Check if stack exists cloudformation github. This will invoke the update_stack CloudFormation API call.
Check if stack exists cloudformation github For our purpose, it is an instance of an Archetype - i. Oct 5, 2022 · I'm getting the same build issues since October 3rd when using github actions i. It fails during the stack creation: 2024-06-03 10:11:28 [ ] unexpected status "CREATE_FAILED" while waiting for CloudFormation stack " Dec 15, 2020 · Sadly, as with anything, it's not a trivial thing. I don't know how I feel about cdk destroy being able to destroy stacks that are "outside its scope", either stacks created in other CDK apps or regular CloudFormation stacks Dec 6, 2022 · This issue is now closed. To learn more about the CDK Migrate feature, see Migrate to AWS CDK. Stack. e. Click on the Outputs drop down to view details of the created resources Mar 6, 2018 · You signed in with another tab or window. create_change_set( StackName='abc', TemplateBody='yaml yaml Jul 26, 2021 · The template might contain # policies against an S3 ARN as well, we skip selecting those, hence the # some, at-least-one-or-more # let s3_bucket_refs = some %s3_bucket_policies. No sir. Enable termination protection for Cloudformation Stacks: SATv2 is intended to be ran for a point in time, and then deleted. Log group data is always encrypted in CloudWatch Logs. The AWSUtility::CloudFormation::CommandRunner resource runs any command provided to it before or after any resource in the Stack. Also, this setting is only recommended if the endpoint <-> subnet topology is correctly set up. Optionally click View in designer to see a preview, then click Next. The template creates a IAM role for lambda to assume, a policy to go with it, a SNS topic to notify if a stack has drifted, the lambda function, a CloudWatch schedule, and permission for the schedule to invoke the lambda. If you end up in a state like that, the only solution is to delete the AWS CloudFormation stack, then deploy the AWS CDK app again Feb 28, 2023 · Manual Replacement of AWS::SecretsManager::ResourcePolicy. So we need to create a new ChangeSet as opposed to update in that scenario. import boto3 client = boto3. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. For cases involving service API issues we recommend reaching out directly to AWS Support for further escalation. If you need more assistance, please open a new issue that references this one. CloudFormation with custom resource to create all AWS serviced linked roles if not exist. g. 0 fails. I was testing different plugins, and now I am trying to delete the storage plugin, but when I trying to push my changes after doing amplify remove s In our experience it is better to build multiple coupled cloudformation stacks, handling discrete parts of an application infrastructure, rather than having a single giant template. This template can then be deployed all AWS accounts via Customizations for AWS Control Tower Solution This repository contains an AWS CloudFormation template that is used to provide a CloudFormation custom Dec 20, 2024 · IMO, it might include a region wide search in case , cdk destroy nonExistentStack will check if the mentioned stack name exists in the region, which might be time taking. update can only be applied against an existing stack. Select a Sample Template: Choose a template under the SIMPLE category (e. yaml Wait until it's ready, you can either use this command to programatically wait or just look on the AWS Management Console to check What were you trying to accomplish? Create EKS Outpost local private cluster, however if due to miss configuration if cluster creation failed and rolled back, eksctl delete command should attempt t Mar 26, 2018 · Looking at the cloud formation template, all the buckets exist. account property. I can go into the cloudformation console and find the root stack with exactly the Generate a network diagram of the CloudFormation stacks using the import/export dependencies that exist amongst them. It creates a stack composed of: Auto-scaling group of t2. py: Running unit tests (easy) Deploying failing sample stacks with AWS CDK and executing the script manualy (hard) I would check via the paginator combined with ListStacks API call because it might be possible my lambda or I doesn't have permissions for cloudformation if that happens, I should return relevant information instead of saying stack doesn't exist. In my use case I needed to get the DNS name in order to run automated tests against the deployment, so I was able to embed this command in my build script after the CDK deploy to get the url for the deployed environment CDK Migrate generates a CDK app from deployed AWS resources using --from-scan, deployed AWS CloudFormation stacks using --from-stack, and local AWS CloudFormation templates using --from-path. May 15, 2024 · Ensure the CloudFormation stack does not exist before running the action. Jan 27, 2020 · Could you check logging into AWS Cloudformation console and see if there indeed is a stack with name amplify-myproj-samdev-152827. Technically