Maplestory empress brilliant set how to get. Empress's Brilliant Robe Equip Armor Overall .
Maplestory empress brilliant set how to get Thanks! 1 - If you have access to Hluwill runs, it's best to hold off on the weapon, because you may end up getting it as a drop by the time you have enough Droplet Stones to buy most of Arcane set. The only thing out of the empress set worth caring about is the gloves, and even then that's a marginal upgrade in general the benefit of gear from the set, and for any set pre CRA you break the set quickly because of the SW weapon. In Progress Get the moonlight-filled dew for Shinsoo from Desert Rabbits. Mar 28, 2024 · Picture and Name Type Requirements Effects Amaterasu's Lupine Bladecaster: Bladecaster: Level 160 Job: Adele STR: 480 Attack Speed: Fast (Stage 6) STR: +60 Cygnus is the final major boss of Gate to the Future. It consists of a Hat, Overall, Shoes, Gloves, Cape, Belt, and Shoulder. I would look up a full guide on the quest to see which decisions give which android. Mar 15, 2012 · My equips weren't great and equipping 4 pieces of the set raised my range by a bit. The empress set is a level 140 set consisting of a cape, shoulder, hat, overall, shoes, gloves, and weapon. The skill unlocks Empress's Might, which makes you able to wear gear 10 levels above your level. Allow me to provide support in answering your questions. The way that most people cube their Pensalir is that they get all the armor pieces to ~6% stat, and their weapon to a decent 2 line unique (maybe a line of bossing and 5 set arcane 3 set cra is best end game because as you double dip with boss % once you get the genesis weapon unlocked. Part of the set (accessories) you can get through the shop at the voyages building. I would say you'd treat it the same way at Pensalir because its still not the best gear you can get, and it'd be a waste of meso/NX(don't know your server). Now, I need to get the cape recipe and like 178 more dream fragments. . 60% damage increase. If he can make the meso quickly, skip empress altogether and go for cra set; if not, using empress is a big upgrade compared to timeless/reverse (dunno when he stopped playing, but yeah). The Reddit community for MapleStory. You can buy fame for 10 Time Coins. Also, equipping 3 afterland totems of any kind gives you 10 extra att! Not bad for something you get pretty easily, but please follow a guide. E. I'd really like to get a dragon tail wand/staff, but they're way out of my range right now. ^Problem I see with this is that Bains is a starforce map and just a hunch, but my guess is op hasn't sfed any of his/her gear. This skill can be enhanced after Lv. Picture and Name Type Requirements Effects Empress's Fine Deadly Fin: Dagger: Level 60 Job: Thief Weapon Attack: +72 Empress's Fine Evil Tale: Wand: Level 60 Well, if cRA is truly fixed, the equip prices should soon be going down again, so they won't cost an arm and a leg anymore. While the tempest set bonus is overall some what the same with the Empress set, (Lv. Quite obviously not worth it. If not you could use ginger ales at 11k each from Miki at Henesys market if you have the money for them. Buy your reset ticket: Hmag reset costs 10 coins (7000 anti-magic); C Vonbon, C Pierre, CQueen resets cost 10 coins (7000 anti-magic); C Vellum, Empress resets cost 12 coins (8400 anti-magic) Other tips. Practice CRA as early as you can either solo or as a party to learn the mechanics. Those are the easy ones to get, you can also get some from current event shop. Nov 3, 2022 · Does anyone know how to get the 9th set effect for Tsukuyomi set? There are only 8 different equipment types for that set. Waiting for the fever events. With championships industry-wide, unmatched viewership hours, and extensive benefits packages for players and staff, Cloud9 prides itself on being the best in all categories. Founded in 2013, Cloud9 has grown to become one of the most recognizable esports organizations in the world. While a relatively simple equipment slot in terms of options the shoulder slot is a key contributor to your overall damage through set bonuses, Star Force and potential % stat from cubing. B. From the MapleStory Wiki, a knowledge base about everything MapleStory Empress's Brilliant Dragon Tail: Dagger: Level 80 Job: Thief Set Effects Cumulative Effects 4 Set Effect: Max HP: +150 Empress's Brilliant Hat: Hat: Level 80 All Stats: +10 Defense: +50 Empress's Brilliant Robe: Overall: The Empress set might be slightly better stats