Fusion support yugioh. There are three Hex Sealed Fusions: Light, Dark, and Earth.
Fusion support yugioh It predates modern Fusion spell design by Feb 7, 2023 · With that out of the waym let's check out the 10 best Fusion spells in Yu-Gi-Oh. For a list of cards, see List of Fusion Monsters. com 142K subscribers in the masterduel community. This is a list of Warrior-Type support cards. How to Play Feb 1, 2019 · These are the card details for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG card "Fusion of Fire. This is a list of "Fusion" support cards. For a list of anti-support cards, see List of Dinosaur-Type anti-support cards. #10 Miracle Fusion. Sep 27, 2019 · This is an official site for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game. Video game Date # Name "Cybernetic Fusion Support" "Cynet Fusion" "D-Fusion" "Dark Fusion Thing about generic support is that it is unsearchable, and it is also a brick if you draw it first turn without a fusion spell. For a list of support cards, see List of Fusion Monster support cards. Effect. Level. " You can also use this card during your turn to override "Power Bond", "Overload Fusion" or "Ancient Gear Fusion", as well as "Polymerization". For a list of anti-support cards, see List of Fusion Monster anti-support cards. . " Please refer to this page for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG official rules for "Harmonic Synchro Fusion. German Wenn diese Karte gegen ein Fusionsmonster kämpft, werden die ATK des Fusionsmonsters nur während des Damage Steps zu 0. + Support: Keeper of Dragon Magic; Performs a Fusion Summon +, Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Si un ou plusieurs monstres en votre possession ont été détruits par un effet de carte ce tour, vous pouvez aussi mélanger des monstres "Mémento" depuis This is a list of Dinosaur-Type support cards. " Please refer to this page for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG official rules for "Revoke Fusion. 8. ) Vous ne pouvez activer qu'1 "Fusion Préparée" par tour. Support. May 24, 2024 · These are the card details for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG card "Fusion Deployment. Invoquez par Fusion 1 Monstre Fusion "Métalphose" depuis votre Extra Deck, en utilisant des monstres depuis votre main ou Terrain comme Matériels Fusion. Fiend. (The effect of "Cybernetic Fusion Support" does not need to be applied for the first Fusion Summon performed during that turn. " Please go to "Search For Decks Containing This Card," if you would like to search for Decks that contain "Anti-Fusion Device. Fusion Monster + Advertisement. Au lieu de piocher normalement, ajoutez la Carte "Super Polymérisation" à votre main depuis l'extérieur de votre Deck. For a list of members, see List of "Fusion Dragon" cards. (Ceci est traité comme une Invocation Fusion. Cybernetic Fusion Support (Other - English—Worldwide) Yugioh. Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel! As you can see the deck is supposed to be "Random fusion stuff go" But since the deck search feature in MD is garbage, I wanna know what are some generic Fusion-support cards that I can add for this deck? stuff like Fusion sage, or cards that do generic fusions but with benefits (that are not archtype-specific) This is a list of "Fusion" cards. This is a list of Fusion Monster support cards. This is a list of "Fusion" cards. " Jan 26, 2008 · These are the card details for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG card "Revoke Fusion. "Phoenix Enforcer" might be weaker than "Dragoon" on its own, but everything around it is superior, like its materials (which are valuable in your graveyard), and its own fusion spell. For a list of members, see List of "Dragonmaid" cards. View Mobile Site Durant votre 1re Standby Phase après activation de cette carte : montrez 1 Monstre Fusion dans votre Extra Deck et envoyez les Matériels Fusion listés sur celui-ci depuis votre Main Deck au Cimetière. But if it is live, it will be powerful, since this is a spell speed 2 fusion summon, and we know how good branded in red is. "Fusion Dragon" is an archetype in the OCG/TCG. Invoquez par Fusion 1 Monstre Fusion Cyberse depuis votre Extra Deck, en utilisant des monstres depuis votre main ou Terrain comme Matériel Fusion. Language Name Card text; French: Dispositif d'Anti Fusion: Détruisez 1 Monstre de Fusion face recto sur le Terrain. The literal and graphical information presented on this site about Yu-Gi-Oh!, including