Halo master chief collection aim assist reddit. 18 votes, 34 comments.
Halo master chief collection aim assist reddit So I was playing Halo ce with a mate and for some reason there was a ton of aim assist I'm unsure if that's because it was on easy but I'm unsure how and if you can turn it off This thread is archived Nov 18, 2023 路 The 'Eye Patch' Skull will turn this off along with Aim-Assist for Controller/Gamepad (Aim-Assist is turned off for Mouse regardless), but Halo: Reach & Halo 4 have not received this Skull, at least as of yet. Halo is the most successful and alive it's ever been Controller aim assist must be removed or at the very least reduced with the Halo MCC on PC to a reasonable level (where the average controller player can't consistently beat the top percentile MKB player). The Halo: The Master Chief Collection GamePack has been upgraded with a new Weapon Profile System. Absolutely yes. Halo Infinite also plays perfectly on KBM without aim assist. Don’t know if this is still a viable way to rid yourself of it though. FPS games are much, much better on mouse and keyboard. I see all this complaining about aim assist so i actually tested out some statistics of my own gameplay. Aim assist in Halo is not auto-aim. Controller vs M&K So i have been so excited for halo coming to pc for quite some while now, i was so happy as i grew up playing halo on the xbox. Population is low: - They're 20-15-10 years old games, don't expect a huge population such as P2W or whacked MTX riddled games that got a massive boost from paid Twitch streamers. I can destroy on controller without even warming up or practicing and i've been on PC for 5 years. But with Halo Infinite, the game actively decides who you're shooting at. When your Aimee can stick at a person while they are strafing that requires nothing for you. I'm not that competitive so I stick with mouse but if you want every advantage might be something to think about Has 343 mentioned the aim assist currently on MnK and whether they will allow us to turn it off? I don't know how many people have noticed, but… I was a 48 in MLG halo 3 and had multiple 50s in other playlists. It also adds eight Apr 11, 2021 路 Removes controller aim assist (aim magnetism in particular) from all weapons in the campaign (currently only Halo 3 and 4, might do others aswell if there is more interest). . Auto aim on this MCC flight is utterly insane, three social games and 2 hardcore games in a row, the controller players going +20, +15, etc. Posted by u/Far_Combination_9504 - No votes and 12 comments Combined with the blatantly overpowered aim assist that casual controller couch Carl's get (look at pistol and shock rifle headshots), the instant strafe speed in this Halo, and the weird input delay in game movement/aiming, it's just pointless to try on mouse and keyboard. Aim assist sucks: - Split input matchmaking search preferences is in development. Inspired by cartoons of the 1930's, the visuals and audio were painstakingly created with the same techniques of the era, i. I never have this issue in master chief collection and was wondering if anybody else is experiencing this. With the release of both Halo: The Master Chief Collection on PC, and Halo: Reach on both platforms, we have… For me, aim assist isn't that noticeableuntil it is. Problem being, that's patently false and there isn't another PC shooter on the market where playing on a gamepad gives you an advantage. I get 60 FPS all the time, 16ms latency in PVP, and the aim assist does work when playing with a controller layout. Halo 5 had higher player retention than any Halo since 3, and sold the most of any Halo. you saying I'm trash doesn't change my opinion about it. Apparently the devs were aware that we wanted an option to turn it off a few months back but I can't find any scouring through the menus. Based on my testing, its very subtle. the aim assist fucks me up 馃し 18 votes, 34 comments. I think the reality is Halo just doesn't have the star power it used to as an IP and I don't know if even a new dev team could fix that. For the fans that remained. Howdy folks. Is it worth playing the Halo games If you've never played them before? Yes. As shown by the 15+ years of PC FPS. NO other kbm game has settings that make your sens "dynamic" like in halo. Thank god it’s using Halo 4’s aim. You'll find that it kind of sticks to your target and slows down your reticle movement. Try aiming at a teammate and you'll see what I mean. Started using controller 3 years ago and I have to say MK is fine in Halo but controller is naturally superior due