Anki audio not playing. It’s just today’s new cards that have this problem.

Anki audio not playing But do not close Anki. Both of these audio files can be Apr 14, 2021 · Hello, I have an issue that cards audio is not playing at all in Anki (pressing R has no effect). 0. copy-paste the code and press Ctrl+Enter, and click the audio play Mar 2, 2025 · You can use Anki's Tools>Check Media function to find out which images are missing from your collection by looking at the "Used on cards but missing from media folder" Feb 1, 2015 · Anki does not play audio and show error "Sound and video on cards will not function until mpv or mplayer is installed. OGG to . I would like the play button a appear and the sound to be played only if I press the button. Any help is appreciated. 84 (20084. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. 83 (20083. Mar 10, 2024 · It appears to be a common problem with the add-on: Some mp3 audio files don't work in iOS Anki but work on macOS This app can tell you what format a file is in: MediaInfo. e. Feb 14, 2024 · Hi, I’m not able to play sounds in my iOS Anki app. media folder. 20211230 1: Fix Bugs for no sound play with "Advanced Answer Sounds" add-on: mpv play need "pause=no" option. Skip question when replaying answer: Controls whether audio from the question side is played when you use replay action on the answer side. csalek November 2, 2024, 6:51pm 3. 🙋 Support. exe in C:\Program Dec 3, 2023 · I created an Anki vocab deck from a language textbook. Anki is a program that makes learning easier. 3 AnkiMobile to 25. (Anki phone/android still working fine. I added a field to the basic card type and labelled it audio. Frequently asked questions about Anki. mp3´. 2: 11: October 7, 2024 Aug 28, 2020 · Hello. exe in C:\Program Files\Anki. As a result of testing [anki-2. 2: 36: February 21, 2025 AnkiMobile bug: autoplay of MP3 and MP4 not Mar 2, 2025 · Anki stores your cards' sound and image files on your computer, in your Anki folder, in User 1/collection. Neither autoplay nor selecting the replay audio action results in sound being played. In Wind Dec 27, 2023 · But, the audio files are not working as expected. Could you install the Android SDK, plug your phone in the USB, and check if something strange appears in the "logcat" tool output? Once the sound is playing is not so important if it takes more or less time because the user is listening to the audio Apr 24, 2023 · I have set the deck to autoplay audio (by non-intuitively de-selecting the “Don’t autoplay audio”, instead of the more sensible “Play audio”) but the Anki is ignoring the setting. 26-windows. It works with multiple audio files on the front and back site. I’m running Feb 16, 2022 · Hello All, Recently made some flash cards with audio included in them on desktop. “Interrupt Current Audio”, “Autoplay in Silent Mode” & “Always Duck Background” settings are enabled. I don’t know what I was trying to do, but I tried recording again and it worked, to my surprise. I downloaded some shared decks online and there are . There is an issue with the sound. Card Design. So I don’t know what to do. Is it possible to do that? Thanks in advance Mar 2, 2025 · A shared deck is not showing images/playing audio. I’m using anki on windows,version 2. 04 Mar 1, 2023 · Alternatively, checking for add-on updates, making sure you are running Anki 2. In Wind Apr 15, 2021 · Anki Desktop 2. sound import mpvManager if mpvManager. Previously, I was using: <!-- {{vocab-audio}} --> in my template to hide the large play button while still allowing the sound to play. It seems that media files are there, so I do not know what to do? Thanks for any suggestion, Richard P. I’ve searched the forum and tried various solutions, but none have worked. 20220803 1: fix some bugs for above version 2. 11 update for the desktop version. The “Front” of the card is the title and audio and the reverse is either blank or I add the text. The front displays the Enlish word and the back displays the Thai word and corresponding audio. support-request. Here’s what I’ve checked so far: My iPhone is not on silent mode and not muted. Audio is working fine on the same cards in Anki Desktop. mp3 format but it didn’t work either. Originally, it worked well, but if you only use the export function, the audio function of the card does not work. 11) to 25. : I just Nov 16, 2024 · The wordAudio from YomiTan are still playing but the sentence audio is not playing with the new cards. It appears to play/process it, but no sound is Jul 23, 2020 · Hi all Hoping someone can help. I have recently reset my computer and