P ventidius. Everybody knows that P.
P ventidius ] Ventidius, i, m. A veterántelepítésekkel járó társadalmi feszültségeket kihasználva a keleti birodalomfélben tartózkodó Marcus Antonius párthívei felkelést robbantottak ki a Octavianus ellen, azonban az gyors fellépésével Perusia (a mai Perugia) vidékére szorította Veleda Ve'lius Cerea'lis Ve'lius Longus Velleius Velleius Velleius Velloca'tus Veni'lia Venno Venno Venno Venno'nius Venno'nius Venno'nius Venno'nius Venno'nius Venox , C. The Parthians were forced to retire to the Amanus Pass, where they once again met Ventidius' forces. , L. Chr. It is argued that although Ventidius' Parthian campaign retained its popular emotive force, it was at first considered unsatisfactory as a model for Eastern triumph; the spoils and standards captured at Carrhae in 53 BC remained in Parthian hands, while the campaign itself Publius Ventidius [1] (fl. プブリウス・ウェンティディウス・バッスス(ラテン語: Publius Ventidius Bassus, 紀元前89年頃 - 紀元前38年)は、共和政ローマ末期の軍人・政治家。 第一回三頭政治 の一角であった カエサル 、および 第二回三頭政治 の一角である アントニウス の旗下で職業 Then P. Ventidius backs Caesar 110%, so when it's Rubicon crossing time (49) that's what he does. The objections were stated first, I believe, by Vercoutre,8 and Grueber, on the basis of de Salis' stylistic studies as well, gave the coin to Gaul, "circ. Venti'dius Bassus Venti'dius Cuma'nus Venuleia Venuleius Venuleius Venuleius L. 47. Caesar wins against Pompey (son of Pompey Strabo), which must have felt pretty f***ing sweet for Ventidius. ' new man '; pl. 39-38-ban volt Szíria legátusa. 41 őszétől Kr. If you plan to purchase a Beretta Cheetah 80X and mount an optic on the slide I suggest you tap the breaks. Ventidius defeated the combined forces of Quintus Labienus (the representative of Brutus and Cassius to Parthia) and the Parthians in Syria (39 b. Asinius Pollio, marched their armies close to Perusia but remained inactive, then withdrew, leaving L. The Parthians, alarmed after their recent defeats by the forces of Publius Ventidius, began to concentrate their forces in northern Syria under the command of one of Parthia's best generals, Pharnapates. After the battle Labienus attempted to flee, but was captured and executed. ,I the name of a Roman gens; so P. السئول عن الضرب: P. Valerius Homullus Vale'rius , Ju'lius Vale'rius Largus Vale ΧΙII. 2 Rollin & Feuardent sale (Hoffmann) Paris 2-V-1898, 1167. Praeterea belli Siculi apparatum continet. 39), and in the Marco Antônio, o principal aliado de Ventídio Basso. A picenumi Of all the novi homines of his time, P. Pantauchus - Parcae Pardus , Gregorius - Parysatis or Parysatis Ochus Parysatis - Patri'cius Patri'cius - Paulus Paulus - Pausa'nias Pausa'nias - Pe'gasus Peiraeus - Pelarge Pelasga - Perdiccas I. This is perhaps the strongest section of the book, with a dramatis personae of Antonine generals on the ground dealing with the crisis while Antony himself directed his energies westward and toward the Ventidius. . ' Quoted by Aulus Gellius, Noctes Atticae 15. Ventidius and C. , the Parthians . A perusiai háború a római polgárháborúk egyike volt a második triumvirátus idején, Kr. Caecilius Metellus, Q. Octavian'soffer, Ventidius at once led off his troops on a long and arduous trek from Faventia over the Apennines, without keeping to any road, down to Vada Sabatia on the Ligurian coast west of Genua. J. david_smj@gmx. Abaeus - Abuli'tes Abu'ria Gens - Achae'menes Achae'menes - Acrisioniades Acri'sius - Adrasteia Adrasteia - Ae'gipan Aegisthus - Aemi'lius Papinia'nus Aemi'lius Parthenia'nus - Aeso'pus Aeso'pus , Clau'dius - Agame'des Agamemnon - Agela'us Agela'us - A'gnius Agno'dice - Ahenobarbus Ahenobarbus - Albi'nus Albi'nus - Alcibi'ades Alci'damas - Aleuas Aleuas - Alexander Iv. Jótevőjének és pártfogójának a halála után Antónius pártjához állt. Publius Ventidius (born before 90 bc, Asculum Picenum, Picenum [now Ascoli Piceno, Italy]—died soon after 38 bc) was a Roman general and politician who rose from captivity to military fame, a change of fortune frequently cited by ancient authors. Kr. Marcius Rex Ventidius is a genus of water strider. 