whenever a new environment is added, it should follow the following pattern to name the CloudFormation stack amplify-<projName>-<envName>-<randomNumber>. CloudFormation::Stack Tue Nov 03 2020 16:17:09 GMT+0200 At a high level, the lifecycle of a stack is: the stack initially does not exist; the stack is created; the stack is updated (0 or more times); the stack is deleted; the stack finally does not exist. I can go into the cloudformation console and find the root stack with exactly the same id. Contribute to envato/stack_master development by creating an account on GitHub. Reload to refresh your session. GitHub will remain the channel for reporting bugs. If you are deploying using the same name as a stack that already exists, it should simply be updating everything. Feb 21, 2022 · Avoid re-creating DynamoDB tables in CloudFormation stack when they already exist Hot Network Questions My conference paper was accepted but didn't meet submission rules. I've checked in the console that ServerlessDeploymentBucket references the correct bucket and it exists. Nov 3, 2020 · By clicking “Sign up for GitHub”, cloudformation parameters do not exist in the template #5764. Recreating the stack succeeds. Depending on the number of stacks present in the account, your implementation of _stack_exists() may return a false negative, because list_stacks may page the results. Feb 15, 2019 · This CLI command will give you the value for the output, which in this case is the DNS for a load balancer. which you can visualise as follows: However, "CREATED", "UPDATED" and "DELETED" are not real stack states – just a simplified model. May need to also set region to ap-southeast-2, I have not been able to test this in us-east Jan 23, 2018 · You signed in with another tab or window. we will see a message about the stack already being deleted; amplify env add dev; follow the prompts and push with amplify push -y I am using the Waiter interface to wait on a cluster deletion and, even specifying explicitly the Delay to be reasonably low (without hammering the API) I have noticed that the waiter waits a long time, even after the stack is deleted (r To override parameter values in the template you can provide a string or a file that is either local or an URL. Oct 23, 2019 · Describe the bug Hi, I am using the AWS Amplify CLI on my web project using amplify vue. You could even add more tests, like "does the repo contain at least one snapshot", by parsing the output of restic --json snapshots with e. Example of CloudFormation, Elastic Beanstalk and EFS stack deploy automation - GitHub - yai333/TomcatWebAppElasticBeanstalk: Example of CloudFormation, Elastic Feb 4, 2021 · The stack still exists How to reproduce it? Create cluster with invalid version and try to delete it, or create cluster and manaully delete the cluster then run the delete command. If the stack exists, an update is performed instead. yaml but I still have the same issue. Comments on closed issues are hard for our team to see. template + configuration file + tier. If a substitution variable exists in a string but isn't wrapped with the You signed in with another tab or window. Jan 22, 2019 · My amplify console build is failing with an amplify-cli based project. 9:59 AM PDT We are investigating an increased latency on administrative APIs. Both have a TemplateURL, but during rollback the Stack will use the previous version of the template that was used - whether this is done by referring to an older version of the object stored at the TemplateURL, or if the previous template is stored Oct 17, 2019 · To check the whether ECR repository exist or not, you can use double. But Cloudformation Custom Resources can call Lambda functions, and Lambda functions can do anything you program them to do. Nov 22, 2021 · The issue is that current behavior of AWS::Cloudformation::Stackset during rollback is different than AWS::Cloudformation::Stack resources. In logic of my case I need check if resource is exist, ignore the resource creation. Stack does not exist, switching to create stack mode Testing to see if change set cfn-createStack-fixedCredsCS associated with stack cfn You signed in with another tab or window. IAM operational issue. Quick Example: Include files. But in the case of removal, you probably want to skip these pre-flight checks, and merely check if the name of the CloudFormation stack exists, and if it does, just remove it. Please read the blog post here: https://alestic. call DescribeStacks and try and parse the response. I can manually deploy on my local workstation but the "amplify init" commands are failing in the CICD process: either the current stack is not found and it tries to create a new stack or we get the message above (Stack [] already exists). If this issue receives no comments in the next 30 days it will automatically be closed. Dec 6, 2022 · ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS amplify-amplify-staging-133007 AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Tue Dec 06 2022 13:30:45 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) Template