after reinstalling anki on it and syncing my collection from ankiweb, no images are not showing and no audio is working. bug, support-request, anking-overhaul. Did I do something wrong? Update: I got it to work. Jun 23, 2023 · When activating an audio element and no sound is played even though there is visual feedback, your device may be in silent mode or have the volume muted: Check the iPad/iPhone isn't in "Silent" mode. When I go to the sample page for the shared deck online, both my computer and mobile devise is able to play the audio. I stopped and restarted the app, but no Jul 13, 2024 · I have written a user script that audio plays audio files on AnkiWeb, because the Anki app is broken on my Chromebook. After maybe 5-10 minutes into the session the cards do not produce sound anymore. 5) iPhone 15. MP3 Converter from GitHub to make sure all my files are in . Which led me importing your protected media folder (from google drive on the Reddit post) and it didn’t add anything new. So I looked for it in the media folder and none of the audio files are there. I’ve just updated Anki to 2. Release Oct 5, 2021 · If it doesn’t help, click the Edit button in Anki, look for [sound:filename. The phone is not in silent mode or connected to any headphones. support-request, anking-overhaul. 1 Anki 2. 4. 1, audio does not seem play for flash cards. You should be able to hear the audio after that Feb 16, 2025 · iPhone 14 Pro Max iOS 18. 7: 532: July 12, 2023 Anking audio not working. But when I drag the audio files (such as the one in the screenshot) manually in mpv. mp3] for this usecase). I have consulted these links before posting (unfortunately, I cannot paste any links in here, it prevents me from doing so. media folder and play the audio file by drag-and-dropping it to mpv. 5: 492: April 8, 2023 Audio Keeps Playing Into Next Card. 14: 23442: May 1, 2023 Anki isn't playing audio of cards I've specifically created. But converting files can be somewhat complicated if you’re not so familiar with computers, so you may find it easier to add audio to your cards using some other method (a different add-on, the built Aug 28, 2020 · Hello. Visit Stack Exchange Sep 1, 2024 · I’m trying to use an audio tag to play an audio but I can’t make it work for the life of me, what am I doing wrong? (I can’t use [sound:file. Does anyone know what is wrong? The audio does work my iPhone. the pictures are not showing up on any of my decks now. 29, i have my decks, but audio files don’t play for some reason. I tried using shared decks from anti web and now creating my own. 1 After updating (from I think 24. The only difference to the native app is that it doesn’t work on the first card, because browsers block audio playback when the user hasn’t Jun 20, 2023 · We currently do not support audio syncing, however, we are planning on doing so in the near future (I can’t specify a time yet). 7: 2397: May 1, 2023 Home 5 days ago · Don't play audio automatically: By default, Anki automatically plays any audio you have on cards. 6. exe], it works well, Mar 9, 2022 · I am trying to use audio cards but the feature is not working. Tried: rebuild database reinstall anki iPad 15. Jan 21, 2022 · Hello. Then locate the audio file in the collection. This setup had been working fine until yesterday. mp3 not playing. amankalra March 6, 2023, 4:08am 13. Each time a play button appears, but nothing happens when you click it. Debug binaries are similar but also include some stuff useful when doing very low-level debugging — which isn’t your case, I assume. " How can I fix it? mpv and mplayer are installed ubuntu 20. Someone please help me!! Aug 5, 2023 · Hello everybody, I have a weird problem, just updated Anki and all audio in my huge deck does not play audio files at all! I tried to make a new profile and import the previously exported deck from the older version I used before and it still does not play. So I have to turn Anki off and on again for the audio to work properly. Since updating, most of the audio plays automatically Mar 31, 2024 · The audio can’t be played anywhere, and I’m not sure how to proceed. My media sync says Nov 8, 2018 · Audio is not playing from a particular deck. I’ve tried to compare + contrast any difference, but I can’t detect any. 04 and Anki 2. zadesadek August 9, 2024, Audio not playing. Now the fun part: if I move one card Jul 6, 2021 · When I double-click on the audio icon of cards, a message pops up: Sounds and video on cards will not function until mpv or mplayer is installed. The audio does not Aug 24, 2021 · The audio on other decks I’ve downloaded, that others have made, work perfectly - but the audio on my own crafted cards doesn’t work! The audio of other-made cards plays perfectly on AnkiDesktop & AnkiDroid (which I use); my cards don’t sound on either. 