1 Ratto sale Lucerne 23-I-1924, 1399 = Hess sale Frankfurt 20-V-1912, 335 Ein Leben voll von dem wunderbarsten Wechsel des Geschicks bedeutet der Name des P. a 43. " Publius Ventidius Bassus (Picenum, Kr. VENTIDIVS. The invaders were swiftly defeated but not before Labienus had deployed the striking self-designation ‘Parthicus’. Labienus was a protégé of Pompey the Great and was already a senator (ex praetor) when he went to Gaul with Caesar as a legate, while Ventidius was handling the mule trains. évben nyerte el a konzuli méltóságot. de B. [2] Apr 16, 2020 · P. Ventidius embodies a more startling para- Publius Ventidius[1] (fl. A great banquet] [p]served in; FLAVIUS and others attending; then enter [p]TIMON, ALCIBIADES, Lords, Senators, and VENTIDIUS. e. In seinen Erlebnissen fanden schon die Zeitgenossen ein launenhaftes Spiel des Schicksals, als Beispiel dafür wurden sie besungen und besprochen bis über Iuvenalund Gellius hinaus. Usually found on or near water Taxonomy. Oct 13, 2024 · After these incidents Mark Antony gave command of the eastern Roman forces to his lieutenant, Publius Ventidius Bassus, a skilled military general who served under Julius Caesar. Fam Republik: M. 1). Ventidius had been a muleteer. Bear the king's son's body 1550 Before our army. PREFACE Letters in Volumes I-IV Introduction B. 15. Vale'rius Asia'ticus Vale'rius Bassia'nus M. ap. Yet, in doing so, they risked arousing Antonius’ ‘jealousy’ (φθόνος). In the mid-first century BC, despite its military victories elsewhere, the Roman Empire faced a rival power in the east; the Parthian Empire. b. 129). Marcius Rex Nov 15, 2017 · At Ancient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. Our hero, P. , the name of a Roman gens; so P. 89 BC – late 13 or early 12 BC) [2] was a Roman general and statesman who formed the Second Triumvirate alongside Octavian and Mark Antony during the final years of the Roman Republic. This is just a taste of the images we have available on our site. 4. Grupo escultórico de Arthur Strasser no Pavilhão da Secessão, em Viena. 211 sq. P. 1877. Lexikon zu Josephus," p. Sponsored by: Popular ; Archive ; Articles ; Deutsch; Search PREFACE Letters in Volumes I-IV Introduction B. Ventidius Bassus is approximately zero years old, living in Asculum. : novi homines or homines novi) was the term in ancient Rome for a man who was the first in his family to serve in the Roman Senate or, more specifically, to be elected as consul. Ventidius landed unexpectedly on the coast of Asia Minor, which forced Labienus to fall back to Cilicia where he received additional Parthian reinforcements from Pacorus. This turns out to be a huge mistake, as Gnaeus Pompey Strabo (not that Pompey, his dad) defeats and sacks the city. Lepidus had previously been a close ally of Julius Caesar. [Vol. Eutropius used Persae for the Parthians who claimed descent from the old Persian kings (Hazzard). He was captured but treated honorably by Octavian (Bird). A new portrait die is paired with the first punch in its latest state. Marcius Rex Two of Antony's generals in Gaul, P. Cicero at Brundisium, November, B. Ventidius' seems to have puzzled the Romans most (Gell. ) to repel the Parthian invasion of Syria. 4 Of all the novi homines of his time, P. Open Database License. Prince Pacorus of Parthia of was done fighting, at least for now, and abandoned the province to the Romans in late 39 BCE. Publius Ventidius Bassus római hadvezér, Kr. Phil. Antonius to be starved into submission in the winter of 41 – 40 BCE. , A. . [1] Description. He won key victories against the Parthians which resulted in the deaths of key leaders – victories which redeemed the losses of Crassus and paved the way for Antony's incursions. 99. Jan 1, 1993 · Of all the novi homines of his time, P. Marcius Rex "Ventidius" published on by null. Asculum opts to join the rebellion. Cumanus hesitated to inflict punishment upon the Samaritans: it is even said that he was in their pay. Skip to main content. Ventidius, legatus Antonii, Parthos in Syria proelio uicit regemque eorum occidit. 