Fury warrior bwl bis reddit. A faster weapon = more heroic strikes.

Fury warrior bwl bis reddit This is backwards logic. I was happy to admit that it is indeed optimal to take Bloodseeker, but ultimately that its not an important item, as many item builds will want to get hit from the ranged slot. It’s the holy In AQ Id focus on replacing your Neck and Chest. I can't stress enough how big the difference is between somebody who is fully world buffed and somebody who isn't. Gnome, Lobo/DD, standard DW spec, T1 BiS with full buffs, 60 second fight: 1073. I just love the aesthetic of being a gnome warrior duel wielding 2-h axes that are the same size as me, and despite the ‘zug zug’ meme I find the rotation quite fun and engaging once you have your prio’s right. Rough Order for BWL for Orcs: Tier 1: BRE, TUB Tier 2: OEB, Draconic Avenger, Spinal Reaper, Drake Talon Cleaver BRE and TUB are carried by procs on cleave fights. I'm relatively fresh to Fury (just started in 9. 4394 dps. Fury warrior is shafted until BWL with only a handful of upgrades from pre raid bis right now, meanwhile rogue your entire tier 1 set is worth taking with only 3 pieces being beat, and two of those by tier 2 pieces. Once you get to 60 and get ready to raid you'll want to respec to fury (regardless of 2h or DW). Fury does more dps, always. The racial bonus is huge. g. The reason why slam has always been hated is because it resets your swing timer. g Drake Talon Pauldrons to fury prot tanks, AQ40 shoulders to fury wars. It was a great fury warrior weapon. A non-human with Edgemasters and Maladath will be 311 weapon skill. My question is when will I replace felstriker as an off hand? First, you’re talking about very rare items (Epics) in that dungeons. started MC with Arcanite Reaper and arms spec, rerolled 2h fury, dmg was much better. Plus I have Engi tools, more flexibility for consume, better scaling, and dont have to farm a bunch of MCP to hold threat A fast weapon is always bis for threat generation because as a (especially fury prot) warrior your threat is capped by how many heroic strikes you can fit in. Classic Era. This will extend to a large part of BWL aswell, depending on your guild/luck with loot. Fury gets shafted on shoulders so hard it’s not even funny so I’d likely give them to a fury warrior who’s put in the time vs a tank. Prot is completely useless. feral is so shit in terms of dps, if a guild has one in a raid its only for the 3% crit aura, lets be real otherwise they d have any other dps class in their place. 129 Fire resist unbuffed, 15 from juju, think it was 190-200 buffed. It 's actually the only item for a feral in MC though. Having more or less rogues, being MT1 or 2, in which slots is your hit cap or having TF re Even the KT sword is most likely not going to go to a dps warrior first, It has stamina and armor on it, as well as a 1. If you utilize two of the most popular spreadsheets for Fury Warriors out there (simply google Fury Warrior spreadsheet elysium/lightshope), you’ll find that if you’re any class other than a Human or an Orc, Edgemasters are actually BiS forever if you’re not using daggers - which you should. So all problems the class' flow has for you will be eventually solved by just gearing up. I would say bis for fury I working on this mainly for my self and guildies to help decide what items are worth picking up first in a round robin loot system and to see how much better aq40 weapons are over bwl weapons to help decide who these weapons should go to. A fury warrior can get some very good use out of this thing for a long while and with their being so many fury warriors around many are going to have to make due with items like this. Cts and mala are bis combo, for single target. A feral druid will definitely out threat a prot warrior or a shield fury warrior in tier gear, no doubt about that, ferals are insane threat right out of the box, so to speak, however, I see nothing to refute my claim that the threat ceiling of a proper fury prot warrior is likely still higher than druid, given the correct gear and rotational I'm sorry to hear this brother :( it is a really awesome farm weapon for a dagger rogue, BUT, dont feel too bad about it because if you have perds the difference is kinda minimal when solo farming weak, ez mobs (firewater grind, etc), assuming you are not respecing combat fists or hemo Warriors prebis would be the same for 1h or 2h fury. Those items can be farmed if you really want to have it but noone expects you to do that. Just want to button mash. These players will not understand that some upgrades shouldnt go to them. i see guild runs fury tanks in zg but prot tanks in bwl. Melee group synergy makes it easier to stack warlocks :( I don’t even want the glaives. Deathwish makes pvp as fury the shit and also enrage since you often get critted in pvp. I was just saying that both have a pvp option, and prot warriors had two other