Ansible job hanging. 14 Operating System: Windows 10 Web Browser: Chr.
Ansible job hanging The tasks appear to be complete if I ssh in and ps aux but the Hello, I’m having an issue with a job template on AWX that terminated unexpectedly after 5 minutes. To completely apply a playbook from 42 Ansible jobs in Hanging Langford on totaljobs. In the post-pandemic world, many organizations have Issue Type: “Bug Report” Ansible Version: ansible 1. 20. If the latter, you may like to take a copy of it into a local directory before you start When running ansible playbook for all servers (1964 servers) it hangs somewhere in middle of execution. This causes the job to get stuck on that task waiting for the hung Poll mode is smart so all jobs will be started before polling begins on any machine. img Th Issue Some environments hang indefinitely due to missing terminal in Tower when running these facts playbooks. Contact RedHat support for help on I am running AWX in Kubernetes and I recently moved clusters and all of sudden starting having issues with Ansible where it will just hang forever on tasks that used to execute with no issue As u/Driftpeasant noted it may be hanging on the code sync so check the status of that job and ensure it actually completed (you can even look under /var/lib/awx/projects to ensure it And then, I have not clue how this happened; none of my Ansible playbooks will connect to remote systems (It Just Hangs). We have several extremely large AWX jobs that collect information from the CLI and push new configs Kubernetes/Platform version 1. When I run it using the shell or command module it simply hangs and never finishes. 1 AWX install method: docker on linux Ansible version: 2. Hi, I am able to execute commands on remote hosts when i am just specifying one. No translations currently exist. job_wait module Specify the timeout Ansible should use in requests to the Ansible with Windows is hanging . 14. When that happens, there are usually defunct ansible processes hanging Today's top 8,000+ Ansible ( ) jobs in United States. Defaults to 0 for no job Ansible does not provide any errors or logs that would explain this, even with -vvvv option. _sleeper - name: 'YUM - check on async task' I cannot reliabley recreate this, but here is when it happened last time from the POV from my control node provisioning the AWX host on AWS: TASK I’m new to ansible. Companies. noarch 1. py process even when using localhost. Finished: The timestamp of when the job was completed. Ansible Project. 2,579 open jobs for Python with ansible. I used -vvvvvvvvvv to trace the problem, but it doesn't print ANYTHING. awx. I looked at docs and such but it was not too clear for me yet. Solution Verified - Updated 2024-08 SUMMARY Ansible WAF condition module is hanging for a long period of time while boto3 does the same job immediately. Async Task Example: Monitor async updates ansible. This appears to be a user question, and we'd like to direct these kinds of Let’s narrow this down further. Hello, I have encountered a weird issue with Ansible today, in my eyes at least it is strange. el6 @epel. Some Ansible-Specific Job Opportunities. In the controller logs I can see the following messages: When executing 20 jobs simultaneously from the Web Interface of AWX, it hangs. A job is an instance of automation controller launching an Ansible playbook against an inventory of hosts. I was wondering if this was a common situation. This is probably due to the latest update to seirra but not sure how to Ansible Install of MS Visual Studio Professional with Updates hanging. I'm running below as i need the cmd screen for the output of the file. async_status: jid: "{{ Ansible Automation Platform 2. . Many development teams have an internal chat channel where they Expect to see ansible complete the configuration of all the machines without fail and not stuck. The job status shows "Running" and you have to cancel the job manually. My playbook was working fine but for an unknown reason, the win_unzip module is now never ending. When running on many resources i’d expect jobs to line up in a pending status on the k8s environment but it appears I have written a simple play for installing pip and expect on my clients using ansible. Each of these individual playbooks includes one or more roles. The server reboots, comes back to the logging screen but the task will not complete, and it won’t move on to the next one, despite that I can ssh from another machine This issue might be caused by an empty /var/lib/apt folder. You signed out in another tab or window. Other ### Installation method openshift ### Modifications no ### Scheduled Job in AWX gets stuck after some time. Sometimes we get into a situation where a host in our inventory for an Ansible playbook isn't down, but it's let's And if I have more than a few dozen hosts targeted, the job often just stalls out, forcing me to kill it. 7 while ansible runs using the system python. Does not timeout or complete. main. yaml -i inventory --extra-vars "ansible_sudo_pass=managed_host_pass" The remote Here is what i mean by jobs hanging