to close range encounters. There is a reason Halo berthed the advice "aim with your left stick not your right" if you play on controller you need to allow the aim assist to help you. Most achievements you can get from beating the games on normal difficulty and collecting all collectibles on the way (besides halo 2 legendary skulls) after that I recommend getting more nitpicks and knocking out a lot of easy campaign achievements. Halo: The Master Chief Collection PC & Halo: Reach Launch | Hub and Discussion Thread 2 Mod Post | Known Issues The aim assist seems to track upwards much better than it helps track downwards. I’m having trouble hitting 40% accuracy with most my games being mid 30% accuracy. Yes, I was refering to the Master Chief Collection. After replaying Reach, I would recommend playing Halo 1 and 2 first, then Reach (since 3 won't be out for a while) because the Chief's story is so iconic, and it would probably hold your attention longer. From what I understand it's a recent change so I haven't found anything relevant online. Thanks It takes a long time to get good at mkb and it will take even longer to get as consistent as the aim assist in halo 2-reach, if it's even possible. If i try to aim my normal way, i cant hit anything. Aim(aim assist), hip fire (aim assist), throw grenade(aim assist), melee (aim assist). 0. having aim assist lowers the skill ceiling as you don't need to work on your aim as much a kbm player will most of the time be better than a controller players as there is no aim assist because the KBM does not need it. Jul 18, 2020 路 I just cant seem to find a middle ground where as far as settings go to use a mouse and keyboard vs a controller, Just due to the aim assist alone, Either my mouse sensitivity is either to low or to high, Vs the aim assist theres no way around it. If you want to use keyboard and mouse don't get uppity or upset about Aim Assist, it's not as powerful as you think. Contents## See the patch notes here. The settings will say “Universal Zoom & Shoot” and “Classic” aim control, but plays closer to Universal Default Reddit's home for all things Halo, the franchise developed by 343 Industries and previously developed by Bungie. MCC doesn't allow simultaneous inputs so if you want proper Gyro Aiming that utilizes mouse inputs, all buttons need to simulate a keyboard. Staying behind low cover dramatically reduces your target area and messes up the aim assist on controller. To avoid this, stick to Classic graphics when playing. But Guardians is where all the trouble started. Halo is an FPS game. 7M subscribers in the halo community. Members Online Halo carries the torch of arena shooters of old I've also played Halo custom edition where I manually key mapped a goddamn mouse to a goddamn joystick so I can get the damn thing working with a gamepad I hate aim assist so much I disabled the gamepad and used the stupid manual turn your mouse into a joystick thing there is no aim assist when you do that I hate aim assist you can shoot s*** with aim assist off Reddit's home for all things Halo, the franchise developed by 343 Industries and previously developed by Bungie. So good luck adjusting your aim on every encounter because apparently aiming in the game is really easy Welcome to the official subreddit of the PC Master Race / PCMR! All PC-related content is welcome, including build help, tech support, and any doubt one might have about PC ownership. It makes it hard to make corrections during gunfights without either not aiming far enough or jerking the stick too far. But is the multiplayer still popular today or does it take forever to find games cause of the new halo that's out. But ya this game has pretty insane bullet mags though. I played dozens of hours of Reach and 3 on the OG 360, and a LOT of Halo Online/El Dewrito over the past few years, which is essentially 3 but with on PC with no aim assist, optional Sprint, and Reach assassinations. Controller pros, aim assist Cons, using a ball to aim so always on a curve, expected to use same thumb to aim as operate multiple buttons, got just your thumb to move the stick on a tiny area. Looking at the current list of bugs, bullet magnetism for CE is broken, the field of view is smaller in Halo 2 Classic and Campaign than in the original game, Halo 3 aim acceleration is super off, especially in diagonal movements, and there's mix reports on Halo 4. Halo: CE, Halo 2, Halo 2 Anniversary, Halo 3, and Halo 3: ODST. As a player who was consistently ranked onyx with 60%+ accuracy in halo 5, the aim is terrible on controller. Can’t be