Access to clean water by country map. You can make an impact before the year ends.
Access to clean water by country map 15% increase from 2021. However, one in four people in the world does not have access to safe drinking water, which is a major health risk. Access to clean water is one of our most basic human needs. Individuals not using these facilities increases the risk of disease and malnutrition and is attributed to millions of deaths each year. This can have devastating consequences: every year, millions of people die from infectious diseases spread through unsafe drinking water or poor sanitation. Share of the population without access to an improved water source, 2020 Jan 27, 2025 · The country with the highest clean water score worldwide in 2024 was the Seychelles. Germany clean water access for 2022 was 99. Our teams visited 10,000+ water points, 630 schools, and 195 health facilities, using digital survey tools to record and geo-reference data. The map was release on the day that African water ministers and delegates arrived… Sep 30, 2024 · In terms of access to clean drinking water, 87 % of the population had access to basic services, but only 44 % had access to safely managed drinking water [29]. Germany clean water access for 2021 was 99. 70%, a 0% increase from 2021. In many of these countries, the journey to access clean drinking water is extensive. This report details challenges of clean water access for the 30 Tribes in the Colorado River Basin and provides a thoughtful path forward. The worst European country is Serbia, where almost 10% of the population don't have access Which Country Has the Least Access To Clean Water? Just as there are countries that have a lot of clean water, there are other countries that do not have a lot of clean water. 04%, a 0% increase from 2021. Today, nine out of ten Indonesians have access to some form of improved water supply and eight out of ten. The worst European country is Serbia, where almost 10% of the population don't have access Improved water sources include piped water, boreholes or tubewells, protected dug wells, protected springs, and packaged or delivered water. 15 a day. Niger, the largest country in West Africa, is among the worst for access to clean water — and among the world’s poorest. 36%, a 0. 15% increase from 2020. Nov 14, 2023 · Less than half the population in all the Sub-Saharan African countries included had access to safely managed drinking water in 2022. Although Venezuela ranks as one of the world’s top 15 countries in renewable freshwater resources, the ongoing economic crisis has severely disrupted continuous access to clean water and basic sanitation for nearly 8 out of 10 Venezuelans. (©2022 World Vision/photo by Jon Warren) Niger: 54% lack access to clean water. org's market-driven approach is changing lives in 15 countries, scaling impact and expanding access to clean water and sanitation. NOTE: Map production date estimated Sep 8, 2024 · That’s how the estimated only one-third of people living in these countries had access to safe drinking water services in 2020 when the data was collected. Nearly 5 million people in the Philippines rely on unsafe and unsustainable water sources and 9 million lack access to improved sanitation. 4 billion people Jun 7, 2021 · According to 2017 data from the UN, 88% of the world’s population, or nearly 7 billion people, have access to clean water in their homes and within a 15 minute walk. 00%, a 0. Mar 21, 2024 · Basic Statistic Share of population worldwide with access to clean drinking water 2022, by region Premium Statistic Global water withdrawals 2021, by select country Licenses: All visualizations, data, and articles produced by Our World in Data are open access under the Creative Commons BY license. Top Five Donor Countries for Water and Sanitation, 2005-2010 . Figure 1: Geographic map of South Africa displaying its major rivers [11] Despite the apparent lack of water in South Africa, a large portion of South Africa’s GDP is directly dependent upon water. This global cycle of water flow from the ocean over and through land and back to the ocean accounts for the water available for human use and equals approximately 42,000 km 3 annually (Anisfeld 2010). 4 million deaths and 74 million disability-adjusted life years in 2019, according to the latest report by the World Health Organization (WHO) and an accompanying article published in The Lancet. Although access to clean water has increased in recent decades, population growth and climate change threaten to aggravate water scarcity in many countries. The world is making progress on clean water and sanitation, but is far behind its target to ensure universal access by 2030 Our World in Data is free and accessible for everyone. 1 billion people have gained access to improved water sanitation since 1990, 1. AQUASTAT - FAO's Global Information System on Water and Agriculture; World Population Prospects: The 2019 Revision - United Nations Population Division The biggest number of the more than 800 milli0n people with no access to at least basic drinking water live in India, followed by Ethiopia, Nigeria and China. main source of water is concentrated in five major catchments. Everyone needs access to clean water. We exist to change this. 32%, a 0. While progress has been made in recent years, millions of people still lack access to safe and clean drinking water sources. Access to safe water can be measured by the number of people who have a reasonable means of getting sufficient water that is safe for drinking. The Democratic Republic of Congo reports that 47. 