Failing community college reddit. First of all, I'm so sorry you're going through this.
Failing community college reddit The highschool subreddit is a dynamic online community where students connect, share experiences, and seek advice. I'm 29 and still struggling through community college. You need to reevaluate what you’re pursuing if Calc 1 is required for your major. Yet I did pass Drafting I with Barring, that, an ambitious 15-16 year old would be better off getting a ged at 15 and/or taking community college classes in the stem to prep for AP tests; it sucks, but that's the corrupt corporatism and the dept. I got a flat F in a math class in community college, and aside from putting a big dent in my GPA for the rest of my college career I still got into a state university and completed a BA. Retook all the classes I did not do well in addition to the new prerequisites that I still had to complete. For my first 2 years I maintained a college GPA of 3. I even completely stopped going to college 2 months before the end of the second semester bec I have news for you dude: people complain about the exact same stuff at my 4 year university. I’m going to end up failing the class this semester due to just a lot of stuff going on and me not setting aside enough time to study and do my work. I did college algebra, pre calc, and eventually through calc 2 at community college. I was failing classes, could not focus, and I too struggled with extreme guilt over the fact that even though I was holding down a job and going to I'm too behind that if I fail these classes I will not graduate in time, and it definitely looks like I'll be failing my semester classes. I changed my major last fall semester and planned to graduate by this spring. 5 years and even failed out of college - twice! - because at that time I was undiagnosed and didn't even know I had ADHD. this is a fantastic idea. I'm not even really sure what to do about this anymore. e. Failed out of uni, then failed out of community college, and made it back into uni but am close to failing out again. College isn't about never failing. When I returned to college some 20 years later, I realized young me had made college far more difficult. 0 that makes the college think you aren't making adequate academic progress and need a break before you can return and hopefully be successful. So I am a first year college student, and I am definitely 100% going to fail chemistry (hence the username haha). Welcome to the Green and Gold of Reddit. We are the University of South Florida Bulls. I go to a small community college and drive an hour or more every day to get there. 4 GPA. Ok so this is my third semester at a community college. I’m 26 like in my college I see people who are in their 40s 50s that want to pursue higher education. My only regret is wasting so much of my parent's money that first year. 292. It happens. i ended up dropping out, easing back into it with community college classes, and then transferring back to a four-year-school. 1 GPA after my first semester. I only passed 2 classes out of 5 in the first semester and I failed all of the classes in the second semester. 7K votes, 90 comments. I failed out my first year at a 4 year university, took a year off and started studying at a local community college. I failed 2 community college classes and the worst thing that happend was losing finnancial aid. Got transfer scholarship to 4-year school, doing well. I switched majors, which helped, but I was losing focus and ended up failing a lot of my classes. Got my shit together, got a job and payed my way through community college. Personally, it was because I kind of just assumed that the community college I chose would automatically have sixteen week courses all around. My question is, will this failed course affect me after I get into a school? Unfortunately, I had never really started giving a fuck, and had coasted through the semesters at the community college. It took a month before i could drive onto my community college campus without crying. if you absolutely have to take it at a community college Check your community college's major offerings for the computer science department, and read their requirements, because that's where the "gotcha" is going to be. When I failed out of there my parents enrolled me in community college. College algebra is harder than a lot of the upper level CS-related math courses because it is a general education requirement and not the type of math that software engineers use. I was put on academic probation because I failed all my classes in my first semester. failing algebra at a community college . If he's genuinely interested in earning a college degree, going to a community college seems like a much better option for him. I have terrible executive dysfunction. The real problem I don't think is the fact that I don't like IT( I think IT is fine and won't mind it as a career but isn't really my preferred field I would have liked to be in. Can you retake it at a different college? I failed out of commuinty college 3x times. But, after taking some time off, I began seeing a therapist and was able to work through some issues, and I am slowly but steadily getting back on track. In a similar situation to you (one semester at an incredibly difficult school, failed out on a one-test technicality with isolation and mental health issues during covid, couldn't transfer. Do not let that discourage you, I was only properly diagnosed very recently and starting meds this week! I have failed so many classes, hence why i'm 29 and still at CC haha. Same man I’m failing to :( I honestly feel like killing myself this system is fucked up I just wish I had a high paying job already but I know I have to go through all this bullshit while working a job n having bills lifes tough I recently feel like I’m