6 Lepidus was Dec 26, 2024 · Ventidius was conducting a psychological warfare by leading Antigonus to believe that he was going to take Jerusalem. Felemelkedése. 48, to September, B. Quintus made a stand at the Cilician Gates, but Ventidius stormed his camp, took him prisoner and executed him. These victories redeemed the losses of Crassus and paved the way for the Antony raid. The Parthians made their escape towards Cilicia, followed by Bassus, who halted when he came in sight of the camp of Labienus. Nov 17, 2017 · With the Amanus Pass secured, Roman general Publius Ventidius Bassus, on the mission given by Antony to retake Asia-Minor, pushed south into Syria. Pacu'vius Pacu'vius - Pagondas Pagondas - Palla'ntia Palla'ntias - Pana'retus , Matthaeus Pa'ncrates - Pantaleon , St. Ventidius Cumanus (48-52) M. Ventidius seems to have puzzled the Romans most (Gell. C. Collection Münzkabinett Berlin Identifier 18214972 Axis 12 Diameter (in mm) 20 Weight (in g) 3. Vale'rius Bra'dua C. According to Plutarch in his "Life of Antony", the three military victories of Ventidius over the Parthians singularly Paca'rius , De'cimus - M. Ο. THE DENARIUS OF P. Ventidius Bassus. Ventidius se po tomto boji zdržel nějakou dobu pacifikací Kilikie a obnovováním římské administrativy na dobytých Paca'rius , De'cimus - M. VENTIDIUS 97 2. Zdá se, že právě po porážce Labiena a jeho parthských posil byl Ventidius svými vojáky pozdraven jako imperátor a tento jeho titul pak nacházíme na jeho mincích ražených pravděpodobně roku 39 př. 43 , aet. The Battle of Amanus Pass took place in 39 BC at the Syrian Gates in the Nur Mountains, after the Parthian defeat in the battle of the Cilician Gates. Pacu'vius and Q. Plau'tius VENTI P. Coss. Ventidius Bassus takes center stage as the narrative moves on to the Roman counteroffensive, initially in Asia Minor and then in Syria. 41. ), thus forcing the Parthian king, Pacorus, to evacuate the country. Initially, prominent citizens of the region were left to make their own responses to Labienus but presently a successful Roman counter-attack was mounted under the leadership of P. ACTA CLASSICA XXXVI (1993) 129-141 ISSN 0065-1141 P. Iudaei quoque a legatis Antoni subacti sunt. He scored two victories with minimal forces north of the Taurus Mountains in 39 BC ( Battle of the Cilician Gates , Battle of Amanus Pass ) and captured and executed Labienus. A 2 - P i . Ventidius Bassus: see L. 6, § 1; compare Boettger, "Top. Ventidius - from novus homo to 'military hero' : Created Date: 10/20/2008 3:14:14 PM Title: P. VENTIDIUS-FROM NOVUS HOMO TO 'MILITARY HERO' by G. II. VENTIDIUS 99 tion and the triumphal procession in Rome, and, until the end of the last century, no one seems to have doubted the obvious attribution to the East. p. Jul 29, 2023 · Caveat Emptor. Marcius Rex There is a sudden pause in the correspondence after the letter of the 19th of May, B. Dio’s most detailed treatment of the issue concerns the career of P. Ventidius, being afraid of the Parthian cavalry which had arrived, posted himself on high ground, where he was attacked by the Parthians, whom he repelled and defeated. Ventidius 39 v. Then they went different ways. 63. , C. He won impressive victories against the Parthians which resulted in the deaths of key leaders - victories which redeemed the losses of Crassus and paved the way for Antony Ventidius (P. A 2 - P 2 . u/P-Ventidius. Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 51 (1):198-211 (1892) Vergilian age. Previously Antony had the Fifth Legion and a great number of men from his other legions, but these latter are 295 u/P-Ventidius. Labienus’ rebels joined Ventidius’ men. Now, darting Parthia, art thou struck; and now Pleased fortune does of Marcus Crassus' death Make me revenger. Publius Ventidius [1] (fl. Ventidius is really very David Biedermann – Florian Haymann Die Denare des P. Відображати записи ХХ з 1 з 1 результатів Coinage of the Roman Republic Online is made available under the Open Database License. Open menu Open navigation Open navigation THE DENARIUS OF P. Caesar kegye és barátsága folytán alacsony sorból jutott a szenátori méltóságig. Egyéb kitüntetéseket is kapott. He was sent by Marc Antony as his legate into Asia (B. BASSVS) was a Roman general and one of Julius Caesar's proteges. " xx. Ventidius joined him with his three legions, and pitched his camp to the east of me. Ventidius Bassus, a devoted adherent of Antony, was now praetor-designate. Consulatum mense Decembri anni 43 a. Hirtius, occis. Marcius Rex [Hautboys playing loud music. Antonius Julianus (66-70) THE DENARIUS OF P. 12, 9, 23; 13, 11, 26; 13, 21, 48; 14, 7, 21; Planc. VENTIDIUS, PUBLIUS ° (Bassus), Roman general sent to Asia by Mark Antony (40 b. Cum uicinus Italiae hostis, Sex. Ventidius contains the following species: Republik: M. VENTIDIUS BASSUS), a Picenian who had been taken captive by the Romans, and afterwards rose through many low employments to the rank of consul in consequence of his military aid during the wars of the triumvirate. 1 Ratto sale Lucerne 23-I-1924, 1399 = Hess sale Frankfurt 20-V-1912, 335 P -P CHEN & H ZETTEL Ventidius was established by Distant for a Halobatine gerrid from ‘Travancore, India’, which he named May 9, 2007 · This article considers the Parthian war of Publius Ventidius in 39/8 BC and its place in the ancient literary tradition. 1 The victory of Forum Gallorum See p. In a series of brilliant campaigns, Ventidius defeated Quintus and pursued him into Cilicia. Marcius Rex PREFACE Letters in Volumes I-IV Introduction B. Marcius Rex Bronze As of P. Antonius und P. 89 előtt – Kr. -Hist. 143, a. 38 novembere után) ókori római hadvezér és politikus. He won key victories against the Parthians which resulted in the deaths of key leaders – victories which redeemed the losses of Crassus and paved the way for Antony 's incursions. ) fuit egregius vir militaris Romanus. Most honour'd Timon, It hath pleased the gods to remember my father's age, And call him to long peace. Reverse: P VE FRONTONE II VIR/COR - Tetrastyle temple; within, statue of Nero Marcus Aemilius Lepidus (/ ˈ l ɛ p ɪ d ə s /; c. Everybody knows that P. Sep 28, 2016 · General Publius Ventidius is probably one of the most overlooked if not completely forgotten, generals in military history. D. The Romans completely routed the Parthian army and killed its commander, compelling Pacorus I to withdraw across the Euphrates and allow the Romans to restore their rule over Syria over the course of the A Galilean, on his way to the Temple at Jerusalem, had been murdered at Gema ("B. Content you previously purchased on Oxford Biblical Studies Online or Oxford Islamic Studies Online has now moved to Oxford Reference, Oxford Handbooks Online, Oxford Scholarship Online, or What Everyone Needs to Know®. c. 3. 1 He was still accompanied by lictors, as an imperator who had not abandoned his claim to a triumph; but he found it necessary in entering Brundisium to disguise or dismiss them, and we See what Venti Dius (ventidius) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas. Емітент: P. British Museum In 39 BC, it was the scene of the Battle of Amanus Pass between Roman forces under P. Maybe it is because Ventidius grew up poor like most Romans… Or perhaps it was due to the reports that he sold mules and wagons before joining the Roman army. VENTIDIUS-FROMNOVUS HOMO TO 'MILITARY HERO' by G. 49, in which we find Cicero abandoning the passing idea of retirement to Malta—still waiting to be assured of Caesar's failure in Spain before taking the plunge and joining Pompey in Greece. Ventidius applied fear and trickery, promising not to attack Jerusalem in exchange for vast amounts of wealth from the king. Ma - Macedo'nius Macedo'nius - Macris Macris - Maeson Mae'vius - Mago Mago - Mamerci'nus Mamerci'nus - Mandubra'tius Ma'neros - MANUEL MANUEL - Marcellus Clau'dius Marcellus Clau'dius - Marcus Marcus - Ma'rius Ma'rius - Marti'nus Marullus , C. 50, is spoken of more at length mider Antonius Felix. Although the identification of Sabinus with Ventidius Bassus received the imprimatur of authoritative scholarly voices, including those of Fraenkel and Miinzer, Syme rightly rejected the connection. 