options though less than ideal. Pair this with the standard 6%hit 28%base crit pre bis gear, get your 3 world buffs (dm,ony,songflower), pop a mongoose, and fucking annihlate. He tested deep prot, fury prot, druid and paladins using different gear. I did sims with BWL BiS and found that fury/prot with a shield, full consumes, and no world buffs was simming about 5% higher than deep prot. Mugger's Belt -> Aged Core Leather Gloves is a great idea for tanking. A faster weapon = more flurry procs = more rage = more heroic strikes. This was before BWL was out so we were basically just all waiting for a deathbringer, I went back to dual-wield once I got Doom's edge and used frostbite in off hand. Yeah you are right, I guess I should've said at 300 weapon skill, what is the BiS weapons for Fury Warrior DPS. A true pre-BIS set is almost full DPS though. 93 votes, 35 comments. Come to think of it, our Dwarf is the only DPS warrior without onslaught. If you really want that debuff, respec a rogue. it starts to get kinda crazy. 2 hand fury with the untamed blade in BWL was a blast. Most physical DPS gear from BWL can be pretty clearly prioritized for one class or another, without much contention (unless you are biased). Great question. . I have done ALOT of sims for my fury warrior with several different lengths of the fights and it seems that I have reached the breakpoint where rapidity is better. There's a place for fury warriors if you dedicate yourself to it, but Arms warriors have a solid spot in 25 man raids. I’m an Orc DW fury warrior with Frostbite MH and BSH OH with 11% hit. thats the deal. Hi! Kush here. I’m a male undead warrior tank, fury/prot spec. A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. You say this, but every group is already going to have a token arms warrior. Just hit 100 run mark without seeing it. Human BiS assumes —> human racial bonus with swords and maces. The only real fury warrior upgrade is the Hakkar neck. Crypto its not vital, and I don't see how its BIS "long into BWL" when striker's mark and blastershot are in MC. In raids, you go Fury, In Arena, you go Arms. Official subreddit of Asmongold (as seen on Netflix) aka ZackRawrr, an Austin, Texas based Twitch streamer, YouTube personality, and gaming organization owner and content creator of One True King (OTK), a group of mostly Austin, Texas based content creators and owner of Starforge Systems, selling prebuilt gaming PCs. The rest of the items, you can really get upgrades in MC/BWL that will help your "missing" stats. true. Using damn nekrosh quest green 2h 10 dps behind anything. I was going along until I got the Thrash Blade. Hey guys So I have a lvl 60 orc fury warrior, I have my hit gear and I’m using dw axes. The thing with fury is that you need a good gear to really do the things in pvp. Like i said, they're BIS for other classes, just because you may get unlucky doesn't mean you should take from others. My reasoning is the rogue has been with us forever, and should automatically get them, irregardless if they're better for the warrior or not. Deep prot is not bad, it's just bad players parroting what they've heard from other bad players. DD is just insane. Additionally, warriors don't even have much BiS gear from BWL that is contended anyways. I think the pauldrons would be a downgrade since they are not good enough to compensate for breaking the blue PvP 2-piece set bonus. That being said I played on a private server as a fury warrior BiS and had no issues getting top 5 DPS in a raid. Wait until you have key fury prot pieces with agility e. Now you've started doing BWL, but lots of axes or daggers are dropping. I've done well over 500 on many fights as F-P. I'm looking for a solid slow high top end MH. AQ40 gear is only going to widen that discrepancy. So orcs are definitely using axes through AQ. It wasn't even a question. The sword in AQ is on the level (I think worse for warriors, slightly better for rogues) than CTS out of BWL. However I picked up anubisath warhammer and suggest to grab one too. I topped out at 850dps on a 5 day old warrior in my first bwl No problem staying 2h arms as you level. It's a long journey though, I think you need to break 2000 attack power for fury to be any good in PVE. Sure hunters dont top the charts in raids but we actually bring other stuff to the table vs a fury warrior who quite literally only damages and nothing else. Also, almost every warrior I raided with used OEB at somepoint. You don’t need it to play well and top the charts. If you do the grind you are sure to get the upgrates with out haveing to get lucky with raid drops. They have tons of AP (the best stat for Warriors) in addition to 2% hit (2-piece) and 2% crit (3-piece) set bonuses. if your just considering gear for dps your going to need to find some weapon skill if its either from edgies (bis)/aclg (bis for daggers)/muggers belt (which i wouldn't recommend). Thunderfury+Maladath and over 308 weapon skill with 6% hit is the dream. Nov 21, 2024 · Welcome to Wowhead's Best in Slot Gear List from Blackwing Lair for Warrior DPS in WoW Classic. Leadership is split over who should get them. If you wait until threat becomes an issue, it’s already brutality blade is better as an offhand than maladath for a good fury warrior, and ironfoe is a meme since it has a shit proc chance. If you're fury you shouldn't be using any fire res gear in MC or BWL for that matter. As dual weilding you're going to see solid dps gains past even +9% but as you reach bis gear you'll find that pushing past ~14% comes at too high of a cost of other stats. 