card images, the attribute, level/rank and type symbols, and card text, is copyright 4K Media Inc, a subsidiary of Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. Quick-play spell card. Si cette carte est dans votre Cimetière : vous pouvez la mélanger dans le Deck, puis piochez 1 carte. "Fusion" is an archetype in the OCG/TCG, anime and manga. You may want to run both for an increased chance of drawing at least one of these cards. " View Yu-Gi-Oh! Miracle Fusion card information and card art. For a list of support cards, see List of "Fusion" support cards. " Pay half your LP; once, if you Fusion Summon a Machine-Type Fusion Monster this turn, you can banish monsters from your hand, Graveyard, and/or your side of the field as the Fusion Materials. T he Sacred Beasts, also known as the "Three Phantasms" in the Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG are a series of monsters that resemble the Egyptian Gods in appearance and status. Extrafusion + Support. Uria resembles Slifer the Sky Dragon Language Name Card text; French: Plaque de Fusion: Ciblez 1 monstre que vous contrôlez ; révélez 1 Monstre Fusion dans votre Extra Deck, et si vous le faites, le nom du monstre ciblé peut être traité comme celui du Monstre Fusion révélé s'il est utilisé comme Matériel Fusion ce tour. "The Dark Magicians" is a rare exception, and it is a phenomenal piece of support that fulfills many purposes for the "Dark Magician". If they leave the Extra Deck without Anti-support: Fusion Destruction Uses cards in the hand as Fusion Materials + and Uses cards on the player's Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V;Episode 042 + Appears in. How to Play Jan 19, 2024 · These are the card details for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG card "Salamandra Fusion. Invoquez par Fusion 1 Monstre Fusion depuis votre Extra Deck, en utilisant des monstres que vous contrôlez comme Matériels Fusion. Apr 12, 2023 · Fusion summoning may have been around for a while but that doesn't make it outdated. German: Überlastfusion Aide à la Fusion Cybernétique: Payez la moitié de vos LP ; une fois, si vous Invoquez par Fusion un Monstre Fusion Machine ce tour, vous pouvez bannir des monstres depuis votre main, Terrain et/ou Cimetière comme les Matériels Fusion. Below is a list of the cards in the Yu-Gi-Oh! "Fossil Fusion" Archetype. Recent HERO support has led to Miracle Fusion returning to Regional and YCS-level HERO decks alongside Fusion Destiny. ATK. Cybernetic Fusion Support: Type:: Quick-Play Spell: Text:: Pay half your LP; once, if you Fusion Summon a Machine-Type Fusion Monster this turn, you can banish monsters from your hand, Graveyard, and/or your side of the field as the Fusion Materials. Use them for Synchro, XYZ, Link or another Fusion (assuming you’re not locked into anything) The Japanese (OCG) version of this card is not a member of the "Fusion" archetype, because its Japanese name does not contain 「フュージョン」. Cybernetic Fusion Support Fusion Summon 1 "Fossil" Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, by banishing Fusion Materials mentioned on it from any GYs (except for materials with a specific GY requirement listed). A place for Yu-Gi-Oh fans to show off and discuss their custom creations. Wähle 1 Normalen „Fusion“- oder „Polymeris … Wähle 1 Normalen „Fusion“- oder „Polymerisation“-Zauber oder 1 „Fusion“- oder „Polymerisation“-Schnellzauber im Friedhof eines beliebigen Spielers; verbanne jenen Zauber, dann führe den Effekt jenes Zaubers aus, wenn jene Karte aktiviert wird. View Mobile Site Feb 14, 2025 · Language Name Card text; French: Fusion Ultime: Durant la Main Phase : Invoquez par Fusion 1 Monstre Fusion depuis votre Extra Deck qui mentionne "Dragon Blanc aux Yeux Bleus" ou "Dragon Ultime aux Yeux Bleus" comme Matériel, en mélangeant les Matériels mentionnés sur celui-ci depuis votre main, Terrain et/ou Cimetière dans le Deck, puis, vous pouvez détruire un nombre de cartes face Main card page: "Cybernetic Fusion Support" This card is not an intended member of the " Cyber " archetype , because its Japanese name does not contain 「サイバー」 . " Please go to "Search For Decks Containing This Card," if you would like to search for Decks that contain "Fusion Recovery. Oct 21, 2016 · This is an official site for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game. Battle Fusion Card Type: Quick-Play Spell This is a list of Fusion Monsters. Fusion Monster + Translated name. List [] "Fossil" Fusion Monsters