getting depressed again because of my grades n I don’t like this shit fuck I wish my fucken brain could just deal with this shit n A community for the *quality discussion* of The Wheel of Time series of novels by Robert Jordan (& completed by Brandon Sanderson) as well as Amazon's streaming adaptation, the first audiobook recordings by Michael Kramer & Kate Reading, the second audiobook recordings by Rosamund Pike, the graphic novels adaptation by Chuck Dixon & Chase Conley (and continued by Rik Hoskin and Marcio Abreu Failing community college will be the least of their concerns, whether or not they had a fiscal stake in it. there’s a possibility it can affect your FAFSA. You have 3+ years to make up for the GPA impact I transferred to a community college to take some transferable gen eds and realized that as much as I want to complete my degree, I wasn't enjoying the classes anymore. I started going to college last year in October with the intention of getting a degree in computer science. I took two classes at a community college out of boredom during high school, one of which I failed (because I just wanted to learn, didn't care to take the exams). also, I recommend retaking the class at UCSD so the failing grade doesn’t get factored into your GPA and lower it unnecessarily. Either way drop the class and retake it or find another class that satisfies the required credits for this difficult class (if it's the same class, see if there is another professor). At that point, I was just thankful that I went to community college and transferred rather than go straight to a 4-year. I'm 19 years old in the first semester of my second year (community college). If it’s an option, if you weren’t a fan of your professor and you didn’t like the teaching style of your last calculus class, some people will retake a course that they failed at a local community college or just a different college with a great professor, and then transfer that credit to their university afterwards. The result was fairly predictable: I ended up with a 1. I had a tough time with gen. its a slow process to bring it back up, don’t get frustrated. I did horrible because I’ve been really depressed. The tuition was still really cheap so I just had to get a part time job to pay for the classes. I would encourage him to seek out tutors and Disabled Student Program resources as well as take advantage of psychological services offered on campus. Hi guys, this is my first semester at college and well I'm failing pre-algebra with a D+. Then i will take some clep exams for the credits that i didnt get but think i can still pass a test for. i couldn’t handle college right out of high school, it was too overwhelming in every way. I don’t know why, but I haven’t been doing shit. I took a few business classes at the community college and saw that my university offered an online business degree. I just want a degree from community college and join the workforce. If there are any courses you are actually failing with an F and the professor doesn’t see a path forward to you passing the class at this point, withdraw from those courses. I went to community college for one semester and got all As. When I went into college, I initially wanted to go into environmental science. Failed so many classes that I got a financial aid suspension, got the financial aid suspension appealed, failed more classes and got another financial aid suspension. The second semester I was addicted to drugs. I attend a community college and even though I'm 21, I still don't know if I'm mature enough for college. In college the problems are not just academic, but much more varied. I do all the homework online and get A's and B's, groupwork is 100%, but when it comes to quizzes and tests, I just blank out. So, if you're struggling with college algebra, you will struggle with upper division math and will likely have multiple failures which could result in academic probation or worse. It’s really depressing and sad to think about, but it’s the reality. May 18, 2024 路 I started college in 2020, so I know how bad it's been. After this i failed all the next semester with some withdraws and it continued that way until now. of education with our intentionally dumbed down masses focused nation. ” Highschool is mostly easy because all the problems you most solve are just sitting there for you. I hated all the "fluff" classes unrelated to my major (Computer Science). I'm making the same mistakes I have made in high school. Transferring should fix your GPA issue which is the hardest to fix. you got this tbh, money wise, if you can take it over a community college i would. being the only class i needed to graduate at the very last semester. Hi all, im new to reddit, so please dont mind me if i pour my heart and soul out. So as of last semester I took math 120 and passed with a D It’s not the end of the world, it’s okay and you’re okay. I took Intro to Physics and Passed by the skin of my teeth with a C- and failed Intermediate Algebra. chemistry 2, failed biology twice, also failed calculus 2 and intro to statistics and a few other humanities. A transfer college/uni will literally never know that you failed classes at community college unless you tell them. I was definitely in the same situation the first two years of college after I got out in 2015. My self worth and self esteem used to be so tied to my grades in high school. Failing Community College Course . make sure they know you failed a class as it gets you higher on the priority list. I’ve never had to retake a class but here are two important tidbits i have for you, as a senior who’s taken a summer semester. The classes at my community college start a week earlier and end earlier so when those classes end, I can focus on on just 2 finals at a time. **It's about what to do AFTER you fail--whether you have the persistence to learn from your mistakes and try again. Then failed the entire semester after due to personal reasons (failed relationships, family issues, moving). 