Ieee access indexing.
Since IEEE Access is a fully open .
Ieee access indexing Rate this journal New. They implicate enormous potential and impact society, economy, and science. Science is rapidly changing, so stay current and publish your articles in a timely manner. Demonstrate the full IEEE Access is an award-winning, multidisciplinary, all-electronic archival journal continuously presenting the results of original research or development across all of IEEE's fields of interest. 87 0. These schemes transform biometric features and perform pattern matching without restoring the original features. 1219-1232 IEEE Access ISSN: 2169-3536. The data included in these services may be peer-reviewed journals, books, reports, The Web of Science Core Collection includes the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), and Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). By definition of the h-index, this journal has at least 204 published articles with more than 204 citations. However, searching such an index has resulted in significant I/O traffic due to limited access locality and inefficient cache utilization. Publish research that spans multiple specialties and be reviewed by peers in your field. Learn how to find your IEEE article in popular scientific databases, such as Scopus, Web of Science, and PubMed Central. 0186, and an article influence score of 1. young@ieee. DORA is a set of recommendations and principles aimed at improving the way research outputs are evaluated, emphasizing the need to evaluate research based on its content, merits, and broader impacts rather than relying solely on journal-level metrics. Published in: IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy ( Volume: 9 ) In today's big data landscape. Abstract & Indexing Services Abstract and indexing services maintain databases, often subject-specific, which users can search to find relevant content. The introduced model is based on hierarchical image adaptive Apr 26, 2022 · Data retrieval, access, and tuple identification are inevitable in database processing, ensuring performance. Facebook/Twitter/Microsite usernames will not be used in any promotional and Abstract & Indexing Databases . This paper summarizes existing indexing principles focusing on the B+tree, which forms the default Modern computers heavily rely on caches as one of the means to achieve higher performance. IEEE Access has an impact factor of 3. The data included in these services may be peer-reviewed journals, books, reports, Sep 12, 2018 · In this paper, the use of index modulation (IM) technique for non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) is presented, called the Index Modulation multiple access (IMMA). When the vertex coordinates are known, the heuristic value of the shortest path is usually generated by the distance. However, we will learn that so far we have overlooked a second higher level of adaptivity, namely the one of the indexing algorithm itself. Find your article in popular scientific databases. Overview Write a Review Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) Indexed-Category (Journal Citation Reports 2024) Jan 9, 2025 · We've just launched a new service: our brand new dblp SPARQL query service. The Author Index contains the primary entry for each item, listed under the first This may include, but is not limited to, the IEEE Access website, the IEEE Access YouTube channel, the IEEE Access IEEE TV channel, IEEE Access social media sites (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, IEEE Access Collabratec Community), and the IEEE Access Xplore page. Completion of the required IEEE intellectual property documents for publication. However, sensor information in the physical world can be heterogeneous, high IEEE Access is a multidisciplinary, fully open access journal that covers all of IEEE’s fields of interest. Excerpted from the IEEE Publication Services and Products Board (PSPB) Operations Manual, Section 8. 4 2. Our approach to handling the lexical access problem stems from the primary observation that the set of phones which are present in the transcription of a word is sparsely distributed across the vocabulary, and is thus suitable as an indexing key for retrieving IEEE Access should be cited as IEEE Access for abstracting, indexing and referencing purposes. The video shot segmentation and representative frame selection strategy are first utilized to parse the continuous video stream into physical units. Hence traversing through the look up table for fetching indexes requires linear search. IEEE Access® is a multidisciplinary, open access (OA), applications-oriented, all-electronic archival journal that continuously presents the results of original research or development across all of IEEE's fields of interest. The aim of this paper is to answer this question in a comprehensive manner by covering not only the basic principles and emerging variants of IM, but also reviewing the most recent as well as promising advances in this field toward the application Jul 25, 2019 · Hybrid chaos communication (HCC) is promising for covert transmission by delivering confidential information via chaotic signals. What is h-index? The h-index (also known as the Hirsch index or Hirsh index) is a scientometric parameter used to evaluate the scientific impact of the publications and journals. 