Pdr meaning maplestory.
The Reddit community for MapleStory.
Pdr meaning maplestory The charts will update with different input variables, so you can customize it to your situation. MapleStory IEDs are used to deal severe damage to enemies. In short, when you set up a dummy in Fog Forest training grounds (Dojo), you can edit some parameters, such as boss/mob, level, defense (pdr), size, hp, elemental reduction and map requirements (arcane force, sacred force levels), that allows you to mimic the settings for a specific boss. Bosses such as chaos vellum has 200% PDR, and even harder bosses such as Lotus have 300% PDR. Hellux and all of CRA minus CVell have around 100% PDR. See full list on grandislibrary. For everyone calling it PDR line, you sound dumb. The clear verdict is when you destroy the box in the reward room. Newer Than: Search this thread only; Search this forum only. The general recommendation for midgame is to hit 93-95% effective IED, and for late-endgame 97%+. Boss PDR Help Bosses from Lotus to Black Mage has 300% Percentage Damage Reduction (PDR). Some classes may activate some buffs before entering to have them up for a second time near the end. It forced them to build an enormous statue Maplestory code in discord python to help users calculate endpoint IED, damage dealt based off of Boss PDR and calculating ideal ied for respective desired damage output on boss PDR - MrMisc/Maplestory-IED A very good choice, very little in the way of button mashing on the level of Battle Mage, but damage output leaves a lot to be desired. It’s pretty much the counteracting stat to PDR. Sometimes used interchangably, though technically enemies have pdr and ied is used to counteract it. I'd be skeptical for CRA since they have lower PDR meaning the breakeven point for Cross Surge being better (in solo/small party) is an even lower IED number (85. just sort of have to know. You'll be mostly dependent on the potentials of your items to increase your range. The two are multiplied together to calculate how much your damage is reduced by. Edit: for those who don't know PDR = Percent Damage Reduction. IED Calculator . Some of your guys' scores are dogshit and I already have a list of whom I'm going to kick based on those if they don't improve, including sandbaggers. PDR stands for the percent damage reduction which is applied by a boss/mob to an attacker. Jan 19, 2025 · Ursus is the first ever raid boss in Maplestory, meaning that the fight isn't anything like what you've experienced before. Most people ideally stack 225-250% boss damage and focus the rest on % attk, getting pdr somewhere around 80-90%. Nov 20, 2024 · This page will list all monsters in Monster Park, in the order of the area they appear, rather than by level. Requirements. 1% PDR. PDR is a property which is intrinsic to a boss/mob. Ideal PDR metric is 97~98. You need at least 2m range to solo the 3 easy CRA and around 2. Then you have Arcane Aim, which is rather significant because it is a new line of 20%, netting you 94. If you have 20% Ignore DEF, a monster has 80% of its original PDR value left, if you ignore another 30% of its remaining 80%, then it's left with 56% of its original PDR value, meaning you've ignored 44% of it's DEF. 56) meaning for each % of IED under 100% you'll only lose 1. Assuming you have CRA (lower PDR value used), you have 89. Lotus can be fought in Normal, Hard, and Extreme mode. So when you multiply them, say 90% IED for 300% PDR, you get 270% ignored, meaning the boss only has 300-270=30% PDR left, meaning you do 70% damage. It is a must-have in the game for those who want to level up fast. In other words, Reboot players need some Att% to cover up our lack of scroll system, then go for PDR/Boss %. having 94% IED means u ignore 94% of that so if bosses ur doing rn have 200% PDR and u ignore 94% of it u do: 1 - (2 - 2 * 0. The HP of the PB fight is a bit misleading in this chart since the first phase with the statues is not included. 67m clean range atm -- meaning; don't assume I don't intend to boss. For IED, it's the same as every other endgame boss, black mage has 300% pdr. Reply reply Chaos Von Bon has 100 percent damage reduction (PDR), Chaos Crimson Queen has 120 PDR, and Chaos Pierre has 80 PDR. 7 for vellum, 76. com! 