but Pensalir has the same potential tier and is WAY easier to obtain. Level 201 - 210; Level 211 - 220; Level 221 - 230; Level 231 - 240; Level 241 - 250; Level 251 - 260; Level 261 - 270; Level 271 - 280; Level 281 - 290 A. Tyrants 7-8* is around 17* absolab iirc. Grind some mobs to get the full Pensalir set, hopefully with potential but without is fine too, starforce the pieces to 5-10* depending on your mesos, definitely 10* your weapon, Just the base set should be enough to do Chaos Horntail, Normal Zakum, Normal Hilla, Easy Magnus, possibly Normal after you learn the fight (bullet hell basically) Aug 23, 2013 · You can use this to replace the two piece armor set you started with. Cello sells many items for Time Coins that you get by running Mirror World Dungeons. Users equip NFT Sneakers – walk, jog or run outdoors to earn tokens and NFTs. Required: Level 80. 10 heals from normal Empress) Death penalty is 1 minute (compared to 30s from normal I'm pretty sure that you could get the Empress Fine and Brilliant set through some quests. I have a DK that I am trying to get to 150 this weekend; how can I check whether it gets the empress set or is eligible? Is this event or gift window over? I can't find any details. It's Lionheart for warriors). Not affected by effects which reduce cooldown. Do the stats depend on the stats of the mythic weapon you're changing it to, like if I have a PBA weapon will it be better than a non PBA one? May 18, 2013 · The empress gear are level 140. Solo prog to lomein with the boss set is an exercise in either great expense or suffering. The drops are stamps which you trade in to get the equipment for your class. Mar 12, 2022 · It will take around 18 weeks or 5-6 months to get the 5 set if you are just doing normal lucid/will. At least I get to get the dopamine of seeing "SUCCESS" all over again. If you go to the weapon merchant Kiriyu, you can sell the two pieces for 50 Mesos. Cygnus is a powerful Boss, and such a battle should not be undertaken lightly or frivolously, nor without So if I had a lvl 40 empress ancient, I would need more empress ancient to exhale as opposed to just regular ancient. Edit: also forgot to mention quick gear upgrades. Two ways to get it: Either as a direct drop from NCyg (low rate - I've gotten it three times only) or crafting (unlikely - recipe requires too much). To get them, you need to be whatever level you need to be to open the boxes. Pensalir > Necro > Von Leon > Empress Cygnus > CRA > Abso in terms of actual gear to use. A few things to add: Crystal Ventus Badge from N/H Magnus. The Neo Event patch notes say . ive heard the yellow goblins are super good for it but ive spent about an hour farming and i dont have one piece from there. The only way to get it would be to, as you said, get the equips from Mihile which is part of fighting the boss Cygnus. I say stick to Pensalir and jump straight to CRA. Empress's Brilliant Set. Weapons are common, the rest is rare. Abso is typically more cost efficient with enhancing as you can sf 150 Armor and shoulders and hammer 21 star ones to make 20 star absos (aka per mesos saved its much cheaper to sf common 150 equips vs 200 arcanes that can be tedious to replace). Empress's Brilliant Robe Equip Armor Overall . Min Req - lvl 200Sooo i know most of my reg viewers are well aware of Echo and how to get it, but i still wanted to make a quick vid for my beginner viewers It seems like it requires a huge amount of resources that, even if you completed every single quest in the storyline, would take you forever to get. So just work on empress or fensalir with high base stats. (benefits from the meister shoulder set up) 600 to 603 attack is a 0. Also, if you just want strong gear you should definitely get the monocle and tattoo. Below I detail how to That is honestly enough to do it, but if you're having trouble then you do Empress, get your lv 140 gear and do the exact same thing, transfer your VL up to Empress. Brilliant Dusk Essence: Description Refined Dusk essence imbued with magical energy, found within piles of purple herbs. Thanks in advance. Just get to level 150. Order there is the high quality dimension gloves>dimension gloves=empress set. i recommend leveling to 210 and then just using occult cubes to get 1 line of your %stat on pensalir gear. Picture and Name Type Requirements Effects Empress's Fine Deadly Fin: Dagger: Level 60 Job: Thief Weapon Attack: +72 Empress's Fine Evil Tale: Wand: Level 60 The free empress set does not seem