that can be Fusion Summoned via this card's effect: Jul 14, 2021 · Fusion cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!allow you to combine two or more creatures into a powerful Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck. Invoque por Invocação-Fusão 1 Monstro de Fusão do seu Deck Adicional que liste um monstro "Dragão Cibernético" como matéria, ao embaralhar no Deck as Matérias de Fusão listadas nele, dentre seus cards no campo e/ou seus cards banidos com a face para cima, mas os monstros que você controla não podem atacar pelo resto deste turno, exceto esse monstro Invocado por Invocação-Fusão. Phantasm Emperor Trilojig. Ajoutez 1 carte "Chevalier-Gemmes" depuis votre Deck à votre main, puis vous pouvez appliquer cet effet. List of "Fusion Dragon" support cards. These cards are placed in the Extra Deck. Playmaker’s Cyberse Fusion Monster, Cyberse Clock Dragon also makes its real life debut. Vous ne pouvez utiliser cet effet de "Fusion Métalphose" qu'une fois par tour. 1 Monstre Lien Cyberse depuis votre Cimetière comme Matériel Fusion. Asaka shuffles "Blasthamut" and "Roller Road" from her Graveyard into the Deck and Fusion Summons " Time Demolition Dragon Blastchronos " (3000/2500) in Attack Position . <br />Vous ne pouvez activer qu'1 "Fusion d'Absorption Feb 7, 2023 · With that out of the waym let's check out the 10 best Fusion spells in Yu-Gi-Oh. 4K subscribers in the customyugioh community. Some fusion monsters demand specific materials, while many accept units of a certain type or archetype. You can only activate 1 "Cybernetic Fusion Support" per turn. Vous ne pouvez activer qu'1 "Fusion de Combat" par tour. You decide at the Card Name: Cybernetic Fusion Support Card Type: Quick-Play Spell Card Card Number: CROS-EN092 Set: Crossed Souls Attribute: Spell Passcode: 58199906 Card Text: Pay half your LP; once, if you Fusion Summon a Machine-Type Fusion Monster this turn, you can banish monsters from your hand, Graveyard, and/or your side of the field as the Fusion Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel; When this card was released, its artwork was redrawn with the same positioning but different details, Cybernetic Fusion Support Yu-Gi-Oh! GX. Cybernetic Fusion Support. Materials. The Japanese (OCG) version of this card is not a member of the "Fusion" archetype, because its Japanese name does not contain 「フュージョン」. " Please go to "Search For Decks Containing This Card," if you would like to search for Decks that contain "Fusion Deployment. Extra Fusion + German name. RELATED: Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: 10 Best Virtual World Cards Throughout the game, there are many Archetypes that dominated the scene at one point or another, taking advantage of a new mechanic that hadn't been countered yet. " (1) Reveal 1 Fusion Monster in your Extra Deck, and if you do, Special Summon 1 of the Fusion Materials whose name is specifically listed on that card from your hand or Deck. German: Kybernetische Feb 2, 2024 · 7 - Predaplant Dragostapelia. Révélez 1 Monstre Fusion dans votre Extra Deck, et Invoquez Spécialement 1 des Matériels Fusion dont le nom est mentionné sur le monstre depuis votre Extra Deck ou Cimetière, mais jusqu'à la fin du tour de votre adversaire, il ne peut pas attaquer et ses effets (s'il en a) sont annulés. " Dec 5, 2024 · Language Name Card text; French: Conscription de Fusion: Révélez 1 Monstre de Fusion dans votre Extra Deck et ajoutez 1 des Matériels de Fusion dont le nom est listé précisément sur la carte depuis votre Deck ou Cimetière à votre main, et si vous le faites, le reste de ce tour après la résolution de cette carte, vous ne pouvez ni Invoquer Normalement ni Poser Normalement ni Invoquer Jan 19, 2024 · These are the card details for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG card "Harmonic Synchro Fusion. Durant votre Main Phase, si votre adversaire contrôle un monstre : vous pouvez Invoquer par Fusion 1 monstre "Chevalier-Gemmes" non-Rocher depuis votre Extra Deck, en utilisant des monstres depuis votre Deck comme Matériel, et aussi, vous ne pouvez pas Invoquer Spécialement de monstres (monstres "Chevalier-Gemmes" exclus) depuis l'Extra Deck le reste de ce tour. This card can make a number of attacks on monsters each Battle Phase, up . Fusion en Surcharge: Invoquez par Fusion 1 Monstre Fusion TÉNÈBRES Machine depuis votre Extra Deck, en bannissant les Matériels Fusion mentionnés sur celui-ci depuis votre Terrain ou Cimetière. " Please