Audiocodes export cdr history This section provides an example of customizing the CDR to include the 'Var Call User Defined <1-5>' field, whose value is obtained using call variables in Message Manipulation rules. Portions of the software may be open source software and may be governed by and distributed under open source licenses, such as the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL), the terms of the Lesser General Public License (LGPL), BSD and LDAP. PlayBackgroundTone; call Variable for CDR value from SIP History-Info 145 Min-Se and Min-Expires 146 P-Asserted-Identity 147 P-Associated-Uri 148 AudioCodes Academy’s useful and in-depth video tutorials will give you a view of product features and functionality, as well as help guide you on how to configure and debug. 23. AudiocodesCDRChecker. To view statistics of a test call: Configuring CDR Filters and Report Level. Another AudioCodes Routing Manager (ARM) delivers a powerful, innovative solution to this problem by enabling centralized control of all call routing decisions. AudioCodes Media Gateways, Session Border Controllers & MSBRs . , Local Packet Loss). , CPT and Dial Plan files) before you upload them to the device. Description (Carriage Return) Displays the total number of active calls and detailed call information. The table displays the last CDRs. Version 7. Information that may be defined as private information in CDR records could Viewing CDR History of SBC and Test Calls; Viewing Network Status Reporting Information to External Party Remote Monitoring of Device behind NAT; Part - Diagnostics; Syslog and Debug Recording Creating Core Dump and Debug Files upon Device Crash Configuring and Viewing Persistent Logging Storage; Debugging Web Services Reference Guide AudioCodes Family of Multi-Service Business Routers (MSBR) Command-Line Interface (CLI) Mediant™ MSBRs Version 7. When a new CDR is generated, the Device adds it to the top of the table and all existing entries are shifted one down in the table. If you have enabled local storage of CDRs (see Storing CDRs Locally on the Device), you can delete them from storage at any time through the device 's CLI: This document (Reference Guide) describes the Command-Line Interface (CLI) of AudioCodes Session Border Controllers (SBC) and Media Gateways; Notices; Introduction; Part - Getting Started; Displays registered storage services (e. 8 CLI Reference Guide . Deleting Locally Stored CDRs and SDRs. Place the cursor on a call; the Actions button is enabled. Mediant 800 Version 6. You can configure up Configuring CDR Filters and Report Level. Want PBX call logs in a database? Real-time capture and export of SMDR or CDR data to your database is a standard feature of the logger. The Live Hub manages, collects, and stores the following information: a) CDR Records: Call Detail Records (CDR) contain information on calls made from the Provider's Tenants' devices. This option also affects PII in the Web interface’s SBC CDR History table Gateway CDR History table, and CLI (e. 0+) Viewing Gateway CDR History. . SIP Message Manipulation . Deleting Locally Stored CDRs. cdr-servers-bulk-size. Also displays activities performed by management users in the devices' management interfaces (CLI and Web interface). The valid value is 1 to 20. To view statistics of a test call: Reference Guide . When a new CDR is generated, the device adds it to the top of the table and all existing entries are shifted one down in the table. 4 - AudioCodes; Notice; Introduction ; Part - Getting Started with Initial Connectivity; Overview; Default IP Address; Changing Default IP Address to Suit Network Addressing Scheme; Part - Management Tools; Overview; Web-Based Management Sure enough! We have two-way calling! Let’s look at the AudioCodes SBC -> Monitor -> VOIP Status -> SBC CDR History and see what we see. The device also generates CDRs for test calls if you have enabled CDR generation (see Configuring CDR Reporting). csv file from the device to a remote server. 2 under Section 10 Configuring SSL/TLS Certificates. To enable or disable the inclusion of the sequence number (S=) in CDR Syslog messages, use the 'CDR Syslog Sequence Number' [CDRSyslogSeqNum] parameter. 4 7. Mediant Software (VE, CE and SE) Session Border Controller User's Manual Version 7. To view statistics of a test call: Call Detail Records (CDR) contain vital statistics and information on calls processed by the device. For more information on Notice Gateway&SBC|CLIReferenceGuide LTRT Description 17962 UpdatedtoVer. 6. (config-system)# cdr (cdr)# cdr-format show-title local-storage-sbc session id,report type,call duration, call end time, call connect time,call start time, call originator, termination reason, call id, srce uri, dest uri The device also generates CDRs for test calls if you have enabled CDR generation (see Configuring CDR Reporting). 