Define punctum in photography WordSense Dictionary: punctum - meaning, definition, origin. The punctum in Wessing’s image above – the nuns that happened to be passing – puts me in mind of Henri Cartier Bresson’s “the decisive moment” although Barthes is keen to point out that these details of the punctum can often be unseen by the photographer. com/jamiewindsor to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code JAMIEWINDSOR. The absence of punctum results in a neutral reaction to a photograph, rather than the passionate response that the presence of punctum elicits. In his book Camera Lucida, Barthes undertook to define the essence of photography. The punctum sneaks into the photograph; it is a surprise every time. Very broadly, we could say that the studium appeals to the intellect, while the punctum appeals to the emotions. "Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society - Vol 1 - 1666" by Various. Later, I upgraded to my father's hand-me-down Nikon D70, and ultimately landed on my current Nikon D300. n , pl of a photo, but these are all reasonable answers to define something unreasonable. One can produce Even when there is a detail that was not pre-produced by the author, is called the punctum. A photograph's punctum is that accident which pricks me (but also bruises me, is poignant to me)' (CL, p. Denoting the wounding, personally touching detail which establishes a direct relationship with the object or person within it. It corresponds to an isolated musical note. Photography can serve purely practical purposes, or exist as a distinct category in the fine arts. 2010 - New Age Dictionary Database; 1898 - Warner's pocket medical dictionary of today. The point that skewers you. ”17 But behind every punctum is the experience of the essential catastrophe: of death. punctum lacrima´le (pl. While far from the last word on photography in this post-structuralist postmodern world of ours, and (as Geoff Dyer cautions in his forward) while far from the last word even in Barthes’ own thinking, nevertheless the studium/punctum delimiters together form a useful point May 16, 2023 · The studium can be seen as related to the iconic dimension of photography, where the image represents or resembles its subject matter. Mar 1, 2021 · The possibility of meaning-making and the punctum resides in many factors: architecture’s empty signs; active viewing by the Spectator; lack of intentionality by the photographer; the possibility of shared punctum; the past, present, and future depicted in images; and a sense of humanity (whether people are portrayed or not). The meaning of PUNCTUM is a small area marked off from a surrounding surface. French philosopher Roland Barthes discussed his thoughts about photography in detail in his book, Camera Lucida. ” Jul 30, 2024 · Portrait photography and punctum Landscape photography. Mar 27, 2024 · Don’t sell the McLean House photo short. n , pl -tums or -ta 1. According to the french philosopher, linguist, critic Roland Barthes the idea of the punctumcan be applied within contemporary culture. According to The paper will be divided into five parts: 1) Introduction, 2) The Definition of Aura in Film and Photography, 3) Aura in Photography, 4) Aura in Film, 5) Conclusion and Social implications. o encontro do studium e punctum Nov 10, 2018 · Barthes define a fotografia como algo inclassificável pelo fato de reproduzir um momento, que, repetido mecanicamente, jamais se reeditará existencialmente. The punctum in street photography, thus, gives the viewer a glimpse into the subtle, often overlooked aspects of everyday life. Returning to his concept of photography as ‘pure contingency’ and an ‘emanation of the referent’, Barthes explains that he first thought of analyzing it after his mother’s death in 1977. punctum dictionary . Nov 4, 2023 · Studium offers a shared, surface-level pleasure, while Punctum provides a deeply personal and emotional response that goes beyond the photographer’s deliberate intentions, making photography a punctum [pungk´tum] (L. It is this deep, but very PART II CAMERA OBSCURA. ----- Mar 19, 2024 · Barthes. The Definition For Aura in Film and Photography Despite Benjamin’s definition, the meaning of aura is still disputed. In landscape photography, punctum often involves elements of nature that serve to puncture Oct 29, 2022 · The punctum is usually a specific signifier in the photograph whose impact might be “revealed only after the fact” when you think back to the image. Learn the definition of 'punctum'. ” “In other words, punctum is not a quality of an individual photograph; rather it is a relation of the photograph to its context–real or fictional. ), he scored every point who combined the useful with the sweet. You seemed to really enjoy photography, and I really enjoyed reading your blog. Most of the 50 photographs appeared at first glance as impersonal and anonymous and almost insufferably nostalgic: the majority of them black and white. In the 1960s and entering the next decade, Barthes's analysis of photography develops more detail and insight through a structuralist approach; the treatment of photography in Mythologies is by comparison tangential and simple. Coined by Roland Barthes in his book "Camera