95 gpa in 2000, but eventually went back and got a bs in physics in 2010 then promptly failed to make any career progress being unemployed for half of the last decade. If you can attend a state school or community college that's within driving distance, commute to save money. That wasn't the case: I accidentally enrolled myself in a messed-up schedule that got me stressed out and burned out. I have four weeks left in the semester and afraid I'll California wants more community college students in four-year schools. This can be an opportunity to gain new experiences, work on personal growth, and reflect on your academic goals 4. But my problem is due to being overworked. It will get better. I failed university and was put on academic suspension. All of them were online. I received a grant when I graduated high school that covered my community college education entirely for free, two terms in and I'm about to lose the grant due to low grades. Keep pushing G it’s common to fail a class 馃檹馃徎 never back down never give up. Out of the 15 credits I enrolled for I only passed with 1. You can apply all you want to other schools, however, part of that application will be sending official transcripts. passing grade is a 78 and got about a ~69 GPA. I failed 3 classes at community college and surprise! The world didn’t end and I wasn’t hated or unloved. I honestly thought I was done with college and would never be able to recover from this. 1. I understand this semester was different, but you did fail this class. tl;dr: Failed out of Ivy League school freshman year because I wasn't prepared for that environment. We'll see. I never went to class and never did any homework => Fail, all Es. I worked for about 5 years in low paying jobs. If anything colleges like to see that you’ve diversified classes. Community college is a safety net, utilize it. A community for students, faculty, alumni, and staff of USF. If you're able to drop before you actually fail off that's the path your going even better but worst case it's survivable. First of all, I'm so sorry you're going through this. I was going to literally the #1 school in America for my major. Jun 17, 2017 路 You must first demonstrate the ability to succeed in community college before thinking about a far more demanding UC or “good four year. I got 3. 6gpa BS in computer science and minor in math. Moved back home to attend community college. I'm only missing a handful of classes before I can transfer and retaking some of the failed classes puts me over what I need. College algebra is the easiest of the math courses for an accounting major. This semester I changed my college plan from Business to computer science and have to take Precal. In high school, I was more or less a sloth haha. Now I've switched programs, gotten diagnosed, and just got on the Dean's list, so there's hope. Been there - cycled in and out of depression for 5. I usually get 40 to 50 points on exams and 60 and 70 points on quizzes. I went to college right after but I dropped out after consecutive semesters failing classes. I went to community college straight out of High School (HS GPA was 3. Somehow I’ve managed to fail in community college as well and I’ve been on academic probation since. 0, bunch of extra curriculars, lots of lor, but couldn’t afford the schools I wanted, and I had no passion for any major, so I decided to do cc so I could figure some stuff out and save some money Remember, it's about the journey: When I eventually returned to community college, I took only all the fun classes I was interested in. If your grades are generally good then you should be fine unless you’re trying to get into one of the top exclusive schools. 9 because, well, it was community college, but I hadn't solved my motivation issues before transferring up. 7, completed several AP classes), attended CC for 1 year. Started paying for college out of pocket and haven't failed a class since. It feels like I’m proving everyone who doubted me right including my advisor. The smallest things trigger me into total self defeating moods. I didn’t care at all. Was told that I needed to pass 17 credits without failing one of them to be able to get financial aid again. If you can't obtain above a C, I'd consider choosing a new major. As the title says, I’m on my 3rd time failing college algebra. Skipped class, partied a lot, got terrible grades, never did homework, but did well on tests. I am 21 years old, I have been in community college for 4 years now. If you did poorly in high school there’s a very good chance you’re going to waste a lot of money failing out of a full university. Yes, I worked too many hours. Kept pushing and now I’m on my last semester about to get a bachelors degree with an internship starting soon. Honestly, this has been the biggest fuck-up of my entire life, I took four classes, withdrew from one, and failed the other 3. So they'll know you failed out at another program, meaning they're less likely to accept you since why take someone who, to them, has shown they can't pass vs someone with good grades who might pass. 70 this semester but my cumulative is still under 2. Was a depressed bum for a while. I treated college as a means to an end. Students that fail college algebra often breeze through upper level courses like abstract algebra. I was in community college for 7 years until I transferred to a university. Im failing community college and don’t know what to do next Graduated high school in 2021, did pretty good all throughout, 4. Why are most failing to transfer? — the numbers are low and disparities across the system persist, especially between colleges in rural areas and those in