47%, a 0. Hover or click on countries for more detailed information We only have five years to achieve … Feb 20, 2021 · Eventually, the water on land travels back to the ocean, through river and groundwater flow, and then evaporates again. 1 billion to 703 million by 2022. This includes countries in North America , Europe , and most locations in Asia . 23% decline from 2020. Click to enlarge. Canada clean water access for 2020 was 99. Mar 21, 2024 · Countries with lowest share of population with access to clean drinking water 2022 The most important statistics Global death rate due to unsafe water 1990-2021 Global access to clean water is a significant global challenge that affects the health, well-being, and development of people worldwide. 2 Nov 30, 2021 · Whilst the urban areas accessed wells and water vendors in the wet and dry seasons, respectively, for non-domestic water supply and water vendors for domestic water supply; all year round Premium Statistic Countries with the lowest water security score worldwide 2023 Statistic Countries with lowest share of population with access to clean drinking water 2022 Mar 22, 2022 · In 2020, about three-quarters (74 percent) of the world’s population had access to clean drinking water. This can cause many issues, such as economic instability, malnutrition, and lack of agriculture. However, considerable progress has been made in recent While rural citizens suffer the most, over 26 percent of all schools (urban or rural), and 45 percent of clinics, have no water access either [1]. Data source: World Health Organization, Geneva The biggest number of the more than 800 milli0n people with no access to at least basic drinking water live in India, followed by Ethiopia, Nigeria and China. The UN’s Global Goal 6 calls for clean water and sanitation for all, including safe and affordable drinking water, and an end to open defecation. Global access to clean water is a significant global challenge that affects the health, well-being, and development of people worldwide. France clean water access for 2021 was 99. The biggest number of the more than 800 milli0n people with no access to at least basic drinking water live in India, followed by Ethiopia, Nigeria and China. Canada clean water access for 2021 was 99. Indonesia High-Priority Country Plan 1 CONTEXT INDONESIA High-Priority Country Plan Indonesia has made huge strides in providing access to drinking water over the past few decades. Apr 4, 2015 · – Nearly one in every five deaths of children under the age of five worldwide is due to a water-related disease. 14%, a 0. For example, in the United States, 2. can become water secure and answer the challenges tied to poor water, sanitation, and hygiene, or WASH. clean water access for 2022 was 97. Eritrea has the lowest rate of people with access to clean water, less than 20%. WFB The World Factbook. In March 2021, UNICEF launched Reimagine WASH: Water Security for All, building on the Water Game Plan to lead global and locals solutions for safe and affordable drinking water, climate resilient WASH services and communities, preventing water scarcity crises through early action, and increasing water cooperation for peace and stability. It means reduced child and maternal mortality rates. Those who live in countries without clean water can fall sick, struggle to attend school regularly amidst regular trips to faraway water sources, and battle poverty. 2 million Americans lack access to running water or basic plumbing, and 44 million more access water that is not safe to drink. It means reduced physical injury from constant lifting and carrying heavy loads of water. It can promote Dec 27, 2014 · It shows that, on average, 28 million people are gaining access to water each year across Africa, but that if this increased by an extra 17 million people, everyone everywhere across the continent would have access to clean water by 2030. Today, 2. Jan 23, 2025 · Population with access to clean drinking water in Sub-Saharan Africa 2022, by country; Population with access to clean drinking water in Latin America 2022, by country; Globally, more than 785 million people are estimated to not have access to at least basic water services and more than 884 million people are estimated to not have safe water to drink. U. . Access to safe water and sanitation improves health and helps families protect themselves from illness and disease. The Water Services Act (Act 108 of 1997) section 3 (1) provides for a basic right of access to basic water supply and basic sanitation for everyone. 70%, a 0% increase from 2020. In a study conducted by Water. ” Shockingly, more than 2. 