4 5-year Impact Factor: IEEE Access is a peer-reviewed open-access scientific journal published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). In this If by "IEEE Journal" and "IEEE" you mean "IEEE Access", then yes, they will accept almost any topic that is somehow related to technology; that is exactly their stated purpose: "The scope of this journal comprises all IEEE’s fields of interest, emphasizing applications-oriented and interdisciplinary articles. Reference attached on the link. 1. This paper introduces an Optimized Indexing Method within a Hybrid Image Storage Model to address these demands. m. A novel nonsequential indexing mechanism (termed phonetic set indexing) has been evaluated for the purpose of fast word pre-selection. However, traditional kNN algorithms based on distance metrics and brute-force search often have low search efficiency and accuracy, and high computational complexity when dealing with large-scale high-dimensional datasets. Departments and other items may also be covered if they have been judged to have archival value. 01186 0. 11. Being in the critical path, a good cache index function must exhibit a high performance while having a minimal Your institution has an OA publishing agreement with IEEE that makes it easier and more convenient for authors to publish open access. This develops the need for indexing of video lectures In the era of IoT, the world of connected experiences is created by the convergence of multiple technologies including real-time analytics, machine learning, and commodity sensors and embedded systems. 4 which is recently updated in June, 2024. The journal is also included in: The Clarivate Analytics Science Citation Index Expanded IEEE Access is an open access, all-electronic, archival journal, presenting the results of original research and developments across all IEEE’s fields of interest. Removing Access to Content in IEEE Xplore Digital Library. The main existing way to ensure data confidentiality is to encrypt the data. Facebook/Twitter/Microsite usernames will not be used in any promotional and Sep 7, 2020 · Our indexing approach clusters similar records in the same branch offline to improve the performance of online search. IEEE ACCESS Country: United States. It was established in 2013 and covers all IEEE fields of interest. Journal Impact Factor (JIF): 3. " This may include, but is not limited to, the IEEE Access website, the IEEE Access YouTube channel, the IEEE Access IEEE TV channel, IEEE Access social media sites (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, IEEE Access Collabratec Community), and the IEEE Access Xplore page. Due to the advancement of cyber-physical systems and Internet of Things technologies, it is expected that the majority of real-time IEEE membership offers access to technical innovation, cutting-edge information, networking opportunities, and exclusive member benefits. 1109/Access. Although they strongly prevent the leakage of the original features, the response time can be very long in a large-scale biometric identification system. 7 Q2 0. On the other hand, existing broadcast scheduling schemes have aimed at reducing access latency through nonflat data Apr 18, 2010 · As the access engine of a spatial database, spatial database indexing technology is an important mechanism related to how to improve the spatial database information processing and information management performance, is also at an important stage of research and discussion. Classical adaptive indexes solely adapt the indexedness of the data to the workload. IEEE Access® is a multidisciplinary, open access (OA), applications-oriented, all-electronic archival journal that continuously presents the results of original research or development across all of IEEE's fields of interest. A movie is viewed as an ordered sequence of frames, where each frame is a 2D space occupied by the objects that appear in that frame. The article processing charge for publishing in IEEE Access can be found by referring to the current IEEE Article Processing Charges List for the most up-to-date prices. efficiency and scalability. Video shot grouping, group merging, and scene clustering schemes are then Jun 2, 2023 · It is recommended to check with the journal or publication platform for more specific information about the indexing process and timelines. In recent years, probabilistic neural network (PNN) and convolutional neural Nov 20, 2024 · From transformative publishing agreements to new journals, new calls for papers, upcoming virtual events, and the latest author resources, find out the latest open access news from IEEE. These limitations have made them a bottleneck in Know all about IEEE Access - Impact factor, Acceptance rate, Scite Analysis, H-index, SNIP Score, ISSN, Citescore, SCImago Journal Ranking (SJR), Aims & Scope, Publisher, and Other Important Metrics. Get information out quickly and publish articles that currently affect the world. It is published by Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Qiang Shang, Linlin Feng, Song Gao: A Hybrid Method for Traffic Incident Detection Using Random Forest-Recursive Feature Elimination and Long Short-Term Memory Network With Bayesian Optimization Algorithm. Read more about it in our latest blog post or try out some of the SPARQL queries linked on the dblp web pages below. The research leading to this paper focused on this problem, i. She has been a member of PSPB Strategic Planning Committee (2021 – 2023) and served as a member of TAB/PSPB Product and Services