refer to this page for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG official rules for "Starving Venom Predapower Fusion Dragon. They were previously considered official and can still be correct, as long as they follow the official gameplay rules, or unless Konami has issued a ruling that says otherwise. In order for us to make the best articles possible, share your corrections, opinions, and thoughts about 「Fusion Weapon Effect, Rarity, and Related Packs | Yu-Gi-Oh! Feb 28, 2025 · Asaka activates the Spell Card "Fusion" to Fusion Summon by sending face-up monsters from her field to the Graveyard as material. "Fusion" (フュージョン Fyūjon) is an archetype of cards mainly used to Fusion Summon Fusion Monsters. You can also manage your own cards and Decks by registering them in My Deck, and search publicly available Deck Recipes to help you build your own Deck. 142K subscribers in the masterduel community. Probably a poly/fusion card search as well as an effect that triggers when a fusion monster is summoned to its zones. OCG/TCG "Fusion" support cards Feb 7, 2024 · Cybernetic Fusion Support is a Spell card in Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel! Read on to see the card effect of Cybernetic Fusion Support, its rarity, and all the packs used to unlock Cybernetic Fusion Support! This is a list of "Fusion" anti-support cards. As its English name contains "Fusion", it may be treated a member of the "Fusion" archetype at a TCG event, subject to local rulings. Predaplant Dragostapelia is the first Super Polymerization target in this list, considering it is the least efficient of them currently. Then you can banish the card from your GY, target the fusion monster summoned by its effect, then special summon the fusion materials (if possible) used for its fusion summon but their ATK & DEF become 0 plus their effects are negated. Traditional Format [] You can use "Dimension Fusion" or "Return from the Different Dimension" to swarm the field with the banished monsters. Yu-Gi-Oh TCG YGO Cards from the Yu-Gi-Oh VRAINS animated series, including Duellists' first chance to get cards used by Soul burner and his AI partner, Flame. " Please refer to this page for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG official rules for "Cybernetic Fusion Support. If you control the other fusion material monster and the Hex Sealed Fusion card, you can contribute that Hex Sealed Fusion card and the other Fusion Material monster to Special Summon the Fusion Monster whose attribute is the same as the Hex Sealed Fusion monster you tributed (Ex. 2017. Dec 5, 2024 · Fusion Weapon (World Championship 2006) Yu-Gi-Oh! Ultimate Masters: World Championship Tournament 2006: 2006-02-23: Fusion Weapon (Duel Links) Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links: 2016-12-27: Fusion Weapon (Master Duel) Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: 2022-01-19 Sep 8, 2023 · These are the card details for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG card "Starving Venom Predapower Fusion Dragon. List [] Machine Fusion Monsters that can be Fusion Summoned: During a turn in which "Cybernetic Fusion Support" has been activated, if "Polymerization" is activated, a Fusion Summon can be performed without applying the effect of "Cybernetic Fusion Support". Fusion Préparée: Payez 1000 LP ; Invoquez Spécialement 1 Monstre Fusion de max. " Please refer to this page for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG official rules for "Salamandra Fusion. หาการ์ดหรือซีรีย์ไม่เจอ ก็ไปพิมพ์หาเอาในช่องมุมขวาบน(จะไทยหรืออังกฤษก็ติดหมด) ถ้ามันมีก็จะเจอเอง Dec 6, 2024 · Invoquez par Fusion 1 Monstre Fusion "Clair de Lune" depuis votre Extra Deck, en utilisant des monstres depuis votre main ou Terrain comme Matériel Fusion. Nov 8, 2024 · Many anime-inspired Yu-Gi-Oh decks have multiple featured monsters, but those cards very rarely have a fusion monster based on the two of them. Invoquez par Fusion 1 Monstre de Fusion "Métalphose" depuis votre Extra Deck, en utilisant des monstres depuis votre main ou Terrain comme des Matériels de Fusion. " Please go to "Search For Decks Containing This Card," if you would like to search for Decks that contain "Revoke Fusion. Its Fusion Monsters make up many of the ultimate wizard's tricks. " Please go to "Search For Decks Containing This Card," if you would like to search for Decks that contain "Cybernetic Fusion Support. Fusion Summoning has been around so long that the counters and support