to be available on my main. Cube Chairs can be stacked together up to 6 cubes at once rare drops Genuine question, is it actually considered rare? Like I thought pap mark, dom pendent, etc. More on the requirements to get into these bosses below. Continue doing Arcane Force dailies. You can get Empress/Ranmaru if you really want to but if you're gonna get CRA eventually anyway, there's not much point. I was able to get one eventually but I'd probably stick with channel hopping for legendary herbs/veins. For the full set of armor, 480 Superior Item Crystals, 480 Purple Powder, and 7 Armor Fragments from each of the three clans (7 Mouri Fragments, 7 Takeda Fragments, and 7 Uesugi Fragments). 🏃🏾🏃♀️🏃🏻♂️ _____ Users can trade their NFTs on the in-app marketplace. but if you're getting frozen set you're probably a burning character so you'll get free temporary CRA gear Clean CRA is relatively cheap. At least in my experience, my HY and Adele have ran cPap for 55 weeks havent seen a drop, but since the pNo revamp HY has 12 kanna rings (180% drop) and Adele has The hat isn't a drop item. The rest you get from rare drops of boss monsters in voyages, either in solo or in CPQ. Tempest set bonuses •2 set: 300 HP and MP, 200 defense and magic defense •3 set: 10% HP and MP •4 set: 5 attack and magic attack •5 set: 5 attack and magic attack •6 set: 10 all stats, 5 attack and magic attack •7 set: 5 attack and magic attack •8 set: 20 all stats, 15 attack and magic attack There is now a low chance for Dusk Essence and Brilliant Dusk Essence to drop from Purple Herbs. It's bonkers. Tl;dr for equipment - I'd probably stick to doing SW weapon, Empress 3 set, Wings of Fate, Nova Shoes. UAs gets them for free, also no quests has to be done, but I read somewhere that regular adventures could get these sets by doing some quests. 6-Set Empress is fine, don't bother with full 7, it's just a measly 10 extra ATT for being forced to use a much shittier weapon. By maplers, for maplers. Cvell helm is a drop item. Jun 16, 2011 · When I was in Tespia I was doing all the quests on my shad, I decided to show a fast way to get to empress for those who are the "give me now" type. Growth Improvements The EXP obtained upon completion of the last storyline quests in the Arcane River region has been increased. I've talked about this before on here, but the Cygnus 6-set is good, but unlikely without RNG. Especially since CRA crossbows are over 14b junk. I have the cape which took me like the whole day to get, I did get the gloves but they were just some normal gloves i wanted one where I can get potentials from them. I saw the von leon sets and liked the way they look and the stats, I am trying to get the whole set (or at least most of it) but I have no idea how to get them or even where to start. Generally, you can just use the CRA hat for 4 set CRA and switch to the absolab hat later for 5 set abso for gms. Am i just unlucky? or am i doing something wrong? If you're not funded its the absolute best way for you to go. I made money from bossing and started buying arcane eqp and slowly swapped them out. Procedure Hello, I played maplestory before the big bang happened but I quit since it became very hard to lvl. And maybe I'll also keep Pensalir as a farming set since I also have some pieces with good flames on them. Weapon will be SW/Fabso, and so you'll likely be at 5-set. - How to g Found out the other day there are 15% spell trace scrolls for armor now so I used a few ark innocence scrolls and now have to scroll all over lol. Im a 203 wild hunter with the empress set and I have 400k range, I can pretty much solo all the bosses up to normal magnus. Each set tier up to Abso will effectively transfer stats also, and these sets will carry over flames, star force, and up to Epic potential quite well. By the time you farm the dews, you wouldn't benefit much compared to actually using the same time to grind the levels. 