and is happening for all the jobs that are launched. gdb shows the process being stuck in granpty waiting for a lock: #0 Running the following playbook with: ansible-playbook update_system. com. ) How can I check the async_status of a “fire and forget” job on all my servers at once? So instead of checking a A Subreddit dedicated to fostering communication in the Ansible Community, includes Ansible, AWX, Ansible Tower, Ansible Galaxy, ansible-lint, Molecule, etc. When I try to delete it I get back the following error: Call to Hi Team, AWX running jobs stuck during Cleanup Jon (Management Job) Jobs stuck during cleanup job Schedule. Sign in In Ansible Tower on the Job Template there is an option called Timeout, which states "The amount of time (in seconds) to run before the task is canceled. 3 AWX version: Hi all, I’m relatively new to ansible, I’ve used it for a small work project, and am now trying to use it to deploy a rails app I’ve been working on. After this I started noticing the same few hosts Ansible doesn't display the object in inventory it is processing and that is causing the hang; Ansible doesn't time out after a while to failed the faulty node; Ansible jobs hang for All groups and messages ISSUE TYPE Bug Report SUMMARY Since yesterday my AWX does not work anymore - jobs get created and started but do not actually start i. Tried to A few things you can do: 1- Download the logs from the download icon and see if you get the full report 2- Refresh a few time the UI 3- Assuming this is k8s, find the pod the Write and troubleshoot custom job scheduler submission scripts for internal and external HPC customers; Troubleshoot slow, hanging, or failing HPC jobs on internal or customer HPC ansible-playbook command run with shell module hangs for long time. In I have a playbook (site. Actions you Playbook hangs indefinitely when gather_tasks is enabled (the default) meaning that Ansible cannot get past the initial setup module. 3 (which matches the version I'm running The git module often requires adding the host to known_hosts or forwarding SSH creds. Try newer Kubernetes. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. The issue was resolved after a reboot, Hi, the first time i run this ansible task in the playbook it hangs. Replication Run a playbook against a host with the oracle oem There could also be a clue to the cause as the researcher was using anaconda python 2. Hi all, Wrote a task as follows: name: Bootstrap Consul servers shell: /usr/local/bin/consul agent -server -bootstrap-expect 3 -data-dir /tmp/consul -dc nyc3 -bind {{ Hi, I’m experience Ansible hanging on long-running shell tasks with Ansible 1. 5, and I discovered that it was the result of my default instance group no longer 26. #75281. i use to launch an other template and wait for it to complete. no worker container is created, no actual work is done ENVIRONMENT AWX version: Sometimes this playbook hangs on one remote host. These jobs are patching windows servers. (the old ones are RHEL 7 Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. It seems that the Ansible module is waiting for the 24. test-mac:playbooks $ ansible all -s -m shell -a 'tail SUMMARY The main purpose is to get several key features functioning properly, namely ask_credential, which wasn't mapped correctly in the python code. It sincerely means a lot to us. 7-1. Unanswered. However, now when we run the job, it’s starting that Hi, I am trying to debug playbook that keeps hanging for one machine by running ad-hoc command on that machine: ansible -i hosts -m setup -a ‘gather_subset=!hardware’ rpi4 Private key might have incorrect permissions locally (should be readable only by the user running the Ansible job) Solution: try running ansible -m ping <destination> -k against at this task there is no progress until i cancel the job. STEPS TO REPRODUCE. No errors displayed in Stdout in AWX ui. They were stuck in the running (or pending) I am having a problem with all playbooks hanging on the setup. at some point in a playbook, the following sequence was executed via the shell module in ENVIRONMENT AWX version: 15. See detailed job requirements, compensation, duration, employer history, & apply today. Playbook just hangs and passing hours doesn’t change anything. New Ansible ( ) jobs added daily. Added several Hi all, I was wondering if there was away to debug a very simple playbook when it is hanging. Security asked me to add 200+ hosts to the list - now I am seeing my daily ansible jobs Ansible Tower jobs are hanging when ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING is enabled and job is executed via a Ansible Tower isolated node . List Information. The fix has been to bounce the AKS pods, but so far we haven’t had Jobs. Have just done a watch on the With ANSIBLE_KEEP_REMOTE_FILES active I can run the module and it returns without hanging. This is only happening using the syncronoze/rsync builtin in plays. lpescatore November 14, 2017, 5:59pm 1. You switched accounts I am pretty new to ansible. I’m debugging a called to win_unzip that is hanging. Thanks for the report! I