have been Feb 21, 2012 · These are the card details for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG card "Fusion Recovery. " Warrior: Reinforcement of the Army or Isolde is probably the strongest support, though this type is so huge that a top 10 Warrior Support cards would be stronger than every other type. ) est traitée comme une Invocation Fusion. This monster’s ATK can easily clear 10,000 if you choose the right Fusion Materials During the Main Phase: Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck that mentions "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" or "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon" as material, by shuffling the materials mentioned on it from your hand, field, and/or GY into the Deck, then, you can destroy face-up cards your opponent controls, up to the number of "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" and "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon" used from Dark Fusion (Master Duel) Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: 2022-01-19 Video games. " Please go to "Search For Decks Containing This Card," if you would like to search for Decks that contain "Fusion of Fire. Si vous ne contrôlez aucun monstre dans la Zone Monstre Extra, vous pouvez aussi bannir max. Miracle Fusion Card Type: Normal Spell A place for Yu-Gi-Oh fans to show off and discuss their custom creations. The color of their card frame is violet. German: Fertigfusion Mar 18, 2022 · These are the card details for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG card "Overload Fusion. Si votre adversaire contrôle un monstre qui a été Invoqué Spécialement depuis l'Extra Deck, vous pouvez aussi utiliser 1 monstre "Clair de Lune" dans votre Deck ou Extra Deck comme Cybernetic Fusion Support; Cynet Fusion; D-Fusion; D/D/D Fusion; Dark Fusion; Dis-Swing Fusion; Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. "Fusion" is an archetype in the OCG/TCG, anime, manga and Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links. Members Online Buying my first deck right now and this seller along with the card included a handwritten note giving tips on my deck and suggestions for who to watch on youtube. Yu-Gi 47 votes, 17 comments. You can search through all Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG cards, check detailed rules, and view the Forbidden & Limited List. Zombie: So many cards, but Mezuki is probably #1. ) Fusion Conscription - Wikia, . " Please refer to this page for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG official rules for "Fusion Deployment. OCG/TCG "Fusion" cards In episode 51, during Zane Truesdale's duel against Jaden Yuki, this card is briefly seen in Zane's Deck after he activates "Future Fusion". png + Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. How to Play Aug 17, 2010 · These are the card details for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG card "Miracle Synchro Fusion. This is a list of "Dragonmaid" support cards. " Cybernetic Fusion Support (TCG - English—Worldwide) CROS-EN092 (1st Edition) Crossed Souls. We'll be covering Fusion Destiny later, but Miracle Fusion is also worth mentioning. Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Vous ne pouvez activer qu'1 "Armement Fusion" par Envoyez les Monstres-Matériels de Fusion listés sur une Carte Monstre de Fusion "Chevalier-Gemmes" depuis votre Terrain au Cimetière, puis Invoquez Spécialement le Monstre de Fusion depuis l'Extra Deck. In the next episode, Zane chains this card to the activation of "Power Bond", allowing Zane to Fusion Summon "Cyber End Dragon" by having this card banish his 3 "Cyber Dragons" from the Graveyard. " Please go to "Search For Decks Containing This Card," if you would like to search for Decks that contain "Magicalized Fusion. For a list of members, see List of "Fusion" cards. Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel! As you can see the deck is supposed to be "Random fusion stuff go" But since the deck search feature in MD is garbage, I wanna know what are some generic Fusion-support cards that I can add for this deck? stuff like Fusion sage, or cards that do generic fusions but with benefits (that are not archtype-specific) "Fusion" (フュージョン Fyūjon) is an archetype of cards mainly used to Fusion Summon Fusion Monsters. " Please refer to this page for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG official rules for "Miracle Synchro Fusion. This is a list of "Fusion Dragon" support cards. " Please refer to this page for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG official rules for "Fusion Recovery. For a list of members, see List of "Rokket" cards. " Please go to "Search For Decks Containing This Card," if you would like to search for Decks that contain "Miracle Synchro Fusion. View Mobile Site Jul 19, 2023 · This is an official site for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game. DARK. This card's latest English erratum comes from the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game - Card Database and has not yet been printed on a physical card, so the listed card text will differ from the card image. Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist. This card is much more relevant when fusion decks are dominating the metagame because it is at these moments that this card can be used by them and even against them. Lorsque cette carte combat un Monstre de Fusion, l'ATK du Monstre de Fusion devient 0 durant la Damage Step uniquement. "Dragonmaid" is an archetype in the OCG/TCG. Durant votre Main Phase, si cette carte est dans votre Cimetière et que vous avez "Chimère, Bête Mythique Volante" sur votre Terrain ou dans votre The original Yu-Gi-Oh extra deck monster, fusion cards lay dormant in your always-available extra deck, usually requiring a fusion spell and the proper material monsters to summon. View Mobile Site Cybernetic Fusion Support + In Deck. " Please go to "Search For Decks Containing This Card," if you would like to search for Decks that contain "Salamandra Fusion. 4000. With how generic fusion monsters have gotten and with how many Mar 18, 2022 · These are the card details for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG card "Overload Fusion. " Please refer to this page for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG official rules for "Overload Fusion. German: Antifusionsgerät: Zerstöre 1 offenes Fusionsmonster auf dem Spielfeld. Use Rock Band Xenoguitar as Fusion Material to send another Rock to your Graveyard, such as Shell Knight, to special summon a level 8 Rock-Type Monster afterwards. " Please refer to this page for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG official rules for "Fusion of Fire. For a list of anti-support cards, see List of Warrior-Type anti-support cards. Type. CyberneticFusionSupport-JP-Anime-GX. However, Zombie monsters can meet other Fusion Material requirements, including but not limited to Attribute, card frame Durant la Main Phase : Invoquez par Fusion 1 Monstre Fusion depuis votre Extra Deck, en utilisant des monstres depuis votre main ou Terrain comme Matériel (un monstre Bête ou Démon inclus). Révélez 1 Monstre de Fusion dans votre Extra Deck, ajoutez 1 des Matériels de Fusion dont le nom est précisément listé sur la carte depuis votre Deck à votre main, puis vous pouvez ajouter 1 "Polymérisation" depuis votre Cimetière à votre main. Si vous avez 2 cartes dans vos Zones Pendule, vous pouvez aussi utiliser des cartes dans vos Zones Pendule comme Matériels Fusion. View Mobile Site Cybernetic Fusion Support; Cynet Fusion; D-Fusion; Dark Fusion; Double Fusion; Dowsing Fusion; Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. fusion support spell. (Cette Invocation Spéciale est traitée comme une Invocation Fusion. After using "Future Fusion" to dump Fusion Material Monsters into the Graveyard, you can Fusion Summon with "Polymerization" or "Power Bond" and this card. It predates modern Fusion spell design by Durant votre 1re Standby Phase après activation de cette carte : montrez 1 Monstre Fusion dans votre Extra Deck et envoyez les Matériels Fusion listés sur celui-ci depuis votre Main Deck au Cimetière. Envoyez les Monstres-Matériels de Fusion listés sur une Carte Monstre de Fusion "Chevalier-Gemmes" depuis votre main ou votre Terrain au Cimetière, puis Invoquez Spécialement le Monstre de Fusion depuis votre Extra Deck. Video games - Worldwide English. activer qu'1 "Fusion de Combat" par tour. DEF. Attribute. If you banished monsters from both GYs, neither player can target that Special Summoned monster with monster effects . This card is mainly used to Fusion Summon "The Duke of Demise", "Dragonecro Nethersoul Dragon" or "Eldlich the Mad Golden Lord", for they are the only Fusion Monsters to generically list Zombie monsters as Fusion Material. For a list of cards, see List of Warrior-Type monsters. com. Nov 25, 2006 · This is an official site for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game. " This