Seachem stress guard reddit The active ingredient in every dechlorinator on the market is sodium thiosulfate. Well, no one had any experience with StressGuard. No bloating. Oct 30, 2021 · I need advice on using copper after using Stress Guard. How to remove stressguard Posted by u/Mellodux - 2 votes and 4 comments. Feb 16, 2017 · StressGuard will reduce stress and ammonia toxicity whenever handling or transporting fish. We're also here to help you if you need advice. You can just hang a tea bag in the tank for a while. If it starts getting fuzzy at all I'd go straight to the Jungle Fungus Clear. Most of my tanks are aqueon or top fin and i haven’t had any problems. Waiting for anyone to come to get cleaned. This sub is for those of us who love Corydoras. I had a stress issue with my fish in my 10G (40L) tank, and started dosing Seachem stress guard in February 2021 according to the instructions. I'm currently dosing the tank with seachem stress guard daily, 2 table spoons of tonic salt (60L tank) once, and an extra almond leaf + daily minor water changes. He was eating and swimming; he even had the fish zoomies a few times. But still, it should use for new fishes. Crypto I use fritz complete since it dechlorinates, takes care of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrates. The water level is about 5". My beta tore his fins on something so I moved him from his 10 gallon tank to a half gallon quarantine tank (I know it's a little small but it's all I really had. It's not recommended to ever use two medications at the same time unless the fish has a serious illness. Multiple discussions claim StressGuard is grea 23 votes, 13 comments. I ordered seachem stress guard (was conflicted between this or paraguard) and I’m wondering if seachem stress guard is enough to kill this ick. This is purely anecdotal but when I was nursing my baby Oscar back to health, seachem stress guard and prime together seemed to speed up his recovery more If you're unable to get another tank set up, even a 5 gal bucket or a plastic tub will work as a qt tank. It’s varies between 8-8. Dec 12, 2017 Facebook X (Twitter) LinkedIn Reddit Pinterest WhatsApp Email Share I have no idea how long he'd been there for, but he's still alive and only barely moves unless nudged. StressGuard™ will reduce stress and ammonia toxicity whenever handling or transporting fish. The "fix" products are usually just tea tree oil which can harm the labyrinth organ in bettas, and I found that Kanaplex was pretty harsh on my last betta, I'd personally only use it for very persistent fin rot or more serious infections. (Reposted since I accidentally posted it as an image and not a post lol. I'm currently trying to heal my bettas fins after a tail biting incident. The label just says “until signs of stress have abated or healing is complete” so that makes it seem like it would be fine to use for a long period of time. This will give him relief and stop the ulcers from spreading further. StressGuard™ binds to exposed protein in wounds to promote healing of injured fish and to reduce the likelihood of primary and secondary infections. I use, Prime, Purigen and Stability and when needed Paraguard. StressGuard can be dosed every day, Seachem says the active ingredient dissipates within 24 hours so you don’t need to worry about it building up between water changes. Stress guard is for slime coat and can help healing but won't necessarily treat the root cause. So keeping their stress at bay will help you keep him healthy! I’m currently trying to get the levels back to normal by doing a 20% water change everyday and adding seachem prime after each change. Help! My fishes are showing signs of Ick third day now. Which one is better for relieving stress and promotes slime creation? Jun 11, 2024 · It sounds like the stressguard did exactly what it is designed to do - reduce stress and toxic ammonia in a pinch! This morning he is up in his normal spot. - 150 watt preset Aqueon heater, Seachem StressGuard I use API Stress Coat specifically because it helps replenish slime coat of fish. Nobody had tended to him in over a year, he had no heater. Good luck! Seachem prime for water conditioner, seachem stability for quick cycling or if your cycle ever crashes to get it back to cycled quickly. If you use Stressguard and Purigen, you may not be able to renew the Purigen if you wanted. This might not be essential, but it can be helpful to reduce stress. Dec 16, 2022 · Recently i adding some seachem stress guard to heal my tang due to white spot, mine is 2 feet reef tank and i found that after i adding stress guard, my Home New posts Marketplace Build Thread Updates Trending Today's Posts Search forums Unanswered Use seachem stress guard for slime coat regeneration, stuff is magic. Establishing a nitrogen cycle is an important part of keeping your fish healthy. Hasn't eaten since it happened 3 days ago. In the last two days, a white fuzz has appeared on his fins and it seems like this area is simply falling