2 Deleting Locally Stored CDRs. To view services, run the show storage-history services command. Click Download to display the CDR file. , show voip calls). If you have enabled local storage of CDRs (see Storing CDRs Locally on the Device), you can delete them from storage at any time through the device 's CLI: When the device operates in High-Availability (HA) mode, active and redundant devices maintain their own stored CDRs. The device sends the CDRs in JSON format. 2 To enable or disable the inclusion of the sequence number (S=) in CDR Syslog messages, use the 'CDR Syslog Sequence Number' [CDRSyslogSeqNum] parameter. , batch of files) that the device sends to the remote server in each transfer operation. The call variables store the value and then the device adds the stored value to these special CDR fields when the CDR is generated. Any other Mediant debugexception-syslog-history 44 debugfax 44 debugha 45 debuglog 46 debugos-util 47 debugreset-history 48 debugreset-syslog-history 49 debugsip 49 debugspeedtest 50 debugsyslog 51 debugsyslog-server 51 debugtest-call 52 debugusb 54 debugvoip 55 13 ShowCommands 56 showactivity-log 57 showadminstate 58 showalias 58 showcloud When the device operates in High-Availability (HA) mode, active and redundant devices maintain their own stored CDRs. 8 AudioCodes supplies enterprise customers with an OVA template/image. Stars. Real-time capture and export of SMDR or CDR data to your database is a standard feature of the logger. The collecting server can be a dedicated CDR server or the AudioCodes One Voice Operations Center (OVOC) is a web-based voice network management solution combining device lifecycle management and quality monitoring in an integrated, intuitive GUI. Select End Call in CDR Report Level and Medial CDR Report Level drop-down lists. 8 Deleting Locally Stored CDRs and SDRs. Only signaling-related CDRs are stored locally on the device. In other words, upon an HA switchover the stored CDRs on the active device are not copied to the redundant device (which becomes the new active device). Simple CDR Viewer for Audiocodes SBC. Support renaming of FILTER tabs. 24 (Sep 4, 2024) Fix bug in Web connector introduced in version 2. Developer's Guide AudioCodes One Voice Operations Center AudioCodes Routing Manager (ARM) REST Application Programming Interface (API) Version 9. cdr cdr-server; debug-file; debug pstn; fax debug; logging max-ini-activity-logs; max startup fail attempts; pstn debug; sdr sdr-server; startup n recovery; syslog settings_1; test call table; Part - Network Level Commands; Introduction_4; access list; cloud-settings; custom-mtu; custom-dns-server; dhcp server dns dns-fallback-policy; ether Mediant 1000 Gateway & Session Border Controller User's Manual Version 7. Viewing Gateway CDR History. Filter. 4 - AudioCodes When the device operates in High-Availability (HA) mode, active and redundant devices maintain their own stored CDRs. If you have enabled local storage of CDRs (see Storing CDRs Locally on the Device), you can delete them from storage at any time through the Device 's CLI: Changing severity level is typically done only by AudioCodes Support for debugging. The system automatically deletes old CDR files from the system. For URIs, only the user part is masked. The device sends CDRs only for dialog-initiating INVITE messages (call start), 200 OK responses (call connect) and BYE messages (call end). AudioCodes SBC related connection settings AudioCodes Gateway (Extended) AudioCodes Mediant 1000 AudioCodes VoIP Gateway Australia Mobile (CSV) Avaya (59 Chars Output Format ACM 4. Defines the maximum number of locally stored CDR files (i. Packages 0. Version 6. 1. 4 - AudioCodes; Enabling CDR Generation and Configuring the CDR Server Address. 2 Expected Results The CDR records should match the actual calls made (Call Duration, Time of Day). unused. Mediant 4000 SBC gateway pdf manual download. Configuring CDR Filters and Report Level. AudioCodes One Voice™ Operations Center AudioCodes Routing Manager (ARM) Version 8. Specify the IP address of your computer or server with Advanced PBX Data Logger in the CDR Server IP Address field. The locally stored CDRs are located in the /cdr-gw folder. Your Smart Choice for AI-Enhanced Compliance, Quality and Malicious Call Recording. Example History CDRs are stored on the device ’s memory. SBC CDR Format. , obwohl es natürlich kein großer Schritt dahin ist. This burden is particularly felt when it comes to bread-and-butter IT tasks like call routing, where managing network-wide rules and dial plans of multi-cloud, multi-vendor enterprise VoIP networks can be an extremely complicated and time-consuming activity. To view SBC and Test Call CDRs stored on the device's memory, see Viewing SBC CDR History. To view CDRs of test calls, see Viewing Gateway CDR History . Check our article about call logging to a database. 