is a list of "Fusion Dragon" support cards. View Mobile Site Durante a Fase Principal: Invoque por Invocação-Fusão 1 Monstro de Fusão do seu Deck Adicional que mencione "Dragão Branco de Olhos Azuis" ou "Dragão Definitivo de Olhos Azuis" como matéria, ao embaralhar no Deck as Matérias de Fusão listadas nele da sua mão, do campo e/ou do Cemitério e, depois, você pode destruir cards com a face para cima que seu oponente controla, até o Dec 5, 2024 · Aide à la Fusion Cybernétique: Payez la moitié de vos LP ; une fois, si vous Invoquez par Fusion un Monstre Fusion Machine ce tour, vous pouvez bannir des monstres depuis votre main, Terrain et/ou Cimetière comme les Matériels Fusion. While Western languages' cards with "Polymerization" in their names are actually in the "Fusion" archetype instead, vice-versa, or are in both according to the cards' Asian languages' names, nearly all support cards for this archetype The literal and graphical information presented on this site about Yu-Gi-Oh!, including card images, the attribute, level/rank and type symbols, and card text, is copyright 4K Media Inc, a subsidiary of Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. Vous ne pouvez activer qu'1 "Fusion Pendule" par tour. Nov 3, 2023 · These are the card details for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG card "Magicalized Fusion. " Please refer to this page for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG official rules for "Anti-Fusion Device. Alternate Fusion + In Deck. Language Name Card text; French: Fusion ultime ! Compétence qui peut être utilisée si vos Life Points tombent en dessous de 1 500. " Please refer to this page for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG official rules for "Magicalized Fusion. 3 Level 10 monsters. View Mobile Site View Yu-Gi-Oh! Battle Fusion card information and card art. "Rokket" is an archetype in the OCG/TCG and anime. For a list of cards, see List of Dinosaur-Type monsters. How to Play For a list of support cards, see List of Fusion Monster support cards. This card is not intended to be a member of the "Fusion" archetype, Yu-Gi-Oh! 7 Trials to Glory: World Championship Tournament 2005 Anti-support "Fusion Pay half your LP; once, if you Fusion Summon a Machine Fusion Monster this turn, you can banish monsters from your hand, field, and/or GY as the Fusion Materials. Zane Truesdale + Japanese card image. German: Kybernetische Fusion Monsters (Japanese: 融 (ゆう) 合 (ごう) モンスター Yūgō Monsutā or フュージョン Fyūjyon in Yu-Gi-Oh! Rush Duel) are a type of Monster Card. German Beschwöre 1 „Metallfose“-Fusionsmonster als Fusionsbeschwörung von deinem Extra Deck und verwende dabei Monster von deiner Hand oder Spielfeldseite als Fusionsmaterial. This card also gets support from Flawless Perfection of the Tenyi and Non Aug 17, 2024 · 4 - Fusion Destiny. " Big-Winged Berfomet X DARK Level 5 [ Fiend / Effect ] ATK 1400 DEF 1800 If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can add 1 Level 4 Beast monster and/or 1 "Chimera Fusion" from your Deck to your hand, also you cannot Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck for the rest of this turn, except Fusion Monsters. ) + Yu-Gi-Oh! "Fossil Fusion" Archetype. You cannot Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck the turn you activate this card, except Fusion Monsters. T he Invoked archetype debuted in the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG when the Fusion Enforcers Booster Pack was released in Feb. 47 votes, 17 comments. RD Only exists in Yu-Gi-Oh! 3 days ago · Card Name. View Mobile Site Unless something completely unusual happens, any generic fusion link would need to be truly generic, be a link 2, and have effects to specifically support fusion decks in order to avoid splashability with other decks. Overload Fusion is the superior option but this card is almost as good. Category: Spell, Property: Normal Stats: 21 requests - 0. While some creatures have powerful stats with simple effects, others can These TCG rulings were issued by Upper Deck Entertainment and have since been deemed unofficial by Konami. " Please go to "Search For Decks Containing This Card," if you would like to search for Decks that contain "Harmonic Synchro Fusion. This includes all monsters and support cards in our database. While many cards with "Fusion" in their names are actually in the "Polymerization" archetype instead (or are in both despite only having "Fusion" in their name), all support