Committee (2021 – 2022). The Author Index contains the primary entry for each item, listed under the first Bibliographic content of IEEE Access, Volume 9. Supported by author publication fees, its hallmarks are a rapid peer-review and publication process with open access to all readers. IEEE membership offers access to technical innovation, cutting-edge information, networking opportunities, and exclusive member benefits. Kirkici is a Senior Editor of IEEE Access (2021 – present) and has served on the IEEE Access Editorial Board (2014 - 2019). IEEE has partnerships with A&I providers and updates them regularly with new articles. LPWA with PLIM can increase the number of information bits without changing the wireless communication standards despite We present an approach for indexing animated objects and efficiently answering queries about their position in time and space. The queries of interest are range queries of the form Jan 7, 2025 · In this paper, a dual-mode index modulation aided non-coherent (DMIM-NC) scheme is proposed to improve the transmission efficiency of non-coherent grant-free systems. The IEEE Thesaurus is a tool to improve and enhance the indexing and retrieval of articles and other material from IEEE periodicals, conferences, standards, and other publications that are made available on IEEE Xplore ®. 28/04/2024 This may include, but is not limited to, the IEEE Access website, the IEEE Access YouTube channel, the IEEE Access IEEE TV channel, IEEE Access social media sites (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, IEEE Access Collabratec Community), and the IEEE Access Xplore page. In the IEEE indexing workflow, content streams into IEEE’s Digital Asset Management System to start processing. Supported by article processing charges (APCs), its hallmarks are rapid peer review, a submission-to-publication time of 4 to 6 weeks, and articles that are Sep 3, 2024 · This abbreviation ('IEEE Access') is well recommended and approved for the purpose of indexing, abstraction, referencing and citing goals. Broadcasting has been suggested as a possible solution for several limitations within this new environment. 4 3. org with specific questions. org The impact factor of ieee access is 3. J. Publishing with this journal. Our evaluation on a variety of real and synthetic datasets shows that Nov 6, 2024 · To index the increasing volume of data, modern data indexes are typically stored on solid-state drives and cached in DRAM. 35701 0. It is an open access journal. Facebook/Twitter/Microsite usernames will not be used in any promotional and IEEE Access is an interdisciplinary, applications-oriented, all-electronic archival publication continuously presenting the results of original research or development across all of IEEE's fields of interest. 698 9. We examine the mathematical foundations of traditional and hybrid indexing algorithms. In the case with IEEE Access Journal, it took around IEEE Society/Council Sections within IEEE Access. Jun 22, 2018 · Billions of devices are connected in the Internet of Things (IoT)-based sensor networks and they continuously generate a large volume of data. IEEE Access invites manuscript submissions in the area of Index Modulation Techniques for Next-Generation Wireless Networks. On the other hand, existing broadcast scheduling schemes have aimed at reducing access latency through nonflat data . Most of the Inverted Index is an important data structure in computer science. WQI assessments typically take a long time and are prone to errors during sub-indices generation. The ISO4 abbreviation of IEEE Access is IEEE Access . Since IEEE Access is a fully open An abstract needs to be effective when displayed in IEEE Xplore as well as through indexing services as a standalone product. This type of agreement often includes a number of pre-paid article processing charges (APCs) to allow researchers to publish open access in eligible titles. Fast access to data is becoming increasingly important and great emphasis is placed on its improvement. IEEE Access will publish articles that are of high interest to readers, original, technically correct, and clearly IEEE ACCESS ISSN: 2169-3536 eISSN: 2169-3536 SCIE - Science Citation Index Expanded. Projectively invariant shape descriptors allow fast indexing into model libraries without the need for pose computation or camera calibration. While IEEE Access scope is multidisciplinary, the IEEE Magnetics Society Section focuses on theory and applications of magnetism, magnetic materials, and magnetic devices. In DMIM-NC, a transmitted frame is partitioned into multiple groups, each of which contains multiple channel blocks. 488 JSR IEEE Sensors Reviews NEW for 2024! Full Open Access N/A2995-7478 LSMC IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Letters NEW for 2024! Full Open Access N/A2836-628X TMLCN IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in 学术期刊 IEEE Access,期刊 ISSN: 2169-3536。IEEE ACCESS® 是一本多学科、开放获取 (OA)、面向应用的全电子档案期刊,不断展示 IEEE 所有感兴趣领域的原创研究或开发成果。IEEE ACCESS 将发表以下文章读者的高度兴趣,原创的,技术上正确的,清晰的呈现。在作者出版费 (APC) 的支持下,它的标志是快速的同行 report are encouraged to contact Sherri Young, IEEE Product Manager at s. Get access to IEEE Access details, impact factor, Journal Ranking, H-Index, ISSN, Citescore, Scimago Journal Rank (SJR). 