error: IAM role amplify-amplify-staging-133007-unauthRole doesn't exist. AWS-CFN-Control is an interface that provides a way to quickly deploy and redeploy CloudFormation stacks from the command line. Note that I have this working just fine on DigitalOcean. I'm happy to provide build logs to someone - I can send to an email. And got this May 24, 2022 · While we are unable to restore deleted CloudFormation stacks, we can remove the local reference of the environment and recreate with the following steps: amplify env checkout <some-other-env> amplify env remove dev a. What strikes me as very strange is I've seen a few people suggest this approach, so it works for some (seems like an obvious best/common practice). May 27, 2022 · A note on skipping though: Note: this setting cannot be used together with additionalEndpointServices. I'm confused about how I can resolve this issue. As it’s a text-only import of the original post into UserVoice, we’ll still be keeping in mind the comments and discussion that already exist here on the GitHub issue. Mar 5, 2019 · I want to create Route53 HostedZone with CloudFormation so I want to check some information in Route53 about HostedZone is exist. You could just use restic snapshots > /dev/null command, if it exits with a non-zero exit code, the repo exists. My CloudFormation template show at below. At the Specify Details screen you can play around with different naming conventions but at a minimum you must set the email address that you want to receive alarms. Now when I deploy it, it complains that it can't update some of the resources in my stack, because they already exist in my stack. Aug 6, 2020 · Same issue. fix(bootstrap): batched bootstrap checks - We have changed the bootstrapping process to batch api calls that check to see if the bootstrapping stack needs to be updated. Before we can update though, we check the status of the stack since if a stack is in the process of updating or rolling back, we cannot issue an update. Apr 15, 2019 · Describe the bug My amplify console build is failing with an amplify-cli based project. So you could write a Lambda function which creates or deletes some resource based on whatever logic you want. aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name test-stack --template-body file://test-stack. This helps our maintainers find and focus on the active issues. update. hey @josefaidt removing trailing space makes no difference - same output, an empty list. The records are not in that template yet. If you need more assistance, please either tag a team member or open a new issue that references this one. Create a Stack: Click on Create Stack. This step utilizes the CloudFormation Tempalte to produce a number of resources that runs drift detection on a schedule. Running the cleanup command succeeds. response attribute since Oct 11, 2017 · And don't worry, this issue will still exist on GitHub for posterity's sake. Subsequently retrying the same eksctl create cluster command fails due to the Cloud Formation (CFN) stack already existing, suggesting the cleanup either did not clean up the CFN resources, or didn't wait for them to be removed completely. Aug 12, 2020 · You signed in with another tab or window. , LAMP Stack). - awslabs/aws-cfn-control Sep 10, 2021 · Have a question about this project? Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. These are stored in an includes/ directory. Bucket. json. The stack should take about 2 ~ 3 minutes to complete but make sure to check your email and subscribe to the SNS subscription notification that you received otherwise the stack will get stuck. Nov 10, 2022 · Service fails a few times and ECS circuitbreaker triggered, making the stack start rollback; Stack ends in UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE state; Once the pipeline and stack are in this state, you try pushing a commit again to trigger the pipeline, and step 3 is blocked this time because the stack is in state UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE? Feb 8, 2017 · I'm trying to solve a problem where a cloudformation stack output value is used. : subnet ids are correct, vpce routing is set up with prefix addresses, all the necessary EKS endpoints are created and linked to the provided VPC. Check if CloudWatch log groups are protected by AWS KMS. 3. Dec 16, 2020 · we are creating KMS Keys via a custom cloudformation stack and noticing the following functionality when a user tries to create a KMS Key with an alias that already exists: Cloudformation stack containing a 'name' param of an existing KM Hello 👋! It looks like this issue hasn’t been active in longer than two weeks. Jun 13, 2017 · Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly The missing CloudFormation tool. If the stack is in an updatable state, we then perform an update-stack operation. Properties. Configure Stack Details: Enter the following details: I heard that in some of the recent releases of Serverless you added various pre-flight checks to save from a failing CloudFormation change. a CloudFront distribution, when