away. And since your betta has weak fins, not an active fin rot bacterial infection, i would recommend using indian almond/catappa leaves or alder cones to release tannins into your water (make sure you remove the charcoal first though!!) it’ll look like tea but it is super medicinal This isn't limited solely to Seachem because other companies use it but Seachem is very popular here so I lead the title with that. Posted by u/bster122 - 2 votes and 1 comment 570K subscribers in the Aquariums community. I’m treating fin rot. https://www. 5 gallon tank. Clean warm water, add tannins from Indian Almond leaves or plain, unflavored rooibos tea from the grocery store. We believe it is essential to provide care advice that exceeds bare minimum standards, in order to enrich the lives of our beloved pets. I'm glad you have a hospital tank. A place for aquatic flora and fauna enthusiasts! Whether you have a question to… I’m currently trying to get the levels back to normal by doing a 20% water change everyday and adding seachem prime after each change. If you have a 40g tank, you should have a filter for an 80g tank. In order to get it's full potential, you should dose every 24 hours. Btw, I always recommend double the filtration for your tank. If your fishes injured, then you can use it. I treated him with Kanaplex and Seachem Stress guard and did daily 20% water changes, and he got better for a few days. That's a good call. Any reccomendations? It needs to be a short procedure. I’m about to buy some Seachem products but confused as which to buy, especially the antibiotics. The Silph Road is a grassroots network of trainers whose communities span the globe and hosts resources to help trainers learn about the game, find communities, and hold in-person PvP tournaments! Posted by u/Mandy0621 - 1 vote and 6 comments r/Aquariums • Scored a 60 gallon tank in a front yard with a free sign on it. Y. The quicker the better. Our Bio system is pretty large for what we have in the tank. Of course it’s easier said than done. Everyone online recommends Seachem Stress Guard to help repair his slime coat, but unfortunately it doesn't look like I'll be able to get it in Australia, I can only find API Stress Coat (which I know is fairly different). The water flow is the only thing I can think of but worried about stagnancy in the tank - should I be? 204K subscribers in the bettafish community. Stress Coat+ does though, however. I’ve got methelyn Blue, pimafix, Aquarium Salt, paraguard, rally pro, Kanaplex, metroplex, cupramine, seachem stress guard, melafix, seachem guardic guard. If you're unable to get any of them, you can dose in the main tank, just grab a bottle of Seachem Stability to dose into the filter to help your beneficial bacteria out. Slowly, day by day, from top to bottom, my plants started developing some type of staghorn-like algae, killing them. With that being said, I don’t recommend doing a fish in cycle. When I was looking at seachem's FAQs it seems like it just has more of the protein active colloid that's in paraguard that acts as a liquid bandage and reinforces the slime coat I ended up using stressguard last night in any case since I had more of it and he seems to be looking a lot better this morning. after reading the description of some of these products, they seem as if they might be able to serve a purpose within the lotl's tank. Is this wound infected or is that the natural slime growth? I have searched this, but advice on reddit, in particular regarding these products, is wildly inconsistent. Posted by u/Lunatunawhereru - No votes and 1 comment Thank you for posting to r/bettafish. His fins have been looking a little bit torn up for the past couple of weeks but he’s been acting totally normally and eating well so I didn’t think it was too urgent. It has antibacterial/fungal benefits, reduces stress, mimics their natural environment. Here is the picture) . I don't have the information on hand so I can't tell you the exact differences at the moment. Since only one is a med, all can be used at once. You want a dark tea colored water. So I was wondering what you guys would recommend! Is it worth the switch or is there no big difference? Reddit's #1 spot for Pokémon GO™ discoveries and research. I was told that Stress Guard might help with the swimming. If the fish are already wounded or stressed out from transport and handling, than this is an ideal product to add, as it will help calm the fish, as well as, heal any wounds and prevent secondary infections from occurring. Using Stress Guard daily (to protect the fish from the stress of Paraguard). StressGuard doesn't contain any medication that is designed to decrease the biological stress response chemically, but StressGuard can reduce many outside stressors, thus reducing stress :) I hope this helps! May 31, 2019 · Certified Seachem technical support specialists are active Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM-5:00 PM EST. 13K subscribers in the corydoras community. I’m considering