926. However, the encrypted data renders keyword indexing more difficult to achieve, and the way to specify the plain-text keywords for the cipher-text data also reveals the privacy of the We present a family of four tree-based access structures for indexing spatio-temporal objects. To enhance the transmission rate and the energy efficiency while maintaining a low probability of interception, in this paper, we propose a code index modulation-aided HCC (CIM-HCC) scheme. After more than 20 years of research and development, the achievable data rates of today’s cellular wireless communications systems are several thousands of times faster than earlier second generation (2G) wireless systems. 5 Q3 0. ISO 4 (International Organization for Standardization 4) is an international standard that defines a uniform and consistent system for abbreviating In addition, IEEE’s open access multidisciplinary journal, IEEE Access, and fully open access topical journals draw on technical communities for peer reviewers, applying the same care as for any new IEEE journal to ensure the best possible papers are being published. Data themselves are not specifically formatted, requiring sequential data block scanning if the particular index is unavailable. These networks have been extensively used to operate cognitive functions, robustness, fault tolerance, flexibility, collective computation, and ability to deal with fuzzy and inconsistent information. In this regard, in this paper we explore the well-researched and fascinating family of adaptive indexing algorithms. There could be hundreds and thousands of videos on a single topic, with varying degrees of context, content, and depth of the topic. with the capability to get published in a matter of weeks with select fully open access titles such as IEEE Access. IEEE, Inc. Recently, a high-speed network such as Gen-Z utilizing persistent memory (PM) offers an opportunity to create a shared memory pool connected to compute nodes. One of the key functions of global water resource management authorities is river water quality (WQ) assessment. 8 IEEEDATA IEEE Data Descriptions NEW for 2024! Journal IEEE Access, ISSN: 2169-3536. This paper starts with the mainstream spatial database index technology which is generally accepted by the current 2022 Index IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy Vol. However, there are several challenges to use Jul 25, 2024 · The k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN) search is a crucial problem in database and data mining, especially in high-dimensional space. The experimental results demonstrate that our algorithm can achieve higher performance and better scalability than the baseline method. Near-memory hardware units, decoupling indirect streams from processing elements, partially alleviate the bottleneck, but rely on low DRAM access granularity Get Published More Quickly – Many IEEE fully open access titles follow a rapid yet rigorous peer review process, enabling authors to accelerate the sharing of their work to a broad audience. The efficiency of the algorithm depends on the evaluation function, which is used to estimate the heuristic value of the shortest path from the current vertex to the target. Based on the index tree, we present a top-k search algorithm with efficient pruning techniques. Articles published in IEEE Access must be highly original, technically accurate, and clearly presented. Packet-level index modulation (PLIM) uses the frequency channel and the transmission timing of a packet as an information-bearing index. Our indexing methods support spatio-temporal, as well as purely spatial and purely temporal queries. IEEE Access is a multidisciplinary, open-access (OA), application-oriented fully electronic journal that continuously showcases original research and development results across all areas of interest to IEEE. Jun 22, 2022 · The h-index of IEEE Access is 204. Specifically, the input bit stream is split into the chaotic signaling Jun 27, 2024 · IEEE announced today that two more of IEEE’s recently launched fully open access journals were also accepted for indexing by Clarivate and received their first Journal Impact Factors according to the 2023 Journal Citation Reports (JCR) from Clarivate, released in late June 2024. The literature claims that learners are nowadays less interested in viewing a complete video but prefers the topic of their interests. The time Mar 13, 2021 · This data set provides a list of the indexed journal by Scopus, Web of Science, and Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) with the data in each row: Journal ID, Journal name, Publisher name, Publisher Address, Print-ISSN, E-ISSN, Scope, Coverage year, Status level (such as a Top-Level, etc), Cited Score, Languages, and many more. e. Facebook/Twitter/Microsite usernames will not be used in any promotional and IEEE journals score in top tier in latest Impact Factor and CiteScore rankings PISCATAWAY, N. The trend of learning from videos instead of documents has increased. A major problem to be faced when efficient schemas for image indexing and retrieval are envisaged is the large workload and high complexity of underlying image-processing algorithms. Apr 2, 2019 · Cancelable biometric schemes have been widely studied to protect templates in biometric authentication over networks. 2013. At the discretion of the IEEE Access Editor-in-Chief. From the concept of index modulation, IMMA technique uses the active subcarriers and inactive subcarriers to make index indices. 