3. Check our PBX Reports utility. Some SFTP clients (for example, WinSCP and FileZilla) have a short default connection timeout and if the file transfer is not started within this timeout, the transfer attempt is The device also generates CDRs for test calls if you have enabled CDR generation (see Configuring CDR Reporting). User's Manual . 024 Updatedcommands:rest-message-type(newvalue);proxy-enable Navigate to Troubleshoot ⃙ Call Detail Record ⃙ SBC CDR Remote Servers and create a new CDR Remote Server pointing to UC Suite's IP on port 22, with same credentials specified during manual SFTP Server installation: 6. PHP 90. Service Name. 3. Once this file meets a user-defined criteria—either the maximum file size or the rotation period (whichever is Viewing Gateway CDR History. Some SFTP clients (for example, WinSCP and FileZilla) have a short default connection timeout and if the file transfer is not started within this timeout, the transfer attempt is Mark PII in Web or CLI: The device masks (by a single asterisk * symbol) private information (caller and callee) in the Web interface’s SBC CDR History table (see Viewing CDR History of SBC and Test Calls) and Gateway CDR History table (see Viewing Gateway CDR History), and CLI (e. [5] Local Storage SBC = Customizes CDR fields that are stored locally on the device. CDR Customization using Call Variables Example. The following procedure describes how to configure management user activity logging through the Web interface. debugexception-syslog-history 47 debugfax 47 debugipv6-ra 48 debuglog 49 debugospf 50 debugospf6 51 debugpersistent-logshow 54 debugphy-err-injection 55 debugreset-history 56 debugreset-syslog-history 57 debugrip 58 debugripng 58 debugserial-port 59 debugsip 60 debugspeedtest 61 debugsyslog 62 debugsyslog-server 62 debugtest-call 63 debugusb 65 Mediant 9000 Series (Rev. This CDR may be Viewing CDR History View online or download PDF (11 MB) AudioCodes Mediant 800B User manual • Mediant 800B software PDF manual download and more AudioCodes online The default field title is "Orig" for syslog and "Direction" in the Web SBC CDR History table. AudioCodes User’s Manual also includes a detailed configuration guide of importing certificates including Private Key and Self Signed Certificates. The device can generate and report CDRs at various stages of the call (e. REST server: The device can send signaling-related CDRs to a REST server using AudioCodes REST API (see Configuring CDR Reporting to REST Server). 20A. For a detailed description of the parameters described in this section, see Syslog, CDR and Debug Parameters. Description. name Defines an arbitrary name to easily identify the rule. Companies using Microsoft Teams can seamlessly apply You can also customize the CDR to include the User-Defined CDR fields whose value is obtained from SIP messages (e. 2 CDRs belonging to the same SBC leg have the same Leg ID (LegId CDR field). You can view historical Call Detail Records (CDR) of SBC calls and Test calls in the SBC CDR History table. Related Commands. Call. 'CDR Syslog Sequence Number' that the device sends to the remote server in each file transfer operation. • If you do not have a backup of the device’s cmp file on your PC, you must open a Viewing Gateway CDR History; Viewing CDR History of SBC and Test Calls; Viewing PSTN Status Viewing Network Status Reporting Information to External Party Remote Monitoring of Device behind NAT; Part - Diagnostics; Syslog and Debug Recording Creating Core Dump and Debug Files upon Device Crash Debugging Web Services Notice Gateway-SBC|SNMPReferenceGuide Notice Informationcontainedinthisdocumentisbelievedtobeaccurateandreliableatthetime (config-system)# cdr (cdr)# cdr-format show-title local-storage-sbc session id,report type,call duration, call end time, call connect time,call start time, call originator, termination reason, call id, srce uri, dest uri When the device operates in High-Availability (HA) mode, active and redundant devices maintain their own stored CDRs. Command Mode. If you have enabled local storage of CDRs (see Storing CDRs Locally on the Device), you can delete them from storage at any time through the device 's CLI: Downloading CDRs through SFTP. As this is a secure connection, the SFTP client needs to authenticate itself with the device (SFTP server). From the "CDR Report Level" drop-down list, select when the CDR"s are generated and sent to the CDR server: [0] None = CDRs are not used (default). 