Lucida," punctum is subjective and varies from person to person. Dec 26, 2024 · As a journalist he met and interviewed some of the world’s greatest photographers and produced articles on a wide range of photography related topics, presented technique videos, wrote in-depth features, curated and edited best-in-class content for a range of titles including; Amateur Photographer, PhotoPlus, N-Photo, Professional Photography Interested in photography? At kaitphotography. Studium and punctum are two characteristics for critiquing a photo. May 27, 2021 · Head to https://www. As such, it’s actually one of the biggest clichés in photography writing. A number of semiotic exercises can be performed with this term, as Barthes points out: 'punctum is also: sting, speck, cut, little hole - and also a cast of the dice. Knowing my interpretation is very limited as it has been some years I have read his book. What Barthes tries to uncover in photography, can be examined in regards to glitch art. Explore quizzes and practice tests created by teachers and students or create one from your course material. It’s the little things that catch your eye and tug at your heartstrings. He thinks a lot about the relationship between photography and death. In any case, I think the confusions arise because Barthes is trying to construct a public theory of private meaning, and art criticism can’t do that (maybe psychology can eventually). A punctum is the little, unexpected extra in a photo. 2. ” ― Roland Barthes, Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography 2. There is still in this Mar 27, 2024 · I would be remiss if I were not to mention that “punctum,” apart from being a coined word with a conscientious and earnest definition, is also a signifier. Because the punctum is Punctum is a locus (a sign) of possible appearance. You distinguished punctum and studium perfectly by saying how studium is nature, while punctum is joy. Definition of punctum in the Definitions. 5 definitions of punctum- meanings and example sentences. A punctum could be anything and is very much dependent on what ‘pricks’ the Spectator so in this sense is wider but in fact it may be a very small detail that is the punctum and he gives examples of these As a result, Fried writes, Barthes’ fascination with photography is borne from its ability to ‘overcom[e] theatre in and through the punctum’ (Fried 2008, 111). My aim is not to repeat familiar arguments about how Barthes's ‘The Third Meaning’ anticipates the photographic punctum in a cinematic context; it is, rather, to attend specifically to Mourning Diary as a much closer, more precise precursor which has been visible only since 2009, and which casts new light upon the work of Roland Barthes. Wikipedia summarizes the two concepts as such: “studium denotes the cultural, linguistic, and political interpretation of a photograph, and punctum denotes the wounding, personally touching detail which establishes a direct relationship with the object or person within it. Browse the use examples 'punctum' in the great English corpus. It expands and ‘endows’ photography with the presence of what Barthes (1981: 57) calls ‘a blind field’, a ground from which the unseen may climb to perceptibility. His efforts aim to fashion an altogether customized framework—one that is distinct from already-determined accounts of images and representation—in which one can ‘classify’ photography, so as to get at its essence, or noeme. Since Plato this derogatory coupling of artifice and theatricality has been well rehearsed in the antitheatrical traditions of Western thought and in Fried’s earlier discussions Nov 4, 2021 · An image that only has studium is not interesting, because it would lack punctum. In his Camera Lucida, from 1980, he tried to redefine photography. Comme, à âge égal, l'amplitude d'accommodation est à peu près la même pour les différents sujets les punctums du myope sont plus rapprochés de l'œil que ceux d'un emmétrope. Punctum—that which punctures. OMNE TULIT PUNCTUM QUI MISCUIT UTILE DULCI (L. ) Zone perceptible ou champ de vision spécifique. Punctum is the rare detail that attracts you to an image, Barthes says ‘its mere presence changes my reading, that I am looking at a new photograph, marked in my eyes with a higher value. The punctum is the most powerful, even dangerous, aspect of photography for Barthes. punctum photography definition . His thoughts about the distinction between the studium and punctum of the photograph are particularly well known. Jun 15, 2020 · The first definition of punctum in the dictionary is a tip or small point. Involuntary Feature: Punctum can be a bit of a wild card. The detail that Barthes might experience as the punctum in a photograph is different from the one that I might experience, which, in turn, is different than the one you might experience. This is not a good place to simply share cool photos/videos or promote your own work and projects, but rather a place to discuss photography as an art and post things that would be of interest to other photographers. 1. Jul 3, 2012 · The normal anatomy of the punctum varies greatly and there is scant evidence to aid in the clinical definition of what constitutes punctal stenosis. It is thus the very element that attracts us to certain photographs, and is beyond denoted and connoted meaning. 