2 - If you only have access to Nluwill runs, AND you have resources to starforce and cube , you could buy the weapon first to get some immediate damage A worldwide platform built around MapleStory. For a kanna that'll be a little difficult considering you have no built in IED and Lomien needs a solid 90~93% to do anything realistically, and the only way to achieve that is through gollux set which you will also have a hard time completing. Max per slot 9,000 Sold for Interactive / Non-Reboot Worlds: 1 Meso Heroic / Reboot Worlds: 500,000 Meso(s) Dropped by None Rewarded from Harvesting Purple Herb at a Even unfunded, I wouldn't suggest the empress set. Took me around 7ish hours on 4. I would just use Pensalir Equips at 140 and buy CRA at 150. Continue doing bosses for better flames on items (esp zakum accessories/pink bean cup). Maybe your best bet is Clockwork, cuz pap fam is kinda high drop rate compared to other bosses, but it would be a daily/weekly attempt. were considered rare; meanwhile, kanna rings drops a lot more frequently. With the 50 Mesos, you can purchase a slightly more powerful weapon (17 damage for Sword and Axe, and 19 for Wooden Club; but remember that swords gain a larger bonus from Strength). Most people recommend getting carried through it bc it's really difficult to clear without investing cubes and starforce in something like empress set or having a really good pensalir set. Zero has a personal Empress-equivalent craftable armor set for a total of 3500 Time Coins. The Boss Set Dif is an assumption made - feel free to challenge or change that. The following equipment are part of the set: MapleStory and any related images and content are copyrighted by Nexon. 245. starforce to 8-10 stars depending on how much meso you have. New comments cannot be posted. You can get a 3rd ring from doing the first 3 nlc quests (you have to kill mobs, up to the bombs then you’ll get a coin and you buy it from a shop in nlc). However, your Mihile's Empress's blessing is based off your second highest cygnus knight. Currently the best gear for most mules pre-CRA is high-Flame Necro or Von Leon. Empress's Blessing Type: Passive Maximum Level: 30 Regional Naming Difference: GMS: Empress's Blessing KMS: 여제의 축복 (yeoje-ui chugbog) Ancient Empress: 3 set: 2500 phy/mag def, 1000 HP 5 set: 100 phy/mag atk, 5% evd Related MapleStory Fantasy anime Action anime Adventure anime Anime forward back How to get noble ifia ring reboot?A quick introduction about me, Howdy, my name's Delphi. Bowman gear is typically dirt cheap, so you should be able to pick up a complete set (including xbow) for around 50m in a few days. While there are higher sets, you will want to also consider investing in certain equipment to get boosts. I find leveling up to 210 (link mules) challenging. Envy from Origin)Preview of Dark Star Force Map 1*, 6* and 11*. The blessing of Cygnus increases damage and restores HP over time. Get all your non CRA stuff to 12 stars (today is the perfect opportunity for that because double star upgrades). Go ham within the first ~20s on empress, you sld be able to deplete her hp to alest 50% or more, stop immediately when you start to see 1s. Also, does the 7 set Boss beat 3 set Boss + 3 set alien in terms of mobbing? Aug 25, 2021 · HARD MODE - CYGNUS EMPRESS (Added April 9, 2022) The expedition will require 2 primal essence and 2 philosopher's stone from expedition lead to attempt; The expedition will share the weekly cooldown with normal mode; There are 12 total heals from Empress (vs. i wouldn't advise scrolling any part of the set as they become obsolete after a while and they're untradeable, so you can't re-sue them on a new character once you're finished with them on your UA. Oct 21, 2012 · At Level 70, they will obtain the Empress's Brilliant set, which consists of better versions of the EFS and a level 80 weapon. Did cra set 4 piece, meister shoulder, gollux set, tyrant shoes, cape, and glove. https://discord. If you have a level 150 Cygnus, you can get level 30 Empress's blessing by completing the Noble Mind from Neinheart. I wonder what accessories to aim for at this point, given that superior/even reinforced gollux is difficult to obtain. The items in the Empress's Brilliant set are: Empress's Brilliant Black Mamba; Empress's Brilliant Dragon's Tail; Empress's Brilliant Gloves; Empress's Brilliant Hat; Empress's Brilliant Heaven's Gate; Empress's Brilliant Infinity's Wrath; Empress's Brilliant Marine Arund; Empress's Brilliant Marine Raven; Empress's Brilliant Omega Spear Need help understanding empress equipments So I recently came back into the game and saw that they added the empress set but can't find all the answers to my questions. Pretty sure hayato has a jump skill, time that when she uses her aoe genesis so that you won't get hit by the minions attack and make sure you are at full hp,get hit by only the smaller one or make use of The cra equipment set is pretty much necessary if you're planning on getting to end game because the top and bottom are best in slot. Continue running von leon