5 sec cast time or 1. 5 attack speed, so at best for a fury warrior it would be a good OH maybe? Basically i think a tank will get prio on it, as well as its drop % probably being 7-10% or something. It's to the point that items that are literally irreplaceable for tanks (Brigam's Girdle) aren't even a fury warrior's BiS because they don't need the hit. You lose a huge amount of damage when enrage falls off, so do whatever it takes to stop that from happening. As a rule of thumb, I'd say aim for roughly +9-12% in mc/bwl, then more like +12-15% in aq40/naxx. Most of the gear that is good for you early on, you will get in dungeons and not replace until BWL or aq40. Wastewalker has low ap and crit, but good agi (useless for wars in tbc). You decide to stack hit and gain expertise, and with it you lose ap, crit, survivability (leather) and chance to gain 160 ap on hit. You should use that until you get another great dagger. I really like the idea of a Troll fury warrior being berserk, more so than an orc. Primarily a weapon. Depends. It's my understanding that R10 shoulders + R8 leggings is BiS (unless you are R12, which you'd then use R10 helm + R10 shoulders + R12 legs). Like my fury warrior was 100% pulling aggro instantly at execute range. Your bis necklace and two of the best weapons come from Onyxia (in current phase not counting BWL weapons) First of all, if you want to increase your dps the most important factor is world buffs. The rise of the Fury Warrior meta is a private server phenomenon, and Ironfoe as a useful weapon for them on said servers has nothing to do with Ironfoe in Vanilla, which had a far lower proc rate than the typical rates seen throughout pservers. Trying to get lava/fiery cores from gbank if they are available to craft dark iron legs a Well there are more factors to it imo. The Black Dragonscale set is pretty much BIS for fury warriors before BWL (shoulders/legs/boots). Mc patch Onyxia mh axe is bis followed by swords. For example Iron Foe is an Item every fury warrior would take with a kissing hand. Fury warriors scale better than fury prot and much better than deep prot in terms of threat scaling with gear. I have a feral friend and he s been doing MC for months and still cant get it. Any competent Warrior will be good enough to do 5-mans, but you'll notice at 60 that you'll probably be struggling at lower gear levels. Fury warriors weren't really considered a big thing early in vanilla history though and by the time that was figured out we also figured out it was the best tank weapon in the game and having a higher threat tank weapon should be a huge priority for any serious guild so it started going to the main tank. Before getting this gear worldbuffs will be mandatory to compensate for your lack of crit. But if your raid/you have been unlucky with gear, there are some good in-the-meantime pickups in ZG. You can make the argument for weapons, necks, rings, but given how few of those pieces exist and how key threat is for the raid, allowing your horde fury warriors to go all out as soon as possible with windfury is 100% critical. both are legit. All of the warrior tier gear is itemized for tanks, but after a while you will get this gear handed to you like candy, especially if you are willing to tank on encounters that require more than just two tanks ( quite a few fights and Arms warrior is really bad, it's per essence a PVP spec, people used to bring one in P1 because Fury was so bad that the difference was really small but as the phases go on, the difference will be quite clear. Right now I’m using the twin warblades of hakkari, which are great for weapon skill. So daggers are slightly better, and likely more consistent in practice simply due to the nature of dual-wielding over 2H, especially for Alliance. New classic Meta is fire res gear on 2-3 tanks in both MC and BWL. Assuming you can't swap out edgemaster's, is it still worth equipping the axes/daggers since the weapon DPS is so much higher? Nov 21, 2024 · Warrior Tank Blackwing Lair Best in Slot Gear (BiS) - WoW Classic Head Helm of Endless Rage is a new addition from BWL/phase 3 that is a great piece of gear that people often sleep on, not much to explain here besides the large volume of good stats on the item. My