27). Notice the seven distinct sections of angled fencing at ground level, contrasted with the prominent and even verticals of the porch level, contrasted with the elongated lozenge shapes of the second floor railing, all behind the foreground of evenly spaced trees in Aug 18, 2020 · In Roland Barthes’s 1981 book Camera Lucida, he introduces the concept of a photograph’s punctum, which can be defined as the sensory, intensely subjective effect of a photograph on the viewer, or as he puts it: “that accident which pricks me (but also bruises me, is poignant to me). anatomy a tip or small Jun 25, 2023 · The theory of the punctum speaks the indexical nature of the photographic medium. It comes from pungo, meaning I pierce. Punctum Photography captures unique and stunning images with years of experience. Oct 13, 2017 · These facts are misleading and offer the confidence that photography is nothing new to us, but the meaning and the content of photography is something incredibly far from familiar, at least to me. It may also refer to: In photography, a term used by Roland Barthes to Recognizing something powerful is instinctive, which makes it hard to define. Introduction: Camera Obscura, Camera Lucida and the Sirens. How to use punctum in a sentence. Find your #1 Photography Progress Killer with this free quiz: https://www. Check meanings, examples, usage tips, pronunciation, domains, related words. On top of this, the Dec 17, 2022 · It was published in 1980. in a location that Barthes calls the punctum. Nov 10, 2018 · Barthes define a fotografia como algo inclassificável pelo fato de reproduzir um momento, que, repetido mecanicamente, jamais se reeditará existencialmente. com/punctum-bett Define punctum. The overall project of Barthe’s Camera Lucida is to determine a new mode of observation and, ultimately, a new consciousness by way of Photography. Keywords:-Studium, Punctum, Cultural, spectator, semiotics. Citation 3 , Citation 5 – Citation 7 A prospective study of 50 asymptomatic patients found the lower puncti to be without any recognizable symbolic system (Punctum). My aim is not to repeat familiar arguments about how Barthes's ‘The Third Meaning’ (1970) anticipates the photographic punctum in a cinematic context; it is, rather Nov 4, 2013 · The advent of photography revolutionized perception, making visible what was once impossible to see with the human eye. To wound. Mar 12, 2013 · To address the apparently uncoded level of photographs, which troubles the semiological approach Barthes himself adopted in the early 1960s, Camera Lucida advances a theory of photographic meaning that makes a distinction between the studium and the punctum and highlights the punctum as photography-specific. However, in this example, Barthes felt pierced by the fact Payne was executed just over two months after this photograph was taken. The book centers around studium and punctum. By the end of the first part of Camera Lucida , Barthes has provided all of the key terms and ideas that will come to fruition in the second half of the book. They capture time to show a legible fragment of its movement. Mar 4, 2015 · Photography and literature are two artistic media through which humanity has recreated duration and development. natetorresphotography. Recognizing something powerful is instinctive, which makes it hard to define. Whereas the studium is akin to voluntary memory (public or cultural associations can be consciously recalled), the punctum is an involuntary response to a photograph. "punctum" published on by null. squarespace. Studium and Punctum: The Duality of Photography What defines greatness? What element can change something from being mildly interesting to extraordinary? Details, emotion, back-story, and message can all add to the power of a photo, but these are all reasonable answers to define something unreasonable. punctum [pungk´tum] (L. For the street photographer then, the punctum is not seen when taking the photograph and yet these punctums hold the greatest surprise for me and I class them as the magic or trophy in street photography. What makes this Punctum definition: emotional point in a narrative or image. Information and translations of punctum in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Define Punctum by Webster's Dictionary, WordNet Lexical Database, Dictionary of Computing, Legal Dictionary, Medical Dictionary, Dream Dictionary. Through studium and punctum, images are separated into these categories, allowing the viewer to analyze images with acute precision. INTRODUCTION Photography at this time has the peculiar dominion in manufacturing its effects numbly and invisibly over the globe. au you will find all the information about Punctum Definition Photography and much more about photography. PUNCTUM definition: a tip or small point | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Nov 4, 2013 · The advent of photography revolutionized perception, making visible what was once impossible to see with the human eye. Apr 16, 2024 · Définitions de « punctum » Punctum - Nom commun (Litt. Jan 5, 2017 · The punctum is therefore produced by the family history, the attached story, that gives the referent meaningful situation “in life. 