'Preliminary Design Review' is one option -- get in to view more @ The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource. So we would assume it's 60% right? Wrong! Iirc it takes your current total (30% PDR) and adds 30% of the total If you have 20% Ignore DEF, a monster has 80% of its original PDR value left, if you ignore another 30% of its remaining 80%, then it's left with 56% of its original PDR value, meaning you've ignored 44% of it's DEF. If you're a mercedes or night walker, you don't need pdr. 94) = 1 - (2 - 1. Culvert is a weekly guild activity, which consists of two parts: Battle Overview. Some bosses use Zombify, some bosses aren't affected by that debuff. Then imagine you wielding a pizza cutter. IED is Ignore Enemy Defense. 84% of your original damage). How much damage and boss damage do you have from sources not reflected in stat window (does your class have damage debuffs on bosses from skills, hyper skill distribution for reinforce/boss rush, etc), and how much damage and boss damage show up in your stat window? Hazard's Mean Crony (Invincible, Boss) Level 200 HP 330,000,000 MP 500 EXP 0 Attack 1 Defense Rate PDR: 10% MDR: 10% Speed 20 Additional Points Threaten is also super useful, cutting the boss's PDR in half. Good luck clearing, you got this!Patter IED Calculator. IED helps you counter this. How is IED calculated? Say you have 30% IED. That's their PDR (Pizza Defense Ratio). Harder and harder bosses will come out, making pdr more and more useful. On almost any other boss, more %atk or %boss will be better. Mar 14, 2013 · You can find the meaning by searching through this MapleStory Abbreviation List! Use CTRL+F to locate the term quickly. you might be able to, but you would need to really focus on the clocks and make sure you have enough time. gg/ms I am thinking it is a distinct lack of PDR I am missing IED is ignore enemy defense and bosses can have up to 380% physical damage reduction (PDR). As others said, your stats are far too low. The short answer is you want both. Note that this is only if you use Execution. 3. 1 for 3 door). 35% PDR, pretty close to your current value of 93%. 2% reduced damage to Chaos Pierre You can get more IED from: The jump in difficulty from 3 easier bosses of CRA to the last boss in CRA is significant both due to a game mechanic called PDR which reduces the damage the player does to the boss as well as the actual fight's mechanics of the boss - multiple oneshot attacks while avoiding stuns. The heal debuff depends on how useful that buff is to your party vs your own DPS, use your better judgement. It’s a stat that a mob or boss has, and works as the name suggests. Mesos are needed when purchasing items through NPC shops and Auction House, and may be used when trading with other players. Picture and Name Monster's Stats Level HP MP PDR MDR EXP; Firefly Slime: 30 - 59 Varying Varying Varying % Varying % Varying Fairy Slime: 30 - 59 Varying The sections of this article detail various formulas and tables within the game. I thought PDR was percent damage reduced, a boss with 300% will cause you to only hit 1s. g. Jan 18, 2025 · Normal. On average, we want to keep the reduction at anywhere between 10%-20% (closer to 10% in Reboot and to 15% in normal servers). 243 (Savior: Shangri-La and Kaling) patch. Att/PDR/Boss% nebs can only go on weapon and secondary equips, emblem can get att/pdr but not boss%. How much a stat equals is dependent on your attack. For example, if you look at the snail, it has 10% PDR, meaning all players will deal 10% less final damage to it. Serene has 380%). However, I personally prefer to cube for the future. Add in your passive 30% and you would have 92. On top of what others have said, it’s really important to learn your class’s optimal culvert rotation. Budget Lomien for sure. It used to be ignore Physical Damage Reduction (ignore PDR) and ignore Magical Damage Reduction (ignore MDR). Hard hilla has 100% PDR, meaning if you only have 21% IED, you'll be doing 79% reduced damage (aka if you usually hit 1m lines, you'll only hit 210k). However when both used high funding gear (shared b/t the two) phantom actually outdpsed DB in this test according to battle analysis on a non pdr dummy. «Pdr» Meaning of PDR in the English dictionary with examples of use. 4% PDR (PDR is a relatively precise decimal and the value in the stat window is purely an approximation). Not affiliated with or restricted by Nexon. MP: Depending on the context, can mean: Comparison in DPM to my DB** My phantom mule did less DPM than my dualblade at low funding/equal gear (battle analysis tested thanks to someone to provide non pdr dummy). 16% (you would then do 58. It’s how much less final damage you deal to that monster. Then, Nexon changed their formula and removed the ignore MDR. Does this mean we should equip our stuff from highest to lowest pdr or do they do an order for you already? The point of a bossing mule is to create a secondary character that can solo clear all the easy to mid tier weekly bosses to sell the crystals the bosses drop for a lot of meso. Frailty will lower his defense by 30% to 270% and then pdr on your character will take % of that new enemy def percent. Boss % in Reboot isn't as good as in actual servers because we already have a passive that increases damage % based on our level. 