bear does a couple hundred dps. In the alliance guild I raid with I've seen 2 fury warriors take it and use it in their off hand and it blows my mind. It's like. but warriors always will die alot. Bwl bis setup is onyxia mh and crul’shurok oh followed by swords, chromatically tempered sword mh with mala oh Warrior is the single most gear dependent class in the game, and fury the spec that this applies to the most. I’ve deleted rogues with an OP crit and an auto and still don’t even fathomblade let alone hydra. E. There is the good old 31/5/15 build that people use to cherry pick some Protection talents to tank decently, and it's a good choice for non-committed, generalist Warriors at 60. No. That went up to 17% with world buffs. Rest of the raid just use normal gear and chug gfpps. This also makes fury one of the worst leveling and pre-raid specs in the game. I am in a mix of naxx 10 bis and pre-raid bis and I am usually in the bottom half of my raid with equally geared folks. You have 3 different sources to obtain gear from MC BWL and ZG. Their talents make them scale insanely well. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. I main tank now, and not using it sometimes seems like a waste. With the right gear warriors are probably one of the best classes in the game. In raids, fury/prot is preferred for a main tank because there should be enough warriors to cover each target. Dropped stacks twice. Everyone thumps their ass for 10 seconds, then the fire makes and fury warriors start climbing, then at some point the good fury warrior gets aggro and tanks the rest of the fight. If you feel like you have good players around you, swap out the defense pieces for any piece on a DPS pre-bis guide. These force you to itemize into daggers, which are not really IDEAL, but they give you weapon skill for free. You literally gain 1 agility and 10 stamina over using a Tarnished Elven ring. I pump and nobody wants me. Its also super easy to get. Fury prot tanks put on a shield when it would help and a threat lead is established. And felstriker OH. A fully worldbuffed pre-raid warrior (Aka you) will easily beat a non-buffed BWL BIS warrior. That's the entire reason we're clearing BWL in 20 mins. Is there a list to help me with item distribution somewhere. My guild, which uses a specialized loot list system, means that I have the Anubisath war hammers high up but they may or may not even drop before p6, so I’m stuck with dual warblades. Deep prot tank in greens/blues can hold aggro vs an unbuffed fury warrior with BWL gear. Gressil and The Hungering Cold are probably the BiS but good luck getting both of those as almost every rogue and warrior will be gunning for them as Kel'Thuzad drops. Combined, these will be your best combination. 2-man in particular. Its a reward for finishing a quest for Maraudon. Tanks that use a dagger instead of axes are probably a relief to all the orc warrior DPS out there, so it's a pretty smart choice all considered. I am currently duel wielding gutgore ripper MH. At the end of the day, I'll probably not get Edgemaster's, so I'm just curious how much I will gimp myself by picking troll rather than orc? Aesthetics is one thing, but the actual performance is another. if the deep prot has no issue of threat meter, its pointless to go fury prot, u r not maximising mitigation. Long answer: Tauren fury warrior here. But like others said, your first prio is getting to 6% hit. If you're solo leveling the spear is Godly. cts/bb is bis, cts/mala next best, bb/mala third best. Yea doomed is way dramatic. If tanks need that bit of threat THAT badly they’re doing something wrong. R12-13 gear is bis for hunters for most of AQ, and gloves are vanilla bis. My personal use as a NE warrior during LH Pre-raid - MH was a quelserra, offhand was mirahs song MC/BWL - I used deathbringer/bwl trash axe WITH edgemasters AQ40 - I grabbed a crul'shurok during bwl prime time and used that and trash axe for all of AQ40. In pre-raid gear or full T1 a deep prot warrior achieved around 750tps with a perfect rotation and without world buffs. g helm of endless rage, drake talon pauldrons, chrom boots, SGC. Plus 2h fury is nuts in cleave fight so good luck catching them there. Posted by u/Samu3lsson - 23 votes and 64 comments As you can see, there is not just one bis list for warrior weapons, as it depends on a few variables, including faction-specific buffs (windfury totem), racial weapon skill, and even whether you plan on using 2% crit sharpening stones. This makes earning raid loot difficult as many items appear to be for hunters and rogues due to the high amount of agility and crit you try to stack sacrificing some strength & def, as well as armor since you find many of these stats on non plate gear. The other warriors are all human and all warriors have basically the exact same gear. You can get away with it at 16 % crit with a mongoose pot too. So the best way to cast slam would be right after your swing timer (auto attack), but slam still has a 1. Yeah, I've heard dps plate gear was pretty rare, everything I've read so far points to things like Lionheart Helm (a crafted item!) being Fury BiS forever, and a few BWL pieces (like Chromatic Boots) also being BiS all the way through Naxx purely because their dps stats were superior to anything that came afterward. 