04%, a 0% increase from 2020. Nov 14, 2023 · Population with access to clean drinking water in Sub-Saharan Africa 2022, by country Population with access to clean drinking water in Latin America 2022, by country Apr 23, 2011 · Access to safe water: Global clean water supply by countries where less than 50 percent of the population have access to safe supplies. In rural areas of the country, these figures drop even lower, resulting in health problems in the villagers as well as their animals. More research: Further data and research on this topic can be found at the Our World in Data topic page on Water Access, Resources & Sanitation. Countries with robust infrastructure, strong governance, and efficient resource management systems often achieve universal access to clean water. Sri Lanka clean water access for 2021 was 47. Mean annual rainfall across the country is 680 mm, but it varies from 200 mm in the ASALs zone to about 1,800 mm in the humid zone, with the ASALs covering 85 percent of the country. Nigeria clean water access for 2022 was 28. France clean water access for 2022 was 99. Mar 30, 2023 · The effects of poor access to clean water and sanitation negatively impacts the overall lives of the people and their ability to plan for the future. For those with limited access, water insecurity Populations cannot maintain access to adequate quantities of water at an acceptable quality to sustain livelihoods, development, and human and ecosystem health. The share was lowest in the Central African Republic and Chad Apr 28, 2017 · As can be seen in the Safe Drinking Water Availability Map, blue drops have been used to show areas where water availability is under 320 litre per person per day. Today, more than 75,000 governments, NGOs, health workers and researchers use mWater for free in 180 countries. By examining the common elements among countries that met the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) for clean water access in sub-Saharan Sep 14, 2020 · access to clean water on reservations is a stain on our Republic, and we must strive urgently to fulfill this unmet responsibility. Jan 16, 2024 · Households' access to safe drinking water remains a forlorn hope in sub-Saharan Africa because of the continuous deterioration in water quality and quantity. The country is rapidly urbanizing, and its growing cities struggle to provide new residents with adequate water and Jun 3, 2014 · A new interactive map published by the international development charity WaterAid shows that 14 African governments are on course or within touching distance of reaching the historic mark of everyone in their countries having access to clean drinking water by 2030. 13%, a 0. 00%, a 0% increase from . It is also the literal lifeblood of agriculture, the major socio-economic driver for billions of people. Improved water sources include piped water, boreholes or tubewells, protected dug wells, protected springs, and packaged or delivered water. Here, you will find datasets and applications generated or compiled by the Water Global Practice. Switzerland clean water access for 2022 was 96. *Countries with 100 percent access to Sep 10, 2012 · Global Access to Clean Drinking Water and Sanitation: U. Nigeria clean water access for 2021 was 28. It is believed that only 20 percent of people who live in Dec 2, 2024 · Population with access to clean drinking water in Sub-Saharan Africa 2022, by country Population with access to clean drinking water in Latin America 2022, by country Nov 25, 2024 · Access to water is a fundamental human right. Challenges, which the United States has committed to address by 2030, through its adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals. Below is a chart showing the distribution of clean water access around the world. clean water access for 2021 was 97. In urban areas, water is usually available once a week, and less than once every two weeks in rural areas, with reduced frequency during the summer. Mar 17, 2023 · Niger stands among the worst countries for clean water access. These villagers are not alone. 8 billion people gained access to basic water supplies from 2000 to 2017. the road map for 2019 Sonora, which still has a clean water deficit and has demonstrated that little progress has been made, is one of the most significant states, according to the GWSI. . Jun 4, 2020 · Today, nearly 800 million people lack basic access to clean water. – 1 in 9 people worldwide does not have access to safe and clean drinking water-related – 10% of global water use accounted for by households – 20% of global water use accounted for by industry – 70% of global water use Jun 28, 2023 · Half of the world’s population still does not have adequate access to safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) which could have prevented at least 1. 2/3rds of sub-Saharan Africa rely mostly or completely on surface water which can often be highly polluted. Without access to these services, a life of dignity, stability and good health is virtually impossible. Water, when managed sustainably and equitably, can be a source of peace and prosperity. Around 783 million people – 11 percent of the world’s population – don’t have access to clean water, which can be deadly. The data below shows the percentage of each country's population who do have access to safe drinking water. It is so in all the developed countries. Nov 16, 2024 · Water is vital for survival, but a crisis is blocking access to clean water for key needs like drinking, cooking, and cleanliness. The . 5 million people live in cities with stressed water supplies due to geographical and/or financial limitations. 