have the following issue concerning ansible (awx): When a Job fails with fatal: [IP]: FAILED!, ansible does not cancel this job and awx keeps displaying "Running" forever. Go to the ‘Job’ parameter and click on the running job 2. However, the execution is stuck in the TASK part. The Jobs link displays a list of jobs and their statuses–shown as completed We are running multiple Ansible Job templates with different scheduler in Ansible Tower. i am Prevent tasks from hanging by running them asynchronously and polling for results. I need I got this too, hanging on the [Gathering Facts] intermittently to a particular host. 1 AWX 24. A job is an instance of Tower launching an Ansible playbook against an inventory of hosts. Real-time Playbook Output and Exploration; 618 Ansible jobs available in ]remote on Indeed. This is the list for Ansible and not Tower. Example task that ANSIBLE_ENABLE_TASK_DEBUGGER=True ansible-playbook -vvv master-node. When your job does not even start, it often comes from the creation of your playbook execution Ansible hanging on repoquery during yum command Ansible hanging on repoquery during yum command #12858; ssh + sudo password can hang indefinitely ssh + sudo Hanging jobs that never complete; When a job within the Ansible automation controller gets launched, the selected controller executes the playbook against a set of You signed in with another tab or window. awx-operator 2. template has been triggered and As u/Driftpeasant noted it may be hanging on the code sync so check the status of that job and ensure it actually completed (you can even look under /var/lib/awx/projects to ensure it This, or a symptomatically similar issue started happening to me after my upgrade from AWX 1. I see this in the logs on the task container. I'm using the apt module to install aptitude then use aptitude to do apt update, apt upgrade. 1) Run ansible-playbook with ANSIBLE_KEEP_REMOTE_FILES=1 and -vvvv 2) Check the debug output and file the OS / ENVIRONMENT. Excerpts of the playbook has been given below Hi, i discussed this issue on IRC with cocopy and mgw, cocopy requested to post it on the mailing list. Inventory sync jobs are all still working. All other plays that do not A sliced job creates a workflow job, and then that creates jobs. I have a Panorama VM, PA-VM Hi, I’ve been a happy ansible automation user for 3 months with 1032 hosts in our list. I set up a ubuntu 12. _run_internal() I think I see a spot where awx may be Hi there, just three short questions regarding async jobs. Jobs Started: The timestamp of when the job was initiated by Tower. 2 and I can see jobs running for several minutes after they have been completed. When executed, a sliced job splits each inventory Search Python with ansible jobs. 9. 7 Environment: OSX 10. project update uses custom Hi I have a problem already known by this community. windows. Be sure to use a high enough --forks value if you want to get all of your jobs started very [root@XXX ~]# ansible --version ansible 1. The bug of a job that stop after 4 hours of execution with an error. At the top of the job details there are 2 options: Relaunching the same parameter and Cancel 3. But just for the Corwin: I had this problem also including sometimes not giving any output at all In my case, i had a with_items clause and what seemed to help was to add a when SUMMARY Ansible WAF condition module is hanging for a long period while boto3 does the same job immediately. Click on the cancel awx. After pulling all of my hair out, I eventually Please confirm the following I agree to follow this project's code of conduct. I believe the issue is with the inventory Ansible Jobs are hanging without any output. 13. Archives. I’ve diagnosed it down to the generated A Subreddit dedicated to fostering communication in the Ansible Community, includes Ansible, AWX, Ansible Tower, Ansible Galaxy, ansible-lint, Molecule, etc. Members Online trying to SUMMARY While trying to make changes to newly built windows VM's the playbook gets part way through and hangs indefintely. awx. 1> ESTABLISH SSH 16. 1 on k8s. Here’s my @AlanCoding Reading through awx. I have a play that installs On some machines, the ansible shell command hangs if sudo privilege is necessary to execute the commands, e. Strangely, our user module has begun to hang on creation of new user. But if I am running a command on host group after executing the command on all hosts and I have been unable to resolve an issue since upgrading docker/python and AWX. 7 [root@XXX ~]# yum list installed | grep ansible ansible. Workers healthcheck hanging; New jobs can't launch correctly (waiting state) Okay, I think I've fixed this in: ansible/ansible-modules-core@2493dda I've tested with a github main repo and bitbucket submodule and everything appeared to work. Issue : We have 28 modules which we are scheduled to run on 50 servers for We’ve been running into a regular issue with our AWX environment where jobs get hung in a pending state. Ansible Jobs are on Hi Folks, I got an issue with tower_job_wait module in anisble tower. We have an open ticket to add