wealthy suburbs. ) i switched my major though and that helped. No need to feel ashamed; however, if ADHD is genuinely ruining my shot at life. So much. It didnt really afffect me much other than losing out on 2 years of free school. So essentially I have no GPA until I get my NCSU class grades, and community college classes don’t affect your GPA at all, only what classes you Trying to salvage the situation, I decided to transfer to my local community college with the intention of retaking those challenging courses and transferring back to ERAU. My first major was computer science, after failing coding, i decided to change my major. My slacker habits followed me from high school, and so I ended up with 8 classes completed with a 2. I really hated myself for failing and was so hyper focused on actually graduating I made it my mission. Now he's in grad school and doing fantastically. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. It really just didn't click for me for the longest time. 6. As for your parents, just explain what happened, and hopefully they're understanding. My older brother went to a top-tier college for one year for computer engineering, got obsessed with WoW and failed out, failed out a second time from a different college, and finally got his degree part time at a state school. Just retake it. I'm at a community college with the plan to transfer to a 4 year university. “I didn’t fail the class because the hard drive failed. Yes, I had hurricane Katrina and a deployment interrupt me, but I also know my heart wasn't in it. the following semester i took a lighter course load (3 classes) and got two B’s and a C. College seems like by far the easiest of these options to these students, but they have no particular desire to go to college. All posts not adhering to community rules will be removed. However when I was attending William Paterson in the fall, I failed Philosophy and decided to take it upon myself to transfer out to a local Community College and change majors from communications to Engineering. As for financial aid, if your GPA is above 2. 0 so I got suspended. If I retake it, I’m taking him. If he really wants to put in the effort and succeed in college, he needs to prove it to both you and himself. I’m pretty sure I’m going to fail because I missed the for an exam which is worth a significant part of my grade. I took algebra online my first summer after high school, and got a C. I went on academic probation and nearly dropped out halfway through sophomore year. I'm on anti depressants, i still cry a lot. My mom has been supporting me through college, including tuition, so that i do not build up a debt through college, she only knows of two of my failed classes, i found out about 10 minutes ago that I failed the other 2, so i never got to break it to her. I will give you a little background: I'm 21, work part time at a grocery store, still live at home, and I'm paying my own way through college. Consider taking a break year before returning to college. I understand what you are going through right now better than you can possibly imagine. Also, I just need a C to pass my community college courses to transfer and it helps to keep that in the back of my mind if I feel overwhelmed, C's at community college won't hurt my GPA. 2M subscribers in the college community. You can get put on academic probation and later dismissed or suspended if your GPA falls below a certain level, often about 2. I have failed 2 classes in my community college and I’m about to fail my third this semester. Let them know you’re trying to pass. Failing out of community college Didn't think I was ready for college, proved myself right. I don’t know if getting on debt for an engendering degree is worth it when I’m struggling with college already While in college, my mental health started getting really bad and my work was working me 6-7days a week and I couldn’t say no because my rent was rising. The subreddit for discussion related to college and collegiate life. Failing the class can impact your acceptances since all colleges provisionally admit you plus it will remain on your permanent college transcript so if you apply to Professional or Graduate schools, you would have to explain the F. He demoralized them by stapling change of major forms to their failed exams. Maybe down the road I’ll get bachelors degree idk. What's more, they find out how free the college atmosphere is: instructors aren't taking roll, aren't sending progress reports home, aren't hounding you to finish your work, how great! Then they get a couple F's, wind Failing class twice Community college This semester I re-took a class that I failed previously in the spring and because of pure laziness and complete uninterest in the subject, I failed it a second time on the last day today. Then I decided to transfer to a community college so I can figure my shit out for lower tuition. I've failed algebra twice and math is a fucking nightmare for me. Jul 30, 2024 路 this semester im doing 2 classes in community college which is in total 600 bucks. There’s no other schools nearby besides a small agriculture based community college. It's filled with engaging discussions on academics, extracurriculars, college prep, and social life. My gpa is in pretty bad shape, a 2. If you have a chance to drop the class and take a withdraw rather than an F, that is always better. I've struggled with keeping up in school since I was a kid. I failed out of college from depression from the drug use and failing at life. Hello! 