4. If you have enabled local storage of CDRs (see Storing CDRs Locally on the Device), you can delete them from storage at any time through the device 's CLI: [5] Local Storage SBC = Customizes CDR fields that are stored locally on the device. You can configure various CDR filters and the stage of the call at which you want the Device to generate and send CDRs. v2. Command. , start of Reference Guide . For more information on each of the above listed options, see Syslog, CDR and Debug Parameters. If you have enabled local storage of CDRs (see Storing CDRs Locally on the Device), you can delete them from storage at any time through the device 's CLI: Call Detail Records (CDR) contain vital statistics and information on calls processed by the device. Configuring CDR Reporting to REST Server. There they are! Fini I think that wraps this up! I just wanted to walk through a basic Teams Phone Direct Routing Lab. Anyone tried this? Thks. Note: • This section shows screenshots of the Configurator (Topology Manager) OVA deployment. 'Number of Unmasked Characters in PII' Deleting Locally Stored CDRs. 2 stars Watchers. Page 1 User’s Manual AudioCodes Mediant™ Family of Media Gateways & Session Border Controllers Mediant 800B Gateway & E-SBC Version 7. codebase as CentOS, which has a long history of being a trusted and secure platform. ä. For billing applications, the CDR that the device sends at the end of the call ("CALL_END" CDR Report Type) is usually sufficient. If you have enabled CDR local storage (as described in Storing CDRs Locally on the Device), you can also configure the device to automatically transfer these locally stored CDR files to up to two third-party, remote SFTP servers. You can also configure it through ini file [ActivityListToLog] or CLI (configure troubleshoot > activity-log). However, for SBC signaling "CALL_END" CDR Report Types (sent at the end of the call), you can also customize the CDR to include media-related CDR fields (e. Displays stored files that are not used. Select Disable in CDR Syslog Sequence Number. Through ARM’s highly intuitive graphical user interface, system administrators can Changing severity level is typically done only by AudioCodes Support The parameter applies to CDRs for syslog, RADIUS, local-device storage, and CDR history displayed in the Web interface. The name of the service. No packages published . 0 forks Report repository Releases No releases published. If you don't configure any rules in the Logging Filters table and you have globally enabled debug recording (by configuring the Debug Recording server's address - see note below), syslog (global parameter - see note below), and/or CDR generation (global parameter for enabling syslog - see note below), logs are generated for all calls. e. python C:\CDRs\cdr_receiver. You can view historical Call Detail Records (CDR) of Gateway calls in the Gateway CDR History table. Notifying Change in Remote Party (Called / Calling) after Call Transfer: SBCs can now notify the transferred party on a change in the remote party after a call transfer. New CDRs are stored in a file called "Current". Hit APPLY to save configuration Configurations for AudioCodes SBC 8/9 Configurations for AudioCodes SBC Command. (config-system)# cdr (cdr)# cdr-format show-title local-storage-sbc session id,report type,call duration, call end time, call connect time,call start time, call originator, termination reason, call id, srce uri, dest uri CDR files are stored in the /cdr folder, except for SBC Test Call CDRs which are stored in the /cdr-gw folder. REST server: The Device can send signaling-related CDRs to a REST server using AudioCodes REST API (see Configuring CDR Reporting to REST Server). For the device to generate CDRs, you need to enable the syslog feature and configure a collecting server address. 256. B / 9030 / 9080 / 9080C) Session Border Controller (SBC) User's Manual Version 7. Assuming you have python installed and working, and you have the python file in the directory C:\CDRs. 72 Web Login Authentication The device also generates CDRs for test calls if you have enabled CDR generation (see Configuring CDR Reporting). The collecting server can be a dedicated CDR server or the server Sending Locally Stored CDR Files to Remote SFTP Server. AudioCodes Family of Media Gateways and Session Border Controllers (SBC) Command-Line Interface . In the Navigation pane, select Call History; the following appears. Dieses Skript werdet die Daten hieraus aus. The enterprise customer deploys the OVA in their existing virtual environment. Simple CDR Viewer for Audiocodes SBC Resources. CDR history information is stored on the device ’s memory. You can configure up Stay ahead with the AudioCodes Voice Matters blog! Subscribe now to get expert insights on unified communications, AI innovation, exciting industry developments and more. All I really want is the piped CDR data w/o any of the syslog bs, but that's all that I'm seeing in my (Scannex) buffer. AudioCodes SmartTAP 360° Live is a fully secured, intelligent enterprise compliance-recording solution that empowers organizations to effortlessly capture, index and ensure the quality of all customer and internal interactions, spanning external and internal communication channels. Currently supported services: Call Detail Records (CDR) contain vital statistics and information on calls processed by the device. txt This will start the listener on TCP port 9999 (so make Configuring CDR Reporting to REST Server. for VoIP Media Gateways and SBCs Syslog messages is a collection of error, warning, and system messages that records every internal operation of the device. 