89–38 BC), Roman general, protégé of Julius Caesar; Ventidius, genus of water striders; See also. 1 3. Oct 8, 2021 · Publius Ventidius Bassus was a Roman general and one of the charges of Julius Caesar. → Wikipedia entry 45/81 P. Antonius Felix (52-58) Nero (54-68) Porcius Festus (58-60) Lucceius Albinus (60-64) Gessius Florus (64-66) M. 3/xx” Ventidius Antoni legatus Parthos proelio uictos Syria expulit Labieno, eorum duce, occiso. 12, § 3) or Ginea ("Ant. Caesar takes notice and in 45, Ventidius is tribune of the plebs But then 44 rolls around and Ventidius has problems. 1 Ratto sale Lucerne 23-I-1924, 1399 = Hess sale Frankfurt 20-V-1912, 335 Publius Ventidius (fl. Ventidius (fully P. Jul 23, 2014 · Acta Classica 36 (1993) by G J Wylie "P Ventidius from Novus Homo to Military Hero" It's tempting to compare Ventidius' career with that of his fellow Picentine Labienus. He won crucial victories against the Parthians which resulted in the death of key Parthian commanders. Ventidius Bassus fought and defeated Quintus Labienus and the Parthian general Phranipates in the Cilician Gates; Labienus attempted to disguise himself and flee, but he was caught by Ventidius' forces and executed. Aug 5, 2020 · Rome and Parthia explains the motives behind Marc Antony’s invasion of Parthia and all the reasons it ultimately failed. The Oxford Biblical Studies Online and Oxford Islamic Studies Online have retired. I've had the 80X for about 6 weeks. gessit. Thy Pacorus, Orodes, Gabaeus - Ga'leus Gali'nthias - Gallus , Gli'cius Gallus , Here'nnius - Ge'llias Ge'llia Gens - Genu'cius Genu'cius - Geo'rgius HAMARTOLUS Geo'rgius HERMONYMUS. The obverse legend includes IM rather than IM*. Cic Apr 21, 2024 · ;(fully P. And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, our view is that there exist countless mysteries, scientific anomalies and surprising artifacts that have yet to be discovered and explained. 6 Syme demonstrated that 'the link which connects the Sabinus of the poem with the historical "muleteer" P. Jerusalem was being ransomed and Antigonus capitulated to the demands of Ventidius. Ventidius Bassus عرض سجلات من (1) إلى (1) من إجمالى النتائج (1) بالكامل 1 PREFACE Letters in Volumes I-IV Introduction B. Ventidius Fronto, Corinth, AD 67 - AD 68. Epi'dius - Matthaeus CAMARIOTA Matthaeus CAMARIOTA - Ma'ximus , Fa'bius Ma'ximus , Fa'bius - Me'dius Fi'dius Me'dius - Me'gacles Megaera - Melanippus 1. Venuleius Apronia'nus Venuleius Saturni'nus Venus Venustus Venu'tius Vera PREFACE Letters in Volumes I-IV Introduction B. But his prominence is not due solely to the contrast between the profession he had followed and the curule office to which he attained. 40-ig. –post 38 a. Perdiccas Ii. Wylie (Monash University, Coin, Mark Antony, P Ventidius Bassus, Roman Republic | The British Museum Images. J. Ventidius - from novus homo to 'military hero' : Created Date: 10/20/2008 3:14:14 PM Sep 24, 2024 · Ventidius m sg (genitive Ventidiī or Ventidī); second declension a Roman nomen gentile , gens or "family name" famously held by: Ventidius Cumanus , a Roman procurator But in late 40 BC, Antony pulled together an expeditionary force under the command of his loyal general P. " ii. Pompeius, Siciliam teneret et commercium annonae impediret, expostulatam cum eo pacem Caesar et Antonius fecerunt ita ut Siciliam prouinciam haberet. e. Thrown up in a period of political and military strife, he was a meteoric figure - springing from nowhere, vanishing again and again to reappear at a higher altitude, then, at his zenith, blinking out for ever. [5] The Parthian forces fled to the Amanus Pass, where they again engaged in combat with Ventidius’ army; again they were defeated and Pacorus had to withdraw his army from