2 years into college here! I wouldn’t worry about that. [QUOTE=""] I’ve recently had my first semester in a community college where I had 5 classes. I realize that you probably know this by now, djbrettb, but for anyone else reading this: if you want to take a class "just to learn", see if you can audit it. If you GPAs don't usually transfer between schools anyways, so be honest with your application, apply for universities (if you don't get in, community college is always an option, which actually may even be a better place to start since UC transfer admissions are HUGELY biased towards community college transfers), bust your ass off, and do well at Posted by u/daryans4 - 5 votes and 5 comments 3. I'm failing college, depressed, and don't know what to tell my family This past semester was the first semester of my sophomore year of college. As of now I am on Academic Probation, I feel like a failure. 0 (some majors require higher GPA), then you are considered to be in good academic standing, but if you fall below that threshold, you get put on Academic Probation. I am a freshman and I have been struggling throughout the whole year academically and mentally. Again, not entirely the kids' fault. Eventually made my way into construction, joined a union and now support myself and wife and live very comfortably. required to take it for your major). 6 — the professor does NOT That's not entirely true. My family will be very upset with me if I drop out, obviously, and I would become homeless because I currently live at the dorms, which my scholarship pays for. I went to a college in a city with no family or prior friends, I was 30 at the time, and I felt so fucking out of place. Dec 15, 2024 路 So…I’m doing community college for a good two years and I’m fresh out of high school sorta. So I took the courses at community college and bumped up my gpa to a 3. Building stuff everyday with your hands is very very rewarding. I'm still on the fence with math, there's a good chance I could fail but I might just squeak by. I'm not over exaggerating or being dramatic, there's no way I could pass at this point. The first time I went to a public university on scholarship and ended up failing out because of not going to class or doing homework. Edit: 5 of them were classes I withdrew from very late into the term. I started at a community college because I knew I'd never be accepted to a university. Which I’m considering transferring to because I’m changing majors from business to ag business. Usually you can't get kicked out for failing a single class unless you have multiple other classes that are near failing. I passed 4 of them. They told me I had one semester to bring my cumulative to 2. I failed out my second year, now i am going to a community college. Community college is THE place to fail and learn. Nov 21, 2010 路 So right out of high school I started taking classes at my local community college. When I was a freshman in community college, I failed my second semester because I was in a really bad relationship that was eating up all my time. I've had plenty of good semesters with undiagnosed, unmedicated adhd. My college offers three computer science majors: Computer and Information Science, Computer Science Applications and Development, and Web and Mobile Application Development. Or at least I’m assuming this is failing. The course isn’t on my high school transcript and I’m not going to send the transcript of the community college until I get into a college. Sure, you might have slightly greater opportunity to meet people at a traditional college, but your social experience is always going to be pretty heavily dependent on the opportunities you take advantage of and class composition. Or perhaps a nearby community college that does dual enrollment with your college. It sucks. 1. . What really helped me pass math the third time, was Khan Academy, Patrick JMT ( he makes math videos on youtube), and I actually use high school/middle school math textbooks instead of my college one. My GPA from there is a 2. However, things didn't go as planned. I failed because I didn’t plan for bad things to happen and I didn’t spring into problem solving mode fast enough. Second semester I completely crashed, stopped showing up to class, failed my 3 classes and GPA plummeted. Please use this subreddit to ask for and offer help and to discuss both the exam itself and news about the exam. Without knowing why you failed, it's hard to give you advice on how to push forward. College is a huge transition and pledging a fraternity demands a lot of time and commitment. The only bad thing is though I didn’t pass my English class, ending it with a high D. Had a stellar GPA at both a university and community college last semester, getting ready to fail classes at both this semester due to family and mental health issues and a medication shortage. As far as who'd want to accept you--plenty of colleges. I’m not really sure how it works. You're showing tough love & teaching him a lesson. I was looking for advice whether I can transfer to another college or so should I just try to recover my GPA and finish my associate degree. Anyways due to all these circumstances I ended up completely failing out of school, using my last chance to get good grades meaning I can not attended that community college again. My junior year of college, I was in such a bad mental state that I failed all of my classes. Ideally, I would take Chinese at one of the community colleges, but they only offer Spanish. Yes, the Colleges you applied will ask for a final College transcript. I was valedictorian of a class of over 400 in high school. So far, I have taken all of my courses within my state's community college system due to cost, scheduling convenience, and location convenience. I have already had to repeat classes that I took in the fall semester because I failed and i'm still failing them now and I don't like my major. Maybe you could check to see if there is anyone else who does it during winter or summer if that would be doable for you. 5. But depending on the answers to the questions above you might need to do some redemption in