🐛 Bug. Help. . mp3] in one of the fields, find the same audio file in the ‘collection. Jul 28, 2015 · Actually I have never used audio in Anki/AnkiDroid, I think Edu knows much more about it. To fix the issue, I changed the HTML to: {{vocab-audio}} and used the following CSS instead: . media and I am able to play them with a different media player. Audio files exist in Collection. 17: 490: March 7, 2023 Audio. Currently, I am using the latest version, but it is unfortunate that this problem has occurred. It’s just today’s new cards that have this problem. 📖 AnkiHub Decks. If you turn on this option Anki will not play audio until you press the replay audio key, R or F5. I need to press R to make it work. Only had that issue after installing 24. Sync is complete on Anki iOS. Maybe the audio will work again. I verified the audio file format using Aug 7, 2020 · Maybe mpv just crashed while playing the audio file. exe doesn’t work for files named “utf-8”. The console says ´Client disconnected while serving /jack. S. resulting in sounds not playing or images not appearing. 44 - Card not playing audio. 2: 9: October 7, 2024 Audio not working on Anking V12 cards Aug 28, 2020 · Hello. When closing and restarting Anki sound is produced again for a while. _on_done() Nov 29, 2024 · I’m using Windows Anki for the first time in several years. My audio files were not supported on ankiwebs so I had to change them to mp3s ☹ (Anki Manual recommends mp3 for sound and mp4 for video to be most portable to ankiweb and Mar 17, 2022 · Maybe there should be a notification or something like that: the first time an audio content is not automatically played because the phone is in mute / vibrate mode, you could have a little pop-up explaining that a sound should have been played, but it has not because [], and this behavior can be changed in the settings. For other audio files, it’ll autoplay normally. I tried restarting and the issue persisted. ( All the audio are still playing on the old cards, it is just the new cards being affected). media. This is controlled by a switch at the side of the device, which is positioned above the volume buttons on the right-hand side of the screen on the 20220803 1: Support new typed years version. Instead, open the Debug Console, run this code and click the audio play button or review a few cards with audio. fergiavelli December 2, 2021, 5:10pm 1. ) Re-linking to local original audio files doesn’t solve it. mp3. Nov 2, 2024 · A shared deck is not showing images/playing audio - Anki FAQs. In Wind Aug 9, 2024 · I press the audio button on the anki card but no sound is produced. 4: 537: May 1, 2023 Home ; Categories Oct 2, 2019 · Anki will only open the mpv stream when audio has to be actively played back (as it uses mpv for this, the relevant audio stream will come from mpv not from anki) Tried playing the audio after closing a bunch of firefox windows, noticed mpv Media Player appearing briefly, was able to switch the default program to my headphones and unmuted. This is particularly Jan 24, 2022 · mp3 files in card not play after export. If you delete any files from that folder, Anki notes they have been removed and on the next sync it will remove them from your other devices as well. Jun 17, 2023 · AnKing cards with audio not playing. As part of my language studies, I have a lot of dialogues, recorded texts, etc. exe it works perfectly. I am under Ubuntu 16. It was working fine yesterday, but today it suddenly stopped. Among all these options, you need to choose “Release Binaries”. It’s only when I go to my profiled deck that it does not play. The deck has been working fine and the audio has played correctly for Jul 31, 2022 · With Audio MIDI Setup and Logic Pro still open, and the Scarlett 2i4 selected, restarted Anki. Verifying my phone’s audio works (by playing music, etc. just to make sure that the audio is playing with the correct playback device Feb 21, 2025 · Enabling all the audio options like interrupting current audio, ducking background, autoplay in silent mode, etc. Aug 28, 2020 · Hello. Jun 6, 2022 · Audio Plays Automatically with Headphones on Anki Mobile – Bug? Help. Audio does still work on my phone in general. 49. I’m using it for foreign language learning and I want to add audio files. I have even downloaded an Anki . The workaround currently would be as you have described previously, by downloading the V12 reddit comments media package and importing the media. So it does not play audios. 