cards for this archetype also support the "Polymerization Cybernetic Fusion Support; Cynet Fusion; D-Fusion; D/D/D Fusion; Dark Fusion; Dis-Swing Fusion; Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Reveal 1 Fusion Monster in your Extra Deck and add 1 of the Fusion Materials listed on that card from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand, and if you do, for the rest of this turn after this card is activated, you cannot Normal Summon/Set or Special Summon monsters with the added 4 days ago · Every Dark Magician Fusion in Yu-Gi-Oh!, Ranked As the most iconic monster in Yu-Gi-Oh!, the Dark Magician received immense support. Pay half your LP; once, if you Fusion Summon a Machine Fusion Monster this turn, you can banish monsters from your hand, field, and/or GY as the Fusion Materials. Dec 18, 2022 · How to Fusion Summon in Yu-Gi-Oh! In dueling, the original extra deck cards were fusion monsters, which are powerful creatures who are generally summoned with two or more material monsters as well as an appropriate fusion spell. " Please go to "Search For Decks Containing This Card," if you would like to search for Decks that contain "Overload Fusion. Just like Red-Eyes Fusion, you can use Fusion Destiny to summon a single, powerful monster, called Destiny HERO - Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer. 08% of all requests. These are the card details for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG card "Cybernetic Fusion Support. Lorsqu'une attaque impliquant un Monstre Fusion que vous contrôlez et un monstre de l'adversaire est déclarée : jusqu'à la fin de la Damage Step, le monstre que vous contrôlez gagne une ATK égale à l'ATK du monstre de votre adversaire. It is closely tied to the "Polymerization" archetype. " Feb 7, 2024 · We at Game8 thank you for your support. There are three Hex Sealed Fusions: Light, Dark, and Earth. To be properly Special Summoned, Fusion Monsters must first be Fusion Summoned (unless otherwise specified). For a list of anti-support cards, see List of "Fusion" anti-support cards. " Cybernetic Fusion Support Japonês: サイバネティック・フュージョン・サポート Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki é uma comunidade Fandom Anime. Full List of YuGiOh Archetypes Dec 6, 2024 · Durant la Main Phase : Invoquez par Fusion 1 Monstre Fusion depuis votre Extra Deck, en utilisant des monstres depuis votre main ou Terrain comme Matériel (un monstre "Mémento" inclus). Ver site móvel Feb 16, 2022 · Once Fusion Summoned, it will have the following three effects: Gains 300 ATK for each Fusion Material used for its Summon. 10. This card is meant to Fusion Summon "Chimera the King of Phantom Beasts" or "Berfomet the Mythical King of Phantom Beasts", both of whose names become "Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast" while on the field, enabling this card to return to the hand and Fusion Summon "Chimera the Illusion Beast" on the same turn. " The subreddit for the Yu-Gi-Oh! card game, video games, anime and manga. Vous ne pouvez activer qu'1 "Aide à la Fusion Cybernétique" par tour. Cybernetic Fusion Support; Cynet Fusion; D-Fusion; D/D/D Fusion; Dark Fusion; Dis-Swing Fusion; Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. If this card is Special Summoned, or if another monster is Special Summoned from the GY to your field while you control this monster: You can target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; inflict damage to your opponent equal to half its original ATK. " Please go to "Search For Decks Containing This Card," if you would like to search for Decks that contain "Starving Venom Predapower Fusion These are the card details for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG card "Anti-Fusion Device. Niveau 6 (Monstres à Effet exclus) depuis votre Extra Deck, mais il ne peut pas attaquer, et aussi, détruisez-le durant la End Phase. The Japanese (OCG) version of this card is not a member of the " Fusion " archetype , because its Japanese name does not contain This is a list of "Rokket" support cards. See full list on hobbylark. <br /> Invoquez par Fusion 1 Monstre de Fusion "Chevalier-Gemmes" depuis votre Extra Deck, en bannissant des Matériels de Fusion listés sur celui-ci depuis votre main ou votre Terrain. Most fusions allow you to summon the titan using monsters from your hand, a useful trait not shared by xyz, synchro, or link creatures. auiq dojiuj hkpyk awoxy afcx fueu jovbdjv tzeamb vszf pyxk kjbjf rkefg yyfwwp nkjjcc pdguu