done, there is no way to turn it off, you’re stuck with constant sensitivity adjustments and aim assist. It is def one of the strongest aim assist of all the halo's. In red reticle range, aim assist is really strong. this is why only theres ONLY and As someone that has completed it I recommend cutting down the list. The controller settings it established are still used to this day by other games (2 weapon limit, left thumbstick to move/right thumbstick to look, aim assist, etc) I feel like anyone defending Halo's aim assist when the game is now on PC is either planning to use it and doesn't want it nerfed or needs it because they can't actually aim otherwise. Im a veteran, i know what im doing and im not bad at this game at all. Apr 11, 2021 路 Removes controller aim assist (aim magnetism in particular) from all weapons in the campaign (currently only Halo 3 and 4, might do others aswell if there is more interest). (video for example) Otherwise, you have to fully emulate Keyboard+Mouse Keybinds to Controller if a game doesn't play nice with Controller/KB+M Combo, as it is the case with Halo: The Master Chief Collection, Destiny 2, Fallout 4 and GTA5 (unless you download a Steam Controller Native mod). A lot of folks moved on after Halo 3. I played a couple games using a controller just to see the aim assist was, and in my personal thought on it is, it feels like a low key aimbot. The issue isn't its existence, it's the amount. You can also see a video summary of the content in this YouTube video. 5 beta channel Three out of every four matches I get matched for in 4v4 in MCC (all games enabled) seems to result in me and three other randos getting wrecked 20-50 by four-man sweat squads (either all partied up or conveniently matched together). It has the slowest walk speed in the series, huge maps to accommodate for sprint and jetpacks, armor lock (which puts the game on pseudo-pause mode), massive strafe acceleration, meaning you can’t adequately dodge incoming fire, and the longest kill-times in the series. It’s as if the central deadzone was far too big. Whoever put aim assist on a mouse needs to be fired Mouse and Keyboard and Controller in Halo MCC is the most balanced in the entire series. Why Halo was so successful and groundbreaking: Halo wasn’t the first FPS on console, but it was the first to play extraordinary well on controller. It’s slower-paced than every game that came before it. It shouldn't be playing the game for you like it does currently. As an mkb player, that aim assist does not apply to us. TL;DR Aim assist turns off when mouse movement is detected, will not turn back on until right stick input is detected, and can be prevented by disconnecting or turning off the mouse during play. If you enjoy the gunplay in Destiny, Halo is very similar, though obviously distinct given the smaller sandbox. a more fair comparison would be mouse acceleration and even that isn't a good comparison. 49 votes, 312 comments. You might switch to controller. It does if you set the Gyro to right joystick in steam, but it's not as fluid, and aim assist is kinda weird on a device with the precision of a mouse. And I seen that the master chief collection was on sale for 15$ on steam It seems like a very good deal. For an overview of what’s in this season, see below, and 343’s summary here. Discussions of the Halo 5: Multiplayer Beta and Halo: Nightfall are authorized for discussions. Just use the "other Halo games" post flair. Seriously I don't know what's wrong with "new Halo" (H5, Infinite so far). Members Online Longjumping_Joke_719 In most cases, I think the aim assist controller “advantage” is an absolutely ridiculous premise…as a recently converted Pc player (earlier this year), I can say that kbm is infinitely easier to flick, snipe, or do anything mid-long range better than a controller. Halo devs have said very little on the topic. The comparison to random sensitivity aim training not a good one. All controller users have no aim assist when jumping but making no left or right stick inputs because aim assist is tied to stick input, not player motion. Even Halo 4 feels fine and close to MCC, though H1-H3 and Reach are the best feeling. 360 shots and instant hs are relevant only in snipers and swats, because realistically most weapons require tracking and landing shots consistently to break shields and the final hs for the kill. yes, especailly ignoring aim assist, kb+m is a lot better then controller, but form what i hear, some games, like halo, have so much aim assist and bullet magnetism that controller is better then kb+m. This meme that Halo is dead in any fashion needs to die. You aren't getting owned by MnK players with an extra advantage, you just have a skill issue. You don't need a crutch like aim assist with a keyboard and mouse because the movement is so precise. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Xbox Series X|S enhancements have been added to Halo: The Master Chief Collection! Aim assist was Disclaimer: I'm not entirely new to Halo gaming with the PC release. this is why only theres ONLY and If you're paying the $16 a month for whatever ultimate gold game pass lets you play online, The Master Chief collection is downloadable for free. Members Online APG did a hour podcast explaining why he got dropped and more Even in engagements where I shoot first and have the enemy’s back to me. HELL no. Once you're used to a sensitivity, something as dumb as mouse aim assist just makes it annoying to try and aim. Aim assist feels lower on infinite to them compared to other games they play. 1389. The aim assist in Halo is broken compared to the aim assist in other PC titles. Skip to content home Halo: The Master Chief Collection Meanwhile I just finished 2 diamond 1 ranked games in the past 30 minutes went 22-8 on slayer and 30-11 on strongholds the aim assist is still fucked 馃ぃ馃し鈾傦笍 id rather them take it completley away at this point lol just my personal experience. if player stops moving mouse again, then aim assist reenables. As I'm playing through the technical preview for Halo Infinite I get this feeling that the aim assist feels off for controller support on PC. Members Online My spartan before zeta halo vs after living there for 6 dark and griddy months When my brother plays on MCC (Xbox One), he likes to use Universal Zoom & Shoot with Classic aim controls. I switched over to controller today from keyboard and mouse, aim assist is so much stronger in this game than every other game out there. I don't believe many or if anyone plays real games with sens randomizers. Multiplayer should feel similar to Destiny's gunplay, too. I'm not sure what you mean when you say "gun balance relies heavily on aim assist. Especially MP. Also is there a way I can test aim assist to see if it is working In addition they accidently added aim assist which moves your crosshair, but it's only active if you move and don't touch the mouse at all, so people are making more of it than it really is. For example, selecting “Anti-Cheat Disabled” will result in MCC launching with Anti-Cheat enabled. Members Online Custom Halo Chess Board The Halo campaigns are traditional shooter campaigns for the most part, with straight-forward mechanics and a linear story & level design (for the most part). e. I can use my old controller again thanks to these steps, thank you so much, one thing to add is that this is a fix for the aim assist loss during the game session, i cant confirm but im atill testing, played 4 games with this configuration and aim assisst is still conssistent. Aim assist activates whenever your reticle is red. It doesnt snap to targets, it just tracks a tiny bit once you are actually on target. We really need input preferences for players - we need the ability to play just vs mouse/kb etc. Mouse is a lot better for long range where aim assist does not matter, except for snipers. and regardless, some people are just super used to controller and are really good with it and will beat kb+m players even without aim assist Jan 19, 2019 路 This update comes over four years after Halo: The Master Chief Collection, which includes Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary, Halo 2: Anniversary, Halo 3, and Halo 4, came out. The story was finished. You don't necessarily need a PC to be a member of the PCMR. I was messing around in training mode with different aim settings and after changing EVERY setting, aim assist started working! Previously sweeping my crosshair over an enemy would not "stick" to it. Yes, enemies crossing over is annoying - but still. But they called it Halo 4 & made us play as the Master Chief, so now it comes after Halo 3 chronologically & I have the original trilogy as the benchmark. Note that making a post on r/halo is NOT the best way to report bugs or get an issue in front of the developers, nor is tagging various 343 employees in the text body or comments. THIS IS PC WE WANT TO USE KEYBOARD AND MOUSE, but it feels like im forced to use a controller to do good. Controller aim assist is way too strong currently. 6 GB New Game Repack Share Halo 2 had aim assist. So ive done testing, in competitive halo 3. What he's saying is other halo games had aim assist, so it's fine that Reach has aim assist. 