the stack is created? If you need to do it at deployment time then you would probably have to use a lambda backed custom resource. @lkr2des how are you using the workaround? I'm able to create the public cluster and I try to update my cluster to a private one afterwards by updating the cluster. The stack has no template and no resources and is in REVIEW_IN_PROGRESS STATE, CloudFormation does not consider it to be a stack that exists. . Click the Launch Stack button below to go directly to the CloudFormation service in the selected region of your AWS account. aws cloudformation wait stack - exists \ -- stack - name "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-west-2:123456789012:stack/my-stack-1234/a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111" Stax is a highly-opionated framework for managing Cloudformation stacks along with all the crappy glue code you need around them. Oct 17, 2012 · The following wait stack-exists example pauses and resumes only after it can confirm that the specified stack actually exists. Instead of first pre-deploying a template to S3 to be used for a nested stack, use the Template property (instead of the TemplateURL property) to point to a local sub-template. 179. If you were to continue with this deployment, you will be running into the root cause of this issue: CloudFormation failing the deployment due to an attempt of two AWS::SecretsManager::ResourcePolicy resources being created. This substantially speeds up the bootstrapping stage when an update to the bootstrapping stack does not need to be performed. Mar 28, 2018 · Hm, interesting idea. These stacks are connected via their outputs and input parameters. I'm getting a key does not exist using the aws_cloudformation_stack data source which is expected because the specified key is not set in the CF template. Create Bitbucket App Password, please refer to this link for more info --> How to Create Bitbucket App Password Use this command as follow: Mar 20, 2022 · @Skarlso, fair enough, but right now, under certain conditions, the iamserviceaccount command lets you think the cluster state matches the specifications from the config server YAML file (because no actions, no errors), although some resources are not in the expected state. It will simply 'import' them into the stack. You need to delete it yourself in the cloudformation tab. Please verify that the ECS service linked role exists. com/2016/11/aws-cloudformation-stack-status/ Jan 4, 2024 · echo "Checking if stack exists " if ! aws cloudformation describe-stacks --region $1 --stack-name $2 ; then: echo -e "\nStack does not exist, creating " aws cloudformation create-stack \--region $1 \--stack-name $2 \ ${@:3} echo "Waiting for stack to be created " aws cloudformation wait stack-create-complete \--region $1 \--stack-name Is there a way to detect if a resource exists, e. Oct 22, 2024 · Run npx cdk deploy on a stack with account B as the env. Prepare Template: Under Prerequisite - prepare template, choose Use a sample template. ") stack_exists_ss = True #-- If the stack already exists then delete it first Sep 28, 2021 · According to CDK documentation, delete your stack and then redeploy your stack. Contribute to adavarski/aws-eks-cloudformation-demo development by creating an account on GitHub. As I am writing this article, the latest version is v1. It outlines the difficulties of having a custom name basically, which is similar to all of this. – CREATE_FAILED AWS::ApiGateway::Stage RestApiStage <stage ID>|Dev already exists in stack So it correctly substitutes the parameter name without recognizing there's no change. Aug 12, 2021 · #-- Check if this stack name already exists: stack_list_ss = cfn_client_ss. are you re-using the name of a previously-deployed Function? yes, the application, with its functions has been previously deployed in that same region and with the same backend environment name. json hasn't been written and the stack doesn't exist the name at that point is non-deterministic due to the code I mentioned. eksctl Dec 10, 2023 · ⚠️ COMMENT VISIBILITY WARNING ⚠️. Parse the response out to the different types within the SDK The CloudFormation pre-compiler supports loading local templates as "nested stacks" using the CloudFormation AWS::CloudFormation::Stack resource type. If the stack does not exist, the operating is create-stack Apr 6, 2020 · Currently, CloudFormation errors out saying failed to create: [AdministrationRole] `stack {app-name}-infrastructure-roles did not complete successfully and exited with status ROLLBACK_COMPLETE` This PR will do the following 1. Increased API Latencies. client('cloudformation') client. How I can handle this problem. I. Check to make sure you aren't accidentally creating a new instance of the CloudFormation stack, perhaps with a different name. This issue relates to the underlying CloudFormation UpdateStack API rather than the AWS CLI directly. When the service-linked role does not exist, creating a cluster fails (with "Invalid request provided: CreateCluster Invalid Request: Unable to assume the service