25 (Sep 26, 2024) Fix parsing of TIMESTAMP element in RFC3164 syslog format. View and Download AudioCodes Mediant 4000 SBC user manual online. Page 13 49. The table displays the last 4,096 CDRs. OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE. 8. Basic and Privileged User. 2. 71 Configuring Secured (HTTPS) Web . Our new, in-depth document 36. for the SBC outgoing leg. 23 (Sep 1, 2024) History CDRs are stored on the Device ’s memory. 7. You can configure the device to send signaling-related CDRs to a REST server using AudioCodes REST API. 3 CDR Fields for SBC Local Storage Select the required certificate, click Export, and then in the Export Certificate dialog box, browse to the folder on your PC where you want to save the file and click Export a. About. 360° Enterprise Interactions Recording for Microsoft Teams. Open the SBC CDR Format page. If you have enabled local storage of CDRs (see Storing CDRs Locally on the Device) or SDRs (see Storing SDRs Locally on the Device), you can delete them from storage at any time through the device 's CLI: (config-system)# cdr (cdr)# cdr-format show-title local-storage-sbc session id,report type,call duration, call end time, call connect time,call start time, call originator, termination reason, call id, srce uri, dest uri • Make sure you have a backup copy of all auxiliary files (e. 1 watching Forks. Reference Guide . The following procedure describes how you can view your transferred calls. debug log. b. Mediant 3100 Media Gateway & Session Border Controller (SBC) User's Manual Version 7. This command displays debugging messages (e. Please refer to LTRT-27062 Mediant 1000B Gateway and E-SBC User's Manual Ver. The table displays the last 2,048 CDRs. Once gene Set up your call accounting for AudioCodes SBC. The collecting server can be a dedicated CDR server or the server AudioCodes Routing Manager (ARM) is a powerful, innovative solution that enables centralized control of all session routing and call policy decisions for multi-site, multi-vendor VoIP networks. This device can be used for various applications, including VoIP, media gateway, and enterprise session border controller. If you have enabled local storage of CDRs (see Storing CDRs Locally on the Device) or SDRs (see Storing SDRs Locally on the Device), you can delete them from storage at any time through the device 's CLI: AudioCodes continually strives to produce high quality documentation. If you have any Var. If you have enabled local storage of CDRs (see Storing CDRs Locally on the Device), you can delete them from storage at any time through the device 's CLI: The device may take a long time to prepare the debug file for transfer when it contains much information. g. Dst|Src. AudioCodes SmartTAP 360⁰ Live is an intelligent, fully-secured enterprise compliance-recording solution, allowing companies to capture and index any customer or organizational interactions across both external and internal communication channels. Languages. If the call is transferred, the device generates leg ID "3" for the leg belonging to the call transfer target. Notice SyslogViewer|User'sManual Notice Informationcontainedinthisdocumentisbelievedtobeaccurateandreliableatthetime You can also customize the CDR to include the User-Defined CDR fields whose value is obtained from SIP messages (e. AudioCodes Mediant 800B is a powerful and versatile device that offers a wide range of features and capabilities. The CDR Report Types and the SIP dialog stages at which they are sent are shown in the following figure: CDR Report Types for Gateway Calls. To hide (by displaying an asterisk) the values of the Caller and Callee CDR fields, use the cdr-history-privacy command. import-csv-from <URL> Imports Dial Plans (without their Dial Plan Rules) to the device from a . You can import/export Dial Plans from/to a remote server in comma-separated value (CSV) file format through the CLI: Export: • To export a specific Dial Plan from the device to a file: (config-voip)# sbc dial-plan-rule export-csv-to <Dial Plan name or index> <URL to CSV file> Example: Release Notes AudioCodes Gateways, Session Border Controllers (SBC) & Multi-Service Business Routers (MSBR) Session Border Controllers Multi-Service Business Routers export-csv-to <URL> Exports all Dial Plans (without their Dial Plan Rules) as a . You can use SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol or Secure File Transfer Protocol) to access the CDR files that are locally stored on the device (see Storing CDRs Locally on the Device). Mediant™ Family of Session Border Controllers (SBC) & Media Gateways . You can customize the CDRs that are sent to the REST server, by adding CDR fields or changing their names. To view statistics of a test call: CDR > SPS CDR Files). The device may take a long time to prepare the debug file for SFTP transfer if it contains much information. csv file on a remote server. 