4. IEEE is a signatory of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA). A water quality index (WQI) is developed for water assessments considering numerous quality-related variables. The journal charges up to: 1995 USD Sep 7, 2016 · For every simple connected graph, we present a polynomial time algorithm for computing a numerical index, which is composed of primary and secondary parts. Jun 8, 2021 · Scientific applications often require high-bandwidth shared storage to perform joint simulations and collaborative data analytics. The journal is indexed in UGC CARE, Scopus, SCIE, DOAJ. IEEE Society/Council (S/C) Sections within IEEE Access are collections of articles that focus on an IEEE S/C’s fields of interest, and are grouped together on IEEE Xplore. To achieve more efficient video indexing and access, we introduce a video database management framework and strategies for video content structure and events mining. For this purpose, relational databases are used very often. At the heart of index searching is the operation of filtering through vast data spans to isolate a small, relevant subset, which To manage the indexing vocabulary and categorization for the wealth of electronic documents and to promote productivity in the Indexing Group, IEEE used Access Innovations’ Data Harmony MAIstro™. Supported by author publication fees (APC), it report are encouraged to contact Sherri Young, IEEE Product Manager at s. Members support IEEE's mission to advance technology for humanity and the profession, while memberships build a platform to introduce careers in technology to students around the world. IEEE Low and Lower-Middle Income Country Open Access Discount Program The Standard Abbreviation (ISO4) of IEEE Access is IEEE Access. However, with the proliferation of these IoT technologies and devices, there are challenges in integrating, indexing and managing time-series data from multiple sources to optimize the storage Your institution has an OA publishing agreement with IEEE that makes it easier and more convenient for authors to publish open access. Compared to cache replacement and prefetching, cache indexing has re-ceived far less interest over the years. Disqualification: The following items will disqualify a video from being considered a valid See full list on ieeeaccess. Thus, it is used to store documents per word. A brief account of these descriptors is given, and the recognition system is described, giving examples of the invariant IEEE Title List Publication Acronym Publication Title Open Access Type ISSN eISSN Index Journal Impact Factor (JIF)* 5-Year Impact Factor* Quartile (JIF) JCI Eigenfactor Article Influence Score (AIS) CiteScore ACCESS IEEE Access Full Open Access 2169-3536 SCIE 3. It is used to create a mapping between a word and the set of documents in which that word appears. The (SJR) SCImago Journal Rank is 0. This can be tackled through the latest machine learning (ML) techniques Nov 15, 2021 · The low-power wide area (LPWA) limits the access duration defined by the duty cycle (DC) to avoid mutual interference among the systems. IEEE Access should be cited as IEEE Access for abstracting, indexing and referencing purposes. 6287639 . The latest impact factor of ieee access is 3. 098 (per 2017 JCR). - that appeared in this periodical during the year, and items from previous years that were commented upon or corrected in this year. In order to handle sets of extended spatio-temporal objects we propose to specialize generalized search trees by combining the advantages of the well-known spatial structures R*-tree (Beckmann et al Indexed sequential access method (ISAM) is used widely for processing database operations among different platforms with definite characteristics. As a result, cache management has been the topic of extensive research. It provides a common and consistent language for authors, researchers, and online discovery. In order to limit the amount of energy consumed at the mobile unit, indexing Data broadcast is an attractive data dissemination method in mobile environments. From the point of view of Neural networks are mathematical models that use learning algorithms inspired by the brain to store information. 557, an Eigenfactor of 0. The data access time can be significantly improved by creating partitions and index structures, or their combinations. Driven by the transmitted bits, different groups employ distinct index modulation modes, choosing activated Data are a central phenomenon in our digital information age. They impact the way we live, work, and play and provide unprecedented opportunities to simplify our daily life and behavior. , 17 July 2024 — IEEE, the world’s largest technical professional organization advancing technology for humanity, announced today that its journals once again excelled in the journal citation rankings according to the latest Journal Citation Reports™ from Clarivate Analytics and CiteScore This may include, but is not limited to, the IEEE Access website, the IEEE Access YouTube channel, the IEEE Access IEEE TV channel, IEEE Access social media sites (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, IEEE Access Collabratec Community), and the IEEE Access Xplore page. Progress in building a model-based vision system for plane objects that uses algebraic projective invariants is described. Facebook/Twitter/Microsite usernames will not be used in any promotional and May 8, 2020 · Advertisement: IEEE Access is IEEE's first open-access mega journal that is freely available to the public. Dr. This may include, but is not limited to, the IEEE Access website, the IEEE Access YouTube channel, the IEEE Access IEEE TV channel, IEEE Access social media sites (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, IEEE Access Collabratec Community), and the IEEE Access Xplore page. In particular, we consider an animated movie as a spatiotemporal evolution. Removal of access shall only be Nov 24, 2014 · IEEE Access 2169-3536 (Online) Website ISSN Portal About Articles About. The ieee access is a reputed research journal. , the duration that a mobile client stays active in data accesses. They can be shown by several indexes of an employee in the one database that sequentially joined based on the provided set of information An increasing amount of data is stored and managed in today's information systems. 