5 million deaths every year. One in four people does not have access to a safely managed water source. 6 billion people have gained access to clean drinking water in the last 25 years. and International Programs Congressional Research Service Tables Table 1. Access to safe water turns poverty into possibility. Despite this, water scarcity still exists. 1 These estimates of the annual number of deaths attributed to a wide range of risk factors are shown here. While more than 98% of the population has access to an improved water source, only 93% access a safely-managed source and 86% to a piped network. 24% of the population having access to clean water as of 2022. Jun 10, 2024 · Access to clean water is a fundamental human right, yet many Indigenous communities in Canada continue to face significant challenges in securing this essential resource. Providing Safe and Clean Water For Emergency in Gedo Region Somalia Sep 10, 2012 · According to a 2012 report released by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), roughly 780 million people around the world lack access to clean drinking water and an estimated 2. The Guardian has also created two maps visualizing Access to Drinking Water: $793,596,083. 92%, a 0% increase from 2020. has a daily impact on their lives. Since the 1960s, about two-thirds of countries have seen an increase in their level of water stress. In addition to inadequate access to water and sanitation services, poor hygiene practices also contribute to the spread of waterborne diseases in India. 1 billion currently still lack easy access to fresh water. Number of People in Target Areas with First-Time Access to Improved Drinking Improved water sources include piped water, boreholes or tubewells, protected dug wells, protected springs, and packaged or delivered water. dignity for all South Africans. Switzerland clean water access for 2021 was 96. This article highlights nations that have attained 100% access to clean drinking water, examines global trends, and explores challenges faced by less-developed regions. 56% increase from 2021. Since 2000, there’s been progress with fewer people lacking clean water—down from 1. Papua New Guinea, Uganda and Ethiopia follow with just below 40%. In 35 countries, less than half of the population used safely managed drinking water services in 2022. Canada clean water access for 2022 was 99. Jul 18, 2023 · Target: “By 2030, expand international cooperation and capacity-building support to developing countries in water- and sanitation-related activities and programmes. 5 billion people (roughly 40% of the world’s population) are without access to safe sanitation facilities. 09% increase from 2020. Unsafe water is one of the world’s largest health and environmental problems – particularly for the poorest in the world. You can make an impact before the year ends. Mar 19, 2024 · Water for Prosperity and PeaceSafe drinking water and sanitation are human rights. Unsafe water is responsible for more than a million deaths each year. 23%, a 0. Within the United Nations’ 2030 Sustainable Development Goals is goal #6, Mar 1, 2016 · Nearly 2. 9% increase from 2020. Over 40% of Niger’s population lives on less than $2. You have permission to use, distribute, and reproduce these in any medium, provided the source and authors are credited. 1. In early 2021, World Vision Zambia conducted an assessment of access to clean water across more than 100 wards shown here. That still leaves about 663 million without sanitary water. Population with access to clean drinking water in Sub-Saharan Africa 2022, by country; Population with access to clean drinking water in Latin America 2022, by country; Although access to clean water has increased in recent decades, population growth and climate change threaten to aggravate water scarcity in many countries. Jan 26, 2024 · It is particularly common in South Asian countries like India and Nepal, where it is practiced by about 32 percent of people in the region. “With growing WASH-related health Mar 1, 2016 · Nearly 2. Oct 24, 2022 · Governments must invest strategically in building safe drinking water systems by not only increasing funding, but also strengthening capacities to plan, coordinate, and regulate service provision, if the world is to achieve universal access to safe drinking water and mitigate the effects of climate change, say WHO, UNICEF, and the World Bank in a report released today. The historical context of environmental degradation, coupled with ongoing issues of infrastructure inadequacy and socio-political neglect, has exacerbated the water crisis in Improved water sources include piped water, boreholes or tubewells, protected dug wells, protected springs, and packaged or delivered water. Water and sanitation issues like this have exacerbated the spread of COVID-19, with Jul 1, 2021 · Having access to clean drinking water, sanitation, and handwashing facilities is a very basic human need. Countries; Maps; References; About Feb 13, 2018 · Water and sanitation access challenges are often thought of in the extremes — lack of a clean water source in a village or community or lack of indoor plumbing in homes. 