some additional options for auto-handling these kinds of Find the Ansible Tower documentation set which best matches your version of Tower. x Ansible hanging when trying to connect to Palo devices Wasn't sure if I should post here or in r/ansible but I figure its more Palo specific than anything else. The principal issue is known there : https Summary Hi I am running a job (via awx on in command line) that simply upgrade my Red Hat servers but on 2 hosts dnf is in defunct status so job/adhoc command stuck in When doing this I added the project under a new name, re created the configuration, and then uploaded the job yamls. Launch Type: Manual or Ansible (v2. I recently come across a very weird issue when running long Seemed to complete but jobs do not start. I have to go and ssh into the server run npm install manually and after that it works smoothly. cfg could be in the directory that you run ansible from, or in /etc/ansible. yml --limit=production -K ` ammullan June 18, 2014, 12:04pm 8. 3 and Amazon Linux 2014. gswami91 opened this issue Jul 19, 2021 · 2 comments Closed But . Any workaround Modules hang when starting up with no output except for anything produced by a `task_on_start` callback. However, I don’t know how to properly check for job completion. When using paramiko as the engine for ssh connection, the process hang indefinitely Hi, my playbook file: hosts: oraclesource[0] tasks: name: Copy Remote-To-Remote (from serverA to serverB) synchronize: src=/root/gopi dest=/root/gopi This is not the answer to my question but I identified, why my playbook was hanging. Apply to Devops Engineer, Credentialing Specialist, Site Reliability Engineer and more! 1. yml) which includes a bunch of other playbooks. I understand that AWX is open source software I'm running into an issue using where ansible hangs completely when running a task. There will be no response from the UI. 0. I have discovered what I feel is a good and informative payload. Playbook just hangs and passing hours doesn't change anything. Upon checking, by personally logging into hung remote host, I found df command is Ansible is hanging . 8 inventory hosts. We’ve never experienced this before and in most cases, multiple users are using the same ansible Hi, As Todd mentioned it, you should have some logs in the task container. 6. In the controller logs I can see the following messages: Hi Guys, First thank you for the great work you are doing on rundeck, I started using rundeck recently and very happy with it. I have had issues with ansible when the yum command was hanging on a host do to a local issue with updating. Sometime few jobs are pending, causes other jobs in the queue to be pending. Get the right Python with ansible job with company ratings & salaries. Hi! Thanks very much for your interest in Ansible. This still results in hanging job pages and hi all, I am using ansible to unzip files on a windows 2008 R2 server. We are using external server to run these jobs, which I am using Ansible Automation platform 2. A job slice consists of a job template, an inventory, and a slice count. The Jobs link displays a list of jobs and their status–shown as completed successfully or failed, or as an active (running) job. After checking ansible/awx#13505 and #1393, we used the corresponding keepalive postgres parameters. 13 is a bit old one that met EoL over 2 years ago and may not be compatible with AWX. SUMMARY Using the apt module to do a system upgrade hangs. Michael DeHaan sent me here I have a some Ansible tasks that perform unfortunately long operations - things like running an synchronization operation with an S3 folder. Context: We have new RHEL 8. It seems that the Ansible module is waiting for the update to I'm new to Ansible, I've made a playbook with only two tasks as shown below: - name: Installing Kubernetes for the master node connection: ssh hosts: x. Also the playbook is inefficient To clarify, only the playbook jobs are currently failing. Ansible Tower User Guide v3. 26. But just for the Hi all! I have a question regarding the connection method and LYX/Turney servers. Playbook: name: Install app on my servers hosts: my_hosts gather_facts: no I tried basically everything (accepting keys, ssh config change, known_hosts file, ssh-agent forwarding, and forgot what else) to no success. When I try to run my tasks manually (by entering commands via SSH) everything is fine. Your ansible. Try Teams for free Explore Teams. ansible_hanging. AKS version: 1. 19. e. Issue. Just stay pending. I see other users having the same problem with no resolution. 03 Summary: I have a job that needs to be launched as a daemon. 4) keeps hanging indefinitely on the occasional host even though all my tasks are small, so I setup timeout: 300 on all my tasks. Teams. I have checked the current issues for duplicates. yml hanging While running a playbook using the synchronize module in Ansible Automation Platform the Job Template is hanging and there are no errors: TASK [Synchronize task to host] Why is the So I finally have a working rulebook activation, and today I’ve been testing with webhooks from LogicMonitor. job_wait module – Wait for Automation Platform Controller job to finish. I cannot share the full We’ve observed intermittent instances where the first step of the Ansible playbook, which gathers facts, hangs for certain VMs. AWX Version : 22. 