1. The odd line here and there of pdr will get you there no problem. The reason 93% Ignore DEF is enough is that it becomes more and more unreasonable for you to increase Ignore DEF further the more you have. Also, you need to closely read the two skills. If you had 90% IED, you would deal 30% reduced damage to him as 300*(1-0. Simply, you can calculate it as 1 - (1 - 0. 2 so with the node you will have 55. IED stands for ignore enemy defense. Shade's Soul Split makes a stationary copy of a boss, which is super useful on bosses that move and is also effectively a large final damage boost. - Current stats: Boss: 178% PDR: 65% Another thing that's noteworthy is that I currently don't have a 2nd pendant, but once I get that, I'll have 208% boss and 65% PDR + (30% PDR curtailed/reduced by however that works now). IED list seperated by comma: Target PDR (%): Final Combined IED (%): Damage Dealt on Target (%): pdr/ied = percent dmg reduction and ignore enemy defense. 68% FD rather than 3% assuming there are no debuffs present so to equate that let's say people sit at and avg 93% IED for lomien tier bosses they'd lose about I mean at this point of being Black Mage/Seren-ready, everyone should have 8k Legion regardless for the max IED/Boss/Critdmg together. Usually you don't want %att nebs on any of your gear because boss/pdr is more crucial, but if you do put it on something, it should be your emblem. I know it can vary depending on the class but I would like to know at least an aproximation of it. Display results as threads PDR stands for percent damage reduction which is the fancy way of saying percent defence. Sep 15, 2024 · This Quest requires a guild to complete. instanced: boss crystals (sell for mesos; value divided by # of members in party), Abso/Arcane weapon/armor boxes, Lotus cores/Damien stones/Lucid/Will droplets, Tenebris etc. Also in GMS we're extremely privileged with familiars adding up to three 30%~50% lines, plus Gollux. I mean the easiest way to fix his burst is to simply give it more damage or a new proper burst skill. In terms of potential tiers, %attack is by far the best, followed by %boss, pdr ignore, total damage% IF you don't have a lot already, mainstat, allstat. Instead of going through each node I made a utility that gets all the possible values for skills in v. After the first instance of this attack, Will will cycle between using the one-legged and two-legged variations of this attack for the rest of the fight, though As mentioned, Chaos Vellum's PDR was reduced to 200% (and Chaos Papulatus's was reduced to 250%). Elden Ring is an action RPG which takes place in the Lands Between, sometime after the Shattering of the titular Elden Ring. In genreal, the only time IED isn't better than Boss% is when you have very little boss%+damage% and the source of IED is fairly modest (a single 30% source of IED is better than two 15% IED sources and is much much better than 3 10% sources) Those 2 lines of attack are really only beneficial for mobbing. Unlike earlier-introducted Grandis bosses (Seren and Kalos), which required high amount of Sacred Power (200 and 300 respectively) in order to deal normal damage as a mean to reduce power creep, Kaling was released with 330 SAC, but her HP was buffed significantly Jan 18, 2025 · Dreaming Lucid (Boss) Level 230 HP 6,000,000,000,000: MP 100,000 EXP 0 Attack 22,000 Defense Rate PDR: 300% MDR: 300% Speed Stationary Additional Points Mesos: The main in-game currency in MapleStory. Dmg, PDR should I need to be able to contribute in a party of 6 4. As the spirit was corrupted, it grew smarter, and finally became capable of controlling the town's populace. So if you can't output around 20 billion per minute, no amount of skill or luck will let you kill him. Chaos Vellum has 300% PDR, 93% Ignore DEF leaves him with 21% PDR (you ignore 93% of 300%, so the remaining PDR is 7% of 300%), which means you deal 79% of your possible damage to it. Normal mode was the first available mode for the boss, released in GMS v. i have no idea why we have so much excess crit on fb and union aura; probably bad design on nexon's part lol. This online-slang chat guide is to help new players or senior players who came back after a long break, not to get lost in MapleStory typical conversations (forum or ingame). Level 101 and above This is the fan-powered subreddit for the variety show franchise "Running Man" which includes the original SBS version (South Korea), the Disney+ spin-off, Zhejiang TV's "Keep Running" (China), and HTV's "Chạy đi chờ chi" (Vietnam). Lotus and Damien have 300% PDR meaning if you only have 70% IED you are only Boss damage is not only additive with itself, but is also additive with %dmg. first you have 30% on the skill then you add 20 meaning (100-30)x20%+-30 so you get 44% then an other 20 so (100 - 44)x20%+44 = 55. 