57% increase from 2020. Countries with lowest share of population with access to clean drinking water 2022 The most important statistics Global death rate due to unsafe water 1990-2021 Search CIA. World Water Development Report 2023 painted a stark picture of the huge gap that needs to be filled to meet U. Even in developed countries there is a clean water access issue. 00 - [44% Country Water Profile. The water crisis negatively impacts the health and livelihood of more than one-third of our global population. 2 billion people — 1 in 4 — lack access to safe water and 3. have access to a basic sanitation facility. 2 million citizens lack access to a source of clean running water. 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 All The Sanitation & Drinking Water issue category measures how well countries protect human health from environmental risks on two indicators: unsafe drinking water and unsafe sanitation. world’s wealthiest countries, millions struggle to access clean water or adequate sanitation, and that struggle comes in the form of various diverse challenges. Nine out of ten people were deprived of accessing an improved water source in the Central African Jul 2, 2015 · The maps include visualizations of data from the WHO/Unicef Joint Monitoring Programme, to show the current state of access to clean water and safe sanitation. Ten European countries, including Austria, Finland, Greece, and Iceland, share the top EPI ranking for the cleanest water worldwide. These maps show which countries have access to clean drinking water and which countries have access to improved sanitation facilities. ” 3. org they found that "42% of the population has access to a clean water supply" and only "11% of that number has access to adequate sanitation services". This year, you can meet two of the world’s greatest needs – clean water and the hope of Jesus. Despite its growing economy, the Philippines faces significant challenges in terms of water and sanitation access. And many have never heard the gospel. Facts based on WHO and Pacific Institute 2004 reports. Having access to and using safe drinking water, sanitation, and handwashing is a basic human need. Jun 26, 2023 · 2022 map estimate includes Sonora, a desert state with a sizable irrigation system and the greatest aquifer deterioration. The high number of regions affected by water scarcity continues to climb with each passing decade, as some 1 in 10 people do not have clean water. Kenya is a water-scarce country with per capita water resources of less than 500 m3 . gov Search. Denmark clean water access for 2022 was 99. If we are to achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) 6, "ensure access to water and sanitation for all", we need to continue to invest in and implement new and innovative technologies that can improve access to clean water and sanitation for all. 23% decline from 2021. Total 2015: 675,729,879 Total 2010: 707,454,703 Total 2005: 860,703,430 Sources. Sep 7, 2017 · With Hurricane Irma ravaging the Caribbean and two more storms brewing across the Atlantic, people are rushing to stock up on water. 12 Table 2. Sri Lanka clean water access for 2022 was 47. Lack of clean water and sanitation is the ultimate cause of approximately 3. clean water access for was 0. As of Thursday, more than 56,000 Puerto Ricans found themselves without access to water—a resource frequently threatened by natural disasters, whether it’s contaminated during flooding or lacking due to drought. Aug 6, 2008 · The target, under the Millennium Development Goals, is to halve, by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and sanitation. Help us do this work by making a donation. Nearly 1. Jul 5, 2023 · In 2022, 17 countries were on track to achieve universal access (>99%) by 2030, 84 were progressing too slowly and in 24 coverage was decreasing. People may be more or less vulnerable to water insecurity due to Improved water sources include piped water, boreholes or tubewells, protected dug wells, protected springs, and packaged or delivered water. Denmark clean water access for 2021 was 99. 1 268. Jan 23, 2025 · Population with access to clean drinking water in Sub-Saharan Africa 2022, by country; Population with access to clean drinking water in Latin America 2022, by country; Aug 16, 2024 · Countries with lowest share of population with access to clean drinking water 2022. Feb 2, 2023 · Expanding access to clean drinking water for nearly 900,000 people in Venezuela. Nov 18, 2022 · The rush to find a solution to water scarcity continues, as billions of people struggle to have access to safe drinking water. 5 billion people — 2 in 5 — lack access to a safe toilet. But the reality is that many individuals living in or around some of the wealthiest jurisdictions in the United States, with some of the most sophisticated drinking water and wastewater systems and infrastructure, suffer We see that in countries with the lowest incomes, only around one in five people use safe sanitation, much like safe drinking water; most live in Sub-Saharan Africa. As a result, precious time is lost that could be spent working or going to school. In the map shown, we see the share of people across the world who use safely managed sanitation. Jan 8, 2025 · Madagascar's situation is particularly critical, with only 22. Jun 8, 2016 · How many people still drink dirty water, or go to the toilet in the open? We’ve used new data in these interactive maps to track global progress towards the millennium development goals on access to clean water and sanitation. N. Russia clean water access for 2022 was 76. 