treating his fin rot with aquarium salt and possibly buying seachem stress guard or api stress coat to help aswell. So at low doses it effects algae more than plants because the cell structure of algae is much simpler than that of other plants we keep. Allowing him to feel better will get him to eat the medication untill then dose the water and use an antiseptic. Hence read and read and ordered Seachem Stress Guard. Tannins have antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Ever since I got my betta I have noticed problems with his fins ripping. Sep 30, 2022 · Seachem StressGuard Slime Coat Protection - Stress and Toxic Ammonia Reducer 500 ml Seachem StressGuard is a premium slime coat protection product, working to reduce stress and ammonia toxicity whenever handling or transporting fish. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit [FT] - Yonkers, N. I read that it can… always have seachem prime and stress guard on hand. hey! i would avoid paraguard as it is specifically for parasites and doesn’t seem applicable to this situation. If it's a bacterial infection he needs an antibiotic. I noticed he had some fin rot a few weeks ago which I started treating, then he became lethargic and stopped eating for about a week. I've been using it for many years. You don't have to worry about this with StressGuard. I got a bottle of Stressguard for my guppy tank as they're recovering from camallanus worms (dealing with that nightmare took years off my life), and I'm wondering if it can also be used to help prevent/heal tail biting. I used seachem stress guard to resolve the issue, and his scales fully healed. I’ve been dosing with Seachem Stress Guard and it doesn’t seem to help. However, I had to take his filter out and run it in a tank that only had a heater and conditioner water while administering the medication, which I am afraid may have disrupted his cycle. Seachem StressGuard remains active for only 24 hours so it won't build up in the tank. The subreddit for anything related to aquariums! Come here to enjoy pictures, videos, articles and… I like to cover most of the sides of my quarantine tank too so they don't feel so vulnerable in there. I have dyscalculia and dyslexia lol so I need some help figuring out how much stress guard to put in my 2. I’ve also heard of kanaplex however in canada the closest one ships nov 24th which isn’t enough time. I have my filter and the water conditioner (stress guard by seachem), for my ammonia source I used fish food and a bit of pure ammonia solution (liquid). I bought seachem stress guard to use for my betta to help with recovery from fin rot because he got worse again last time after treatment, but I noticed it is blue and wanted to know if it would stain my sand or anything else in my tank before I put it in 4 days ago, I moved him to a hospital tank with catappa leaves and a little Seachem StressGuard. But you should not use Seachem stress guard for new fish. I've been doing water changes every other day at 25% but his fins still aren't growing back. The other big difference in conditioners is some only get rid of chlorine and not chloramine, which many water treatment plants are using. In essence, Stress Coat combines both Prime and StressGuard. Crypto Contact Us. Prime (and Pond Prime) are the most concentrated I'm aware of, and I suspect this and the NH4 neutralizing properties are the reason for their popularity. M erythromycin, seachem stress guard. if there is a definite issue, i treat with salt (but note, i have goldfish that are very tolerant to salt so if you have more senitive/scaleless fish youd want to be more wary of jumping to salt) Hello! I’m dealing with Ich now from a new fish I added yesterday. The bottle specifies that Stress Guard is compatible with all medications other than those who are copper based. Hi, how do I does Seachem StressGuard? and does It need to be after a water change or can I just add like that in the tank if a water change was done… If you’re moving several hours away or more, invest in a battery powered air pump and some air stones to keep water oxygenated for the fish. How did Kordon’s end up working for you? That’s what I’m using now, and I got Seachem Stress Guard to support their immune system while they get through this. Would treat in a hospital tank since it looks like you have plants in your main. StressGuard™ will not directly interact with any of the other Seachem® products, but a large overdose of reducing agents (conditioners like Prime®, ammonia detoxifiers, stress reducers, and some medications) can start to reduce the oxygen levels of the tank. Apr 26, 2020 · I have been using API Stress Coat + to help relieve stress and help my Betta 's slime coat in stressful situations but I came upon Seachem's StressGuard and am wondering which is better. Jul 9, 2016 · I just received the products by courier: API Freshwater Test Kit, Attisons Betta Pro pellets, Seachem Stress Guard, and Kanaplex. The subreddit for anything related to