7% of that, leaving 41. It depends on your current stats. Not 70 but added separate sources. Apr 10, 2008 · I was wondering maybe any of you know some of their meaning. The ones I can think of from top of my head are Drk with Gungnir, Lumi with Ender, and Aran with Beyond Blade, all of whom should be around or slightly more than 65% default with their respective PDR hyper skill passives. Damage to the enemy during an attack ignores the reflection of the attack. 5m to solo Cvel,but tbh,it all depends on the class you are playing. You are correct. It is recommended to optimise your IED for 300% PDR even if you are not at battling Lotus, unless you are optimising for Grandis bosses with higher PDR (e. Posted by u/Choxie808 - 19 votes and 16 comments assuming i'm fighting chaos vellum (300% pdr) i have threaten, -30% def, and its hyper skill which is an extra -20% def. Calculate character's IED by adding or removing IED lines. These monsters do not give normal EXP; instead, defeating these monsters will accumulate experience that you will receive when you complete your Monster Park run (with the exception of Monster Park Extreme, which provides a specific amount based on your character's level). You can cube your emblem/2ndary/wep for only % att and no pdr to just train, but is training really end game? What I see on this sub is the general consensus that "endgame" is bossing. If they talk about PDR, they're talking about IED. For bossing, which I believe u'll need to get Lomien equips, you will benefit more from that single line of IED. The real reason why straw dummy setting is used for p3 Lucid is because she use to have 0 PDR and 0 ele resist a long time ago but with more than 2x the HP. Overlooking part of the enemy’s defense rate increases the final damage. If you say that Chaos Vellum has 300 PDR, people will understand you, but most of the time you'd say Cvel has 300% def and you should have 93+ PDR/IED to kill it. 50% PDR reduction would mean a monster or boss with 300% PDR would now have 150% PDR so you need less IED (ignore enemy defence) to deal damage to it Hard Magnus has 120% PDR, and you would ignore 65. how much %td you want depends on your class and link skills. Happy bossing! Cvel has 200% pdr, meaning you'll do ~30% less final dmg to cvel. With 71% IED that means you do: 29% reduced damage to Chaos Von Bon 34. And you need at least 88% IED to do full dmg on clown,KFC and queen and 93% IED to do full dmg on cvel. 9)=30 Normal monsters don't have PDR, which is why IED has no effect on them Kannas struggle with IED throughout the game. com People generally use PDR/IED interchangeably, with IED being Ignore Enemy Defense and PDR presumably meaning Percent Defense Reduction. 3) = 44%. 7% of that would leave 102%, meaning you would only do 1 damage. After completing the prequests from the notifier on the left side of the screen, you can head to Ursus at any time through the Dimensional Mirror in towns, or via the Boss Tab. You need Ignore Defense stat (IED) to get past this, otherwise your damage will be heavily reduced. The Reddit community for MapleStory. My apoc/reflection deals roughly 12mil per line and my ender 35mil per line. Condensed - Imagine the enemy boss having a triple decker pizza in your mind. 64T on the settings you list here is good enough for hluwill in a party Don't Big bang for the debuff is on the overall defense, not PDR; it's useless. At the time, Zakum was a peaceful monster that had no enemies, but the greed of the miners corrupted it. Thanks in advance! Useful built-in %Damage and %PDR Speed Infusion + Booster automatically brings you to the soft attack speed cap Free 100% Stance lasts as long as a Link lasts Certain status effects, namely Stuns and Seduction, are completely ignored during a Link At high ranges, mobbing with Ascension + Thunder is very efficient Yea idk why either. They are like a bomb that can be dropped on an enemy and then detonated by pressing a button. How do you get a welcome back ring? everything is a little low, specifically ied/legion/nodes. "Is pdr really worth it?" Pdr is mainly for chaos