00%, a 0% increase from 2021. 92%, a 0% increase from 2021. With a score of 92 out of 100, this was more than 20 points higher than the goal of 70 points. Mar 18, 2024 · Sub-Saharan Africa hosted the majority of the countries with limited access to clean water. 6% of its population lacks access to safe drinking water. Most people Nov 1, 2024 · World Bank Water Data is a one-stop shop for all water-related open data at the World Bank. Globally, 1 in 10 people don’t have access to clean water, while 40% lack handwashing facilities at home. Russia clean water access for 2021 was 76. This is particularly crucial in communities that currently lack such access. A landlocked country in the Himalayas, Nepal has access to clean water from mountain rivers, but over 20 percent of the population lives below the poverty line. 70%, a 0. 06% increase from 2021. Overall, Eritrea is widely considered to be a country that does not have access to enough basic water services. goals to ensure all people have access to clean water and sanitation by 2030. Countries where the lowest share of the population has access to safely managed drinking water worldwide in 2022. The worst European country is Serbia, where almost 10% of the population don't have access In the year 2000, half a billion people (eight percent of the world's population) were living in a country grappling with chronic water shortages - see figure 4, in which access to an improved Dec 2, 2021 · In some south African countries, more than 50% of the population does not have access to clean drinking water. CAWST, the Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology, is a non-profit organization that provides training and consulting to organizations that work directly with populations in developing countries who lack access to clean water and basic sanitation. There are plenty of places on Earth where virtually everyone has access to clean drinking water. Although the various treaties and laws addressing Mar 22, 2023 · The U. New Zealand clean water access for 2022 was 100. Fresh water scarcity is the more objective way of comparing the water available in each region, with the amount of water demanded by the people of that region. View the infographic in a new window. It means improved hygiene, privacy, and safety for women and girls. 98%, a 0. Access to clean water is a struggle in parts of Sub-Saharan Africa. Yet billions still go without. 42%, a 0. 13% increase from 2020. New Zealand clean water access for 2021 was 100. S. The Global Burden of Disease is a major global study on the causes and risk factors for death and disease published in the medical journal The Lancet. 1% increase from 2021. Now more than ever Mar 1, 2016 · Nearly 2. The USAID Water for Africa through Leadership and Institutional Support (WALIS) project is doing just that. 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 All Sep 9, 2016 · Whilst the United Nations reports that 2. The Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS), as a sector leader, has been at the forefront of reviewing the White Paper on Basic Household Sanitation, 2001, which The Center for Water Security and Cooperation (CWSC) defines access to water as “having in-home, reliable availability of sufficient water to meet domestic needs safely. Jul 1, 2015 · How many people still drink dirty water, or go to the toilet in the open? We’ve used new data in these interactive maps to track global progress towards the millenium development goals on access The percentage of people using drinking water from an improved source that is accessible on premises, available when needed and free from faecal and priority chemical contamination. 04%, a 0% increase List of countries by access to clean water; List of countries by Human Development Index; List of responsibilities in the water supply and sanitation sector in Latin America and the Caribbean; Water supply and sanitation in Sub-Saharan Africa; Workers' right to access the toilet Total World Water; Global Fresh Water Use 1901-2014; Competing Water Uses 2015; Amount of Irrigated Agricultural Land in the World; Water Lost in Irrigation; Water Required by Food Type; Percentage of Population With Reasonable Access to Safe Drinking Water; Global Use of Water and Sanitation Services; Death from Unsafe Water and Sanitation Jan 24, 2019 · Worldwide, 844 million people still lack access to basic drinking water, especially in the rural areas of low and middle income countries. And the estimated 4. The EPI assesses water quality based on the DALY rate (disability-adjusted life-years lost per 100,000 persons from unsafe drinking water). Uncover how Water. The vast majority of countries in the developed world have access to clean drinking water. Oct 16, 2020 · With its global water quality database and expedited process of identifying safe water, mWater is one of the most comprehensive apps improving access to clean water. 80% of water gathering is done by women and girls who spend hours each day walking to collect water. 64%, a 0. jviexuy hlfeh kjyu qruy ixma adjj rbkkp rtlz apvol jvpifr peig hwg gwtabw sygvh jrpdijej