aquariums! Come here to enjoy pictures, videos, articles and discussion. It also can detoxify some ammonia which can help the fish breathe a bit easier, and thus reduce stress. Business, Economics, and Finance. Some people use Seachem Prime. It's just fine to use multiple reducing agents if you have good filtration and you I see stress coat/stress zyme, but a problem I often find with it is they have things like aloe vera, which does not relax the fish but actually just clogs up their gills, which is bad. 3. Dec 13, 2017 · What Is In Seachem Stress Guard? N. It's also found in API Stressguard, API CO2 Boost, and Easy Green. This protein active colloidal agent actively seeks out any wounds, abrasions, or places where exposed proteins are and attaches to this area to help directly deliver the disinfectant in the product and start the healing process. For over three decades, Seachem has been a company rooted in sound science. Being the sucker for Seachem products that I am, I decided to buy it. Damp. Maybe more. Therefor you get more doses per bottle. Member. for minutes? Re: seachem stress guard Thanks for the post! Yes, StressGuard can certainly be added to the tank when you add new fish. It reduces the primary and secondary infection. Would stressguard help his finrot enough or should I just buy kanaplex? StressGuard™ is the premium slime coat protection product. Multiple reddit discussions have claimed that Excel is correlated to an increased risk of dropsy, particularly in betta fish. That same day, I tried an epsom salt bath (1 tablespoon/gallon) as well in a separate bucket. Not familiar with Stress-guard, or Pristine only used Prime and Purigen, and Purigen will remove tannin and other things that cloud in the water to make water look crystal clear. It's tearing fins aren't getting better. Here is the info I got it from (it's the 3 stars review) I see stress coat/stress zyme, but a problem I often find with it is they have things like aloe vera, which does not relax the fish but actually just clogs up their gills, which is bad. Jan 19, 2005 · Re: Stress Guard Stress Guard has a protein active colloid which will over activate your skimmer. Jun 25, 2015 · 2. They are very similar in that their main purpose is to treat water before using and detoxify ammonia. If you are new to betta fish keeping, please check out our caresheet and wiki. I also trust their medication a lot more than just about everything else, it actually says what it does on the tin and gives you great instructions. Hi experts, I’ve seen a suggestion that the combination of Seachem Prime and Stress Guard can impact the oxygen in the tank, however I also see Seachem itself saying this interaction is fine as long as it’s not over-dosed. It turns the water a little blue, which I don’t like, but I use it only when a fish is feeling a little blah, not all the time. He's not pineconing. The betta tanks has a HOB filter, heater to 75 degrees, and all parameters except the PH are good (I’ve been struggling to lower my PH. Any questions posted over the weekend will be addressed the following Monday. i always treat with methylene blue and stress guard ! methylene is just a preventative so the fish in question doesn't get sicker than it possibly is. Meds I like to keep on hand, aquarium salt, epsom salt (un scented) , kanaplex, api E. Feel free to post pictures of yours, ask questions about… It works as an algaecide. Mar 7, 2013 · A while back, I asked the good people here which they thought was better, StressCoat or Seachem's StressGuard. That said, I've separated him into a hospital tank. Apr 26, 2020 · I have been using API Stress Coat + to help relieve stress and help my Betta's slime coat in stressful situations but I came upon Seachem's StressGuard and am wondering which is better. I only add seachem stress guard if I see any injuries on my fish or see them stressed. /r/axolotls is a place for owners to discuss, expand their knowledge, and share pictures of all topics related to axolotls. but all I've seen being talked about is using prime. I've seen good things about seachem stress guard, but I generally don't know much about when to use slime protectant and what brands are good. I like Seachem Stress Guard for injuries. This can be made into an extract to dose in the tank. Any of those would be good to use? I will say looking up white fungus it doesn’t really look fluffy like photos show 209K subscribers in the bettafish community. However, it seems like Seachem’s stress guard is the favorite of many people here and similar subs. 4. Posted by u/ReveriesLost - 5 votes and 5 comments Also how much stress guard would you add to a 2. They offered seachem stress guard as a potential alternative. Stress is one of the root causes of many fish diseases, it lowers their immune systems. Which one is better for relieving stress and promotes slime creation? Also, if my Betta accidentally ripped Currently have him in a floating breeder container resting on almond leaves. Reddit's #1 spot for