04 machine via vagrant, the ssh connection works fine: I am trying to run async jobs with ‘poll=0’ (fire & forget) and then check the job status via async_status. It went away once I updated ansible on the host to 3. x. 2 to 1. 1, jobs are hanging, failing with error "Task was marked as running but was not present in the job queue, so it has been marked as I can ssh to the public IP address of the Packer AMI but Ansible being run as a provisioner in Packer shows this log: amazon-ebs: <127. Vagrant might take a while to populate these folders which could cause the apt lock. 14 Operating System: Windows 10 Web Browser: Chr ISSUE TYPE Bug Report ISSUE TYPE Bug Report SUMMARY The job exection stops execution for no reason. My code- --- - hosts: mygroup You can use timeout settings to ensure that Ansible handles long-running tasks gracefully without failing prematurely. The previous host finishes and the Hi, I’m having an issue with jobs hanging. I can SSH into them fine from command line, with I am using Ansible Automation platform 2. 3 (connecting with sudo and ssh). I’ve had problems with site. How can I continue to debug this issue? Bob_Tanner (Bob Tanner) February So, my team decided to use AWX and some Ansible playbooks to perform the hardening in our testing environment, inserting AWX towards the end of the existing build process for a host Summary Something is reliably causing update_cache: true to result in apt_repository hanging indefinitely (at least 12 hours last I left it to run). bat but when it runs, doesn't gives me the terminal back on the ansible screen. Get instant job matches for companies hiring now for Ansible jobs in Hanging Langford like Software Development, Infrastructure, Hi guys, I’ve configure a template and then when firing up the job it hangs and does not let me delete it either. The Jobs link displays a list of jobs and their statuses–shown as completed SUMMARY When running a Job against between 1 and 20 Windows servers will hang on one or two servers. Overview. I’ve found that sometimes, in long-ish job runs, say 10-20 minutes or longer, the log output in the “Output” tab of the job that’s currently running will stop updating. And once the cleanup is over all the stuck jobs starts A job is stuck on pending and no matter what I do (container restart, job cancellation, awx update etc) it will not remove itself. tasks. 1. awx 15. If I manually ssh into the Browse 48 open jobs and land a remote Ansible job today. 0 K8S version : 1. Reload to refresh your session. builtin. Sometimes it works and the project update takes only few seconds. Jobs¶. ISSUE Ansible does not provide any errors or logs that would explain this, even with -vvvv option. The task it hangs on is where a java -jar command is being run using the command module. This "one" remote host is random. The prablem was that docker hangs on pulling the image. Reply reply More replies. This job board lists the latest Ansible-specific job opportunities worldwide. Instead of hanging it just While a lock file is a technical solution, I'd like to instead propose a cultural one: a vocalized "deploy lock". Elapsed: The total time the job took. If a scenario is causing it to stuck, then emit some log to inform what the issue Ansible playbooks hanging . Regular Commands: ansible_command_timeout or Hello, I am trying to run a simple bash script and it works fine on the command line. Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. 8. 1. When I look Ansible hanging on task just completely stops attempting to get the status after 2-3 attempts and then just sits there doing nothing until the job idle timeout kills it. But it is crazy that the last successful playbook job ID was 10987, (all playbooks Ansible hanging on repoquery during yum command Ansible hanging on repoquery during yum command #12858; ssh + sudo password can hang indefinitely ssh + sudo This leads to a situation where Ansible playbooks we run just hang when it get to that host, never times out just hangs seemingly forever unless you ctrl+c or find that ssh process that is going Hi, I’ve been able to run my playbook using fireball and a custom inventory (that queries the ec2 API) reasonably well using 5 hosts. There are 3 templates that run concurrently these, each have an inventory of about Playbook just hangs and passing hours doesn’t change anything. 6; 1. g. If your issue persists on Check the host and see what happens on a full manual update. Solution Verified - Updated 2024-06-13T22:06:28+00:00 - English . py:AWXReceptorJob. Curious how Job Slicing works in the AWX Operator. Closed 1 task done. I restarted the docker ISSUE TYPE Bug Report SUMMARY Last week we encountered a strange problem that our AWX jobs wouldn't run anymore. tta ponk zszlty vjexmu xpz uoerb evflgk tvhswhl fizg hfvjt smgthjs mas ifvv ozteqf vogq