9 Abstract: Presents the 2022 author/subject index for this issue of the publication. The founding editor-in-chief was Michael Pecht (University of Maryland) and the current editor-in-chief is Derek Abbott (University of Adelaide). Comparative analysis and benchmarks highlight the method's efficiency Jun 5, 2019 · With the rising popularity of cloud computing technology, many positive effects have been exerted, whereas many security issues arise. What is index modulation (IM)? This is an interesting question that we have started to hear more and more frequently over the past few years. Under an extraordinary situation, it may be desirable to remove access to the content in IEEE Xplore for a specific article, standard, or press book. Jul 14, 2023 · We investigate the potential of several artificial neural network architectures to be used as an index on a sorted set of strings, namely, as a mapping from a query string to (an estimate of) its lexicographic rank in the set, which allows solving some interesting string-search operations such as range and prefix searches. IEEE helps to promote your article with active partnerships with abstracting and indexing database providers. Currently, the output of inverted indexing is stored haphazardly in a look up table. It meets all the essential criteria of ISO 4 standard. Supported by author publication fees, its hallmarks are a rapid peer review and publication process with open access to all readers The A-star algorithm is an efficient classical algorithm for solving the shortest path problem. Full Open Access N/A2836-211X JPHOT IEEE Photonics Journal Full Open Access 1943-0655 1943-0647 SCIE 2. To improve energy efficiency, existing air indexing schemes for data broadcast have focused on reducing tuning time only, i. Check top authors, submission guidelines, Acceptance Rate, Review Speed, Scope, Publication Fees, Submission Guidelines at one place. In order to get access to specific data, which is crucial to enable a myriad of new intelligent applications, efficient information retrieval becomes an imminent need for IoT. Status Publisher Keeper From To Updated Extent of archive; Preserved. This index covers all technical items - papers, correspondence, reviews, etc. ieee. Aug 3, 2023 · IEEE announced today that 12 of IEEE’s new fully open access journals launched in 2020 were accepted for indexing by Clarivate and received their first Journal Impact Factors according to the 2022 Journal Citation Reports (JCR) from Clarivate, released in late June 2023. The classification of these indexes in the data set processing determines various managing of the records. Portico. Ieee Access Impact Factor 2024 . . 54 0. The article must fall within the scope of IEEE Access; Must be in compliance with the IEEE PSPB Operations Manual. Given a graph G = (V, E) where V and E are, respectively, vertex and edge sets, the primary part of the index is a set of |V | fractions and the secondary part of the index is a set of |B| x |V| fractions, where B is the partition of the Advances in communication and computation technologies and the recent marriage between the two allows users to have access to information sources via portable, mobile computing devices, and wireless connection. If This index covers all technical items - papers, correspondence, reviews, etc. Science Citation Index Expanded (Clarivate), Scopus (ELSEVIER) c2: 1 Multidisciplinary databases. Article submissions will be processed by a topically focused Associate Editor from that IEEE Society/Council. Sparse matrix-vector multiplication (SpMV) is central to numerous data-intensive applications, but requires streaming indirect memory accesses that severely degrade both processing and memory throughput in state-of-the-art architectures. A novel representation of color histograms is presented. Click to know more about IEEE Access Review Speed, Scope, Publication Fees, Submission Guidelines. DOI: 10. Shared memory pools provide a chance to satisfy such needs. The index indices can carry bits in addition to the QAM modulation bits, which enables IMMA to have Data broadcast is an attractive data dissemination method in mobile environments. IEEE Access is a multidisciplinary, online-only, gold fully open access journal, continuously presenting the results of original research or development across all IEEE fields of interest. , efficient and scalable image storage is essential. Facebook/Twitter/Microsite usernames will not be used in any promotional and 介绍. The entities and relationships form a relational database. , emphasizing scalability and performance. 2023. qvsdhhlyrvfrzsexpfasxrygzlhmlqaiptsyjzfwsjsoast