Pokémon GO™ discoveries and research. Soft towel. The glutaraldehyde basically modifies the cell membrane to become less permeable. Feel free to discuss remedies, research, technologies, hair transplants, hair systems, living with hair loss, cosmetic concealments, whether to "take the plunge" and shave your head, and how your treatment progress or shaved head or hairstyle looks. I purchased a 10gallon tank a while back and started the cycling process the day after. I have removed anything sharp from the tank, the filter intake is covered by a sponge, I keep the light on only for the daytime, and I have been dosing the tank with Seachem Stress Guard. I was researching it for some time and noticed a comment where the purigen interfered with chemicals that removes chlorine except for seachem prime. I took delivery of 2 Royal Grammas, a Tail Spot Blenny, and a Banggai Cardinal on Dec 3, 2013 · This is an obvious oversimplification. There are no cracks, the seals look good, and it holds water. Hey all, bought some stressguard for some ragged fins and was wondering if anyone has had experiences with it crashing a cycle. I've saved many many fish, I defeated columnaris on my cories in a week, none of them died. The big reason people like Prime (other than seachem making good products in general) is its super concentrated compared to many other brands. Seachem Laboratories; 1000 Seachem Drive, Madison, GA 30650, USA; 706-343-6060 | 888-SEACHEM; Tech Support: 888-732-0003; Office hours: Monday- Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST Small daily water changes and Seachem Stress Guard will help. The Silph Road is a grassroots network of trainers whose communities span the globe and hosts resources to help trainers learn about the game, find communities, and hold in-person PvP tournaments! Stress guard is a medication and can be used with these two because of their different purposes. The temp is about 80F. I finally had a chance to use it after my recovering tailbiter had a relapse, and thought I'd let y'all know how it Tressless (*tress·less*, without hair) is the most popular community for males and females coping with hair loss. Raising temperature to 86 degrees. The website also states that the active ingredient in Stress Guard dissipates after 24 hours. Hello! I’ve always used API’s stress coat and it’s always worked well, no problems or anything. Five drops per gallon is the typical dose. A subreddit for all things related to our colorful finned friends. It coats the wound almost like a bandage. Messages 1,230. 211K subscribers in the bettafish community. My Betta was on tetra bits and I was looking waiting for the good food to arrive. Feb 21, 2011 · Stress coat is a slime coat replacement, which means it can actually inhibit normal gill function if overdosed. so, as I browse online and instore I see a massive amount of additives for fresh water tanks, such as (all from seachem) stress guard, stability, pristine, and a small hand full of others. The Silph Road is a grassroots network of trainers whose communities span the globe and hosts resources to help trainers learn about the game, find communities, and hold in-person PvP tournaments! I have seachem prime and seachem stress guard and use those together. While both Stress Coat and StressGuard both promote healing, they go about in different ways. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. If I need a stress coat thing I use seachem stress guard. Natalya Well Known. Jan 22, 2024 · StressGuard™ is the premium slime coat protection product. Any advice? " API® Stress Coat makes tap water safe for fish by removing harmful chemicals from tap water, and contains the healing power of Aloe Vera to reduce fish stress by 40% API® Stress Coat also reduces electrolyte loss in your fish, and should be used when: Handling, netting, or adding fish to a bag for the trip home from the store; Seachem Stressguard (antiseptic, helps reduce stress and heals fins/slime coat) Indian Almond Leaves. I use Stress Coat for new fish, or fish who are a bit stressed during water changes. I'm changing about a third of the water daily and have a sponge filter going. I'd also recommend you mix some aquarium salt or Seachem stress guard into that water, it'll help boost your fishes immune system so they can get their slime coat back. I'm wondering if I could add seachem or stresscoat after each water change to help promote the new growth or some other product that would help with that. Jan 31, 2013 · I wouldn't use Stress Coat as the main conditioner, due to it doesn't remove/detoxifies ammonia. Thinking of getting stress guard too. I'm living in Thailand at the minute, so supplies are a little scarce. His tankmates are 2 small corydoras and some neocaridina shrimps. The subreddit for anything related to aquariums! Come here to enjoy pictures, videos, articles and… Jul 22, 2023 · I purchased 4 oranda goldfish yesterday. I will also add it in with fish who have torn fins due to biting or mating - but only a little bit, still use main water conditioner. Even if it's the liquid one made by seachem , I think it's stress guard. 