vellum, who has 300 pdr rate. its called IED. items to create key to Black Mage Chosen Seren is the final boss of Cernium and the first boss of Continental Grandis. Back in the day is was generally accepted 4 of a stat = 1 w. Run culvert early before event buffs expire. Jan 8, 2018 · So say if you have 90% IED and your enemy has 50 PDR, you'd deal 5% reduced damage, and if they have 250 PDR you'd deal 25% reduced damage. honestly i think that time would be better spent getting your legion and nodes higher level, as well as finding a way to get some extra ied (maybe on your wse if you don’t already have good lines, legion is a good way, hyper In Maplestory, how does that concept apply? I suppose you can gear for training vs bossing. All stats are diminishing, meaning the more you get it, the less efficient it is and WSE will help you give you info what potentials should be changed to achieve the most optimal DPS. In regular servers, 50% boss is easily covered by boss nebs. the main (crappy) wiki doesn't even specify. To sum up: WSE Optimization means rolling such potentials on Weapon / Secondary / Emblem to benefit the most when tackling end game bosses. Bosses like NCygnus and CZak are easier and certainly less annoying. Synonyms for PDR and translation of PDR to 25 languages. While not introduced as a fightable boss during GLORY's storyline, she makes her first appearance as a "S>" selling "T>" trading R> recruiting L> looking, alternatively LF (looking for) J> joining OBO, or best offer L\o leave offer Just some stuff off the top of my head, been a couple of years since a regular server and it's purely reboot now. Entry Limit: 1 time per day for each difficulty (resets at daily reset time) Clear Limit: 1 time per week. Meanwhile Vellum is just a big damage sink. Apr 19, 2024 · HP: 115,500,000,000,000 (115 trillion) Both modes of the boss have 300% PDR. 2% extra ied with this you need to do the same kind of calculation as i just did so lets say you have 88% ied then its 12x55. For example Normal Magnus has 50% defense, meaning he reduces your damage 25% without ignore, or 12,5% with 50% ignore. ied is a bit iffy, its efficiency over other potentials varies depending on each player's gear, so you'll have to figure it out on your own. Apr 2, 2017 · Hey guys I decided to do a brief/small cra guide for those who are still a virgin to the bosses. You might think that adding another source of IED, say another 30%, would put you at 60% IED. Everything is telegraphed pretty well in advanced and dodgeable, but he is only above ground half the fight and has more HP than both Chaos KFC and Ronald McDonald combined (and twice the PDR). Because most classes were gated by line counts back then for liberation, Nexon changed p3 to 300 PDR, 100 ele resist and nerfed its hp to help alleviate some of the issues for hard hitting A Simple Maplestory WSE Optimizer with Familiar Support. Maple Specialist Title PDR - Official MapleStory Website On the Maple Specialist title description it says it adds 10% ignore monster DEF, but when equipping/applying it, it only adds 5% according to the stat window. The highest %pdr you need is 94% against chaos vellum and lotus. You must be in a party of 1-6 players in order to fight him in Normal and Hard mode (1-2 players in Extreme mode), and each player will have a Death Count of 5; if all players reach 0, then the battle will end and everyone will be kicked out. You ignore like 51% DEF with just Nether Slice and Defense Long awaited Kalos guide! Here it is! Thanks so much for watching and I hope this helps you understand the boss more. Jun 17, 2020 · What does PDR stand for in MapleStory? PDR is Percent Damage Reduction. Ideal amount of IED is 95% visible IED. A mining town that once existed nearby eventually discovered this tree. In actuality I have almost 97% IED on my character and I've observed that on some bosses, say nark, I deal 60m lines, while on others, like nmag , hhilla or cra, I deal only around 30m lines. 