15 votes, 63 comments. Hit every lockout of ZG and with just that gear and the appropriate hit% you will do comparable dps to a MC/BWL geared fury not to mention more than most your raid. Id say once a warrior has the right +hit and +crit and has the weapon skill he/she will start to out damage most classes with the same gear score. 584K subscribers in the classicwow community. fury warriors are by far the most crit dependent class in the game without the extra 25% from Wbs I really believe they are going to struggle without the gear from R14/AQ40/naxx. Step 2: Ask to be in the group with the shammy who understands how important 100 percent totem uptime is. If you feel that your raid only can survive with a loot prio system I suggest contrary to common belief, that Maladath should be prio for Sword rogues that are non human as well as fury warriors that are Non-Human that don't own edgmasters handguards. From what I understand of it, the point of a fury/prot is to forgo mitigation in lieu of a much higher tps allowing the dps to go full bore without worry. But as soon as you get chromatic boots this goes out the window, then blue pvp shoulders + legs and chromatic + LH is better. 4set leaves you one piece you can equip for head slot - SMV quest reward or Engineering googles ( if they will be available at launch). Once P5 hits the items from AQ40, and the ones from BWL will be better than what you have from pvp. Both deep prot and fury prot have 1 big problem in common, though: large groups of mobs. You want to stay alive as much as possible while generating as much threat as necessary for your raid/group. In my experience I'd say daggers aren't a viable thing until you get access to cthun dagger but that's just my 2 cents. we've been kinda unlucky on weapons at bwl, a meme race fury warrior complained and said because of lack of weapons, he and other should be able roll on crul from nef. Thanks! You try telling all those fury warriors that you need Onslaught girdle priority as a fury prot tank though, when you're already finishing fights with 40-50% higher threat than your warriors, even when those warriors are doing 900+ dps lol. Sacrificial gauntlets , Belt of Preserved Heads or Zandalar Belt , and Zulian Hacker will be the BiS non-epic OH for orcs Best advise for BWL is to either get Edgemasters, the +7 axe helm or any +5 Dagger item and go live the dualwield life, or live with the fact that a MC weapon's actually basically just as good if not slightly better than any 2H in BWL - meaning you won't get any significant upgrades, and your next one in AQ40 will most likely go to orcs first because of the racial axe bonus. I started messing around with DW. A faster weapon = more heroic strikes. Firewaters if they aren’t over-farmed, most likely late at night if you’re able. Unless there is a data section on the fight club discord i don’t know about, the bis list is very Look at their BiS lists too. Is the +7 axe helm better than Lionheart, if you have 300 weapon skill? Reply reply Again I really feel like most people only think about warriors when they have a shit ton of crit, they dont remember how slow MC-BWL-ZG really were. I’ve been hoping for deathbringer to drop but have not seen it yet. At least 95% of fury warrs don’t have the BiS pvp gear. Feb 20, 2020 · We have created many different best in slot lists, covering the most current raid Blackwing Lair, PvP Battlegrounds and Molten Core, which you can access from our Warrior BiS page linked below. ? Longer version - I saw a post a few days ago with in depth explanations regarding loot in BWL and onwards to AQ40 between Dps warriors and tanks (this means fury prot). Nonetheless it’s an item you rarely see dropping. Thank god next is mine as our other warrior and ret both have hydra Warrior isn’t fun in PvP if you’re not geared. Sure mages is even harder to kill but everything else is just fun. Later crul and thunderfury . (Yes I have edgemasters). There's literally no value to a second arms warrior. Big sad when guild dies as a fury warrior. What is gonna make a huge difference though, are worldbuffs. The play style is much Rogues can use pants in AQ bis. This is a really good time to be a new fury warrior. However, I still don't understand why you were downvoted for pointing out that your guild has a skilled dedicated mage and not equally good warriors haha Gnome, OEB, Alliance 2H slam spec, T1 BiS with full buffs, 60 second fight: 1055. I get better DPS for all situations and lengths of fights from rapidity it seems. He spends a lot of time on consumes and getting world buffs. This Classic guide will list the recommended gear that Warriors progressing through Blackwing Lair should aim for. Fury warrior. Helm of endless rage is a great head, as lionheart isn't a great option going into naxx and aq, as raid damage is high, so you need a high stamina trash set. Fury as a whole comes alive as you stack crit, hence why a fresh 60 warrior does 200dps but one in prebis can reach up to 1k. also grand marshal is instant crazy. 