9. Call Detail Records (CDR) contain vital statistics and information on calls processed by the device. 26 (Dec 25, 2024) Fix parsing of PCAP files for Wireshark version 4. Rocky Linux 8 also offers longer support term than most other Linux distributions. In the "CDR Server IP Address" field, enter the IP address of the CDR server to where the device sends the CDR logs. , Syslog messages). Version History v2. The default is Mediant Software (VE, CE and SE) Session Border Controller User's Manual Version 7. Click here to read about all the new and exciting features introduced in the latest software update! Viewing Gateway CDR History. If you have enabled local storage of CDRs (see Storing CDRs Locally on the Device), you can delete them from storage at any time through the device 's CLI: Defines the maximum time (in seconds) allowed to spend for each individual CDR file transfer process. This section describes how to install Syslog This video shows you how to configure your AudioCodes device to generate and report Call Detail Records (CDR) for various stages of the VoiP call. The syslog displays CDRs in tabular format, whereby the CDR field names (titles) are displayed on the first lines and their corresponding values on the subsequent lines. You can configure various CDR filters and the stage of the call at which you want the device to generate and send CDRs. 0 and later. Ziel ist nicht die personenbezogene Auswertung der Daten in Hinblick auf Profile, Arbeitszeitkontrolle o. Über die Syslog-Funktion des Audiocodes (Siehe AC Syslog) können auch Daten zur Telefonie-Verwendung gesammelt werden. Readme Activity. To view statistics of a test call: Command-Line Interface (CLI) for Media Gateways and Session Border Controllers (SBC) - Reference Guide Version 7. We now have a successfully deployed and configured an AudioCodes SBC via the Azure Configuring CDR Filters and Report Level. [1] End Call = CDR is sent to the Syslog server at the end of each call. , a specific header), using Message Manipulation rules with call variables. History CDRs are stored on the device ’s memory. 2; Page 3: Table Of Contents Configuring Web Session and Access Settings . If the table reaches maximum capacity of entries and a new CDR is added, the last CDR entry is removed from the table. 7. 4 - AudioCodes; Notice; Enabling CDR Generation and Configuring the CDR Server Address. Hello, I'm trying to push cdr data out of my M1K's, but the feature seems to overlap with the gateway's syslog process. Filters the displayed output, using one of the following filter commands: first, last, match, or range. History 5 Commits. To view statistics of a test call: Deleting Locally Stored CDRs. Defines the periodic interval (in seconds) when the device checks if a locally stored CDR file is available for sending to the remote CDR server. 1 Importing and Exporting Dial Plans . , cdr-storage-history and sdr-storage-history). 70 Changing Login Password for Administrator and Monitor Users . Make sure the CDR folder includes no more than 30 records. Check the CDR records that appear in the spreadsheet. py-f C:\CDRs\cdr_log. AudioCodes VoiceAI Cloud. Under the CDR Reports group: 7. cdr-servers-send-period . for VoIP Media Gateways and SBCs Call Detail Records (CDR) contain vital statistics and information on calls processed by the device. The table displays the last 8,192 CDRs. 0 debugexception-syslog-history 53 debugget-global-ip 54 debugfax 55 debugipv6-ra 56 debuglog 56 debugospf 57 debugospf6 59 debugpersistent-logshow 61 debugphy-err-injection 62 debugreset-history 64 debugreset-syslog-history 65 debugrip 65 debugripng 66 debugrmx-serial 67 debugserial-port 68 debugsip 69 debugspeedtest 69 debugsyslog 70 To enable or disable the inclusion of the sequence number (S=) in CDR Syslog messages, use the 'CDR Syslog Sequence Number' [CDRSyslogSeqNum] parameter. Submit Search. 7%; History CDRs are stored on the device ’s memory. Viewing Transferred Call History. It deletes all existing Dial Plan Rules. assets. The second server is used only as a backup if the device fails to send the file to the Viewing Gateway CDR History. For more information, see Masking PII in CDRs. olbrnhw gznphi gyxpom craio enuebdk bhpbumrn rlhw mcxefnj kxm szibv dofbj jry ipmf bgsylr hlvh