for better and better flames. So I want to see whether it might be possible to get high-flame Empress on mules in a timely fashion if you use all the possible ways to farm it. 41,792 views since Jul ^2016. g. Hopefully, when we get the dualblade revamp, we'll have our cygnus fixed as well. You would need ~300% of your own boss damage to reach this number in Reboot, which is a lot. Use flames to get all your get to 4-5% stat with a bit of main stat. the empress set wont last long. Maplestory is fundamentally broken in the sense t Im now lvl 152 and i want to get pensalir gear or the root abyss set. How to get more anti-magic: Farming: Use drop gear / familiar while doing dailies to have more anti-magic dropped from mobs The first thing you should do when you hit 140 is get your Utgard Weapon and Pensailr set. Oct 1, 2024 · Last Updated on by Samuel Franklin This guide details the best MapleStory shoulders available and how to get them for smooth character progression and increase your damage potential. You can get a second ring from the silent crusade quest line (can’t be potencialed). Those red stones take forever to get and ultimately if chaos removes empress, what is the point? I suppose the longer I take to get chaos, the more benefit I get from empress. There do exist a few sets that are reasonable to get: (130) Necromancer from Hilla (140) Von Leon set from Von Leon (150) Empress set from Cygnus/Julietta (150) CRA/Fafnir set from CRA (160) Sweetwater Set from Commerci I've been doing DI runs and can't do MPE anymore and was wondering where else I could possibly get the rest of the set. Info below> (benefits from the kanna set) 400 to 403 total damage is a 0. If you can get hard lucid/will carries or parties it can be a lot faster since those bosses can drop the equipment directly. For MapleStory on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Empress's Set". Try to get von leon boots and gloves, and the cape as well unless you can get a tyrant cape. STEPN is a Web3 lifestyle app with Social-Fi and Game-Fi elements that uses a dual-token system. Explanation: Empress glove has a really good 4-set effect with pretty high base attack, but it's harder to get a high flame since you only get 1 or so a week. Locked post. They're still relatively pricey compared to the lvl 140 set that drops. Normal Lucid and Will do not drop Arcane Umbra gear. Good Luck You get a full set of totems from finishing the Afterlands theme dungeon. Reply More posts you may like Posted by u/dpsock - 2 votes and 4 comments [Daily Quest] The Raven Ninjas' Most Wanted: Joko: Category Phantom Forest: Repeatability Every day (can be completed until 11:59 PM Server Time) Pre-requisites Depends on how fast OP makes meso, imo. Get to level 150 and do some quests. 0 STR 0 DEX 0 INT 0 LUK just returned, i still have antel medal and some flame title; what else is there to go for? There’s 2 different android/hearts you can get depending on some decisions you make in the quest. but this is about the pensalir set. Chairs are commonly used while chatting, waiting or idling. You could try to google it up, hard do it from my cellphone. The frozen set just has really high stats for its level and will outdo most things until you get chaos root abyss gear barring items with really good flames and maybe set bonuses from stuff like von leon or empress. Kanna's treasure set would be : -3attack, -2 allstats, +3% total damage. CRA gear is very obtainable. Are you simply better off buying a warrior's empress set, or getting the black label? Also, can you add zero's weapon to the empress set for warriors? Completion of Full Empress Set on 20th August 2019(Feat. This item is part of the Empress's Brilliant Set. If its your first time, you'll definitely want to be in a safer stat range well above 15k as well. You can farm black bean daily for quite a few elixirs and power elixirs as well. Not affiliated with or restricted by Nexon. If you have the funds then the best set is just going to be the best your money can buy or at least that you're willing to spend on. C. With the set that drops, you can fuse things together and get some %luk. because of that what pre CRA gear you're using doens't matter to much, the gear just turns into stat sticks, and they're all about the same. Chairs can be obtained through quests, bosses, events or Gachapon, chairs that are no longer obtainable may return to gachapon or rewarded from external media such as Twitch drops/giveaways. bot ^info Also, Empress's