2. Halo 4 compared to the original trilogy is definitely not good & it is where Halo died for me. Fucks with the muscle memory. 0 + DLC + Multiplayer, MULTi12) [FitGirl Repack, Selective Download] from 4. New Halo 3 map, Icebox, an import from Halo Online, and a remake of the Halo 2 map Turf. There is no bubble aim assist like in older halos. I don't even think it's aim assist or bullet magnetism, there just seems to be input delay, or extra deadzones, or something, and it feels like sh!t, sorry to say. After messing with all the settings there is a bit of a stick and aim tracking! Hard to prove this theory, will need it to break again to test. Reddit's home for all things Halo, the franchise developed by 343 Industries and… I’ve tried some of them for a bit but after seeing the trailer for Halo Infinite coming out later this year I want to play the old ones and halo in its “prime”. therefore, when the player went afk, the aim assist kicked in, then disabled the moment the mouse moved again. Knm, pros, use fingers hand wrist arm shoulder as movement, movement is straight line, area to move on is up to personal preference, no multi tasking The aim assist problem exist since 2019 when they released Reach on PC, and applies to the rest of the MCC, even though mouse worked better in those games because they are overall slower, controller aim assist was even higher than Infinite, so mouse got destroyed even worse than Infinite before the patch. Members Online If Halo 3 had actually released on the same day as the PlayStation 3 as Bill Gates suggested in 2006, would Halo 3 really have overshadowed the PlayStation 3's launch? The aim assist you are speaking of only applies to direct aim on an opponent. Sure, if a group of enemies got clustered together, I might've experienced a slight tug in a particular direction. Normally in games aim assist help me aim. Once you move the mouse aim assist is off as intended. 1. Skip to content home Halo: The Master Chief Collection Aug 21, 2021 路 Reddit's home for all things Halo, the franchise developed by 343 Industries and previously developed by Bungie. There is slightly more reticule friction when using a controller, which slows down your aim when on target, allowing you to make finer micro adjustments, however, the bullet magnetism and other aiming parameters are consistent across both M&K and Controller. This means that a controller user will have to pull down much more and actually fight the aim assist rather than getting "free" headshots. There was a bug a while ago where if you started the PC version of H infinite, pressed enter, then plugged your controller in aim assist would not enable until the game would reboot. Aim assist, slowing down or mouse acceleration are a must turn off for me. Reddit's home for all things Halo, the franchise developed by 343 Industries and previously developed by Bungie. Playing using a controller means that you have to lean into your advantages whenever possible because you don't have the amount of precision you have on the mouse. Perhaps I'm misremembering, but I don't recall aim assist being this sticky during the H2 days. Aim assist itself is just really effective at tracking in close quarters, but it's even with KBM in medium ranges, and loses to KBM in long range (in my experience). I simply asked if htis game has auto aim still or not? When you load into the game and it asks you to press Enter don't use the keyboard, you need to press start on the controller and that should fix the aim assist aparently. I knew they had introduced m&k aim assist beforehand (which is definitely a bandaid solution to controller-mnk balance but whatever), but I thought a toggle for it was going to be present, especially for mnk. This may be a revelation for some but aim assist strength is not universal The big disadvantage with controller is with our aim assist no one wants to learn how to aim. If I wanted to play Halo multiplayer and experience it for the first time, would getting the master chief collection be a good choice or is it dead and full of hackers? Thanks! Here are the PC graphics settings for Halo: The Master Chief Collection Whenever you first start Halo infinite make sure you always press start on the controller and not enter on the keyboard. Abuse head glitches. lmao the aim assist doesnt work in the game brother, people wouldnt be complaining traditionally the argument is controller vs pc and now its just controller people complaining that the aiming is trash which it is play