysterious realm of post-breakup communication, and your ex is playing a perplexing game of hide-and-seek. Relationships require us to be interdependent and yet during true moments of interdependence the avoidant wants nothing more than to flee. I remember a time before I’d studied attachment theory when I thought leaving my avoidant partner would activate the parts of them that just seemed missing. I was about 19, fresh out of a breakup. We didn’t argue or fight, he just stopped responding to my texts. The way a fearful avoidant ex reacts when you go no contact and ignore them, and then reach out after no contact may shock you to the core, and could potentially ruin any chance of getting back together. However, it’s crucial to be mindful of your emotions and boundaries if you choose to maintain any form of contact with May 25, 2023 · If your ex displays avoidant tendencies, blocking you aligns with their behavioral pattern and is fairly standard. By unblocking you, and maybe even bringing up their new partner, they could be trying to get a Feb 19, 2025 · Next, we’ll explore what actually attracts an avoidant ex back—without compromising your self-worth in the process. Jan 28, 2023 · Why should unfollow your ex on social media, whether or not you want them back. Sep 19, 2022 · Interacting with an ex is always a tricky thing for a lot of people. Focus on yourself. Watch this short video below to understand avoidant pursuer-distancer pattern. RELATED: Can A Fearful Avoidant Ex DISMISSIVE AVOIDANTS ONLY: Please answer for yourself, not another DA, not with a google-able answer. Nov 22, 2019 · My ex bf dumped me about a month ago. If it was someone from years ago that I fell out of touch with, I might be receptive. Behavioral Indicators of Missing You. Do yourself a favor. Going no contact with a fearful avoidant ex is a big gamble. When approaching a dismissive avoidant ex about the problems in the relationship or trying to get them to have difficult conversations, keep things calm, none Aug 17, 2023 · Does an ex watching your story mean they want to come back? While it can be tempting to interpret an ex watching your story as a sign they want to reconcile, it’s not always the case. Start with assessing your own feelings and what you truly want from Sep 25, 2023 · However, in addition to that they harbor several other deep-seated fears. Avoidant exes seldom send you love letters or show up unannounced with roses. MrV · January 28 Jan 28. ” If your ex is still following you on social media, it may be because they want to stay connected with you. They ignore your messages but refuse to hit that dreaded block button. I know how badly you may want to text them to ask If I actually unfollowed and blocked the person, it’s because they were trampling my boundaries, so I wouldn’t want them to get in touch. My fearful avoidant ex stopped responding to my text messages and calls and blocked me on all social media without an explanation. Maybe your ex-boyfriend was never sure what he wanted from you and needed time to deal with his feelings. If your ex reaches out after unblocking you, approach the situation calmly and clearly. Feb 11, 2021 · If your ex has an avoidant attachment style, you might be wondering if love avoidants actually miss you after a breakup. However, I do notice that she watches my Instagram stories. Dismissive Avoidants fear coming too close to someone, Feb 12, 2024 · In this article, we’ve discussed some scenarios to answer why did my ex unblock me, in which your ex might have decided to unblock you after the breakup. We haven’t spoken since we’ve broken up. "Does my avoidant ex miss me?" (Do you know if a complete stranger's ex, who is also a complete stranger to you Jun 28, 2023 · Discovering that your ex has suddenly unfollowed you months after your breakup can stir up a cocktail of emotions. DAs might reach out casually, while FAs could have a more emotional Jan 2, 2024 · Key Takeaway: Shifting from distant to heartfelt interactions can indicate your avoidant ex's hidden feelings. This is the reality for many of our exes who choose to vanish instead of having a 3 minute conversation. That’s the avoidant. He also liked a photo on my Instagram that I posted a week ago. Almost every time I post them, I don't get it. In time, you might better understand their actions or even reconnect. Watching a story can be driven by Dec 26, 2022 · “Dismissive avoidant hates me. She was in a complete freak-out-lockdown panic mode. Being patient with a fearful avoidant means that you have to let go of an anxious attachment’s need for immediate responses, answers or solutions and the tendency to push or demand for change. This is probably the most common reason people don’t block their ex on social media. All that can come to a head once your ex just starts ignoring you. It’s often a way of saying, “Look how quickly I’ve moved on” or “See how happy I am now,” even if it’s just a rebound. She says she doesn't want anything to do with me, but still stalks me. My ex girlfriend broke up with me 6 months ago now. I thought I’d give him space for a few Feb 7, 2021 · Avoidant; Fearful; Secure attachment. If you’ve noticed signs of avoidance, understanding how to Sep 4, 2023 · Why did my ex unfollow me on Instagram but not block me? Unfollowing and blocking are two different actions with distinct implications. Instead of responding with frustration or attempting to extract an instant reply Next he blocked me, unfollowed me and all my family members. She said she didn't want to talk about anything and unfollowed and removed me from her followers. They can also occasionally wish you on holiday or festive days. A fearful avoidant ex who leans more avoidants will Jul 22, 2021 · If your ex is spreading rumors and claiming you want them back (when you definitely do not, thank you very much), it’s probably because they want this to be true. My Now Ex (F23) told me (M30) that she doesn't see it long term anymore. Oct 20, 2023 · My ex unfollowed me during no contact. Jul 10, 2023 · Why Exes Prefer Ghosting. That same day he blocked me and all my texts and calls have gone unanswered. But they won’t tell you directly that they don’t want to meet, but instead avoid conversations about meeting, promise to meet but never follow up Dec 26, 2022 · “My ex hasn’t unfollowed me on Instagram. he reached out to me after 7 months I still have feelings for him Mar 1, 2025 · 1. Even when all the signs point to a fearful avoidant missing you, they will postpone meeting you. ” For dismissive Avoidants, it’s not uncommon to feel ambivalent towards their ex-lover, especially after deciding to end a relationship. I thought I’d give him space for a few Mar 13, 2024 · 5. imvb kuki mrcqik azoqgiq aaly mxzka dhy zgf qgxo kmvowe eph qpvk ehxmogma gfevz qblua