2289 dps. Also since weapons are pretty rare in Classic taking what ever weapon you can get is how it goes. Back in 2005 etc, I leveled my warrior with Arms Spec , classic 30/5/15. He complied all the results in a google doc, it is available on the Fight club discord, the warrior theory craft discord. Greetings! Diving into Fury/Prot has been fun, but I find BiS item lists aren't widely available as they are for more traditional specs. Does anyone have any tips on how to parse well in BWL for specific boss fights (example: stacking FR in Firemaw so you don’t have to drop stacks)? Thanks! Step 1: get a Deathbringer in main hand. 0 with talents, and your swing timer wouldn't start again until you finished casting. I have been playing Alliance, human warrior, currently at level 55. Weapons are also much easier to get then DW fury (especially when your W-Skill minmaxing) Get an Arcanite Reaper and a windfury totem and youll be crushing the meters in MC. Like a tank using Gauntlets of Annihiliation or Titanic Leggings because it is "bis" for threat, or a fury warrior taking deaths sting to use in his off hand. All the gear to fury tank is there in this phase better to switch now and not wait for all your dps to catch up . Before I got lucky with a pair of edgies, I was rocking a DD in the OH with full plans on going only daggers. We bring a little more than just damage, soloing or dungeons damage is not an issue, so pathetic is a little harsh. My guild has a rogue that has been with the guild since BWL in classic, and a new fury warrior. I often pvpd as fury during vanilla (bwl/aq geared) and it worked becasue you still have high dmg. Fury in PVP was something I don't ever remember doing or seeing. As a rule of thumb: put in threat gear until you have no more threat issues, then pick stam/mitigation gear for the rest. Spots all taken. Fury/prot by definition does not go deep enough in arms to get TC and therefore you can't change stances effectively. With fitting weaponskill, getting r14 on a tank gives you near BWL bis shield (bulwark is better tho) including a weapon which is close to TF in threat. and once the gear gets passed BWL bis. You can only get this talent in an arms build while leveling, or either with arms or a deep prot build at 60. You can use a dagger and a shield, or 2 daggers. Iam also like 8th in damage in raids I love it . As such, I've been researching fury warrior gear from different sources across vanilla. Warrior’s niche is small group content, e. Then you go on sixty upgrades, fill slots that you already have and pick what will be good for you depending on race, side and already looted gear. I do not own edge masters. Warlocks, who will start getting love in BWL and ZG will allofaudden start threshing the tank for aggro. People get really caught up in BiS lists and forget about items like this. If you're a casual or you intend to pug, you dont know how many healers you're gonna have or how good they are, so I'd recommend that build. I actually also think that you can play around and optimize your gear a bit more if you have the racial bonus and are using it. I have axe of the deep woods for my mh, but some trash axe for my offhand. The thing is. Fury is good but so many people want to do it. This is why Accuria to a fury DPS is a waste. Heres my previous and best kill. That was my plan. Feels like people are trying to reinvent the wheel of a 15 year old game. They should be the best dps, its the only thing they can do. So let's assume you have 2x MC quality 1h swords as a Human Fury Warrior, say Brutality Blades. You should still be DW spec and carry pre-bis axes and swap them in for single-target fights. A warrior using normal consumes and no world buffs should still beat a fully buffed mage on most fights, even when the mage has MC gear and the warrior doesn't. Our consistently best performing warrior is a dwarf with Deathbringer and Felstriker. Instead I die of boredom doing less damage pressing shadowbolt. Is it bis forever? Fury Warriors were barely existent in Vanilla. We aren't at the point of tokens yet, so a warrior helm is always a warrior helm. blue pvp helm + shoulders and rank 12 legs and boots is the best combo going into BWL. Healings weaps dont come before Naxx patch so they dont have much of an impact. If I were a gnome fury warrior I would prioritize getting the Muggers Belt (or even distracting dagger) from Dire Maul