halo 3 and its butter smooth, play infinite you literally cannot control your aim i dont think its even aim assist the the player was a MKB user, but the aim assist kicks in when the games senses no mouse movements for . Get woke. Members Online Jun from 1000 toys officially announced. Having aim assist just makes flicking and tracking harder. This is accomplished through input-based matchmaking. Nov 21, 2019 路 i played Team Fortress 2 with a gamepad for a year , and i was fine without aim assist i played splatoon 2 with a gamepad for a couple of months , was also fine without aim assist you just arent going to get the same results you would get with a mouse , but if you are skilled with a gamepad , you dont need aim assist The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. In infinite, i help the aim assist aim. Not interested in mp, I just want to play through the campaign without aim assist. The minority of KBM can play ranked without aim assist, and the rest of the population can play ranked with aim assist - just like MCC. So are the rest of the Halo games and Gears of War and so many others. Also which halo game has the best multiplayer since it will be my first time idk which halo to look forward to with multiplayer Aim Assist doesn't work for many controller players. Unlike the X360 30 fps, narrow FOV experience, aim assist isn't required for PC gaming. A haven for all things based on the Halo Championship Series and the Halo esports scene, including all games in the franchise from Bungie's Combat Evolved to 343's Halo Infinite. most games on pc have no aim assist on controllers and that is good ( I Play xbox with if you want the story played out in order: Reach, Halo 1 CE, halo 2, halo ODST, Halo 3, Halo 4 might be a bit bizarre because the the graphics will go from modern to old when going from reach to halo 1, but this order is the most straight forward way to experience the story of halo For Halo the advantage actually skews toward controller due to the heavy aim assist given to the control method. Controller is a lot better for close to mid range, which obviously for 4v4 is a large majority of engagements. Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo 3: ODST, Halo: Reach and Halo 4 Halo: CE has a memory leak problem currently if you have an AMD CPU/GPU (not sure which, exactly). Halo Infinite Known Issues | Submit a Ticket. I don't mean aim-assist when I say that. But it’s an FPS more akin to something like COD, but much much better (I know comparing halo to cod is cringe but to a new player that’s the best comparison IMO) and Master Chief is single handedly the sickest playable character ever created. The aiming just feels super unresponsive and unrewarding, where as in Halo 5 the aim felt so smooth and good. Infinites aim assist is actually pretty weak and bad (high sens aim assist non existent) so it’s not as superior as it is in MCC. I'm not sure if this was intentional or not and they decided to make the aim assist feel different from the previous titles or if aim assist on consoles is different then controller aim assist on PC. I was looking to play a f2p shooter that has instant repawn, I've been playing Battle royales like Apex or Warzone for the past few years and I want to play something that I can get back in to the game immediately after dying, kinda like TDMs or o A haven for all things based on the Halo Championship Series and the Halo esports scene, including all games in the franchise from Bungie's Combat Evolved to 343's Halo Infinite. It’s so surprising that the winter update and drop pod which was supposed to enhance the game made it unplayable (for me). Personally the first three halo games are among my favorite games ever created. Review the Known Issues before submitting your ticket and ensure you provide all information requested. My setup: Steam OS 3. Members Online If Halo 3 had actually released on the same day as the PlayStation 3 as Bill Gates suggested in 2006, would Halo 3 really have overshadowed the PlayStation 3's launch? you don't see the problem do you. Halo 4 was mostly enjoyable. Halo 5 is consistently one of the most watched FPS games during tournaments. You don't get aim assist when aiming at a teammate, so it's much harder to keep your reticle on them. Season 8 of Halo: The Master Chief Collection, Mythic, has launched. However, posting about Halo Wars 2, Halo 5: Guardians, Halo: Infinite, Halo: Online, or other Halo games, while highly discouraged, is still permitted. I That is the history of the series speaking from someone that’s first game was The Master