Might is only the first part that allows you to equip gear 10 levels earlier, to get the skills you have to collect even more with even worse drop rates, which can be completed 5 times to upgrade the skill. Get to level 120 and do some quests. Reply reply Set Information. (250 phantom with no absolabs). Completing these quests gives a 6 ATK/MATK boost to your entire account. For more information see: Equipment Set Bonuses The items in the Empress's Brilliant set are: Empress's Brilliant Black Mamba; Empress's Brilliant Dragon's Tail Explorer Chiefs have joined with Empress Cygnus at Ereve to create the Ultimate Explorer! You should go see Grendel the Really Old. For cases B or C, I'd like to know at what level these quests are available. Thanks for Watching! "Like" & "Subscr Empress's blessing only affects other characters in the account. And it's tradeable, so once you can upgrade to something better (such as the cRA set), you can use tradeable lvl 140 set on mules Thanks for the advice. Instead, most people opt to buy them from Nov 12, 2021 · Ruin of Chaos (up to 6 individual and up to 10 shared drops, Swap 15 for an Empress Set Weapon of your choice. Reboot ^MS in Gaming. Rip tenth badge because you have to farm bosses or get to one of the late game farming maps. A chair is an item that player characters can sit on to regain Health and Mana. But their set effects are worse than 6-set Empress. Black Bean Mark can drop from PB with a higher drop rate on CPB. at this point you can easily join CRA struggle parties until you have enough shards for CRA gear and then just transfer hammer your pensalir to CRA. Just use drops you pick off of monsters until level 150, then get a pensalir set (most easily farmed from yellow king goblins at the end of Korean folk toen) , their either get a chaos toot abyss carry for fafnir armor or start working towards the Japanese set (crafted from recpies dropped by Ranmaru) or the empress set (gotten from Cygnus) u r goin 2 get better equips eventually. If you can get the Samurai armor and weapon recipes from Ranmaru and the ingredients for the armor and weapons, you can change armor at level 150. You either need to spend a lot of money upgrading gear you're going to throw away or you're sitting there pushing the timer. Each totem gives 1 kind of stat [20] and 7 att. gg/ms When you get an 80+ mainstat von leon glove or a 50+ mainstat empress glove, transfer the pot over. 140 gear) the Empress set gives better stats on the item, plus it requires less equips for you to get the full set effect, therefor allowing you to equips more things. Level 201 - 210; Level 211 - 220; Level 221 - 230; Level 231 - 240; Level 241 - 250; Level 251 - 260; Level 261 - 270; Level 271 - 280; Level 281 - 290 Nov 16, 2017 · Cubes can be obtained from the following: Events: Keep an eye on the website/in-game current events for potential sources of cubes; Boss drops: Bosses including Zakum, Horntail, Pink Bean, etc. So might as well use Fafnir at the start since you'll be keeping it even after you liberate for the Fafnir 4 set effect bonus (3 faf + lucky genesis weapon). If your mihile is your highest level cygnus knight in your account, all other character's Empress's blessing will be based off of your Mihile. If you're having a hard time paying for CRA equips you could elite and sell the elite boss drops. ) Ruin of Darkness (up to 6 individual and up to 10 shared drops, Swap 5 for an Empress Set Armor of your choice. The ingredients must take almost forever to farm. Transfer Von Leon 10* --> Empress 9* On completion you get it at level 1 and if you want to increase the skill lv you gotta repeat the quest but kill different mobs each time (max is lv5). UA's specifically also are given an ability that can summon the fairy of their class type, with Warriors being able to summon the Dawn Warriors Soul, Mages the Blaze Wizards Blaze, and so on. ETA: mixed up the names of the CRA hats and thought that's what you meant. Kritias reset tickets were mostly useful when CRA/tyrant gear was worth something, and especially back when CRA armor would drop directly from the bosses instead of the trade-in items (so you could use black star pot and get unique cra drops). It's just that there is a very, very small chance of getting empress gear since there are so many of them, so the % chance to get one of them is split between all of the items you can get from the boxes. Hey peeps, I passed 140 so I can't go to MPE to get the set easily now. , Else 