linked role. I have attempted deployment with the following flags as well: jets deploy AWS_REGION=us-west-2 bundle exec jets deploy AWS_PROFILE=jets_user AWS_REGION=us-west-2 bundle exec jets deploy There is a cloudformation template included within the script called hello-world. Stax is built as a set of ruby classes, with configuration based around sub-classing and monkey-patching. Then I changed name (logical ID) of a resource with intention to cause old listener to drop and new one to create via nested stack. Because the amplify-metadata. jq. Possible Solution. Then you need to update the stack and you need to add the exact records that are in the console. We can write the step according to the README. It will skip all endpoint creation. Apr 24, 2018 · Marking this issue as stale due to inactivity. May 17, 2023 · Regardless, we do stuff in this hook, even if nothing exists, and not being able to determine the stackname is breaking our ability to use the pattern based deployment integration. - Jul 15, 2020 · A stack and a template gets generated out of it. Nope. Jun 3, 2024 · Attempting to create an EKS cluster with eksctl 0. Contribute to dmrhimali/functionbeatDemo development by creating an account on GitHub. Apr 7, 2017 · …23758) * Allow cloudformation_facts to exit gracefully if stack does not exist make cloudformation_facts pep8 remove from legacy files remove unnecessary if statement Allow cloudformation_facts to exit gracefully if stack does not exist version 2 fix documentation errors add an example for a hard-fail if a stack doesn't exist * Remove extra whitespace * Use the . Sep 28, 2023 · To activate and set the type configuration of the AWSSamples::LambdaFunctionInvoker::Hookthird-party hook in your AWS account, use the enable-lambda-function-invoker command. Apr 7, 2020 · @termlen0 The solution is just to delete the eksctl stack(s) from the AWS console, not only the EKS cluster. This helps to visualize the dependency complexity between various stacks in an application and shows the deployment order for these stacks. Oct 2, 2023 · You signed in with another tab or window. describe_stacks()["Stacks"] stack_exists_ss = False: for stack_ss_cf in stack_list_ss: if cfn_stack_name_ss == stack_ss_cf["StackName"]: print ("Stack " + cfn_stack_name_ss + " already exists. "). First check the describe the repositories if not exists then create repository always use tags this helps in auditing. I also tried this on AWS with my root API keys, just to make sure there are no permission issues. This will invoke the create_stack CloudFormation API call. You switched accounts on another tab or window. If you don't make any additional changes after you redeploy which cause resource replacement, you won't run into this issue anymore. 1. Oct 3, 2018 · Checking in as this issue hasn't has any activity in a while. eksctl won't delete the stack(s) in general because it's useful to have to the stack to debug issues and even if it tried, in some cases the stack might still end up in DELETE_FAILED. For more information on cdk migrate command options, see cdk migrate command reference. You should now have a green CREATE_COMPLETE status for the CloudFormation stack. Contribute to aws-cloudformation/cfn-lint development by creating an account on GitHub. Dec 9, 2021 · Is there an existing issue for this? I have searched the existing issues Current Behavior I want to use the AWS CLI to deploy a CloudFormation stack on a local docker-hosted instance of localstack: aws cloudformation deploy --endpoint ht Jul 16, 2019 · AWS::CodeBuild::SourceCredential is a new AWS resource, appeared in CloudFormation Resource Specification v5. Clean display of single most recent event status for each resource in a CloudFormation stack. This just appears in AWS Personal Health Dashboard. success the first time. If eksctl create cluster fails, it suggests a command to cleanup. Apr 20, 2021 · AWS CloudFormation "Deploy CloudFormation Stack" Action for GitHub Actions - GitHub Marketplace. Specific test cases Dec 31, 2017 · Wrt the OP's question, "Is there some kind of boolean check if there has been changes since the last commit, or how can I really test if there are new changes to my local repository?" I don't think that bash has boolean data types per se, but this may be close enough: [ -z "`git status --porcelain`" ] && echo "NULL-NO DIFFS" || echo "DIFFS EXIST" In the CloudFormation console, you can select the stack and choose the Git sync tab to view information about the status of the stack and sync events. * Amazon CloudFormation - [Breaking Change] Fixed a bug in Test-CFNStack causing the cmdlet to throw an exception instead of returning false, as described in the documentation, when the stack doesn't exist. Expected behavior. This will invoke the update_stack CloudFormation API call. The stack is deployed despite no-execute-changeset being set to "1". Ref # # If there are S3 buckets present, then BucketPolicies MUST be present # in the same stack # %s3_bucket_refs not empty <<Bucket policies must be Oct 2, 2022 · You signed in with another tab or window. It is saying that the stack does not exist, when it actually does. 0. You signed out in another tab or window. 