在英语词典里带使用范例的punctum含义punctum的近义词以及punctum的25种语言翻译。 The meaning of PUNCTUM is a small area marked off from a surrounding surface. To my mind, punctum is the most important thing about photography overall and the most important thing of all things to understand, although you can be a photographer all your life and never encounter the term much less understand it. In photography, the punctum refers to something in the image that sticks out from the rest. There are eight meanings listed in OED's entry for the noun punctum, three of which are labelled obsolete. —Samira Kawash, Dislocating the Color Line 10 Barthes’s theory of photography in Camera Lucida is founded on his identification of the “studium” and the punctum, which together unchain a series of impassioned and far-reaching claims about photography’s ontology. For Roland Barthes, the punctum is the small spot, the little cut in a photo. the relationship of signi- In optic science, accomodation is defined by the distance between the nearest (punctum proximum) and the farthest clear visual point (punctum remotum). 5 mm. It’s often provoked by unexpected or unintentional Sep 22, 2014 · In his Camera Lucida, Roland Barthes introduces the notions of studium and punctum to help us think about photographs. Definitions of PUNCTUM. ”2 Later in “Rhetoric of the Image” (1964) he says: In the photograph . At the heart of a compelling image lies its subject matter—an often understated but pivotal element that determines the essence of a photograph. Entries where "punctum" occurs: point: point (English) Origin & history From Middle English point, a Old French point ("a point, The name of Photography’s noeme will therefore be: “That-has-been,” or again: the Intractable. (photography) noun In Latin, punctum means a prick, a point. Other than “the unique Punctum can exist alongside studium, but disturbs it, creating an ‘element which rises from the scene’ and unintentionally fills the whole image. The horror of knowing “he is going to die” is the punctum. net dictionary. punctum camera lucida . traduction punctum dans le dictionnaire Français - Français de Reverso, voir aussi 'puncture, punt, punctiforme, punch', conjugaison, expressions idiomatiques Contemporary with the withdrawal of rites, Photography may correspond to the intrusion, in our modern society, of an asymbolic Death, outside of religion, outside of ritual, a kind of abrupt dive into literal Death. It is the element in a photograph that “pricks” or “wounds” the viewer. A unique element they notice in the scene or a specific landmark could draw the viewer's attention and create an emotional response for them. punctum remo´tum far point. Barthes finds his punctum in a photo of his mother, who had died shortly before writing his essay. Recognizing How to define Punctum? Punctum definition, meaning and example sentences. Landscape Photography. I read at the same time; This will be and this has been . Synonyms for punctum and translation of punctum to 25 languages. 2 mm to 0. ’ Sep 6, 2010 · Footnote 5 This point is important because Barthes's concept of the punctum is related to Proust: Barthes's punctum is like Proust's “involuntary memory”. Dec 5, 2008 · Barthes was a lover of photography. . punctum prox´imum near point. It's a point of interest that attracts the attention of The exhibition aimed to examine to what extent the concept of the punctum, developed in an era of analogue photography, is still viable in today’s digital age. Textbook parameters for punctal diameter range from 0. To them, the punctum is the non-discursive; the break with classical rationalism and the definition of what can be non-logically analyzed in post-modern photography. I first took interest in photography when I studied abroad in college, traveling around with my point and shoot Pentax camera. Look again. Punctum, the elusive element of the photo that touches the spectator. The Language of Photography Barthes always treated photographs as re-productions of the real. That interests me a great deal. That "gets to you. In At the Edge of Sight, Shawn Michelle Smith engages these dynamics of seeing and not seeing, focusing attention as much on absence as presence, on the invisible as the visible. Learn How: https://phlearn. In his text “Camera Lucida”, Barthes refers to photography as the medium when describing the punctum. Words related to punctum found by the students were: punctuation, sensitive, wounds, emotion, loving. punctum translation and definition in Tamil, related phrase, antonyms, synonyms, examples for punctum Photography definition: the process or art of producing images of objects on sensitized surfaces by the chemical action of light or of other forms of radiant energy, as x-rays, gamma rays, or cosmic rays. In the light of the publication of Roland Barthes's Mourning Diary (2009), this essay examines how the influential theory of the photographic punctum has cinematic roots which are repressed in Barthes's Camera Lucida (1980). com. It is such a cute word. Oct 27, 2023 · Photography is not just a visual experience; it’s a multisensory one. punctum cae´cum blind spot. Barthes gives some guidance to this process by separating the vaguely interesting from the piercingly wonderful. Crystal ball photography is when you use a crystal ball or glass sphere as a lens to capture your environment. Key notions in this book are studium and punctum, both notions invented for the occasion. Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar. Roland Barthes describes punctum as the meaning beneath the surface in a photograph. As such, it functions, according to Fried, as an “ontological guarantee” (553) of a given photograph’s nontheatricality. Camera Lucida is often such a dark and unfathomable book that it is a rich source of information and inspiration. A well-captured image can activate our senses, making us almost smell the wet earth after a rain or feel the cool breeze of Upon getting feedback from the work that I began to shoot in the style of Steve Pyke, it was brought up that my method of shooting reminisced the theory of stadium and punctum, noticeably by Roland Barthes in his book entitled 'Camera lucida'. See ‘Meaning & use’ for definitions, usage, and quotation evidence. punctum synonyms, punctum pronunciation, punctum translation, English dictionary definition of punctum. ” (c. In this book, Barthes also explores the time inscribed in the photo: that it was. 32) Through this discovery and definition Barthes expands on how photographs are irreducibly connected to a moment in time that is instantly in the past and as framed by Lior Levy in her essay on Barthes, “All photographs show, albeit Define punctum saliens. The world can be a beautiful place, and looking through the lens of a camera forces me to slow down and notice. No doubt we have all He frequently describes the punctum as a wound and this bodily-ness connects to Barthes later discussion of Death and Photography. In short, Barthes looks at studium and punctum as the main elements of a photograph. 10. namakumo 生雲: This one keeps haunting me, my interpretation of what Barthes calls "the punctum" in a photograph are those (accidental) details (often in the background) that provides no explanation but instead creates questions on the surrounding/people in those photographs. com/photography-progress-killer-quiz/Written Version: https:/ A concept from Roland Barthes' book Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography. Through his examination of the punctum and the studium, Barthes emphasizes the indexicality of photography as a medium that captures a moment in time and preserves a trace of reality. Feb 10, 2019 · This “detail” is the punctum. Jul 30, 2024 · This photography idea is known for being creative in nature, as you can shape the light into patterns, words, or other abstract designs. “But the punctum is: he is going to die. In order to Oct 4, 2024 · Quiz yourself with questions and answers for JMU; Anth 323 Exam 1 Review, so you can be ready for test day. By Barthes, and both reasonable obscure. In the photography there are focus of interest that are associated not with the punctum, but to its periphery. In landscape photography, an emotional response can be drawn by the moment and vast scene that you are able to capture. com/aaronwillteachyouCheck out the full post at: http://phlearn. Apr 30, 2022 · Understanding a Photograph. Meaning of punctum. Now I would find Definition, Meaning: punctum In photography, punctum refers to a small detail in an image that attracts the viewer's attention and holds significance. The punctum is also the chance that puts a point in a photo. Mar 1, 2024 · Photography, as an art form, is a canvas that captures more than mere moments; it encapsulates stories, emotions, and narratives. You can order these crystal balls on Amazon (affiliate link). Punctum can be something small in a work of art (a hand, a dress, an eye) or it can be the entire work, but it is as if you have been punched by Punctum, plural puncta, adjective punctate, is an anatomical term for a sharp point or tip. Keep in mind that Barthes, not being a photographer, considers the operator (photographer) unnecessary for the success of a photo. In “The Photographic message” (1961) he claims: “What does the photograph transmit? By definition, the scene itself, the literal reality. No category Studium and Punctum: The Duality of Photography In the light of the publication of Roland Barthes's Mourning Diary (2009), this essay examines how the influential theory of the photographic punctum has cinematic roots which are repressed in Barthes's Camera Lucida (1980). Studium indicates the factor that initially draws the viewer to a photograph. Both disciplines encapsulate instants: literature, a sequence of them, and photography a single instant that reveals or implies a before and an after. Punctum in landscape photography is used in a slightly different manner compared to street photography. /r/photography is a place to politely discuss the tools, technique and culture of photography. Jul 23, 2020 · Punctum was casually tossed out in some conversation, but I was immediately drawn to both the word and the concept. The first photographs a man contemplated (Niepce in front of the dinner table, for instance) must have seemed to him to resemble exactly certain paintings (still the camera obscura); he knew, however, that he was