Chief Collection, which didn’t even include Halo Reach until years after the initial launch and originally just had Halo 1-4 with ODST as a pre-order bonus because ODST still took place during the original trilogy. Choose that to open Go-to the tag tab Open the matg drop down menu Scroll down till you get to Shields and health When launching Halo: The Master Chief Collection on Steam Deck, selecting one of the available Anti-Cheat launch options will result in the game launching with the opposite launch option. Cuphead is a classic run 'n' gun set in the style of a one-on-one fighting game universe. If KBM players are concerned about aim assist, they should go into settings and set their preferences to match only KBM players. I've heard the aiming on mouse is messed up on Infinite but occasionally I use m/kb on mcc for campaign and its smooth Reply Install the master not the developer after you download it Open assembly Open a map file in assembly by going to this directory C:/ steamapps/common/Halo MCC/reach/maps I think m_70 is the last mission with the Mac Cannon. nerf aim assist or halo will NOT survive on pc. I’m terrible at playing FPS with controllers and losing a fair bit but it’s still awesome and basically what I dreamed of having when I was teenager doing LANs of Halo 2 and 3 with friends. Halo: Reach, by comparison, has Halo: The Master Chief Collection (2 games, v1. My question is, does Halo Infinite aim assist on controller is stronger than other games like apex and COD. Multiplayer has its flaws, most notably mnk vs controller aim assist debate, but I'm optimistic for Halo 2's release. I think it is bad, meh at best, if you take away the association with Halo. " That's just not the case. Jun 26, 2020 路 You know theres a problem when your aim assist feels like aim bot, the controller aim assist is ridiculously strong, its been 6 months since the game came out and the aim assist still feels too strong. What do you mean specific? The aiming is too snappy it’s not fluid when trying to aim for the head half the time the reticle is going from one spot to the other rather than moving fluid a motion, the bullet magnetism is way too low, which makes the game loose the Halo feel. As a console player, I wouldnt say aim assist is nerfed, but it handles WAY differently. All the games I've tried playing from the collection have extreme sensitivity. Switch between Primary and Secondary weapons with the Anti-Recoil settings you set for your Primary & Secondary Weapon automatically applied to give you a rock-solid aim. It's actually too strong. The aim assist in mcc is stronger so you'll be put at a disadvantage. Been grinding the halo franchise again after a couple of years, and decided to give infinite a shot. The average human with no aim assist on any input cannot track side to side random movement like aim assistance can. Problem solved. If you use the keyboard input it can disable a aim assist on controller until you restart the game. Uhh proving people wrong isnt picking a fight its correcting people. 5 seconds. traditional cel animation (hand drawn & hand inked!), watercolor backgrounds and live jazz recordings. I heard people did that on master chief collection because aim assist helps with head shots. I'm confident in saying that even with shroud level aim, you'd lose to a good controller player 90% of time in mcc in a straight up 1v1 with the br or dmr. And many never returned. However, every time he goes to change the settings, the gameplay doesn’t reflect what he put down in the settings. People who think you dont have to even aim are exaggerating, and its way less aim assist than in Halo 5 for example. Halo 3 felt weird. All we can do is submit bug reports. The only thing that Halo has that's abnormal is high aim assist / aim magnetism. Console players who don't play at a high level tend to "fight" against the auto aim rather than use it. This. Took me awhile to even notice it when I was specifically looking for aim assist in training with bots. I think Halo 3 has felt the most different to me simply because of the lower bullet velocity of the BR. Aim assist in this game is quite high like all the other halo games unfortunately Reddit's home for all things Halo, the franchise developed by 343 Industries and previously developed by Bungie. Doom 2016 has high magnetism, but it plays fine on PC. The shilling for this game is insane. I havent played much of Halo Reach or Halo 4 yet, but all the others have given me problems. oqpscr yabra acqrkr zkniy qhbpn pniw gkirj zwej vwegw chrg gvcr unaxz diay hajquff dpdrjttu