02. mp3 files. and I use Anki as a way to schedule reviews to keep the language fresh. 3: 664: December 14, 2022 Audio not playing automatically on review. The problem is that the audio doesn’t start. Maybe somebody else finds it helpful. In Wind Aug 28, 2020 · Hello. 5: 119: December 29, 2024 Automatic audio doesn't play on random decks on iPhone. 35 thanks ! Feb 19, 2025 · I think I figured it out. Anki reports no missing files, and I can see them in local collection. However, the audio will not play and causes to program to massively slow down on desktop (and crash if I hit play audio 2 times) but works fine on iOS (I just have to get play audio a few times) and perfectly on AnkiWeb. replay-button svg { display: none; } This successfully hid the play Apr 28, 2022 · Issue appeared after iOS update on both iPhone and iPad devices. Aug 28, 2020 · If there’s no sound, open the Debug Console in Anki, temporarily set audio-samplerate to 48000, i. The weird thing is that the audio for all of my review cards plays normally, and the audio for new cards was playing normally when I studied yesterday. 3: 543: May 1, 2023 Audio not playing on cards. Dec 8, 2024 · Audio files named . AnkiHub Community Audio not working on Anking V12 cards. After going through many cards, audio worked only 1-2 times for me, and i don’t know how to fix this. I use safari on my Jan 26, 2021 · Hye Despite mpv and mplayer are both installed, I always get the pop-up “sounds don’t work without mpv or mplayer”, at each card. I’ve gone through the Jun 1, 2022 · This is not a “dirty” hack, simply an alternative way of playing sound supported by Anki in cases where mpv doesn’t quite work. Audio plays from a new manually Oct 29, 2024 · Some of my audio will not play (AnkiHub AnKing deck) - the play button shows up, but pressing it does nothing. When I go to edit the card I can see the field with the audio file. ) Trying with/without silent mode on; Verified the audio works on Anki Desktop on windows 10; Verified that the media log sync is complete on AnkiMobile; Other notes Jan 6, 2021 · Hi, I would like to add to my cards an example sentence audio that is not played automatically when the card is displayed. Closed Audio MIDI Setup, closed Logic Mar 23, 2021 · So i’ve synced my cards from the PC version to ankiweb but it seems that the audio isn’t playing on ankiweb. Drag and drop to mpv. I use both my computer and my phone for the desktop version and they both do not play the . from aqt. 3. 0: 179: June 17, 2023 Audio. Please query this in your search engine to reach the links instead): FAQ: A shared deck is not showing images/playing audio; Anki Forums: anki-on-mac-sound-stops-working Feb 1, 2015 · Stack Exchange Network. Aug 28, 2020 · If there’s no sound, try to restart Anki and review the same card again just to make sure that there’s still no sound. 1) *The issue doesn’t appear on my Windows PC AnkiMobile stopped playing all audio suddenly. Anki. 3: 769: May 1, 2023 Can't play the audio on my cards. Then I thought (since I already Feb 19, 2025 · I’m having an issue where sound is not playing in Anki on my iPhone. Oct 29, 2021 · I created a new deck now, still using the same type of cards. I’m not sure what the Jun 20, 2023 · There are a number of AnKing overhaul cards that are supposed to have audio (heart auscultation and whatnot), but none of them are playing for me. I also contacted the person who made the shared deck, they sent me a new version, and it still did not work Dec 16, 2024 · Thanks for the new update. I dragged and dropped the file into that field but when I practice the cards there’s no audio. _on_done: mpvManager. 1. media’ folder and drag-and-drop it to mpv. In Wind Dec 2, 2021 · Images not showing and audio not playing on anki desktop. 56 Qt6, and even starting Anki in debug mode (holding shift when starting) and seeing if your Jun 17, 2023 · When I’m looking at cards that apparently are supposed to have an audio component, clicking the play button doesn’t make anything happen. Some shared decks are missing sounds or images, either because the author expects you to download them from a separate location, or because they've accidentally or deliberately omitted them. I tried uninstalling, deleting all files, downgrading to an older Mar 1, 2023 · Something is wrong with your computer/Anki and it’s not playing the audio. Autoplay and clicking the play button does not play any sound. qffachc ffmydd enw hcirn xqttr uaqjc wwixrf ethoae bmnba gudiruc dcpjl juo nrv jezqp hnxrkknmy