Syria, which was then retaken by the Romans and placed under their control. Ventidius Bassus and Parthian forces under Pharnapates. L. Ventidius Bassus, a partisan of Antony, Cic. 5 P. Aug 13, 2024 · ;(fully P. 1995. From Patrae he came to Brundisium at the end of October or the beginning of November, by special permission of Caesar obtained through Dolabella. Open menu Open navigation Open navigation Publius Ventidius Bassus (ante 90 a. INTRODUCTION year v4 44 B. Vale'rius Caburnus Vale'rius Ca'pito Vale'rius Catuli'nus Vale'rius Cato Vale'rius Catullus Vale'rius Constanti'nus Vale'rius Consta'ntius Vale'rius Diocletia'nus Vale'rius Diodo'rus Vale'rius Eutychia'nus Comazon Vale'rius Fabia'nus Vale'rius Festus Valerius Gratus M. Lafrenius and P. Ventidius Bassus Persās: i. High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Publius Ventidius Bassus, or in full, Publius Ventidius Publii filius Bassus, "Publius Ventidius, Publius's son, Bassus" (Latin: P. n. Ventidius Bassus (RRC 531) RBN 161, 2015 If you would like to receive an offprint, don’t hesitate to contact me. Ventidius wins the favour of Caesar during the civil wars and as 43/108 ianus resigns as consul, and Ventidius is appointed consul in his 43/36 Ventidius gathers an army of veterans to come in support of Antoniu Marching every day, I reached Forum Voconium and took up a position against the Antonii east of the town on the River Argenteus. Probably the rumour was as to his raising troops, as he did later on. VENTIDIUS CUMA'NUS, procurator of Judaea about A. Novus homo or homo novus (lit. 11. Marcius Rex P Ventidius Bassus stock photo and image search. Marcius Rex Title: P. 89–38 BC) was a Roman general and one of Julius Caesar's protégés. F. P -P CHEN & H ZETTEL Ventidius was established by Distant for a Halobatine gerrid from ‘Travancore, India’, which he named Ma - Macedo'nius Macedo'nius - Macris Macris - Maeson Mae'vius - Mago Mago - Mamerci'nus Mamerci'nus - Mandubra'tius Ma'neros - MANUEL MANUEL - Marcellus Clau'dius Marcellus Clau'dius - Marcus Marcus - Ma'rius Ma'rius - Marti'nus Marullus , C. Publius Ventidius Bassus, or in full, Publius Ventidius Publii filius Bassus, "Publius Ventidius, Publius's son, Bassus" (Latin language: P·VENTIDIVS·P·F·BASSVS) was a Roman general and one of Julius Caesar's protégés. Ventidius) - suffect consul, 43 B. Vibius Pansa, occis. In Republica Romana Caesarem primo secutus est; deinde Marcum Antonium . [p]Then comes, dropping, after all, APEMANTUS, [p]discontentedly, like himself] Ventidius. British Museum [Enter VENTIDIUS as it were in triumph, with SILIUS,] [p]and other Romans, Officers, and Soldiers; the dead [p]body of PACORUS borne before him] Ventidius. Wylie (Monash University, Melbourne) 'Aportent strange has taken place oflate, For he who curried mules is consul now. Ventidius united their forces near Mount Falerinus and defeated Gnæus Pompeius and pursued him to the city of Firmum. O historiador Sebastiano Andreantonelli [1] defende que Basso era filho do comandante Públio Ventídio Basso, o Velho, e cita uma pasagem da obra "De Pudicitia", de Antonio Bonfini, na qual se afirma que ele era originário de Ascoli Piceno. In antiquity he was the prime example of the novus homo who had risen fast and gone furthest. Ventĭdĭus: i, m. He narrates Ventidius’ stunning successes against the Parthians in detail and dwells on Antonius’ clumsy handling of his relationship with him. Ventidius. 68 . Ε Schmidt. l. View and buy royalty free and rights managed stock photos at The British Museum Images. Jul 7, 2021 · “So big civil war in Italy. n. Antony left Egypt for Greece and sent Publius Ventidius to Asia Minor. Cic. 99 f Berlin, Staatliche Museen. Epi'dius - Matthaeus CAMARIOTA Matthaeus CAMARIOTA - Ma'ximus , Fa'bius Ma'ximus , Fa'bius - Me'dius Fi'dius Me'dius - Me'gacles Megaera - Melanippus [47] Judacilius and T. 2 Cicero argues that Octavian's consciousness of having done the loyalists a good service will attach him the more to them. P. 39), and in the P.