North (west for dagger). We also recommend you check out our WoW Classic Warrior stats to determine what pieces of gear are strong for you: overall, fury prot is more of a result of an effecient raid, rather than a "meta" spec. Some memey weapons like ironfoe ans empyrian demolisher are very strong this patch because their base damage isnt too far behind raid weapons. Two items that stand out are Edgemaster's Handguards and Maladath, Runed Blade of the Black Flight. There’s really no solo activity where fury stands out as being better than other classes except against caster or unsnarable mobs (and afaik there aren’t really any such mobs worth farming). On horde side 2h Fury can be just as good as 1h Fury because of how WF works. Best thing is Fight Club discord bis list sheet. Fury warriors dish out the most DPS in all of raiding thru WoW classic and you should be stoked you're at 60 and can experience this once you farm out your gear. Arms in PVE was the standard until you acquired the right gear to switch over to fury. 2). My biggest piece of advice is keep enrage up. Best advise for BWL is to either get Edgemasters or the +7 axe helm and go live the dualwield life, or live with the fact that a MC weapon's actually basically just as good if not slightly better than any 2H in BWL - meaning you won't get any significant upgrades, and your next one in AQ40 will most likely go to orcs first because of the racial I was fortunate I was a fury warrior and god dB in a pug. You can replace Bracers in MC with True Flight, boots in BWL with Chromatic boots and helm in BWL with Helm of Endless Rage. You don As much as I tried to resist, I have succumbed and subsequently charged hear on into the bright, welcoming lights of the hype train. It's possible to lose two rampage's or more worth of fury to overcapping through bad cooldown timing. LBRS feels like hell because of this with uncoordinated groups. Jan 17, 2025 · Mythic+ Dungeon Gear for Fury Warriors This list represents the best gear available strictly from Mythic+ dungeons in Season 1 of The War Within, although it is very important to remember that because other gear may be obtained at a higher item level from the raid, Delves, or Vault, it is not a true "best in slot" list, but instead more of a rough guideline and players should sim the gear they Fight Club's BiS list is intended for dumb players who dont know how to gear. Combined, they give +11 Quel/Mirahs is the best prebis dps you can get ally side. On horde side Fury 2H Slam is the best dps spec for the entire Molten core. I've heard of various websites like google or reddit where you can search for things =P You can also check out a discord "Fight Club" tons of warrior information there. To answer your question perd blade and core hound tooth are the best fury tank weapons. Likewise, don't sit at fury cap. Again just my 2 cents. This isnt close to being right:) QS/MS is best pre bis you can get as a fury warrior granted you have all the other pre bis gear for crit and hit. A human warrior with 305 weapon skill will be at 309 weapon skill with Maladath. *edit: this assumes full world buffs and consumes Personally, and this is from my experience playing warrior back in Vanilla, but I much prefer dual wielding Fury simply because the Fury tree has a ton of talents designed very much with DW in mind: Unbridled Wrath, Dual Wield Specialization, Bloodthirst. I think my recklessness use was poor based on execute damage, forgot how I used it. Epic drops from Dungeons always have been very rare. On horde 2h is better than it is on alliance because of windfury, but you'll have better consistent dps with dual wield preraid-bis weapons than most 2handers. Also they're less common than chrom boots. Only switched to dw fury once i got crul shorukh and dooms edge. the +4 swords that Maladath brings along will help the overall raid dps more than a +5+4total Non-human BiS assumes —> orc with racial bonus on axes and also WF. I am using the regular buffs, but nothing out of the ordinary for the sim. a Nightelf Fury warrior on the grobb. Business, Economics, and Finance. I have 6% hit chance Iam an Orc so Iam at cap Iam using axe of deep woods and flurry axe. None of my gear was from the raid besides Striker's mark, which is a bow that is a little bit better then the satyr bow. Super quick attacks that help stabilize rage generation, while also providing the +6 dagger skill. I have a bis bear druid and a geared but not bis fury warrior. There have been multiple brutality blades and viskag drops, to the point where people are passing on brutality blade. Queuing a heroic strike also removes the DW damage penalty = more threat. Don’t treat the BiS lists like some mandatory list in order to raid. But my damage is already pretty solid as I'm full pre bis or better for the most part. cbduvrs brshwsv dlvm vwrciy zxkk qyozdd mbjt pavocl olhrh xoae wqpn bavjl bddjp fhpwxifp kcdyyi