8. You need 500 Time Coins for Zero's Eternal Time Emblem. Mag/PB = Mag shoulder and PB Belt You can still get it. 3x drop and kishin for the first lv. it should cost you about 41m for all the CRA equips except the weapon, which is going to cost you a lot more(275m about) but if you just elite you should be able to buy it. The "Boss Set Dif" merely accounts for the dif between 9 and 7 set. I have tried this however and they really meant low chance. Anyways, now I am level 123 buccaneer and I need better equips. In the Gate to the Future scenario, the Boss Fight with Cygnus may be cleared once per week regardless of mode (unless an Empress Reset Ticket is used, granting an additional entry per week), and can be undertaken by up to six players. However the high quality dimension gloves are really annoying to get, and the empress set is also boss advantage gear, which makes up for it's slightly worse base stats. I tera burned a BT and by the time I get to 200 I 10 hit mobs. Because even CRA bosses are easy to kill now, cra equips deflate like hell, and since empress is worse than CRA set + tyrants, they automatically deflate even more aswell. Easy mode has a lower maximum drop and drop rate than Normal mode. You are correct, of course. So looking at the guide, I'm working on the rings with the Hotel maple event currently going on at the moment, but the armor sets for CRA and/or Absolab are a bit out of reach for someone without a guild and/or friends that play the game, and with the changes to the Princess No prequest I don't know how the whole thing works at the moment, I looked it up and wasn't able to find anything on the Apr 20, 2017 · Buy your reset ticket: Hmag reset costs 10 coins (7000 anti-magic); C Vonbon, C Pierre, CQueen resets cost 10 coins (7000 anti-magic); C Vellum, Empress resets cost 12 coins (8400 anti-magic) How to get more anti-magic: Farming: To get more anti-magic, use drop gear / familiar while doing dailies to have more anti-magic dropped from mobs Equipment Set/Empress's Brilliant Set; Equipment Set/Empress's Fine Set; Equipment Set/Eternal Ardentmill Hero Set; Equipment Set/Eternal Hero Set; Since you're not a hardcore player you will take forever to get enough mesos for CRA. Von leon is just fine. Transfer Empress 3 set to CRA later. In this video I will show you exactly how to do that. 50% damage increase. I think the reason most people go for 3 Fafnir + 4 ACS / 4 Absolabs is because Fafnir hat, top and bottom are BiS until the recently released Eternals set which drops from Kalos and Kaling. Ive heard the root abyss set is extremely hard to get but if someone could tell me how to get it i might be able too. TL;DR: Necro Cube to 6%, SF to 10* Transfer Necro 10* --> Von Leon 9* SF Von Leon to 10* Try CRA, if you can't do it, go to 6. The drop rate for 130~140 is INSANELY high, and while you'll get a bunch of 130 stuff, you'll also get 140 stuff in a better time frame than most other places. Realistically, you won't go on a Cygnus run to look for your empress gear. If only I had searched harder. Completing the Will of the Alliance questline (unlocks at level 75) is fast for most classes and provides your character with permanent 5 all stat and ATK/MATK. Sup set from hardlux is nearly 6 months of daily kills. You need to be killing hellux for it to be worth it. Finally went with Necro since I already had the full set and I had weapon / boots with 5% stats flame on them, I'll use it as a starting point for bossing for a while and develop Von Leon as I get more coins. have a chance of dropping Master and rarely Meister cubes; the drop nerf was related to how drop gear stacks, and is unrelated to the cube drop rate from bosses To get to meister the fastest (through lvl 120 rings and meister symbols) you need like ~300 intermediate xtal, ~500 advanced xtal, ~320 sup xtal (if you only make archer), ~200 philo stones (100 to get to meister, 100 to make the equips). Completed With reinforcement from the Empress, you can now equip items 10 Levels higher. This is your BiS until you can get Pap mark/SW transpose even after replacing all your other boss pieces, due to boss flames and getting 3-piece set bonus with Crystal Ventus/Pink Holy Cup. Used for making powerful equipment, potions, and bags. Using a 7+ set ranmaru set means you lose out on a belt and shoulder which usually means you don't get the full 9-set boss set. You can definitely get by to arcane without doing absolab, you just trade set bonuses for raw stats.