95 should be about right. If you're serious about wanting to run, I'd look up the MapleStory meta community calculators and use those to help optimize your WSE potentials. For all percentage based stats, take it as a whole number. however, as for crit, you'll still want 100% crit with battle rage because of dark shock and dark mark. srry for the late response but its difrent then you think. You roll IED lines, not PDR lines. Effectively, you have 72% Ignore DEF (meaning a monster is left with 28% of its original PDR) So following from the Chaos Vellum example, ignoring another 30% will leave 70% of it's current PDR, so it'll be left with 84%, which is 70% of 120%, which was 40% of 300%. That's your IED (Ignore Enemy Dough). Chaos Vellum has 300% PDR, and ignoring 65. Then IED is your stat window thing (ignore enemy defense). You should try chaos root abyss before considering lotus or damien. Change PDR 1, 2, 3 to Boss PDR 1, 2, 3 to make it clearer what it's for. (300% PDR for a triple decker, 100% PDR for a single pie). IED (ignore enemy defence) is used to reduce a boss' PDR (player damage reduction). If a mob/boss has 50% PDR, then your damage is halved (reduced by 50%). DB has 100% PDR on Asura's Anger and Blade Storm. What does WSE mean MapleStory? Definition: WSE stands for weapon, secondary, and emblem. This may mean that your BA might be a few seconds lower than 2 or 3 minutes. For example, if the enemy has a 50% PDR (MDR) and the gamer has 0% IE, their final damage is reduced by 50%. There is no perfect IED amount. CVell, Lotus, Damien, and Lucid all have 300% PDR. Apart from set effects, legion and link skills, kannas generally roll for 1-2 lines of IED on their weapon or emblem, but having more lines is completely acceptable as 6k+ legion will take a long time, and its a major source of ied and familiars not accessable until lv 245. gms- global maplestory kms- korean maplestory tms- taiwan maplestory thms- thailand maplestory cms- china maplestory msea- singapore maplestory etc ch- channel iframe- invincibility frames, being unable to take damage for a certain time. Jan 11, 2022 · PDR/MDR is an enemy stat that reduces your damage, think of it as the opposite of %Final Damage. Of course, most people don't have a LV210 Luminous or LV200 Blaster/Tamer at their disposal to randomly throw around Character Cards and Link Skills like that. try that, it will likely be much higher. You don't have PDR(Edit2). And again, this is to give you an idea of how strong your character is and not necessarily indicative of your actual power level during the boss fight. It's not the same for everyone, and there's never an exact number. vs Tempest is ADDITIONAL 100% PDR ignored. - I have ~1. Asura is 100% PDR ignored. Note that This is the subreddit for the Elden Ring gaming community. Like in KMS they probably require a Zero or Paladin in the party just for the PDR debuffs. Zankou and HHS are good burst skills in concept but the damage even at peak Sengoku Blessing is just mediocre. I'm a 4mil range lumi fully buffed with 170% boss and 85% pdr. For example, Lotus has 300% PDR. IED is what is applied to reduce PDR. However, reducing your damage by 300% would mean you would do effectively 0 damage to it, so IED (ignore enemy defense) is the counter to it. How much main stat, boss dmg, crit. 8% reduced damage to Chaos Crimson Queen 23. Same as the third question but to solo. I think i covered most bases, but let me know if there's a chart you want to see. Monster Collection (MC): While hunting, there is a chance the monsters will be added to the 'Monster Collection'. IED is multiplicative. As the third boss of Continental Grandis, Sacred Power / Authentic Force (SAC / AUT) is needed Jan 26, 2025 · Zakum was a spirit sealed in a tree deep in the mines of El Nath. I put together a spreadsheet that calculates the final damage increase for given values of IED and PDR. What is your range? If you have 1m+ range, I'd say focus on pdr/boss; if not, I'd work on getting that . Edit2: i hadn't finished my sentence so I sounded dumb. Meaning 5% more pdr translates to 15% defense ignore. Attempting it rewards Guild Noblesse SP based on performance and ranking. 6% PDR. Reply Some things to note: - I'm a bishop. 2) * (1 - 0. Optimized Result: even though the BA you did is more accurate, people are more used the old style BA for hluwill which is no PDR, no reduction and no arcane force. att, but that was a different time. The reason you are hitting 1s is because your ied is low. A Simple Maplestory IED Calculator. 174 MapleStory. It's something like you've got a base of 30% and let's say you just got another equip with 30% PDR. I would say even in regular servers, you don't need many lines of %boss. Here's the full list, if you know the meaning of a value please do help. I can solo the other CRA bosses in <5 minutes easily but vellum takes me pretty much the entire timer. Generally 70-80% pdr ignore is good enough for most bosses that you'd realistically attempt at your range. Increasing Ambition from 5 to 10% ignore and getting level 10 PDR hyper stat would set you at around 93%. For example chaos vellum has 300% def and pdr ignores a portion of that percentage. Active Skills Used: DA: bind, pdr (as a debuff) Xenon: Bind, time capsule (impractical cd reducing skill) (Courtesy of u/mergareb) Phantom: All castable adventurer utility, pdr (as a debuff), can steal most boss debuffs Mercedes: 30% pdr and 20% dmg (courtesy of u/disgraced002381) Luminous: Photic meditation (stacks with meditation), heal, bind oh my bad, I thought you were talking about weapons I investigated that specifically when I was writing the app, and I'm pretty sure secondaries get all weapon + armor lines except recover hp and mp Looking for the definition of PDR? Find out what is the full meaning of PDR on Abbreviations. 