nose-to-nose with a mutant (a Martian can resemble a man); his consciousness posited the object May 14, 2021 · What if the likes of Picasso, Dali, Monet or, in the photography world, Ansel Adams, Harry Callahan or Rankin were dismissed because their creations didn’t conform? The images above are all what would be considered unconventional subjects or at least unconventional ways of taking that subject. View his beautiful galleries and purchase a variety of products. I want to talk a little bit about what he calls "studium" and "punctum" in photography. So embarking on this journey has been difficult. The punctum is what in a photograph comes to pierce our emotions, to touch our guts so to speak, to make us react, to make us sensitive. punctum saliens synonyms, punctum saliens pronunciation, punctum saliens translation, English dictionary definition of punctum saliens. Looking through her photographs, he discovered what he would later call punctum in a photo of her as child in a winter garden. " The touch of the tip of the fencer's foil. Crystal ball photography. Punctum finis distitit a verticali ad Ortum 143 gr. The body is the sign of a difference that exceeds the body. ) a point or small spot. He found that photographs that “animated” him and that he in turn “animated” consisted of two co-present elements: Studium and Punctum. This meaning will be unique in reaction of the individual spectator of the images. punc´ta vasculo´sa minute red spots that mark the cut surface of white matter of the brain. "Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary (part 4 of 4: S-Z and supplements)" by Various Reading ‘studium’ and ‘punctum’ in photography 37 Thus, the distinction between the approaches of clicking the photograph goes back to the Diderotian philosophy of anti-theatrical8 punctum [pungk´tum] (L. ” Barthes contrasts the punctum with the studium, which is the more general approach to a photograph Jan 2, 2025 · the punctum is something that is seen by the viewer, without it being shown to them by the photographer. I Guarantee I Can Teach You to Master Photoshop. The punctum is a detail in a photo. I think that should be bespeaks; at least, I hope it should be. (pl. It is both an inevitable and graceful addition. Na fotografia existem focos de interesse que estão associados não ao punctum, mas à sua periferia. 1871 - The Cabinet Dictionary of the English Language. Studium and Punctum. between haiku and photography. Answer and Explanation: Pictorialism is a style of photography that seeks to go beyond simply capturing an accurate image of a subject, and instead use various techniques to Dictionary entries. I. Dec 18, 2020 · PUNCTUM: Partial Feature: Barthes delves deeper into the concept of punctum, discussing how it can be linked to a specific feature or detail in a photograph. Oct 18, 2016 · On initial reading I thought he meant by the addition of people but Barthes definition is both wider and narrower than this definition. To be sure, this blind field (an absence in the field of vision) is unforeseen by a camera operator. . The article "Photography and Electoral Appeal" is more obviously political than Camera Lucida. It is the face or the hand or the expression or the animal that you did not notice as you took the picture. Through Oct 12, 2017 · I thought your picture of the lake in Pennsylvania when visiting your uncle was really beautiful and interesting as well. It has some obvious elements of an interesting accidental modernism. In the book, Barthes questions the nature of photography and comes to some interesting conclusions and thoughts about it. punc´ta lacrima´lia), an opening of a lacrimal duct on the edge of the eyelid. o encontro do studium e punctum “A photograph’s punctum is that accident which pricks me (but also bruises me, is poignant to me). 9. Punctum says something about your emotional self; it speaks beyond your cultural, trained self. May 20, 2023 · The punctum is non-obvious, accidental, and evokes a deeper emotional response in the spectator. Specially chapters; 10, p25-26, 11, p27 and 19, p43-46. puncta) [Latin ‘puncture’ or ‘wound’]A term used by Barthes to refer to an incidental but personally poignant detail in a photograph which ‘pierces’ or ‘pricks’ a particular viewer, constituting a private meaning unrelated to any cultural code. My aim is not to repeat familiar arguments about how Barthes's ‘The Third Meaning’ (1970) anticipates the photographic punctum in a cinematic context; it is, rather Mar 1, 2010 · nology of photography saw the ontology of photography in this light, whereas research into photographic oeuvres and their creators, modeled on the familiar protocols of art or the history of arr «Punctum» Meaning of punctum in the English dictionary with examples of use. ” (Barthes 1980:42). When we look at the elements around us (from landscape to object, from looking at the sun to looking with closed eyes), there is often a visual spot that catches our eyes creating a delicate May 29, 2020 · This video explains the twin concepts ‘studium’ and ‘punctum’ which coined by the French philosopher Roland Barthes and how they build the relationship betwe The punctum is certainly not a punchline and punchline is not any part of this comment.