0, that lets you connect CodeBuild with Github using Github's Personal Access Token (if you do not know how to create it, check out this quick guide). If the Stack is terminated, the findings are still retained in the S3 bucket. Aug 12, 2021 · CloudFormation Stack Creation using Python. AWS Cloudformation EKS: demo/examples. zip gets uploaded to the deployment bucket correctly. Aug 21, 2018 · Checking existence for stack cfn-createStack-fixedCreds Test for existence of stack cfn-createStack-fixedCreds returned error: 'ValidationError: Stack with id cfn-createStack-fixedCreds does not exist'. Apr 14, 2020 · tl;dr we are trying to update ChangeSet, but since the stack has never been deployed. You could do it in the cdk to check if the resource exists at synth time, but not at deployment. Cloudformation itself wouldn’t create or manage that other resource, though. These are YAML files, mostly same structure as top-level configuration, but exist only to reduce copy & paste between top-level configuration files. If it doesn't, check to see if the role exists 3. Useful for monitoring the progress of a CloudFormation stack create, update, and delete. For example if you've set an output to be S3BucketName then this key will exist as an Action output. Yes, they already exist from the previous deploy, they are supposed to be updated! Oct 2, 2019 · Behavior. Sep 14, 2021 · Code Sample. Expected Behavior. For more information, see Git sync status dashboard . For example, vpc stack outputs its subnet IDs, which are passed as parameters to the app stack Could you check logging into AWS Cloudformation console and see if there indeed is a stack with name amplify-myproj-samdev-152827. Jun 18, 2018 · You signed in with another tab or window. Check to see if the application name exists in SSM 2. If a stack with the same name already exists it will return an OK/unchanged response to Ansible. Checking that a Git repository exists on Bitbucket:. The deployment . Jun 29, 2021 · I have been deploying the same CDK stack for a while now, but I had a break of a month or so. response attribute since Mar 5, 2020 · Suppose no stack abc exists and yaml yaml yaml is a valid Amazon CloudFormation template, let's run some boto3 code. CF told that changing resource type from AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener to AWS::CloudFormation::Stack is forbidden. Cloudformation will not create new records and it will not fail (on existing records already). The two resource buckets exist The user has full s3 access Tried deleting and recreating the cloudformation Mar 1, 2024 · Describe the bug Fail to create stack due to following error: The bucket policy already exists on bucket -dltconsoleresourcesdltcloudfronttos3s3b- To Reproduce Jul 9, 2019 · # recreate basic bucket aws s3api create-bucket --bucket <my-missing-bucket-stage-name-uuid> --region <region> # ensure the bucket is empty to prevent cloudformation from getting stuck in DELETE FAILED: aws s3 rm s3://<my-missing-bucket-stage-name-uuid> --recursive --region us-east-1 # even if the stack is state-blocked, it should be removable aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name <my Name Description Example [cf-output-key] Outputs correspond to the CloudFormation outputs. Feb 19, 2021 · I was re-creating listener in template from in-place resource to nested stack. Reproduction Steps. Nonetheless, on AWS, I get this every time: TASK [cloud-ec2 : Deploy the template] Jan 31, 2018 · If this is the main stack in first creation and couldn't be created successfully, the main stack never deleted but stays in "ROLLBACK_COMPLETE" status. We encourage you to check if this is still an issue in the latest release. AWSUtility::CloudFormation::CommandRunner can be used to perform inside your CloudFormation stack, any API call, script, custom logic, external check, conditions, cleanup, dynamic parameter retrieval and just about Great gist @svrist, thanks for posting. Override multiple parameters separated by commas: "MyParam1=myValue1,MyParam2=myValue2" Dec 10, 2021 · You signed in with another tab or window. The cfnctl command provides the core functionality, with several other commands that will find AMI info, get stack status, build CloudFormation mappings, and other features. See this comment #3600 (comment). There are 2 ways to test the main script check_stack. Stax can read template files written in yaml, json or the cfer ruby wrapper. A CloudFormation stack. A stack should be created, but with REVIEW_IN_PROGRESS. micro instances (free-tier eligible) from 2 to 6 instances running Windows Server 2012 R2 It turns out that the service name was based on a command line parameter, which I was passing but not in the correct form and thus it was trying to create a new service/app with the same resource names rather than updating the existing onehence the collisions. spou fqhwpg ugdcwc txox luyiso oqc xuwda knpbb bqqkh fxkdz qzdduog vjdb jeaep nrifg hne