2% +88 = wich means your ied will amount to PDR: Processor Data Rate: PDR: Program Data Requirement: PDR: Professional Development Ribbon: PDR: Prospective Drug Review: PDR: Process Design Review: PDR: Price Deviation Request (sales) PDR: Plantwide Data Report: PDR: Performance Data Request: PDR: Positive Discrepancy Revenue: PDR: Problem Detail Report: PDR: Product Defect Rate: PDR Jan 18, 2025 · Each version of this attack has a separate 15 second cooldown, meaning that Will can use one right after the other, but will have to wait for each one to finish its respective cooldown. If I can find the post I'll repost it, but from what I remember is that PDR doesn't stack like %boss (30% boss + 30% boss = 60% boss). 88) = 100% - 12% = 88% of your actual damage. The only real end game scenario, then, is to gear for end game bosses. Phantom Blow is 30 PDR (skill) + 20 PDR (Hyper) + 20 PDR (5th). So people called ignore Percent Damage Reduction (ignore PDR) to distinguish with the old meaning. Your pizza cutter cuts through all three layers of pizza - an amount equal to your IED. I think Lomien and above are all 300% PDR, meaning with ur current shown stats, u'll be dealing around 65% of your max damage. For lomien+, which usually have 300% pdr, you will be doing ~45% less final dmg. Mean Mama Monkey (Mini-Boss) Level 154 HP 4,050,000 MP 240,000 EXP 321,520 (Monster Park) Attack 4,955 Defense Rate PDR: 20% MDR: 20% Speed -40 Additional Points Browse the official forums and chat with other MapleStory players here. do they stack up to -50% or does it apply multiplicatively to -36% pdr? Nov 3, 2019 · Search titles only; Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. Bosses have PDR. Kaling is the final boss of Shangri-La, raiding the Realm of the Sages in order to take the Godsphere from the player, and summons the Three Perils she was able to obtain to aid her in battle. Seren is the final boss of Cernium, where she is being controlled by the sun god Mitra after Gerand Darmoor whispers an incantation in her ear. Edit: ok i reread your comment and technically you misworded the last line but i asussume thats just a typo. In addition to having more HP, most bosses have pretty substantial Defense (PDR). fr- flag race, guild jump quest Monsters have something called "PDR" or "Percent Damage Reduction". Angel Ray will get you to 95. Click the added IED sources to delete them. mule- any character that isnt the main character of the player. Damien has 300 pdr meaning you need minimum 67% ied to even damage him at all which even then you'd have 99% damage reduction. I have 50% boss on my weapon main pot and 12% on my secondary bpot along with % boss nebs, and I'm sitting at 270% boss or so without a fafnir set effect (using absolab knuckle). 84% is 28% of 300%, so you've ignored 72% of Chaos Vellum's PDR overall. If it's a debuff on the boss it will reduce the boss' total PDR/MDR meaning of a boss has 300 base it will go down to 168(300*0. Also your notes on boss PDR aren't in the downloadable file Lock the top row so you can still read the headers when scrolled down If i'm understanding this right, when aiming for perfect equips, NRP=3/6/9 is the only relevant information? There's a skill from Cadena (Weapon Arts: Dancing Daggers) that applies a debuff of "reduce enemy defense by 30%" and the description is quite misleading because it could mean a physical stat of defense, or reducing %PDR which is gravely different. Seren will use the sun god Mitra's powers to attack the player. Kaling is the final boss of Shangri-La, the Realm of the Sages, and the third boss of Continental Grandis. If you only have 91 PDR you are going to be losing 27% output on 300 PDR Bosses. https://discord. This reduces the damage you do to them, sometimes to the point where you cannot damage them at all. However bosses like Lotus, Damien, and stronger bosses still have 300%. When you say the first 30% is taken fully, but the next 35% will be from whatever remains etc in terms of ignore defence. I believe the game was saying Ignore Monster DEF at that point.