order to stay in good academic standing. Curious why you didn’t drop the class knowing you were doing bad? Tbh two Fs will not break you (at least for non competitive schools). Email and talk to your professors asap and see what you can do. I had a scholarship that I was going to lose due to failing out, and I had to figure out a way to tell my parents, who also weren't aware I was in this bad relationship. I failed advanced algebra in high school in the 90s, dropped out of college after 3 semesters with a 0. The only GPA that will be affected is the community college GPA :) I transferred to NCSU this semester from another college, and NCSU gave me credit for the classes I passed without giving me a GPA. So i've been thinking of transferring to a community college just so I can have some sort of restart. I didn't consult my advisors because talking to them makes me anxious. I still managed to pull off a 3. 7 and unfortunately I have to pay for everything out of pocket at this point. I am now business admin. It’s better to earn low credits this semester because of Ws than to earn low credits because of Fs and then spend the rest of your college career trying to compensate I failed a whole semester in community college. i failed medsurg in nursing school. Im going into my senior year and while all the incoming freshman are taking Pre calc or calc I still can’t get over my math demons. this last fall semester is the first ever semester i’ve gotten all A’s. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. He told us that he purposely made the classes/exams/homework harder than needed because he wanted to weed people out. But due to lack of failure and family pressure of constantly getting reminded about my age and where I’m at in life. Even if you’ve failed it suggests that you aren’t afraid of trying something new — especially if you have nothing really to gain academically from it (I. So I’m on the verge of failing. 8 Now I just… 113 votes, 22 comments. the website modern states has free courses which if you complete them then youll be a coupon code and be able to take the clep exam at your school. If you're new here, please read the sticky and/or /r/USF/wiki/index before submitting a new post. At the beginning of these classes, I would complete my assignments and watch the lectures, but then the second half of the semester I would just stop doing everything. As the title suggests, I used to attend a pretty good private university for four semester, in the last semester I suffered SA and the administration and whole system at the school failed me badly and I ended up failing all of my courses in the last semester there and was put on mandatory academic leave. I graduated High school in 2022 and when i first enrolled in community college i had to withdraw from my first semester entirely due to not being able to get there and not having a computer. New to USF or an incoming Freshman? A forum to discuss the SAT and forms of preparation for taking the test. I failed a class (calc 2 freshman year, bad college adjustment) but survived, graduated and Ten years later successful career in structural engineering and started a related company with several million in revenues. 40 years old. it was the best decision i’ve ever made! you shouldn’t feel stupid, you may just not be ready yet or have the right Still in college, but yeah I’d say so. I did relatively well as a freshman, but this year my grades have taken a complete turn. Back in school again. Was undiagnosed until a month ago so hoping things turn around. I did four classes, in which 3 I barely passed Sep 10, 2024 路 Failed a couple of classes my first semester from adjusting to the college pace, retook those with some new courses and succeeded. ” Focus on Step 1 – getting your Associates degree. I would recommend going to CAPS and talking to someone, it really helps. I initially wanted to get into the nursing program but my first semester gpa was a 2. Then I took some time off and began working my hometown. I decided to invest in learning about myself, this was when I began gaining a little bit more of insight into which direction I wanted. i'm currently in algebra 1, which has kicked my ass Computer engineering but as I said before I may have to re think that. i was in the final stretch and failed medsurg the first time miserably. if you decide to return to college, consider applying to a community college to complete your general education requirements. so went to community and failed out there too! I went back to the same university after my suspension was up and graduated with a 3. You will definitely save a lot of money. took an online asynch community college class that I hated, and ended up in a technical school program since. i also had a couple of semesters where i failed classes (including last spring and fall. A failed class isn't the end of the world or your college career. Are these the only two classes you’ve ever failed in college? What was your GPA before failing? Are you in community college and plan to transfer to a 4 year? In the grand scheme of things, I’d say no. Failing one class is not the end of the world, especially in your Freshman year of college (plenty of mistakes are made by 18-19 year olds away from home for the first time) If your college offers a credit recovery program, I advise you enroll in it. I even failed 2 classes! This year (2nd year) I currently have straight A's and am even ranked first in You can have a social life at community college, no problem. It created an awful mindset and a lot of inner turmoil. I faced failure again, multiple times, and my GPA at my community college dropped to 2. second time i took the class, i put all of my energy into it, falling short with a GPA of 77. 2. dxw oxqgpg xzqqu luf cbplt frtl wvwvhax ucpscw sryu ppqje qdvf ndzdpwo rjeplt xid ajxkfd