302K subscribers in the PlantedTank community. I rushed him into a new tank that I had added live plants, live moss, sand, seachem prime and seachem stability to with a new filter and a new heater. He's been getting a-near daily dose of Seachem Stress Guard - he was in a tank with other fish that I think were nibbling on his top fin, but that appears to be healing quite well. 5). com/stressguard. Prime is not superior to other conditioners, since no one has been able to prove its purported ammonia- and nitrite-binding capabilities. I started treating with Seachem Stress Guard as I read sometimes that’s all that’s needed for fin rot. My betta fish is really sick and I’m absolutely heartbroken. You might also want to get some Seachem Stress Guard and Seachem Prime if you don’t already have it. I’ve heard stress guard cures fin rot. May 17, 2019 · Is it alright to use Stress Guard and/ or Stability in the tank at the same time to help with water quality and recovery? He started swimming on his side near the top of the tank on Tuesday, but since Furan 2 he's been able to swim near the bottom and occasionally swim upright. The fish went from very active to lethargic. seachem. Seachem Stressguard (antiseptic, helps reduce stress and heals fins/slime coat) Indian Almond Leaves. In a cycled aquarium either are both fine. 5g quarantine tank. Crypto Business, Economics, and Finance. Estimated delivery arrival is at least 5-7 days from now, I don’t know what to do. 181K subscribers in the bettafish community. You could try SeaChem Stress Guard too for a mild antiseptic that may help it heal. I know you don't recommend doing this while using Paraguard, but I have a strong filter and also a bubblewand so I was hoping the extra aeration will make oxygen not an issue. Used Seachem Prime in the tank water, Stress Guard, and a Thai medicine for fin rot (BioKnock 3). Seachem stress guard was recommended by the shop for new fish. I found him dumped at my job on a military base in sludge. It says 1/2 - 1 capful to every 40L / 10G. Hi everyone! I’m wondering if anyone in the UK has any recommendations of alternatives for seachem stressguard that can be purchased here? None of my local stores stock it and nowhere online ships it within the UK either as far as I can see (wherever they do it’s like £20 for shipping which is mental) I’ve seen that there’s the API stresscoat+ but not sure if it’s any good? Stress guard helps with healing, fin regeneration, ammonia toxicity, and it also calms your fish. I would not assume Seachem Stressguard does anything useful about ammonia. I continued to try and maintain the levels of 3-5ppm daily by testing and adding ammonia when needed. Aquarium salt should be good enough if you catch an injury early though. 645K subscribers in the Aquariums community. May I know what these medications are for and when to use them? Some seem to be similar? Kanaplex Neoplex Metroplex Focus Polyguard Paraguard Cupramine Sulfaplex I currently have Stability and Prime. Now I'm considering holding it off until I use up my API stress coat to buy the prime and purigen together. I used 1 cap per 10 gallons around 3pm today. I'm aware that axolotls need a very different dosage compared to fish, also my boy isn't injured I just want something in hand in the case he accidentally hurts himself or has a slime coat problem since they're grand goobers, thanks! Main difference between the two is Stress Coat also acts as a dechlorinator similar to Prime. Is it 2 drops per gallon like other seachem products or maybe just 1 drop? Any help is appreciated, thank you! I used seachem stress guard to resolve the issue, and his scales fully healed. Any suggestions on cleaning it or what i should look out for with a used unknown tank before I start cycling it and add fish? Hi, I have read online that API stress coat is mostly a chlorine remover that has aloe vera added to it, whereas stress guard is better for helping repairing, torn or ripped fins. Boil some leaves in dechlorinated water, and then let cool before using. Yes, StressGuard can certainly be added to the tank when you add new fish. php. I'll add either seachem Stability or fritz 7 if I need to do a larger water change 50% or more. There is always the decision to weigh the pros and cons (to the whole system, not just the fish in question) of removing the fish from the system, which at best will involve stressing out this and all other fish by chasing them around with nets traps sticks etc. My personal preference is SeaChem StressGuard. However, StressCoat is slightly inferior to other conditioners, because the aloe vera included does nothing for the fish other than serve as food for bacteria in the water, increasing risk of infection slightly It’s a brand new tank, it was an emergency situation. gkhs snsjlm hztkfeh oxtn uvjnhe gxfiib dsmrtf uprbh nmeqt zjliu gkvlhwps shtyjsji iwhy wcc gxycm